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How To Study In Poland and stay with my GF? Inability to move to Poland looks stupid.

kriczjak  1 | 5  
5 Sep 2011 /  #1
Hi all,

I am new in here so please forgive me if I am posting somewhere wrong. Here is the matter: I am a 17-year-old guy from Turkey who has Polish girlfriend from Poznan. As I am a foreign language student, our teacher wanted us to correspond with some friends from Poland and while this was happening, surprisingly, we fell in love. So now I would like to go to Poland to live with her as she doesn't want to come Turkey.

This will be my last year in high school and after that, I thought of entering to Adam Mickiewicz University but... Simply, I don't have MONEY for this. Tuition fee is very high. The cheapest university demands 1800€ and this is an amount, unfortunately, I can never afford to pay.

Is there anyone with a tip or a suggestion about this? My intention is to have education of English Translation Studies or English Language & Literature and after it, master degree on Business Administration or International Relationships. I am about to get mad. Being unable to move Poland because of poverty looks very stupid. There must be a way to overcome it.

6 Sep 2011 /  #2
well i guess u gotta handle that on ur own...sorry
OP kriczjak  1 | 5  
6 Sep 2011 /  #3
My point is... Can't I find any scholarship in Poland? Of course, some Polish people might say, "Why don't you stay in your country? Why shall we provide you with a scholarship?" but I am sure they have no idea on how much I love my girlfriend and Poland. As a foreign language student, I believe having an education in Europe would be amazing for me, too. This is a huge advantage in international field, where we will need to be very active as linguistics students.

I know that there are people and foundations in every country that are eager to help students who want to have their education abroad. I started this thread with a hope to find someone like that, maybe. I can say that I am really very good in my own field and if I am given a chance, I am sure I will do good things for Poland. My expectation is to hear someone saying, "That you want to be here so much and you are so confident, I will look for something for you." or something like that... I just hope and wait and this thread increases the chance. The chance which looks very very little.

To be honest, I am very irritated... For months, I am trying everything to be in Poland but some friends of me go there just for nothing. I need to contact government and say, "Get them out, let me in! I am a good guy, they are just useless, believe me, come on!" :p
6 Sep 2011 /  #4
i think universities in poland provide assistance with education loan or scholarships. best way is to contact the college u want admission in, tell them your money problem and ask what they can do to help you. also check polish embassy's website for turkey if they give any scholarship to study in Poland.

1800 euros is cheap actually. im studying at wrocław university of technology as an international student and im paying 3000 euros per year. i had savings for first year college fees and then i took an education loan from a bank here in India of 9000 euros. they easily gave me, dont know how banks work in turkey though. but if the college will accept your admission and send you the acceptance letter(or pre-acceptance letter) then i guess banks in turkey will give you education loan.

good luck.
OP kriczjak  1 | 5  
6 Sep 2011 /  #5
Thank you so much for that helpful information.

I contacted Adam Mickiewicz University and told everything clearly but they still didn't respond. I thought they would be having vacation but it is mid-September, isn't it something wrong? Maybe, simply, they don't care about e-mails. :)

1800€ is not much for a European country but in Turkey, because of high raise in Euro, it is very much. Especially when your family is not rich. And UAM's tuition fee is 4500€ for year. Suppose that I need 500€ for a living in Poznan a month and here is a simple calculation,

4500 x 3 = 13500€
500 x 12 x 3 = 18000€

A total of 31500€ which means I need 875€ for month and what my family can spend for me a month is around 200€ maybe. Even if I stay in Turkey, I will need to find a scholarship that's why I would like to try Poland. To be honest, I think I am a brilliant student and I can be successful to any country where I live.

And may I ask you what you exactly mean with loan? They give you money and you pay it back when you graduate, right? If I get an acceptance letter, would banks help me about this? I checked embassy website but found nothing useful. It is told that they help students but I saw nothing to be honest.
8 Sep 2011 /  #6
After sending the email, they usually reply in 2-3 days. you should wait a bit like till a week, that is, till 12th or 13th september for their reply and even if they dont, just call them. though i must tell you they like replying to email more than talking on phone. and they might be having holidays now as well.

living cost actually depends on you and your needs actually. i suggest you to choose to live in dormitory as they are good with every facilities including internet and they are very cheap also compared to living outside. in my college, politechnika wrocławska, dormitory costs between 60 to 90 euros depending upon what type of room u are in, that is, single double triple etc. food is cheap in poland compared to other EU countries. especially if u eat vegetarian then it will save lots of bucks for you. my food habit is very simple. i dont eat meat and i never drink so here in Wrocław(and it will be same costwise in Poznan) my food expenditure is between 100-150 euros, least when u eat in places like college's canteen since they serve good and cheap food with ample variety also. bottom line is that my accomodation+food is covered within 200 euros. but this is me and like i said before it depends upon your food habit.

i dont really know much about banks in turkey. but yes, this education loan is like they give you money, the whole amount of money which includes tution fees, accomodation, food and everything, for the whole duration of your course and after the completion you have to pay them back with interest(in india i have to pay with the interest of 12.5% annually).

in india, banks were more than happy to give me education loan. they only cared about two things: acceptance letter and the recognition of university(for this they asked if my college is listed in this website webometrics.info and it was).

i suggest you to please contact banks there, or check their websites for education loan.
Midas  1 | 571  
8 Sep 2011 /  #7
I honestly laughed so hard when I read it for the first time...

