example please??
Most happily:
About 28000 zloty a year, before tax,,is the average industrial wage...,,minumum is 8 zloty/ 2 euro an hour.
Closer to 18000 in the east.
a) The link you give uses data from 2008, while we are now in 2012 and wages have gone up in that time.
b) The link you give doesn't actually state what the average industrial wage is.
c) The average gross wage in fourth quarter 2011 was PLN 3,586.75 (i.e. PLN 43,041 per annum, i.e. 54% higher than the figure you give), as is stated here: [stat.gov.pl/gus/5840_12632_ENG_HTML.htm]
d) The average gross wages and salaries in the enterprise sector in January 2012 was PLN 3,666.41 (i.e. PLN 43,996.92 per annum, i.e. 57% higher than the figure you give) as is stated here: [stat.gov.pl/gus/5840_1786_ENG_HTML.htm]
memmememe what did I say
You deliberately used figures which are badly out of date (despite the correct figures having been repeatedly pointed out to you here) and you couldn't even tell the truth about what the article you linked to says!