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Turkish bachelor student wants to study and live in Poland

silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #1
Hello everyone ;
I'm a turkish bachelor student in turkey ( middle east technical university / physics). I want to study business management in Poland because I made a mistake selecting physics and I'd love to live in Poland in the future ( due to problems with my country ) well there is one problem that i cant afford that education but i can prove that i am a good student. i belive i can make good marks and also i wont need to take an english course. I may afford 1 year education but later i have to find a scholarship. I'd like to know from you guys that if i am able to find scholarships and how big are these ? and may i study for free of charge if i have good marks?
Hipis  - | 226  
9 Apr 2012 /  #2
You'll need an English course. There are several grammtical and spelling mistakes in your post but you do have a reasonably high standard of English :)
OP silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #3
ohh its all about lack of exercising :/ i just need to practise and i still have time for it i guess :) and also it's not the main problem :D
El Gordo  
9 Apr 2012 /  #4
Poland has more problems than you can even imagine so you better stay where you are or go somewhere else.

I may afford 1 year education but later i have to find a scholarship.

And who do you think is going to pay for your scholarship?Sure **** I am not going to.I am already sick of government crooks stealing my money and now you want me to pay for your education?Get the **** out of here!Get some student loan or something.
OP silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #5
El Gordo
Well. I dont know what problems you have about my study but I guess I could not show that clear that I dont wanna just study in Poland , I'd like to serve for Poland after study too. And like all Polisih citizens , I will pay my taxes too. But it's interesting that you are very offensive about that topic...
irishguy11  6 | 157  
9 Apr 2012 /  #6
Hi, you are asking if you get a free education because you think that you will get high marks.

There is a lot of competition for in Poland. You would need to be able to talk/write in Polish. Why would you not go to a English speaking country like Uk to study/work?

Do you have the money to support yourself for the 4 or 5 years of education? How would you pay tax if your a full time student with no Polish? How would you become a citizen?
OP silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #7
For now , I am not able to speak Polish but i take courses. Also I believe that I will make my Polish better in Poland.

I considered other countiries but living costs are soo high at these countiries. And aobut taxes ; I will be able to work in Poland when I will finish my study and that was what I was trying to tell about taxes.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
9 Apr 2012 /  #8
As you are Turk you are not a member of the EU so you will not have rights to apply to jobs, you will need to apply for a visa.
OP silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #9
As a student even if I'm not citizen of any EU member country , polish government gives me right to work while studying. And I will have scholarship from turkey for 1 year. just worry about other 2 years of education
terri  1 | 1661  
9 Apr 2012 /  #10
That may be so, but guess what....who will give you a job when you have to have a visa, and there are 100 people after one job AND they all speak Polish, and they are ALL better educated than you.
OP silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #11
well it's a risk i should take
terri  1 | 1661  
9 Apr 2012 /  #12
>>>well it's a risk i should take
Good luck to you, but you will probably end up working for 6PLN an hour (if your lucky).
El Gordo  
9 Apr 2012 /  #13
I will be able to work in Poland when I will finish my study and that was what I was trying to tell about taxes.

Let me hit you with some knowledge young lad,there are no jobs in Poland .Why do you think Polish people run away from Poland like rats?Huh?I am telling you,you will be better off going to any country other than Poland or even staying in Turkey.POland blows!
irishguy11  6 | 157  
9 Apr 2012 /  #14
Poland does not blow. By the way, why don't you register?. Poland is a land of growth if you know where to look.
OP silveraltair  1 | 6  
9 Apr 2012 /  #15
Poland has a growing economy . There will be a lot of job opportunities in new decade. Education is important to have a job in Poland and I dont think that well-educated polish people go abroad as often as El Gordo thinks
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
18 Apr 2012 /  #16
This is the third turk in a number of days who has come on here looking for a hand out.

Not content squatting on colonised white mans land already, they want a handout in the white mans continent.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
18 Apr 2012 /  #17
This is the third turk in a number of days who has come on here looking for a hand out.

Ha :) It never ceases to amaze me just how many non-Europeans seem to have suddenly developed an "interest" in Poland and its culture recently, and therefore wish to "study" there :)

These guys remind me of all those Indians on UK Border Force/Dog Squad, etc. They come to the UK as "students", planning to study at fake colleges, and think that they can fool the UKBA by stating that they are here to study for a diploma in "Business Work" :D

The game is usually up when they try to convince the immigration officer that you can get to London Bridge from Hounslow on the Piccadilly line, with no change of trains :)

Now that the UK is getting harder to get into, they think they can try and get away with it in Poland instead!

I want to study business management

It always seems to be "business management" (or similar) for some reason, doesn't it? What does that mean exactly, anyway? How to run a kebab shop or a grocer?? lol
18 Apr 2012 /  #18
Not content squatting on colonised white mans land already, they want a handout in the white mans continent.

You're mad when they go to your country, you're mad when they go to someone else's. Your mom would tell you to mind your own bees-wax, Paddy.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
18 Apr 2012 /  #19
Who says I am mad? I find it amusing that the white race is constantly demonised and vilified as racist and xehophobic yet half the poxy globe would do anything to live amongst us.

If Poland wants to import turks that up to them.
El Gordo  
18 Apr 2012 /  #20
I am ok with the fact that they demonise "white man" in their own countries.There they can babble all they want about how evil the "white man" is,it doesn't bother me at all.The problem is that "ours" (I doubt they are ours wheter it's Poland,Ireland or Sweden etc) governments force the "love" for any and every newcomer from so called developing countries down our throats.And when you voice your doubts or discontent then you know,you are becoming racist.The problem is the government,not these people as they only trying to make their life better.
21 Oct 2012 /  #21
Merged: Why are there so many turkish exchange students in Poland?

I have noticed that in the past years an increasing number of turkish exchange students have been coming to Poland. Why is the reason for this? Is there any institution trying to bring particularly turkish students to Poland?
21 Oct 2012 /  #22
Probably your Forum code name just gave you the answer, ERASMUS:-)

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