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Salary for Business Internship Position in Poland?

6 Feb 2015 /  #1
Hello my Polish Friends,

I have been looking for an internship in Poland extensively the past few months. I am a Canadian Citizen looking to have the opportunity to work in Poland. I have been asked what my financial expectations (gross) will be. Can someone help me out to determine a monthly and yearly salary. Position is for 12 months.

It is an international firm and a business internship. I have 1 year of professional work experience in a business environment. I do not speak Polish but that is not a requirement for the position. The position does offer classes which I will definitely take if selected.

My life status is a single 22 year old looking for enough salary for accommodation, travel, food, nights out, etc. I am willing to live with other people in an apartment, and I am likely to go out most weekends for clubbing, drinking, partying and other fun. I am also someone that wants to travel as well a bit during the weekends and explore the cultural side of Poland and areas.

How much should I ask for? I know I may not be saving too much but I want enough to live and spend comfortably. Any advice for a 22 year old seeking a 1 year internship?

DominicB  - | 2706  
6 Feb 2015 /  #2
I highly doubt that they will pay you anywhere near close enough to lead the lifestyle you desire unless you are being compensated at Western rates.

Internships in Poland are generally unpaid, and when paid, are very poorly paid. For the lifestyle you describe, you'll need at the very least 4000 PLN a month net, 6000 gross, taking into account your airfare and visa costs. A Pole would be extremely lucky to get half that, for a full-time permanent junior position.
OP agent2421  
6 Feb 2015 /  #3
Thanks for the reply. The company is very well known but I'm not too sure what they would pay. I'm not looking for them to pay for airfare, and visa costs. Mainly I want enough for accommodation and food per month. Obviously going out and having beers and stuff is something I'll be doing as well. Everything else will be on my own expense in terms of transportation, etc.

Do you think 5000 or 6000 PLN gross would be enough for the average student to live with?
pigsy  7 | 304  
6 Feb 2015 /  #4
Do you think 5000 or 6000 PLN gross would be enough for the average student to live with?

Buddy thats considered good money in Poland,I doubt they will pay you with no experience that much,but you can ask.If I was you i would take 4/5k $ for self support for the year for going out etc for a year atleast.But good luck anyway:)
Monitor  13 | 1810  
6 Feb 2015 /  #5
Students in Poland live with 1000 PLN net. Internship usually means work for free or for the minimum salary - 1300 PLN net. Your expectations are unrealistic.
DominicB  - | 2706  
6 Feb 2015 /  #6
The lifestyle you describe is very far from that which the "average student" leads in Poland. For many of them, and for junior workers, too, even buying a beer represents a significant financial outlay that requires serious deliberation and sacrifice. The wage required to live the lifestyle you portray is that earned by junior engineers and senior non-engineers. That's about the wages for a senior university professor or senior staff physician in a hospital. Even for engineers, topping 5000 PLN gross is not common until they gain serious experience and become project or regional directors or higher level consultants.

I'm sorry, but I have to concur with Monitor that your expectations are a bit over the top, and not likely to meet with approval. As Pigsy says, you can try. But I wouldn't hold my breath. You'd be extremely lucky to get half that. Also, like Pigsy said, you will very likely have to foot a good part of the bill for that lifestyle from your own funds. If they are not compensating you for your airfare and visa fees, that can well top $10,000 Canadian for the year.

Sorry, but I think you are living in a dream world.
OP agent2421  
7 Feb 2015 /  #7
Thanks so much for the help. I think I was completely unrealistic since I probably didn't research as much as I should have. It seems as if another person was paid $3000 ZL Gross for a job at IBM which is a similar type of company I am talking with. So I think I'll probably try to ask around $2500 to $3000 ZL net.

I have a lot of savings currently which is why I'd even be fine with enough to survive such as renting an apartment with a few people and food. I'll definitely bring down my expectations salary wise.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
7 Feb 2015 /  #8
It seems as if another person was paid $3000 ZL Gross for a job at IBM which is a similar type of company I am talking with.

Programmers earn on average 2 x more than other professions in Poland, so if you are not a programmer, then it doesn't matter that you apply to a similar company. Also he couldn't have been an intern. Anyway just write here their reaction.
OP agent2421  
7 Feb 2015 /  #9
Does anyone know any good websites where I can look at how much rent for an apartment is near the city center? I think the only way for me to determine how much I'll need is after I take rent into factor. Looking to share an apartment with 1 other most likely.
DominicB  - | 2706  
7 Feb 2015 /  #10
Studio: 1500 PLN all inclusive (rent, admistration fees and ustilities) in Wrocław and Kraków, and a bit more that that in Warsaw, if you want near city center.

One bedroom is 1900 in Wrocław and Kraków, and a bit more than that in Warsaw.

