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Thinking of working or investing in Poland (Think AGAIN!) Experience and attitude of British toward Poland.

LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #1

I wish to express my experiences so others don't fall into the same trap.

Its now been almost 2 years since I arrived in Poland and still I am unemployed IT professional fully qualified. After two years its now invalidity so Poland has wrecked my career in IT as you know in technology changes happen so fast as to loose two year is to kill your career totally. Don't come talk guff about studding to stay valid as that requires money and since there is ZERO return on investment with ZERO income what do you think.

Lets start.
There are 2000 British expats living in working in Poland, a whopping 2000 out of almost 70 million Brits living in the UK.
To say the least this should be a ALARM bell as to avoid Poland. If your as silly as me to think your going to bring cash into Poland (Invest as encouraged by the UK government) Thinking your doing a good thing, Then your in for one hell of a ride or shall I say LOSS!

I started investing in Poland in 2012 and purchased a lovely development in Lodz only to realize the developer had no intention of completing. 2015 and the place still looks almost the same as it did when we purchased it... A WRECK!

(I almost did not purchase in Poland, after reading about Developers doing runners, but then the Polish Government reassured investors they have put special laws in place to protect investor) Clearly this was the biggest load of donkey poop anyone ever said.

After having a lovely chat with some of the workers who were doing some of the work for the other SUCKERS who purchased here it came to my attention that property in Poland is highly over rated. One conversation with the average polish citizen revealed the Polish home buyer is only interested in property for 40000pzl and what the state can offer for free. Hence there is no rental market here at all, making me the biggest sucker as the market we sell is so exclusive. Most polish people live in run down buildings but don't be fooled many of them are palaces inside and you will find a few nice cars in there. Reason is they don't have to fix these buildings so rent is cheaper at around 400pzl a month! With the amount of abandoned buildings around the polish people have their pick of cheap.

Dont forget there is a 20% tax if you sell before 5 years of ownership is completed. Lovely keeps you nicely tied in!

So now stuck with a LEMON I at least still had a job in the UK, oh wait redundancy and then with all the immigrants in the UK finding job was proving to be difficult. Yes seems been British in your own lands is a BIG NO NO, so off to the dole que what was the worst experience ever as I am not the type of person to ask for a hand out. Only too find, that owning property abroad invalidates receiving any help from the state as its seen as capital and needs to be sold first and the money used before any benefits can be received. After spending a rather large sum of my life savings in the UK it was time to go deal with the LEMON and try and sell it, or shall I say TRY REALLY HARD, PRAY and WISH

We packed up and headed to Poland, biggest mistake of our lives.
We arrive in Poland and renovated the developers stage apartment while staying with the in laws in the hope of getting it rented out to get some money back in.

Luckily my wife got some work a WHOPPING 2000pzl for a family with a out of work husband a small baby and bills! Needles too say we still were dipping into our savings. I was told to teach English... LOOK HERE get lost, I know there are jobs here and there are PLENTY of JOBS and ENGLISH companies and call centers what I will come too later, I wont even mention the rubbish problems with teaching English, Taxes and using your own car = NOT WORTH MY TIME or ANYONE, this crap is for hippies who are traveling the world and need to pay for weed!

We started advertising the apartment with a agent. 6 Months later NO ONE HAS EVEN VIEWED THE PLACE! We reduced the price with another 50,000 pzl!!!!! and still NOTHING! (This place is a joke, even the places for 40000pzl looks better than this appartment, the developer really done us in)

I have been apply for work and at agencies. I can tell you now they all will just flat out IGNORE you! Now I know a guy here in Lodz who went to promote their company at a job fair at the university, while walking around he asks one company what positions they have available....... Their answer....

Thank you very much that is all I needed to know. You do realize this is a racist statement I thought to my self and explains allot of whats going on here.