One thing at a time.

she doesn't want to come Turkey.

I don't get it. If she "loves" you so much she should be able to make that sacrifice.

I would like to go to Poland to live

You and a bazillion of other gents from Turkey, Africa Pakistan, India and wherever after they discovered that UK is slowly looking into reducing the amount of non-EU people who love the Queen so much they just have to move here, then hit up the bennies queue. After that happened the whole you lot started looking into other countries in the EU, obtaining some papers there, then moving on to Germany, France or the UK. Eastern Europe really needs to look into that matter.

Simply, I don't have MONEY for this. Tuition fee is very high. The cheapest university demands 1800€ and this is an amount, unfortunately, I can never afford to pay.

Happens all the time. Nothing unusual.

Being unable to move Poland because of poverty looks very stupid. There must be a way to overcome it.

Hardly. Poland ( and a number of other states who require minimum amount of $ from "students" from not-too-well-developed countries ) is simply making sure it isn't importing another illegal immigrant who will pose as a student in order to get out of some third world ********.

My point is... Can't I find any scholarship in Poland?

On the floor laughing here.

You're 17 years old, you don't "love" Poland or most likely your "girlfriend" for that matter. You're just looking for someone to pay your way so you can leave your underdeveloped country.

Poland and Turkey haven't exactly been too friendly over the years ( Turkish invasions are partially responsible for Poland losing its international clout in the 17th century ) so why the hell do you expect Polish people to "hand you scholarships" is honestly beyond me. They don't owe you jack, look for suckers in your own country.

Other than that, the monthly amount that you gave ( about 700 euro ) and that you expect the Polish government ( or some other sucker ) to just fork over because you're so brilliant is more than many Polish families earn in a month.

To be honest, I think I am a brilliant student and I can be successful to any country where I live.


To be honest, stay in Turkey then and be successful there.

To be honest, I am very irritated... For months, I am trying everything to be in Poland but some friends of me go there just for nothing. I need to contact government and say, "Get them out, let me in! I am a good guy, they are just useless, believe me, come on!" :p

And if they are coming to Poland illegally or overstaying their visas they should be deported ( hopefully before they make it to the UK ).

On an unrelated matter, I have just petitioned the current government of Turkey to pay me a scholarship for going on vacation there. I asked them for 5000 euro a month. Hopefully they'll reply.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
8 Sep 2011 /  #8
After that happened the whole you lot started looking into other countries in the EU

Midas you really are a stereotypical ignorant angry piece of xenophobic garbage.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
8 Sep 2011 /  #9
Poland ( and a number of other states who require minimum amount of $ from "students" from not-too-well-developed countries )

Ha, ha, ha.. I am not sure that Turkey qualifies as an "underdeveloped" country, at least when you compare it to Poland.. The difference in GDP/capita between Turkey and Poland is about the same as between Poland and the Czech republik..
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Sep 2011 /  #10
I think your best bet is to apply for a loan in your own country.
Do Turkish banks put restriction on where you'll have to study?
Midas, WTF is wrong with you?
emha  - | 90  
8 Sep 2011 /  #11
You can marry your GF , obtain Polish citizenship, learn Polish and study with Polish students for free.
Midas  1 | 571  
8 Sep 2011 /  #12
Midas, WTF is wrong with you?

Too many blokes from Africa, Turkey, Pakistan and India who obtained the right to stay in EU via Poland making their way to UK's shores, that's what.

Midas you really are a stereotypical ignorant angry piece of xenophobic garbage.

And you're not worth my time, sissyboy.
Depox  3 | 12  
8 Sep 2011 /  #13
sorry but I have to say it , here in Germany is very , very common to see turkish people , young womans , carrying their children , usually 2 (if not more ) , those new born turkish/deutsche are mining the education,health system , turkish only come to europe to reproduce themselves , in comparison with locals that , once married , doesnt compete to have more childrens .
southern  73 | 7059  
8 Sep 2011 /  #14
When coming to Polqnd bring a lot of money with you.You will need it.
OP kriczjak  1 | 5  
9 Sep 2011 /  #15
LOL, a guy who thinks Turkey is a third world country blames me for being ignorant while I am trying to find a decent way to have my education in Poland. Yes Midas, you are totally right, I am just a third-world citizen without brain whose aim is to get out of that bad place. Yes, that's why I am looking for help here to stay away from bad things. My intention is to be a great criminal in Poland, that's why I want scholarship. LOL. That was nice fun, thanks for writing.

