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Thinking of working or investing in Poland (Think AGAIN!) Experience and attitude of British toward Poland.

OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #31
No, I have or had a great career in IT, I am not coming to clean your toilet, If you want professional people with qualifications to come, invest, train and give you very good experiences from world leading markets!! (Poland No 34, UK stands in the top 10! markets) Latest software, process and work ethic don't offer them rubbish, your just robing yourself from gaining value experience.

SO DON'T THINK SO, your attitude borders on narfness probable due to so many polish don't hack it in the UK, You have to realize when you going to the UK your competing with some of the best minds in the world for jobs so many will FAIL! Not my fault you had to clean toilets or found it hard, One thing about the Brits is Polish get jobs in the UK, They don't have a complex or issue about it, ask the 1 million plus there, If you can cut it, you get the job. If your experiences are low and education is low. You still will find a well paying job and benefits to help you out. In Poland....(I am just smiling)

I don't want STAIN on my resume... sorry if you wish to dirty your resume.. be my guest. See how the recruiters question you about that dirty mark on your CV, you will never be taken seriously as a professional, professionals just don't DO IT! Its better to having nothing on there or to LIE about been the CEO of a internationally successful polish retail business only to find out you been flogging second hand clothes in your converted container!
pigsy  7 | 304  
9 Jan 2015 /  #32
I agree with you man 100%.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
9 Jan 2015 /  #33
I don't want STAIN on my resume... sorry if you wish to dirty your resume.. be my guest.

Would you like some cheese with your whine ?
I have been following this thread LodzLand and have drawn this conclusion.
You feel that you are to pretty to work a meanial job.
You put your wife to work at one but you refuse to take one for many limp reasons.
If you did take one you wouldn't have to put it on your spotless resume.
Maybe the big inheritance you got gave you this self inflictive sanctimoniousness attitude.
No wonder no one will hire you.
Have you ever looked at it that way ?
Wroclaw Boy  
9 Jan 2015 /  #34
i dont think you are Brit..
I'd bet a thousand PLN he isn't.

agreed - this chap isn't English...... 100%.

I remember you posting here before LodzLand about losing a job in the UK and not being able to claim benefits because you had an investment property in Poland of which the developer was messing you around. I remember thinking then that it would be a mistake for you to come to Poland to try and solve the problem under those circumstances.

Can you confirm if that was you, maybe we can find the thread in question.

Lodz was/is just about one of the worst places to invest in property, even if you had the timing right - still highly risky.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #35
More baiting

No solutions just baiting, Its funny how some people here would rather debate on who I am when its a negative post to Polish mentality.

Rather than accepting the facts

On your horse Charlie!

My son is also born in the UK, or is he now polish because he did not spend 100% of his time there or is he not British because he is half polish? Stop your nonsense.

Actually the fact that you folks keep trying to find some bit of info or some bating into getting some response is really making me question YOUR NATIONALITY, You folks are not BRITISH! You keep trying to discredit this thread.

Any way keep up the good work, people will see what I am saying here. What a bunch of wallies.
Aunt Jamina  
9 Jan 2015 /  #36
@ Johnny reb, :)) so you agree that teaching English is a menial job, I agree with you as so many English teachers roaming around even when they are high school dropouts:)
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
10 Jan 2015 /  #37
so you agree that teaching English is a menial job

No, I don't agree with that.
Teaching English correctly takes a special kind of person IMO.
Harry taught me that as it takes a very knowledgable person to understand teaching skills, phonics, patience, knowing
PROPER English, ect.
What I was referring to was when LodzL admitted that his degree was out dated,

After two years its now invalidity so Poland has wrecked my career in IT as you know in technology changes happen so fast as to loose two year is to kill your career totally

(So, Poland wrecked your career the way you see it ?)
yet still refuses to contribute to the family pocketbook as his wife supports him,

No sh*t, can you blame her !
I wouldn't blame her if she snapped and beat you like a borrowed mule !
He won't "lower" himself to take a "menial job

I am not coming to clean your toilet,

because he doesn't want to

I don't want STAIN on my resume...

even though it is out dated by two years.

He is like me HANDS TIED!

Tied to what, your dead a$$ !

Oh my aching a$$......what a self pity party daddy all because "it's Polands fault."

One thing about the Brits is Polish get jobs in the UK, They don't have a complex or issue about it, ask the 1 million plus there, If you can cut it, you get the job.

Then take your own advise Pal. You have a huge complex and many issues because you didn't make it in IT, spent the family inheritence, refuse to work, so go get a job cleaning toilets instead of acting like a crop failure.

Crying about it ain't gonna fix it.
Time to man up son.
10 Jan 2015 /  #38
You are too low in iq you need to leave.