Well it always only gets better, I am sure you heard of the driving, well here is a few notes.
When in Poland the average pole does not drive the speed limit and well will try and intimidate you to drive faster or do some maneuver to get our of their way and nearly 90% of the time will cause YOU to almost have a accident or will. I now have taken it on to ignore the morons on the road. It works well as the honk and hoot and speed off in direction almost killing or maiming or destroying something and heaven forbid you are in front at the traffic lights if you dare drive off ahead of a polski, you would have given him the impression that you have challenged him or her to a race, and they very happy to participate while 400 pedestrians are around. I am sure your eyes will get bigger and a blank expression will come over your face, once I pulled away at a light to avoid the car with the hazard lights on in my lane a few meter up the road, to be block in by a girl, who thought it would be fun to keep me there. Narcissistic that's all I am going to say as it seems there are also some serious jealousy issues people cant get past. But don't worry, I am sure when you get a job in Poland (if you get a job) your clients and boss and work staff will not have any of these problems ;) There is no HIGH STAFF TURN OVER IN POLAND.. Not at all like at Infosys and other places. Its all just peaces.

Then there is the problem with the way we look, don't be fooled they know your a foreigner. No matter were you go people will watch you like a hawk! ALL THE TIME! We have to were sunglasses to get them to act normally! Its really off putting and sometimes very annoying and just like this film


Oh and then there are the THUGS who hang around the street corners, Yes even now! Regardless what people say and how nice they make it and the high street. There is still DOG poop all over the pavements, no one cleans and makes me worry what my kid is dragging around under his shoes, there is SPIT and GOB all over the place not to mention the few drinkers who have left their lunch or god know what it is on the pavement. The best is the STALKER CRIMINALS who actually try and follow you home to see where you LIVE! That is the creepiest stuff ever and make me and my family FEAR for our lives, this has happened a few times now, if it was not for my military training I would not even have noticed, but lucky they pretty dumb as you can spot them, its the ones I don't spot I worry about. Recently a bum broke into the building got access to a apartment not used and DIED there! Just lovely! Peaches.

You know we give this place a go, and it only gets better, after realizing the racist narcissistic polish are not going to employ me and that I am stuck here we need more income so we purchase another finished flat and rented it out in the hope to sell the lemon as this property was small and cheap and below the UK level.

So far we made 700pzl over 6 months! The average polish renter is very demanding, new washing machines wanted because the old one was too loud! I kid you not, fix this and that and this and that. ENOUGH!!!

I want out! I came to do some good an all you get is the middle finger.. rich foreigners TAKE TAKE TAKE

They never give a bloody thing other thank take take take, Now I am sure the people will start saying POLISH REALITY
That is all a load of toss, Reality is there is plenty of jobs here, just not for YOU foreigners, Reality is they want you to think that their reality is poor uneducated people don't get jobs and that is the level they see you at.. While the guy drives off in his new 4x4 or what ever new car you can think off. Reality is you dont have to teach English here there are plenty companies who are required to speak English only in Poland, sadly the recruiters in these buildings are Polish and offer Polish ONLY JOBS, I bet your CV will be filled in the TRASH! (Rich foreigners why they need a job in Poland, don't they understand polish reality, now where did I put my new SUV keys again) Do you really need to wonder why there is only 2000 Brits in Poland.

I cant even count the times I have heard the stories, BRITISH with POLISH, Polish gets job few years latter they back to England, USA and Polish again Polish gets job a few months later they back to the USA as each time is the same thing the foreigners DO NOT GET JOBS IN POLAND

The lucky few get pleb jobs and the other MAINLY GET A JOB from outside Poland probably because they used a recruiter in their own countries.

So where am I now, trying to get OUT, but with the UK so full its difficult, So here we are with the 1 million poles in the UK there taking our jobs and the 2000 of us here getting the middle finger even after investing here, bringing in money to the country, POLAND HAS NOTHING ON OFFER FOR US

We tried to sue the solicitor for not putting all the facts out but it seems no one will take the case, I am told if anyone sues the other they will never get work again, but hey its always cool to milk the cow dry before you shoot it in the head and eat it.

Now in the UK I read British people having problems integrating with the poles, I can relate to this, making polish friends is nearly impossible and just like in the UK they seem to prefer been with their own.

So this has been a lovely two years of chatting to myself, a baby and a wife who wants to relax and not talk after a long day at work, its OK the depression I had when I was in the UK is now totally gone, its actually transformed into some sort of shutdown hibernation as my mind barely able to cope with all the stress. Not to mention the great medical treatment what seems to be NOTHING!