Room in a student apartment would be anywhere from 650 to 1000 all inclusive.

Finding an apartment is going to be difficult if you are not in Poland, and if you do not speak Polish. The site to check on is Gumtree.pl. If you see an apartment that is unusually cheap, there is almost always a good reason for that (old, rundown, bad location, bad neighbors, bad windows (which can drastically increase your heating bill). Generally, make sure that you always go with an experienced (older) Pole to check out the apartment, especially the windows and heating, and let them do the talking.

You might want to ask your employer for help. A lot of these companies have their own apartments for workers or have special arrangements with local landlords.
OP agent2421  
7 Feb 2015 /  #11

That's perfect information. I will probably be looking at a either a studio around 1500 PLN or student apartment between 650 and 1000 PLN. Seems like a great website but is there an English option? It's good to know the range will likely be 1000 to 1500 PLN though. I won't be driving and relying solely on walking and public transport which seems like it will save some money as well.

So to save costs I may be looking at a student apartment at most 1000 PLN near the city centre. I may or may not get the transport card (KKM I believe it's called)? Even if I do that's another 90 PLN per month.

The only thing I'd have to take into equation now is food and drink. Beer seems relatively cheap for the most part if you pre drink before hand and not in an actual bar where it might be a bit more. What would you say a decent monthly cost for food will be? Maybe eating out 3 times a week at a bar or something and the rest cook at home?

To just get by without saving much it seems as if I can bring down the salary to around 2000 PLN after taxes and still do fine. This is more for the experience for me in the end. Get experience working at this company , and get to enjoy and live in a new culture and way of life. What do you guys think?
DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Feb 2015 /  #12
I will probably be looking at a either a studio around 1500 PLN or student apartment between 650 and 1000 PLN.

That's 650 to 1000 PLN for a ROOM in a student apartment.

Seems like a great website but is there an English option?

You could try airbnb.com. Their apartments tend to be more expensive for visiting businessmen. But Gumtree has A LOT more apartments listed, and is in Polish only.
OP agent2421  
8 Feb 2015 /  #13

Yes, I'll be looking for a room just for myself. Any advice for monthly cost of food? Do you think 2000 PLN is sufficient for a student after taxes to live alone?

Thanks for your help.
DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Feb 2015 /  #14
Any advice for monthly cost of food?

If you cook almost exclusively at home, and stick to the Polish poor-folks' staples of potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cabbage, carrots, onions, beans, pickles, apples, eggs, dairy products and tea with a little cheap pork, sausage, chicken or fish occasionally thrown in for protein, together with sundry household supplies and laundry done at home, you could theoretically get by on 400 PLN a month, as the bulk of students and young workers do.

But face it, you're probably not going to put up with a bland, monotonous and time-consuming diet like this for too long, and you're going to be spending substantially more than that, especially eating out three times a week (that will cost you 240 PLN at least in itself). Bank on 1000 PLN, and probably more if you drink coffee or tea in cafes, or soft drinks and snacks away from home.

That, together with your other living expenses, will exceed 2000 PLN if you manage to find a cheap student room.

Alcohol and nightlife can be very expensive indeed. Again, that depends on your tastes and how disciplined you are, but can easily exceed 1000 PLN in itself.

You still have travel and other entertainment expenses to consider, plus your phone and internet bills.

And then you have to take your airfare and visa costs into account.

Looks like you will have to chip in from your own savings to cover your expenses. How much depends on how monkish you are willing to live, but from the lifestyle you described above, you'll probably need at least 1000 PLN beyond the 2000 net you will be receiving.
OP agent2421  
8 Feb 2015 /  #15
Great advice.

To be honest the mundane of potatoes, rice, beans, fruit, meat (mostly chicken), eggs is what I currently eat. I do cook quite a bit myself. Usually when I lift weights I try to keep my diet pretty healthy. I do go out and eat as well if I'm at a bar (usually for sport games, etc).

Airfair and Visa will be paid by myself and I'm not too concerned about this as I have points to cover the flight expense. I also have saved up enough money (been working for a while), so I don't mind spending some of my savings as well. The whole point is I don't want to spend too much of my savings but live a comfortable life in Poland by working in an international company.

It seems to me like 2000zl could be enough for a month if I can earn it from work. I do think I will spend some of my savings or maybe add 500-1000 PLN per month from my home currency so I don't feel too restricted.

It's pretty hard determining how much money you will spend a month unless you go and try it yourself. I'm pretty excited to come to Poland in the near future. Thanks so much for your help!
25 Apr 2015 /  #16
Hi agent2421,

as I am also planning on moving to Poland I am wondering whether you are already there and what your personal experiences are?
Did you manage to live on 2000 PLN net salary + 500/100 PLN from your budget?

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