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Is salary of 3000 Euros gross enough to live decently in Lodz, Poland?

24 Jun 2012 /  #1
I am in process of accepting a job offer in Lodz, Poland and I've been given an offer of 13000 PLN (gross). Is this a good salary to maintain a decent life-style?
pip  10 | 1658  
24 Jun 2012 /  #2
yes- you will do well with that.
pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Jun 2012 /  #3
People who ask such questions are hoaxers.

Do you know why?
pip  10 | 1658  
24 Jun 2012 /  #4
no. please tell me--I have never noticed before.
OP Sammyro  
26 Jun 2012 /  #5
People who ask such questions are hoaxers.

Why would you say that?
pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Jun 2012 /  #6
no. please tell me--I have never noticed before.

Because 99% people who are offered such salary are educated intelligent guys who don`t need to ask in forums. They know the current exchange rates and realise that 13.000 PLN makes about 2900 euros. This sum is enough to have a good life not only in Poland but also in other countries in Europe
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Jun 2012 /  #7
interesting. I never saw it like this. I took it as though people were asking about prices of food and extras--enough to enjoy life while working. I think it is a genuine and harmless question....as opposed to "do Polish women like (fill in the blank) men."
26 Jun 2012 /  #8
2900 euros. This sum is enough to have a good life not only in Poland but also in other countries in Europe

Not really. In places where the tax wedge is big and costs are high, 2900 euro is not going to give you a good life.
pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Jun 2012 /  #9
Come on, that is average salary in Germany or France.

interesting. I never saw it like this.

Of course there is a little chance I can be wrong. :):):):)
26 Jun 2012 /  #10
Come on, that is average salary in Germany or France.

And it is well under par for Switzerland or Sweden. And try having a "good life" on that much in Moscow!
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Jun 2012 /  #11
yes- but the job offer is in Lodz! the cost of living is cheaper there-
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
26 Jun 2012 /  #12
3,000 euros in Lodz is a boat load.
john123  1 | 20  
26 Jun 2012 /  #13
Why ask such ludicrous questions? To feel some sense of self-esteem no doubt.
Yes, half of that gross and you would still live the life of a Duke.
26 Jun 2012 /  #14
Here in Warsaw, half that gross on an umowa o praca is most certainly not going to result in a ducal lifestyle!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Jun 2012 /  #15
6,500 on umowa o prace...what's that, 4000zl net?
26 Jun 2012 /  #16
Pretty much. Figure 2,000zl for a decent place in the centre plus internet and electricity&gas. That leaves 2,000zl a month in a city where a decent night out does not leave change out of a couple of hundred zloty.
pawian  226 | 27817  
26 Jun 2012 /  #17
Yes, red paint can be costly.
milky  13 | 1656  
26 Jun 2012 /  #18
People who ask such questions are hoaxers.

i agree
26 Jun 2012 /  #19
" Yes, red paint can be costly."
Don't know much about Warsaw, do you. Family brunch for the four of us, plus tip and taxis, leaves little change from 700zl.
Sammyro  4 | 9  
27 Jun 2012 /  #20
Because 99% people who are offered such salary are educated intelligent guys who don`t need to ask in forums.

I guess you consider yourself in the rest 1% hence you responded to my query in a way you did.
27 Jun 2012 /  #21
There is a less than 1% chance of pawian ever being offered a salary of 3000 Euro gross: his jealousy is why he responded the way he did.
Sammyro  4 | 9  
27 Jun 2012 /  #22
i agree

You are so wrong. My query was simple enough for intelligent heads to respond appropriately. I asked this question as I'm not aware of cost of living in Lodz. Income tax is not the only worry but...rent...utilities...night out....and other shopping also affects your income.
john123  1 | 20  
27 Jun 2012 /  #23
Dear Sammyro

Yes, 13000 zl gross and you will maintain an incredibly good life-style.

You can pay rent and bills in a very decent place for less than 1800 in Lodz. I know of a nice, spacious apartment on Wigury/Piotrkowska (right in mid-town) where the landlord is demanding 1400 rent. Bills don't exceed 120 a month.

I don't think you need us to tell you how many beers you can drink and how much a short will cost you at the mall. As for food, I don't tend to spend more than 150 zl a week as I like cooking. You will get the arrogant members on here spouting '150zl- what!?' However, they probably can't cook and eat out at flash restaurants three times a week. Tesco in Galeria Lodzka will suit your needs, I am sure.

After all this you will have, what, 9k left to save or play with ... 13000 gross is indeed a huge wad of cash in Lodz.


pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Jun 2012 /  #24
I guess you consider yourself in the rest 1% hence you responded to my query in a way you did.

You are very agressive, I must say. Why?

It all corroborates my opinion: you are a hoaxer whose dirty games have been exposed. :):):):)

Don't know much about Warsaw, do you. Family brunch for the four of us, plus tip and taxis, leaves little change from 700zl.

Har, stop boasting about your affluence. :):):) Intelligent classy people consider it bad taste. :):):):)

There is a less than 1% chance of pawian ever being offered a salary of 3000 Euro gross: his jealousy is why he responded the way he did.

I am not going to boast about my earnings. I can only say there is one month each year when I make more. :):):)
27 Jun 2012 /  #25
Har, stop boasting about your affluence. :):):) Intelligent classy people consider it bad taste.

Affluence would be going every week. We go for Christmas and easter and the kids' birthdays. My point is that Warsaw can be rather expensive.
jon357  72 | 23712  
27 Jun 2012 /  #26
After all this you will have, what, 9k left to save or play with ... 13000 gross is indeed a huge wad of cash in Lodz.

Not quite. The amount is gross, so quite a lot of tax and insurance will be taken off before he gets the money. He'll take home less than 8 or 9k

Remember, a job in Poland that pays that amount will probably involve a certain quality of life. Certainly not turning up to work in the same cheap suit day in day out, skimping on taxis, living in a tatty flat, skimping on vacations etc. If someone's on a good wage, they usually expect to live well. I'm on much more than his gross amount even after taxes and certainly don't feel either rich or that I could live like a student or a miser just for the sake of skimping. There have been times in my life when I've had not much more than 150zl to spend on food each week and I certainly don't intend to do that again just for the sake of it.

Nevertheless, €3000 gross in £ódź isn't bad at all, and the OP should be able to have a decent lifestyle and save some money, especially if he is single.

By the way, I eat out (at moderate restaurants) several times a week and can still cook very, very well indeed ;-)
pawian  226 | 27817  
28 Jun 2012 /  #27
We go for Christmas and easter and the kids' birthdays. My point is that Warsaw can be rather expensive.

Not nessesarily.

Did you ever consider taking the kids to Kolorado? 22 PLN per kid for a day?


Come on.... Cheap as chips but you still grumble. It is unfair.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Jun 2012 /  #28
This sum is enough to have a good life not only in Poland but also in other countries in Europe

damn right, Pawian.
MoOli  9 | 479  
28 Jun 2012 /  #29
Did you ever consider taking the kids to Kolorado

lol does he have kids?I mean hiis own?shooting blanks dont make kids:))and he has a daughter of his gf who is an adult and eats like a hog!And you know how they eat at a buffet ...like there is no other meal...
28 Jun 2012 /  #30
Not nessesarily.

Of course it can be cheap. One can shop only at Makro and Biedronka, eat out only at Milk Bars and limit entertainment to only movies one has illegally downloaded on one's 30zl per month internet connection. My point was not that Warsaw has to be expensive; my point was that Warsaw can be rather expensive, especially if one wants to live a certain lifestyle.

ol does he have kids?I mean hiis own?

Really do know very little about me, don't you. Do give my regards to Ewa.

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