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Work Permits and dependants for US citizen (hired by a school in Poland)

30 Jun 2010 /  #1

I have been hired by a school in Poland and they will be getting me a work permit. My three questions are the following:

1. If my husband comes with me is he able to live legally based on my work permit?

2. Do I need to apply for a residency card?

3. Am I allowed to travel to other countries for holidays AFTER I have already been living/working in Poland after 90 days?

Thanks for any advice!!!!
30 Jun 2010 /  #2
1) Yes but he'll need a residency permit.
2) Yes. A work permit enables you to work here legally. A residency permit entitles you to reside here legally. You need both to work and reside here.

3) Yes. However, you must remember that you must have a residency permit in order to live here; the days of simply leaving the country every 90 days to get a new tourist visa are long gone.
plk123  8 | 4120  
30 Jun 2010 /  #3
search around here as most of your answers have been mulled over repeatedly..
Zed  - | 195  
30 Jun 2010 /  #4
You can travel at any time, before or after "90 days" - it's a free country. Now if you have no residence here then going to Ukraine or Belarus would be an option as you get a stamp from them on the border. However painful that experience could be....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jul 2010 /  #5
Now if you have no residence here then going to Ukraine or Belarus would be an option as you get a stamp from them on the border. However painful that experience could be....

It is not an option, despite the nonsense posted on dave's ESL cafe to the contrary by people who really should know better. Schengen law is 90 days out of every 180 on a tourist stamp - end of story.

1. If my husband comes with me is he able to live legally based on my work permit?

Sure, but he will require a work permit for any work that he does. Your work permit isn't enough. Don't even bother doing any work without a work permit - the punishment is deportation within a week.
1 Jul 2010 /  #6
he will require a work permit for any work that he does.

Unless he sets up his own one-person company of course. I wonder how much longer that loophole will be left open.

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