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Recommendations on where to study Polish language for 1 year in Poland?

Naranja  1 | -  
20 Apr 2012 /  #1
Hey everyone! Im thinking about learn Polish language in Poland, but just for a year. Can I do that? I dont speak any Polish >.< How much it costs? hope its not so expensive^^ and id like to stay in a city like Szczecin. Warsaw is cool though:) any recommend? I dont have any friends in Poland... also here id like to make friend who like sports^^

Thank you! =)
wednesday  1 | 9  
20 Apr 2012 /  #2
Hi, I have lived in Szczecin for the past year and it's a fantastic city. Very clean and safe. Apartments are very cheap but quite a high standard. You will love it here. There is always lots going on, lots to see and do. There are a few Polish Language Courses too at the University, they cost around 1500 zloty for an eight month course part time. This will give you the basics. Polish is quite a hard language to learn!! I hope this helps. Good luck.
TeCuida  - | 1  
20 Apr 2012 /  #3
Thanks for the info:) I have email problem with 'Naranja' acount >.< so I got this new one! anyways,Can you recommend some school in Szczecin? there are some on google but im abit confused >.>

the course i found just for 3 months or so. but I think its not enough since Polish is really hard for me^^ so I wanna take full-time Language course like 1 year(think my polish is good in that time lol).

can you recommend some good ones? even not in Szczecin...

Thank you again!:)
Japp  - | 1  
21 May 2014 /  #4
Merged: Study Polish for one year in Poland.


I have plans to start studying Polish in autumn for a year in Poland and have been looking on the following schools:

The John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin:

School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners University in Wrocław:

University of Technology in Wrocław:

University of Silesia in Katowice:
admission.us.edu.pl/english/intensive-one-year-polish-language-co urse

Jagiellonian University in Kraków:
polishstudies.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/roczny-i-semestralny-program-jezyka -i-kultury-polskiej-rok-akademicki-2013_14

Adama Mickiewicza University in Poznań
schoolpl.amu.edu.pl/go.php/en/programmatic_offer/general_informat ion.html

Warsaw University of Technology in Warsaw
ojp.sjo.pw.edu.pl/en/courses/one-year-preparatory-course-for-star ting-higher-education-in-poland/

Anyone who has studied Polish at any of this schools?
Are there any school that is better than the other?
My plan after the school is to stay in Poland and either studying at university or looking for a job.
sotana  - | 4  
22 May 2014 /  #5
Hi. I was in the University of Torun, Nicolas Copernicus, 6 hours per day, (monday to friday) , the curse is 800 hours, about 10 months , the curse cost 2500 euros , plus student haus (akademik) 300zl , the course is ok, very fast, but the problem was for me , that I was beginner A1 , and the grupe (4 persons) they dosent beginner (maybe A2), and then the course was very fast and very hard for me, i recived the certificat for B1 to the end, but if you want study o looking for a job ... I think will be hard, i speak 3 diferents lenguage but if you dont speak polish very well will be a problem (maybe in a call centers) .. good look.

i think , you need a b2 or c1 for study at the university
Szczerbaty  4 | 49  
25 May 2014 /  #6
I studied at this school two separate times. Sopot is a lovely place and I found it hard to study in summer as the beaches are so inviting. If you go there and opt for being put in family housing via the school, don't get put in some block miles away. I lived in the house of a sweet older woman a couple train rides away, but other students weren't so lucky.

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