I am sure you will think, go out and socialize... yes that cost money! Money requires having a job!
Marriage in runes, career in runes, finances in runes, family in runes, fearing for your life, life saving depleted, inheritance depleted, health depleted


the developer is now a renovator. Of course to avoid any problems with the law
Still he operates and continues to RENOVATE but just he cant give a toss to actually finish the job in our block

I am sure when you get a job in Poland (if you get a job) your clients and boss and work staff will not have any of these problems ;) There is no HIGH STAFF TURN OVER IN POLAND.. Its all just peaces. Some companies take pride in only loosing half their work force in a year, but hey no jobs for you,

The staff turn over is the reason there are so many jobs available, even the polish don't want them. But not for you, sorry

go back to the UK and send only the money and fly back and forth, don't worry about family life .... just send the money OK!

I was actually told to do this !!!!
9 Jan 2015 /  #2
There are 2000 British expats living in working in Poland

IF this number is true then it is low indeed. There are good reasons why so many Poles go the other way back to find jobs.

purchased a lovely development in Lodz

Well, I'm not sure what made you think that Lodz is the right place. I mean, it seems like an average city in the middle of Poland, always the poorer cousin of Warsaw. There hasn't been a great development potential there.

Still, your story is tragic and funny at the same time. I wish people appreciated entrepreneurs like you who risk everything to hire other people in the future. I hope you will recover and the situation in Poland improves enough so that people come back and buy or rent more than they do now.
9 Jan 2015 /  #3
You need help men,seriously.
So you came to Poland 'to dp good' as Poland is some shi*whole you came to rescue? What an ego
9 Jan 2015 /  #4

It seems your comment is a little ironic considering so many Poles are economically forced to leave the great Poland and work in other EU countries.
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Jan 2015 /  #5
The whole country is work in progress. 20 years isn't long enough. Not just economically but attitude wise and more. Frankly its making leaps which are extremely good. In reality theres a 100 years of crap to fix and it needs more time. Making a rental investment in one of the highest home owning lands on terra firma makes me want to question the data you went with at the start. If you agree with what I said you will realise that the true boom and potential of this country will yet be realised step by step. This holds a great future as to the profit you can make on you flat in the long term. However, regarding the lack of rent and lack of land value increase in the short term it seems nasty.

Dont have a comment on the job thing as I have no info and had my own business for ever making recruiting agencies and Hr people seem like a alien idea in my world.
9 Jan 2015 /  #6
Firstly as Marsupial says, it is going to take a long time.....makes me wish I was 20 years younger, I would love to see how Poland develops. But just a note, from the original Posters English, I do not think he is actually English or if he is then he was brought up in UK by foreign parents and maybe? looks a little different? or alternately had a very bad (modern) education. OP go back to UK make a lot of money, then come back to Poland and retire like my wife and I have, it is then that you will have time to see the beauty and have time to actually relax, any country that you are living in and having to work like a demon or even just spend every second trying to stay alive, will not give you a good first impression. Driving, yes it is a bit hectic, even way down here, but you simply have to look further ahead, that business of being blocked in was simply your bad driving.........old truckers trick........don't look at the car in front, look at the car 5 cars in front......see what he/she is doing, it will help you to judge your actions well in advance.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #7
Ironically I was personally recommended in several companies INTERNALLY by other polish people I have met.
NOT ONE CALL. I have a rare skill and the best joke of the year, I have seen a advert for a job placing requiring this skill.. YOU KNOW WHAT

I did apply and NOTHING, it seems they would rather train another polish person than give a job to a foreigner.

STOP your wining of all the people fleeing POLAND due the the POOR conditions and POLISH REALITY its BS, the amount of job hopping and jobs available here is shocking HIGH. There are signs on the bloody shops windows BEGGING for people to come work for them,

If you don't belief me I will take some pictures and post it here. The reality is all the people working abroad showing the locals how much money and free hand out from the social systems their getting has had a devastating effect on the youth in Poland. Coupled with working for and having Narcissistic issues, they have no plan of staying around Poland. I know this as FACT! There are plenty of jobs in Poland, tons the problem is its not enough to keep people here with the ATTITUDE, Here in Lodz they joke at the university about the kids heading to Warsaw and then when they realize the same crap is there for 1000pzl more in pay they get out the country for better pickings. Seems 4000 to 10000 pzl is not enough BLING (your forgetting I know people who are doing job fairs at the Uni to get the people to STAY!) It has nothing to do with lack in jobs or money!

