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Loan / Credit in Poland (on 1600-2000 PLN income)

Boss90  2 | 2  
6 Jan 2018 /  #1
Is it possible for a foreigner to get a loan in Poland. I work for a british company and I have the documents. My income is 1600-2000zlotys per month. I m a EU member and I have also a Polish pesel number. But the salary has not yet been paid to a Polish Bank account. Do you think that the loan is possible for me
DominicB  - | 2706  
6 Jan 2018 /  #2
With an income that low, no one is going to give you a loan. You barely earn enough to survive, never mind make payments on a loan.
jon357  72 | 23712  
6 Jan 2018 /  #3
Do you think that the loan is possible for me

Yes, but not a good one. Only lenders like Provident Polska (though you might not meet their conditions) or most likely even worse lenders, the kind that stick photocopied adverts near bus stops.
OP Boss90  2 | 2  
6 Jan 2018 /  #4
Okay income isn't problem :) what is normal "income" to the loan in Bank :) ? And what is good bank to me ?
DominicB  - | 2706  
6 Jan 2018 /  #5
If all you are earning in Poland is 1600 to 2000 PLN, then it's time to pull up stakes and go back to Finland, and ask your parents for help getting back on your feet.
OP Boss90  2 | 2  
6 Jan 2018 /  #6
Offtopic Dominic I just now say it isn't my full income :D always agressive..... Only what is good income to bank :) ?
DominicB  - | 2706  
6 Jan 2018 /  #7
Ask the bank. They will tell you.
LongTermR  1 | 37  
7 Jan 2018 /  #8
at least 4000 zl net.
jon357  72 | 23712  
7 Jan 2018 /  #9
Not huge - in fact lower than average for Warsaw, but possible to get a small loan if you have had your account for some time. Is it all provably regular and backed up with paperwork?
LongTermR  1 | 37  
12 Jan 2018 /  #10
what do you mean ? Small loan 3-4k zl ? Its impossible to get a loan with those salaries it does not matter you have a bank account for decades.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Loan / Credit in Poland (on 1600-2000 PLN income)Archived