And the other ones... I would like to thank you all for your helpful advices. But marrying to my GF doesn't look logical at the moment because I don't know details of it. Next summer, I will be in Poland for a month to see her. I will only have a tourist visa with me. How can I marry to her in that time and obtain Polish citizenship? Or let's say "complicated" instead of "not logical"...

I have still not been responded by UAM or UW. After discussing with them, I can try to get a loan from a Turkish bank.


By the way, to the ones who don't know, Istanbul is one of the greatest cities in the world and I am just leaving there to be with my girlfriend. And while doing this, I want to be a "good Polish citizen" more than a "chimney sweeper poor foreigner" and that's why I am asking for help kindly.


EDIT: @Depox: I really understand your concern. Unfortunately, we have that kind of people... But everyone is not like that. I am ready to have a Polish wife, Polish children etc. My intention is not to say "HELLO POZNAN, I AM TURKISH AND I WILL HAVE 8 CHILDREN HERE!" and this thought is simply sick. I just want to keep living in another European country. Poland is much more cheaper than other EU countries. My girlfriend is there. It has great culture and people. What do I want more? Poland is simply good. And I will be good, too.
f stop  24 | 2493  
9 Sep 2011 /  #16
Too many blokes from Africa, Turkey, Pakistan and India who obtained the right to stay in EU

and too many worthless EU natives too lazy, 'entitled' and scared to compete.
modafinil  - | 416  
9 Sep 2011 /  #17
Too many blokes from Africa, Turkey, Pakistan and India who obtained the right to stay in EU via Poland making their way to UK's shores, that's what.

If you didn't write "blokes" you would have better hidden your awareness of your impotence.
9 Sep 2011 /  #18
edit you are fudging lazy to get up and get a nice job but instead you are blaming those who are CO-OPERATING in developing ur country even further with their own interests ofcourse. well no doubt why london riot happened. if there are ppls like, no wonder.

and why the **** you are even on this forum. this forum is to help and get help. but it seems like you need help from a doctor rather than polish forum.

fudging mid arse
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Sep 2011 /  #19
Be careful Turk Midas is a Jew.He can buy and sell you in a drop of a hat as a real estate commodity.So respect unless you want your rents sky high.

Personally I deserve a stipendium for all I have done for Polki.If they gave me just 20% it would be enough to study for years.But I don't expect polish state to recognize my contributions.
Midas  1 | 571  
9 Sep 2011 /  #20
Be careful Turk Midas is a Jew.He can buy and sell you in a drop of a hat as a real estate commodity

Hardly, I seriously doubt I can get any sort of value on a Turk these days.

well no doubt why london riot happened. if there are ppls like, no wonder.

Obviously, I mean us UK Jews, we just tore down Tottenham.

Honestly, learn to spell, I find it difficult to "argue" with someone who writes like an ADHD girl on meth.

kriczjak - You do sound like a 3rd worlder wanting out of his crap-hole and your "Poland gimme a scholarship" gimmick was just waaay to funny.

Also slightly offensive, if one takes into account that some Polish families make by on less than 700 euro monthly and the Polish government isn't in any hurry to hand them any sort of financial help.

BTW - I still haven't heard back from the Turkish government on my 5000 euro monthly scholarship. Think I should call them?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2011 /  #21
UK Jews tore down Tottenham?? Do you know how strange that sounds, Midas? I say that because Spurs have a rep for being a 'Yiddish' club. David Baddiel, a football show presenter, made that very comment. He even produced a video on it.

As for the thread, studying can be costly and should be avoided unless you intend to work in that area.
Midas  1 | 571  
9 Sep 2011 /  #22
Yeah, the Yid army and all :-)

Still, I think that if we examined each and every looter we'd most likely find that very few of them were Jewish by ancestry.

As for the thread, studying can be costly and should be avoided unless you intend to work in that area.

To be perfectly honest, I thought TS was high on something when he posted first. "Poland gimme a scholarship cause I'm bright and foreign..."... Sheesh...Can You imagine how long the line in Nigeria would be for that one?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2011 /  #23
Nigerians with their fake diplomas. Turks don't have that reputation.
Midas  1 | 571  
9 Sep 2011 /  #24
Everything I'm seeing is pointing towards the UK slowly but steadily trimming down the amount of immigrants from non-EU countries. Might have something to do with the recession. Also one can easily spot an increase in the amount of such immigrants who show up in the UK after obtaining their right to enter/stay in the EU in Eastern European countries.