I personally DID NOT come to POLAND, I am trapped in here! Thanks all I did was invest in 1 apartment and got trapped in a NOTARY what has no date of completion so as long as the developer / renovator takes his time finishing I AM TRAPPED HERE! Read the story my son its one of the many things you learned first in life. Hence the solicitors get shy when you mention sue the notary, they tell you strait, no one will sue and you will have a hard time finding anyone to take it to court. Its a CRONIES System.

I did not claim to rescue Poland, if you invest you do home work, problem is when people lie to you ALL OVER THE PLACE you get stitched up. Don't think I am alone in this, there is plenty people who got stitched up here. My neighbor is a POLISH Lawyer who punched two apartments! He is like me HANDS TIED! There is no dumb people here all very top class people, intelligent people and even other polish property investor got caught up in this.

This developer renovator started out in Krakow left people in trouble there, shifted operations to Lodz did the same here and now he has moved operations to Warsaw. You wonder how someone like this operates and continues.... Yet is you look him up you wont find any dirty words.

I use to think Poland is a slow recovery and one day things will be great here. Sadly that's all balls. The Polish people have had over 100 years to try and do something and in 100 years they have tried to SKIMP on every thing, where they could cut corners they have, waiting for a sucker to come alone or take something not belonging too them, I can safely say my wife's family property during the war was totally cleared out by other polish locals thinking they were not coming back after the Germans took them away. Even after they returned a few months later. They still refused to give anything back! That polish mentality IS STILL HERE alive and well! In another 100 years its still going to be here. THAT MENTALITY is whats keeping this place for changing. If someone is not pushing the place (Jews, Nazi, Russians and now the EU!) people will still be living in wood huts and farming the LAND, I am not saying this is a bad thing but THAT IS POLISH REALITY MENTALITY. Problem now is they have gotten such swollen heads of people kissing their ass that when people with skills and money comes along, they still feel they have suffered so much....the POOR polish people.

Get over it ..... Its that attitude and the blind NEGATIVE ENERGY what stops them seeing THINGS HAVE ALREADY CHANGED:
You hardly even see any old Bangers (cars) on the road, Money is flowing like sweet wine in these companies and into people pockets, people job hopping all over the place and and then they tell you ... the poor polish reality .. feel sad for me. NO the EU is pumping billions into Poland, the only poor people here are the ones who choose to be! Like in the UK they sit here expecting everyone to feel sorry for them and give them a HAND OUT.


2000 is a official British government figure, go look it up on their website.

BTW if you read I have more than one apartment. Do you really think I will buy another in the same place.. Uhh NO!
Different city... different problems. SAME MENTALITY
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Jan 2015 /  #8
Your claim of 100 years to get act together is utter drivvel. You are dribbling on your own leg. I can see now why you can't get a job. After reading the latest rant I hope they never give you one.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jan 2015 /  #9
If someone is not pushing the place (Jews, Nazi, Russians and now the EU!)

wow.... nazis and russian commies didnt push **** here...they are the ones got this country destroyed...
judging from your posts ,its your own stupidity got you into trouble in Poland,not poles

STOP your wining

Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Jan 2015 /  #10
You are too low in iq you need to leave. If you look up world iq ratings on google you will see your options there go down a bit down the page and choose a country more compatible to you.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #11
shut it shills
So your saying its my fault.... so crime is everyone else fault RIGHT!
So what have they done in the last 100 years, Yeah I look at the older generations here, they all pretty well setup. Well looked after.

Now look at the youth!

I will post this story and hand it to all the media abroad.
That 2000 figure will be reduced to under 10!
Your actually on encouraging me to start a CAMPAIGN to Expose all the lies

Its called freedom of speech and if you dont like people telling the truth of POLAND then dont SCAM THEM!