You may be right in a way, ie. the mentality among many Poles is: "It is your own fault if I outsmart you." Or "I did something illegal? Everybody in Poland does; the trick is not to get caught." In such a mental state there's little honesty left; if it is "normal" to outrick someone who reasonably shouldn't expect to get tricked then life can be miserable. It reminds me the mentality of people in Mexico or Nigeria - if you are a 'gringo' then it's OK to scam you because everybody does. I think the OP is right about the need for a serious change, but is it possible when the president or premier of Poland publicly boast about them "get fooled" another one? Probably not in the short term.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
10 Jan 2015 /  #39
better unemployed then teach english like some choose to do and become suicidal:

That's quite a sweeping generalization, Pigsy. Some of us have made a pretty good life here and are doing quite well. There will always be back-packers and drop-outs who earn a crust as lousy English teachers, but some of us are fully qualified, highly experienced and well educated.
10 Jan 2015 /  #40
I too have followed this thread and I would stake 100 quid on it that this guy is not British.....at least he may have a British Passport, but so do many who have not one iota of Britishness in them. I put it to you that if it were not for this man's ethnic origins he would not rant like he does. The 'real' English and British would approach this problem and dealt with it in an entirely different manner. So I apologise here as an Englishman born around Oxford in the 50's and educated well enough in my culture, to all you Poles who may think that Lodzland is an Englishman...he is not, may even have been born in Manchester as he claims....but in an ethnic household with ethnic parents......those English teachers among you must have seen the glaring holes in the way he constructs sentences and the semi ethnic terms he uses?? I put it to you that were he a 'real' Englishman, then this thread would never even have been started. His problems are real enough to him, but maybe his 'not quite British' temperament and attitudes are what have brought him to this pass.
Wroclaw Boy  
10 Jan 2015 /  #41
Time to man up son.

Bingo Johnny Reb, this guy is a fcuking pu$$y. I especially liked the driving post - something about Polish drivers causing you to have an accident 90% of the time, this is lunacy. I drove in Poland for 6 years, did about 80,000 miles including major cities and had no such problems. I also ran a property investment business in Poland which for a while provided an extremely decent income (by Polish standards), the 2008 recession pretty much stopped that cash cow but hey that's another story. I also invested in property and did OK out of that too.

Your post about there being jobs in Poland is also nuts, theres a very good reason as to why millions have emigrated. You have very little chance of landing a decent job there. The post about "even seeing a Porsche" is also extremely weird. If thats your indication as to the health of a countries economy you really need to do some research on global economics and generally update your common sense.

No solutions just baiting

What....If i remember rightly i told you to not goto Poland three years ago, there were some other massive points that you missed years ago as well and now you're picking up the pieces. You need to man up, make some big decisions and learn to grunt it for a bit. Thats your solution, thats the advice.

If half of what you said is actually true, heres some more advice, you need to leave Poland ASAP, rent a property in the UK over the internet - move back and get looking for a job. Forget about the Polish property that the developer didn't finish and carry on renting the other one.


If only money wasn't so damned important....
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
10 Jan 2015 /  #42
No, I have or had a great career in IT

... in which case your claim that it was difficult to get another job following redundancy is just utter bollox IMHO. There is and has been a shortage of IT skills in the UK and if your skills and experience were current they would have been in demand. I can only assume that there were other reasons why nobody wanted to employ you. Maybe attitude is one of them?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jan 2015 /  #43
When I taught English in Poland OP, I was doing rather well.
ANd btw I have a degree and a teaching certificate and do not smoke weed.
What a shame you could not find anything that good!
10 Jan 2015 /  #44
He doesn't sound English. It seems like it's his second language.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jan 2015 /  #45
I suppose anyone who writes,

" Its twice this has happens to some of the single girls going out meeting guy, someone buy them a drink and few minutes someone passes out!"

would be rightly wary of attempting to teach English for a living.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
10 Jan 2015 /  #46
I don't want STAIN on my resume... sorry if you wish to dirty your resume..

That has to be the biggest nonsense i have ever read. If anything, employers will appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to provide for your family, instead of just moaning about your situation. That nonsense talk about being "professional" has gotten you nowhere in Poland. Now you have to pack up and leave and instead of trying to find the errors on your side, you try to blame everyone else. How are you going to explain the 2 year gap on your CV? Will you tell employers or agencies that you were too good or too professional to teach English? Good luck with that! My guess is that you will even fail in your home country with that attitude
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
10 Jan 2015 /  #47
More Baiting, you know this is getting rather pathetic!
and as much as it pains me to do this, but you lot of XPATS need to be put back in your place and be reminded of exactly what it is to be British.

You tend to think the people (locals) back home have some sort of connection to you, that your birth in OUR GREAT SHORES gives you some sort of right to be called BRITISH! But it does not! People back home see you as TRAITOR, YELLOW LIVER, WEAK MINDED TRAITORS

We see you beltching you venom all over the internet about how good a life your living abroad away from the sexpit you call the United Kingdom

Well WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY and its no sexpit to us, Its our home, but you THE WEAKEST of the crop running like the RATS fleeing this ship escaping the United Kingdom. Instead of helping us bail out the water.... YOU RUN! LIKE COWARDS!

