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1350 PLN for scholarship in Poland... Is that sum enough to pay for studying?

uzbekboy  1 | 4  
11 Mar 2011 /  #1
Hi. I am from Uzbekistan. As i am student and about to graduate my university, I have to find scholarship for Master degree.And i am attending in Scholarship of Poland. And polish government offers me 1350 PLN for scholarship...

1. Is that sum enough to pay for studying?

2. And can you give me some information about living, renting in Polish monthly?

Thanks beforhand for your answers :)
euphore  - | 6  
11 Mar 2011 /  #2
It depends on city (the biggest - the most expensieve) and kind of school - public or private. Let me think... If you want to rent a room (not flat only for yourself) and you're a student of public university, It should be enough.
OP uzbekboy  1 | 4  
12 Mar 2011 /  #3
Thanks for helping and information.... For example, i study at WARSAW University, is it enough?
euphore  - | 6  
12 Mar 2011 /  #4
University of Warsaw is public - free from paying. I don't know how much you have to pay for room in that city, I guess around 500 zł, maybe more (eg in Poznań or Wrocław is normal price). You can check student's house ("akademik"), It's cheaper solution.

I have no idea how does It work with foreigners in Poland but I'm sure you will need some health insurance. You have to count with some costs of books, food or just entertainment. Anyway, in my opinion It sould be enough. Believe me, I know many students who are able to survive for an amount much lower;) and always you can find some extra job.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Mar 2011 /  #5
Hundres of thousands Polish people live on minimum wage while suporting children - which is 900 zl net per month. That is little over 200 euros or 300 dollars. You should do fine.
12 Mar 2011 /  #6
You can't live for that amount of money and support yourself, unless you're given free accommodation.
OP uzbekboy  1 | 4  
12 Mar 2011 /  #7
Thanks for helping, guys... I think everything is gonna be OK... Cus you all are helping me before i didn't get scholarship yet... So i guess If i go to poland, i ll find friends like you... :)

And is it possible to find job there for students?
euphore  - | 6  
13 Mar 2011 /  #8
If you want to find a job, you will do It. Of course only If you don't mind to work as waiter etc. Probably without polish language It will be much harder for you but everything with time.

Good luck then!
OP uzbekboy  1 | 4  
30 Mar 2011 /  #9
HI, again me :) Sorry i do not know Polish. But recently, i ve recieved the letter . so can you help me to translate it.

Szanowni Państwo
W imieniu STUDIUM EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego informuje, iż kandydatura Państwa nie została przyjęta do udziału w II (test) i III (rozmowa kwalifikacyjna) etapach Konkursu o Stypendia Studiów Wschodnich w roku akademickim 2011/2012

Zapraszamy do udziału w inny przedsięwzięciach Studium Europy Wschodniej.

Thanks before hand.... From Uzbekistan, Valijon
Monin  - | 2  
30 Mar 2011 /  #10
Your candidature was not accepted to participate in the second test stages of the competition for scholarships for Eastern Studies in the academic year 2011/2012
We invite you to participate in the study of different projects in Eastern Europe.
OP uzbekboy  1 | 4  
31 Mar 2011 /  #11
Thanks, anyway for helping... :)
ko4evnik  - | 1  
24 Dec 2011 /  #12
Can you give some information for applying for Pland government scholarship?From which
site can I find an application form and other documents?

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