Your attack in me telling the truth of how it works here will only strengthen my words as other Brits will see this.
Well done for confirming that mentality
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Jan 2015 /  #12
Who the heck is abdul? Be careful when you are looking at two screens you type in the righ one, abdul is your boss at the carp terrorist cult.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jan 2015 /  #13
I will post this story and hand it to all the media abroad.

but dont forget to post stories about commies and nazis pushing poland . just to add credibility to your ranting,so people know whose bs they are reading

i bet everyone in Poland is panicking now.

Your attack in me telling the truth of how it works here will only strengthen my words as other Brits will see this.

i dont think you are Brit..
you are some muslim illegal immigrant who couldn't get a job in Poland.and am glad to read that..c ya abdul
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Jan 2015 /  #14
i dont think you are Brit..

I'd bet a thousand PLN he isn't.

Polish gets job few years latter they back to England, USA and Polish again Polish gets job a few months later they back to the USA

...and many other errors even the most basically educated Brit would not make.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #15
I dont like them either! dont get your panties in a knot, not one bit do I like them, what i was saying is there were jobs , factories in the period for polish and many polish benefited and are still benefiting from the jobs they had, pensions extra, I am well aware of what they done we had family lost in Auschwitz.

But the fact remains, all these factories are closed down now, they litter the polish landscape, it only added to the missery, was it not so long again with the farmers begging Russia to buy their apples because the west could not care one bit.

I talk alot with the older polish generations and they had job security, they did not like the invaders, no one would.
But they have been shafted again and again, I can understand the mentality
No I am upset that I came here in all good attention only to be scammed along with others.

This is not the way forward for Poland and treating those who have faith in this country as some kind of cash cow... Wont help either.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Jan 2015 /  #16
you are some muslim illegal immigrant who couldn't get a job in Poland.

I'd say second generation Polish who skipped school.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #17
no I am British Rogger, you can be thankful i don't speak like

Innit mate, no gov, I am from Manchester. Stop trying on the damage control, I wont be silenced.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Jan 2015 /  #18
I'd say second generation Polish who skipped school.

he mistakenly posted something he was writing to "abdul" probably talking to someone in another window.he deleted it
weird rants...most doesn't even make any sense
talking about polish whining mentality while whining all the time about not being able to get a job..lol
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #19
No its more like Polish people here pretending to be British.
I understand you want to apply some damage control, It would not even surprise me if you work for the state.
I removed the Abdul statement as it was a figure is speech, one a brit would understand but a polish or other would not.

You clearly gave and continue to give yourself s away.
And there you have it folks.
Marsupial  - | 871  
9 Jan 2015 /  #20
Oh I understand what you mean by abdul. Btw I am Australian and half my mates are poms and you are not a pom. You are a git.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #21
I don't trust online IQ tests anyway, IQ only really test logical things.
I'm not here to poop on polish, I said what I see and experience. That been my experience in Poland has not been good and I am sorry my logical mind naturally finds problems and tries to solve them hence the reason I am well suited in Information Technology.

If you want to know, I also have coded programs in previous jobs, I wrote several pages of continued code only to find the average IQ of people were only able to follow about one page! Needless to say I had to then code one page for normal people to follow. That is all I am going to say, I am not some EGO driven person who needs to justify his IQ, that's a narcissistic value, one what only produces negativity, But if you feel I should heard some sheep, sure why not, I am open to new experiences. How else would you grow if you live with the mentality of not experiencing anything new.

I tell this story so other Brits don't fall into the same trap, If you understand anything it is WHY make the same mistakes others have and over and over, learn and adapt, that's what i GIVE TO MY COUNTRY MEN it has nothing to do with your ego... lol

I will continue to update the thread with my experiences until I get back home

And just to note, British people don't stoop to name calling, Its considered childish and I apologize for calling the crazy drivers morons. Thou it seem to fit the label at the time as upsetting is was still no one gave solutions other than attacking. I can tell who is shills on this site their clearly just baiting me and not British at all.

Please also don't send me messages saying I hope none gives you a job. Its laughable as no one has anyway so your statement is rather dull!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
9 Jan 2015 /  #22
You must have known that buying a promise is risky.