In my humble opinion, Eastern Europe ( not going to dive into the effects of immigration from Poland to the UK ) isn't doing their fair share of looking into visa scammers and alike. As in many other areas, they're 30 years behind us. Only this time if they screw up, we magically have one more mouth asking for bennies in London or Birmingham, not in Wrocław or Warsaw.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
10 Sep 2011 /  #25
your underdeveloped country.

Turkey is not an under developed country at all!

30 years ago many Turkish immigrants from rural and poor areas moved to Germany France Switzerland etc just like Poles did there was always a big wealthy Turkish middle class whose members never needed to go abroad to make money and extremely rich Turkish entrepreneurs.

Those who wrote that Turkey was a third world country should take a nice trip to Istanbul, Bodrum etc and check figures ( GDP).

As for Kricjak, he might be able get a scholarship at a major university in Poland if he has the right degrees and attended for instance Galatasaray university, however in this matter Poland is the one behaving like a third world country because unlike Yale, Sorbonne,Oxbridge, who has ever heard of a Polish University attracting and giving grants to bright foreign students? !
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
10 Sep 2011 /  #26
Midas may be harsh but on this matter he has written the truth. He pulled no punches but why should he on such a serious issue?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Sep 2011 /  #27
there was always a big wealthy Turkish middle class whose members never needed to go abroad to make money and extremely rich Turkish entrepreneurs.

That was true but in the mid-nineties the currency halved in value two or three times in a few years and a lot of middle-class folk suffered a lot. I was there between '93 and '96 and I well remember the shock felt as salaries were halved in value overnight. Of course, the more prudent kept their savings in Dmarks, USD and gold.

It's true that Turkey has no shortage of rich people. Take a trip along the Bosphorus and look at the places - palaces, more like - which line the water. Not just Istanbul, either. Izmir, Ankara, Bursa, Trabzon, etc. have plenty of wealthy people. Having said that, the gap between rich and poor is huge. I lived in three places: Adapazari, near Istanbul, Elazig in the south-east and Batman [sic], also in the south-east. The poverty in the Kurdish areas is depressing, and central government has a lot to hang its head in shame about.

The Turks have so much to be proud of but one big fault, in my opinion, is their unwillingness to see problems in their country. They are fiercely nationalistic and are unable to laugh at themselves as a nation. The result of this is that they see too rosy a picture of the state of the country.
samchris  - | 9  
10 Sep 2011 /  #28
Have you ever thought that you are just 17 years old and moving to a different country is not so easy? Somehow i understood that because of your girlfriend you started thinking to come to Poland to study,not so mature way of thinking!

If you really "love" the girl you can do something easier in my opinion....study in turkey, find a job to earn some money and on your 2nd or 3rd year of your studies go for Erasmus in Poznan for a year. Then you will be able to see how is life in Poland,you will have connections plus you will see if you really want to be with this girl.
Midas  1 | 571  
10 Sep 2011 /  #29
Midas may be harsh but on this matter he has written the truth. He pulled no punches but why should he on such a serious issue?

I take it a lot of people just don't consider this a serious issue, which in my humble opinion is rather staggering.

Back in the day UK indeed had a system protecting us from illegal immigrants, visa scammers and alike and while the system wasn't by any means perfect, we have learned a thing or two about the methods they use.

Now all this has gone down the loo, because Polish/Bulgarian/Czech immigration officers are easily falling for the tricks that our former immigration officers ( now redundant, I presume ) learned to deal with 30 years ago.

A lot of people from non-eu countries get legalised in Eastern Europe and then move over to pastures greener, it is a simple fact.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
10 Sep 2011 /  #30
I contacted Adam Mickiewicz University and told everything clearly but they still didn't respond......................

Sadly, perfectly normal in Poland.

It borders on ignorant.....I've learned to live with it.

marrying to my GF doesn't look logical at the moment because I don't know details of it. Next summer, I will be in Poland for a month to see her. I will only have a tourist visa with me. How can I marry to her in that time and obtain Polish citizenship? Or let's say "complicated" instead of "not logical"...

Give your head a jolly good shake lad.

You haven't even met her and you "fell in love" without even having met her in the flesh and now you're talking about marrying her???

God give me bloody strength!!

and why the **** you are even on this forum.

Why are you on this forum?

Why didn't you stay in India and study there and then get a job and develop your own country?

I looks like it needs some help.......And perhaps whilst you are busy throwing your insults at the UK you should look closer to home .....IDIOT!!!!

2011 - Riots in Assam, Meghalaya, Northeast India, 4 dead
2011 - Riots in Jaitapur, Maharashtra, India, 1 killed, more than 50 injured
2011 - Riots in West Bengal, India, at least 8 people killed in post-election violence
2011 - Riots in Guwahati, Assam, India, 2 killed and at least 30 injured
2011 - Riots in Ganjam, Orissa, India, at least 2 killed
2011 - Riots in Pimpri-Chinchwad, India, 3 killed

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