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Salaries for architects and interns in Poland: how much?

johnfisher  4 | 22  
9 Apr 2011 /  #1
Dear all,

any one has an idea how much a freshly graduated architect with an MA should get as an average monthly salary all inclusive?
and with 2 > 4 years experience?

...and also how much interns should be paid?

Here we are not talking that they are recruited by HighProfile firm, but small studio.

Let me know.

Rafal  - | 24  
9 Apr 2011 /  #2
OP johnfisher  4 | 22  
9 Apr 2011 /  #3
Oups. Yes, in Poland, Krakow or Warsaw.

Any idea?
Rafal  - | 24  
9 Apr 2011 /  #4
at start as an assistant 2.5 - 4.000 zl.
You need a few months to find a private work for evenings and you will have another 2000 but not private life.
OP johnfisher  4 | 22  
9 Apr 2011 /  #5
2.5??what is this? yrs of exper? and this issalary with tax orwithout?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Apr 2011 /  #6
2500, gross.
Rafal  - | 24  
9 Apr 2011 /  #7
OP johnfisher  4 | 22  
9 Apr 2011 /  #8
OK. If someone has 3 years experience in detailed design stage drawings and a bit of construction drawings, how much he/she will earn?
Rafal  - | 24  
9 Apr 2011 /  #9
do not expect too much. If you want to breake 10 000 border you need your own studio. ... and responsibilty of employee
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Apr 2011 /  #10
how much he/she will earn?

Depends how good his/her negotiating skills are.

Really, there's no way of saying.

One thing is certain : there's a lot of competition for jobs.
Rafal  - | 24  
9 Apr 2011 /  #11
You need 2 years of practise in office and 1 year in constrution place then you can pass exam to have ability to authorize projects. Salary grow up to 6000-12000zl.
OP johnfisher  4 | 22  
9 Apr 2011 /  #12
Merged thread:
Warsaw or Krakow to settle, raise family and base an architecture office?

Dear all,

whici is better to live in: Krakow or Warsaw? for a foreigner married to a Polish (both architects) who want to settle (we are relocating soon), have children, raise family, and practice architecture by opening our own studio.

Let me hear your feeds, whether you are architects, or not,or foreigners, or polish.I would like to hear various opinions about daily life, rental, salaries, hiring/working for, culture, scale,connection to europe, to the world,...


When creating a new thread, please make sure to select the proper category. News/Politics probably isn't the best choice. Also, you might want to use the search function, this has been discussed in a couple of threads.

Merged thread:
Where is better to practice and base an architecture studio: krakow or warsaw?

Dear All,

where is better to base a small architecture studio : in krakow or warsaw?
pawian  224 | 27129  
9 Apr 2011 /  #13
where is better to base a small architecture studio : in krakow or warsaw?

Choose Krakow. Its architecture definitely needs improvement:
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Apr 2011 /  #14
where is better to base a small architecture studio : in krakow or warsaw?

That's what market research will tell you.
10 Apr 2011 /  #15
where is better to base a small architecture studio : in krakow or warsaw?

The overheads are less expensive in Krakow, but the developers are in Warsaw.
Ghang  - | 3  
7 Mar 2013 /  #16
Hello, I'm architect living in Poland. I wonder if there's any chance to get work here. I've been looking for a job almost 2 years already and nothing. Any hints ??
Monitor  13 | 1810  
7 Mar 2013 /  #17
Because of construction boom in last decade there was big demand for Civil Engineers and Architects, because of that Architecture became one of top study faculties (by number of applicants). So now there are much more graduates than 10 years ago, but (at least temporarily) construction market is stagnating/ shrinking so same with job positions. But they say that for people with certificates there is still a lot of jobs - contrary to fresh graduates.
MIPK  - | 69  
7 Mar 2013 /  #18
Have you looked at architekci.pl as this is the best website for architectural jobs that I know of. It's hard for Polish people never mind foreigners to find work and the pay is not great at first, I've been told Warsaw is the best best for English speakers but still not easy. Even in the UK 20% of all architects are unemployed according to the latest survey (bdonline). Try and network, learn Polish as well as you can and I assume being in Poznan you have been at Arena Design for the last few days trying to meet people??

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