I almost did not purchase in Poland, after reading about Developers doing runners

The change of law which you probably mean applied to constructions started AFTER the law was introduced, so perhaps yours was not covered.

it came to my attention that property in Poland is highly over rated.

What a ********. Value of a property depends on supply and demand only and not what people think is the right price.

That's something special to £ódź, not whole Poland.

You don't have to pay it if you intend buy another property in 2 years from selling the 1st one. State doesn't want to subsidy traders.

Only too find, that owning property abroad invalidates receiving any help from the state as its seen as capital and needs to be sold first and the money used before any benefits can be received.

That seems logical.

Luckily my wife got some work a WHOPPING 2000pzl for a family

Were you surprised about it? Nobody told you that most of people in Poland earn around 2000pln net per month?

using your own car = NOT WORTH MY TIME or ANYONE, this crap is for hippies who are traveling the world and need to pay for weed!


We started advertising the apartment with a agent. 6 Months later NO ONE HAS EVEN VIEWED THE PLACE!

Didn't you know before investing in £ódź, that there is oversupply of apartments and the cheapest rent prices from all cities over 400000 people in Poland? In such conditions it cannot be easy to find a buyer or a good tenant.


What's so strange about company wanting to employ people who speak Polish? And in Poland it's basically synonymous (Polish and speaking Polish), as very little foreigners know the language. Moreover when you search for a job in profession with bigger unemployment, where employers have big choice of workers, they may choose Polish because of tribal patriotism.

Then there is the problem with the way we look, don't be fooled they know your a foreigner.

That's why I don't recommend immigrating to Poland for people who look different.

I want out! I came to do some good an all you get is the middle finger.. rich foreigners TAKE TAKE TAKE

How buying a property is something good? You wanted to earn money.

they want you to think that their reality is poor uneducated people don't get jobs

Why do you think so? All articles in press say that there is plenty of graduates being unemployed or working below their qualification in Poland.

Reality is you dont have to teach English here there are plenty companies who are required to speak English only in Poland

Again why are you surprised that locals have priority before foreigners, especially in the city with one of the highest unemployment rates:

Why do you think so many Poles emigrated from Poland. You're not the only one who cannot find a job. Recruiters may think that you will not be motivated getting Polish salary since normal levels are much higher for you. Better employ a Pole.


There is no tradition of employing foreigners in Poland and unemployment is relatively high. See how it will look if (ever) unemployment drops below 6%.

So where am I now, trying to get OUT, but with the UK so full its difficult,

There is no such thing as full. There is only supply and demand.

making polish friends is nearly impossible

Foreigners may seem temporarily leaving in given place and people may not want to befriend with somebody who is there just for a moment.

Marriage in runes, career in runes, finances in runes, family in runes, fearing for your life, life saving depleted, inheritance depleted, health depleted

I am sorry for you, but you made few mistakes. You moved to Poland with all your legs without trying it first for a little bit. You chose to move to quite bad city. I wouldn't like to move to £ódź. Many people think about this scene of a comedy movie, when thinking about £ódź:

And you trusted investor instead of buying finished apartment.

There are 2000 British expats living in working in Poland IF this number is true then it is low indeed.

Few months ago I think somebody quoted here 10 x bigger number.

In reality theres a 100 years of crap to fix and it needs more time.

Rather 20 - 30, depending on available resources.

The reality is all the people working abroad showing the locals how much money and free hand out from the social systems their getting has had a devastating effect on the youth in Poland.

You're right here. Many young will rather emigrate instead of getting low salary in Poland as they parents. But hey! Think about Africa, Egypt for example. They also watch American movies, see lifestyle which cannot achieve at home with their salary. For Polish young the lifestyle is just behind the border.

I personally DID NOT come to POLAND, I am trapped in here!

Cannot you just leave and ask some relative of your wife to take care of this matter?

My neighbor is a POLISH Lawyer who punched two apartments! He is like me HANDS TIED!

Yes in few cases big developers bankrupted and people left with nothing. It was hard to predict that. Now system is better. It's possible to have money in escrow account and pay next rates when construction progresses.