You defend your choices of life here and how GOOD you have it and attack any fellow BRIT who say else wise!
Your nothing to me, your nothing to those who love our country and those who stay to fix our beloved home England.
I see now your yellow belly cowardice traitor colours!

No brit deserves to be called BRITISH or English for that matter who treats their OWN as YOU HAVE!
Yet here you are belching your rubbish of how ENGLISH your are and how much BRITISH values you have or know!
I have seen better invading hoards with more self respect and dignity THAN YOU LOT!
Some of you have been out of the UK for so long your your heads have ROTTED, some of you have TURNED YOUR BACKS on US and think your still English!

So keep wearing your rose tinned glasses
You think we are SOFT TOUCH BRITAIN... No more!
I love my country, My Island, its more than I can say for some of the snakes on here
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
10 Jan 2015 /  #48
"sexpit" LOL I wish
Mate, admit it, you got with a Polish woman because British women saw right through you.
Then you thought you could go to her country and be a hit, but you failed.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
10 Jan 2015 /  #49
sorry cesspit
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
10 Jan 2015 /  #50
Well WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY and its no sexpit to us, Its our home, but you THE WEAKEST of the crop running like the RATS fleeing this ship escaping the United Kingdom.

Ah yes, of course, traitors leaving their country. Remind us again what you did two years ago? Only difference is that you could not make it, while you see other expats enjoying a great lifestyle in the country you failed in.

All i can see is bitterness. Leave, get out and try to get your life back together.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
10 Jan 2015 /  #51
You clearly cant read, I DID NOT WANT TO COME HERE! I invested to TAKE money back! Its what investor do! They call it profit

They getting a good BRITISH TELLING OFF! One that is clearly needed
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
10 Jan 2015 /  #52
They call it profit

"They" do indeed :) :)

They getting a good BRITISH TELLING OFF! One that is clearly needed

A telling off by whom? As far as i can see, you are the one who failed. Who are you to tell anyone off in your position?
10 Jan 2015 /  #53
Precisely. I'd imagine that more than a few employers will just assume that the OP served a stretch at Her Majesty's kennels.

Well WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY and its no sexpit to us, Its our home, but you THE WEAKEST of the crop running like the RATS fleeing this ship escaping the United Kingdom.

Aren't you the one whining about your life in Poland? You left the UK and now you're failing here, wouldn't that make you weaker than the 'weakest of the crop'?

The thing you need to remember is that a lot of people assume that other people are like them. In this case pigsy (aka don't gag me yo, moose-limb, knee-grow, MoOli, golddigger, HarrysDad, etc) is a person who, to give just one example, claims to be a consultant to a company which runs two chains of convenience stores but in reality only knows the name of one of those two chains. Perhaps he might assume that everybody is an unqualified chancer who fails spectacularly at every venture they try?

so many English teachers roaming around even when they are high school dropouts

Aren't you the person who spent six years trying to graduate from an Australian college but never made it past the second year?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
10 Jan 2015 /  #54
LodzLand. Try answering these questions without Google.
1) What was Captain Mainwaring's role during WWII?
2) How do you pronounce Mainwaring?
3) Where would you find Silly Mid on, Forward Short Leg, and three slips and a gully?
4) What was the job of the man in 'It Ain't Half Hot, Mum' whose catchphrase was "We British..."?
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
10 Jan 2015 /  #55
Please do argue among yourselves,
Its like throwing a bone between a bunch of stray dogs.

I am out of here, next post will be from ENGLAND, bunch of loosers


Whats that a "Life in the UK test" Rogger?, Bwahahahah (Never laughed so hard, thanks)
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
10 Jan 2015 /  #56
bunch of loosers

You meant "losers", right?

It's a pity that you never got to teach English..............
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
10 Jan 2015 /  #57
It's a pity I'm in a rush and don't spell check
But to write creatively for you bunch of "losers" I see no need.
Anyway got to go.

Ta ta
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Jan 2015 /  #58
LodzLand, did you not try to get a job before you went to Poland?
10 Jan 2015 /  #59
But to write creatively for you bunch of "losers" I see no need.

From the subcontinent, one might be forgiven for thinking that you are.

Either that or you are not a punkah wallah: you are Yoda.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
10 Jan 2015 /  #60
I did get a job offer, sadly it turned it down when it became obvious it was a scam!
Some polish people think once they make such a large mess at work and that they risk RISK been fired, its convince to hire a foreigner then.

Give them the mess and then FIRE them for it. Thus saving their own asses.

No thanks, BE WARNED
Bye now

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Thinking of working or investing in Poland (Think AGAIN!) Experience and attitude of British toward Poland.Archived