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Moving to Europe from US (hopefully to Poland). IT, Programming, technology market?

stallion  3 | 15  
25 Nov 2010 /  #1
Hey guys!

I was just wondering what you think.

I'm moving back to Europe in spring 2011 or at the latest end of summer 2011. I would move today but I want to finish up my maters in computer science before I leave.

I currently make about 80k US (could be a little over 100k if it wasn't for the school obligations). I work in IT and hope to keep it that way in Europe. If I can make at least 50k US in Poland I would love to stay there and not go anywhere else. If I cannot I would be willing to go to UK/Ireland (where I'm quite sure my income wound not diminish much).

How is the IT, Programming, technology market in Poland? Although my Polish is quite good I would prefer to work for a western company where english is the 'lingua franca'.

Here is a little bit of my background:
I moved with my parents to the states when I was 10. Now I'm in my late 20-ties. Life in the states seems a bit too easy and predictable to me right now. I’m looking for a challenge and excitement.

Most of my immediate family lives in the US but I have family such as cousins, aunt, uncles and grandparents in Poland (mostly Warsaw, Bialystok).

Let me know what you guys think about the move and things I should keep in mind/watch out for.

Thanks in advance...
Bolle  1 | 144  
25 Nov 2010 /  #2
I currently make about 80k US (could be a little over 100k if it wasn't for the school obligations). I work in IT and hope to keep it that way in Europe. If I can make at least 50k US in Poland I would love to stay there and not go anywhere else.

I know a few foreigners working in poland in IT. Salaries seem to vary considerably though but some of these guys are doing OK. However, you can forget about making the equivalent of 80-100K USD in poland!

Personally if i were in your position and given the state of the economy right now, I would remain in the US.

But I'm also a polish american living in poland so i kinda understand why you may want to try living in PL.

Life in the states seems a bit too easy and predictable to me right now. I’m looking for a challenge and excitement.

hehe if a more difficult life is what you're looking for, then poland is a suitable place for you:)
25 Nov 2010 /  #3
However, you can forget about making the equivalent of 80-100K USD in poland!

I know several guys here who are on £80k to £100k in Poland doing IT work.
Alexander_K  2 | 4  
25 Nov 2010 /  #4
I currently make about 80k US (could be a little over 100k if it wasn't for the school obligations).

Just wondering where exactly you are making such big money? In your dreams?
jwojcie  2 | 762  
25 Nov 2010 /  #5
It all depends where and what... In Warsaw as a regular software developer/designer you can count on something between 60-120k PLN gross. If you are lucky and have some unique knowledge in some niche (which means some rare product not only technology) and good timing then you can add 50% to that. Often there is basic private healthcare added to that (which doesn't mean you will not be paying for state healthcare :-) )

Other bigger locations like Krakow, Wroclaw, Tri-city or Poznan are in general about 20% less but with slightly cheaper costs of living also. On the other hand the best opportunites are more of the times in Warsaw, some are only there.

To sum things up, as an regular IT employee you will rather not get rich in Poland, but on the same time you should be able to secure relatively comfortable city life, ie. costs of living will not be a problem.

Language shouldn't be a problem, English is kind of an unspoken standard in IT world (most of the time in clumsy way though). It can also be an advantage if you will be willing to travel in Europe. There is quite a lot of opportunities involving a few months projects abroad. In that kind of projects usuall thing is that you will get your Polish salary, place to live (hotel, room in flat or flat, depends) and between 40-50 eur daily (depends on a country, it is regulated by law - bussiness trip costs etc.).

Good luck :-)
OP stallion  3 | 15  
25 Nov 2010 /  #6
Thanks for your responses guys.

I may be able to work something out with my current employer for a huge pay cut but it may be worth it while I adjust to a life in Europe.

Just wondering where exactly you are making such big money? In your dreams?

I did not start of making that. I've been with the company for nearly 8yrs and survived several acquisitions and pay structure changes. As people left or were let go I picked up extra work.
Bolle  1 | 144  
25 Nov 2010 /  #7
I know several guys here who are on £80k to £100k in Poland doing IT work.

Entry level jobs don't pay nearly that much. There are plenty of people that make the equivalent of 80k USD (or even £) / year in poland, i agree, but they are higher ups in the company or own their own businesses.
David_18  65 | 966  
25 Nov 2010 /  #8
However, you can forget about making the equivalent of 80-100K USD in poland!


I know several guys here who are on £80k to £100k in Poland doing IT work.

Ok... Could you tell us where?
Maybe  12 | 409  
25 Nov 2010 /  #9
checkout intel

LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
26 Nov 2010 /  #10
There are plenty of people that make the equivalent of 80k USD (or even £)

For this kind of money ( although it does greatly depend on the exchange rate between the $ and the zloty) you will be working like mad in Poland and problably would not even be able to enjoy this great country and everything it has to offer in terms of social encounters, bars, restaurants etc.

i would advise you to accept a big pay cut so that you don't sign a highly paid but still slavery contract.
Bolle  1 | 144  
26 Nov 2010 /  #11
Depends on the company and the nature of the job.

I have a family member that makes 20k PLN / month but doesn't work more than 45-50 hours / week. He's quite happy.
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Nov 2010 /  #12
Ok... Could you tell us where?

SAP work pays that, as does high end network engineering, Project/Program management, and of course managing actual meat packets.

Best bet though, if you have an EU passport, is contracting. 3 months in London and you can live well for a year in Poland.
26 Nov 2010 /  #13
they are higher ups in the company or own their own businesses.

Nope, those guys are all early to mid 30s and work as independent contractors.

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