You hardly even see any old Bangers (cars) on the road

Maybe because benzine in Poland is very expensive and few years old cars very cheap. Simply People who cannot afford to change a car cannot afford benzine too.

... the poor polish reality .. feel sad for me.

Once you say that and other time complain that you wife earns 2000zł. Of course there are people doing well in Poland, but many don't.

So what have they done in the last 100 years

You're actually right here. Most of families in Poland either had apartments or got them from the state after communism collapsed. 2 x smaller than average in Germany, but still. Hence very big home ownership in Poland. Now retires get relatively high retirements and own apartments, while young don't own anything, have to pay very big part of their earnings for rent and often earn minimums salary (much lower than average retirement).

was it not so long again with the farmers begging Russia to buy their apples because the west could not care one bit.

It's an interesting way to put it :)

I wrote several pages of continued code only to find the average IQ of people were only able to follow about one page!

LOL For those who don't know it's a bad style to write long code. How come that you being a programmer couldn't find online job from UK, while many Poles could?
AliAli  - | 11  
9 Jan 2015 /  #23
that was your fault, if I was you I would have started a company of second hand clothes and Scrap, thats what polish people like , just choose a fancy name and manage ur business and without showing that u are a foreigner
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
9 Jan 2015 /  #24
I agree with aliali I bet there would be a great market for good clean second hand baby and toddler clothes for instance
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #25
Lol Monitor you always make good sense. I am sorry I do ramble along sometimes, Consider me a blank canvas, the experiences and impressions left on me is me trying to make sense of my surroundings. It does not mean I accept what I hear or see, just just means I am open to different views as to get a clear understanding. So I can change my view at any time. This in turn does annoy me when people say its your fault. It comes across as the typical criminal who tells the judge "But she chose to wear the sexy cloths and that's why I raped her" Sorry more fact is required and fact is someone scammed people, so don't say its the victims fault for some lost patriotic cause because its a foreigner. "Uwaga" have some nice TV shows. Clearly very normal to scam.

Selling clothes in Lodz, never mind the rest of Poland would be to compete with 1000s of other shops, there is nearly one on each street corner not to mention all the markets! I have considered many options and to be honest, there is no viable options here. Even selling on allegro anything is met by people sending you messages. You can get this cheaper... Lady its 1 gross less there! These cloths shops open and close as many times as I change my kids nappies.

No I am looking to leave now, sell everything and get out. A good Polish friend in the UK told, either you all in here or all in there... I am all in the UK mode now.

Its funny how you talk about polish patriotic s. Funny how I helped out polish people in the UK with cheap rent and even found one or two a job there as well as gave them good advise and do and don't. But anyway I don't really care anymore, I want out, I had enough. Don't forget I have a family and I need to ensure they have the best tools in life. Clearly my only vision now is that my son will suffer going thou life here, thou he now talks polish, Its best he does not suffer like his daddy.

On another note. In our circle of friends we getting some disturbing stories coming out of Lodz, Its twice this has happens to some of the single girls going out meeting guy, someone buy them a drink and few minutes someone passes out! Not drunk... Passed out after a drink, That sounds like date rape pills too me.

And twice i have heard of this in Lodz. My wife asks me if she can go out with the girls but I do fear, normally I don't care and encourage her to go out with mates (Dont end up like me) What do you think, should I say no? are you hearing the same thing?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Jan 2015 /  #26
I remember seeing posters on Polish buses about ten years ago warning about date rape pills.
OP LodzLand  2 | 25  
9 Jan 2015 /  #27
I don't think my fears are miss placed, something really dodge going on here.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
9 Jan 2015 /  #28
that kind of thing has happened in the UK too.
Tell your wife that if she goes out, to buy a bottle of beer and keep it with her, with her thumb over the top, even if she goes to the loo.

Sadly I had to tell my kids that too when they became teens.
9 Jan 2015 /  #29
That attitude right there is why you haven't found a job in two years here: you don't want a job.
pigsy  7 | 304  
9 Jan 2015 /  #30
NIce attitude man better unemployed then teach english like some choose to do and become suicidal:)) with the money they make running around at odd hours.Basically that work is for people who are unsuccessfull in there own land and think they are jack of all trades.

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