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Job offer from IT Giant in Katowice, Poland (UNIX specialist). Information on tax and rental costs needed.

Monitor  13 | 1810  
27 Apr 2014 /  #31
(the average is currently at about... 2/3 of EU?

If this map is any true, then it's around 1/3 (at least of older EU countries).


(it's net salaries)
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Apr 2014 /  #32
is Dom's view overly pessimistic?

Huh? It's rather optimistic.

First of all, it's not as if the OP has got any of those offers from 'richer' WEU countries, so until he has that problem, saying that he could make 'x' more elsewhere remains strictly a hypothetical exercise.

And that's what I'm optimistic about. This is a senior engineer with eight years experience as a UNIX specialist. Pretty much in demand just about everywhere. I highly doubt he will have much trouble finding a much better job elsewhere. He's a shoo-in.

The salary on offer here seems well above both the national average and the industry in PL, no questions about that. He can move on to greener pastures form there whenever he wishes.

He can also move on to greener pastures directly from India. No need to use Poland as a stepping stone. And possibly even smarter financially in the end, and certainly in terms of networking and family comfort. It's going to be MUCH easier for him to effectively network in India than in Poland, and that means a lot in terms of finding a good job.

you are a potential WEU employer in the IT sector who has two candidates with nearly identical qualifications, except one is living and working in India, and the other one is in the EU.

Except that this guy won't really be "in the EU". He will have only temporary residence status, and they would have to do everything from scratch again as far as work and residence permits are concerned. On paper, he might as well be back in India. The fact that he's physically here really doesn't make that much difference. The only possible advantage I see there is that he can fly in for an interview.

Obviously PL has a long way ahead in order to catch up to the salary levels of WEU (the average is currently at about... 2/3 of EU?)

Not by a long shot. About a quarter to a third for IT engineers compared to the richer countries of Western Europe. Maybe it's 2/3 if you count in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, but that would be meaningless.

but to automatically discard such offer in the absence of any others would be a bit harsh to say the least.

I'm assuming he currently has a job in India, so it's not a choice of working in Poland or being unemployed.

Despite all the shortcomings, technical education in PL, and especially in IT, still does carry positive connotation in EU, so Polish IT alumni do tend have a good reputation among those 'in the know' wherever. I've recently spoken to an Indian IT and economics alumni who studied in both India and PL and it was his strong conviction that the quality/level was definitely higher in PL.

Poland and India are at about the same level as far as technical education is concerned. Any differences in the acceptability of degrees would be minor. The "Polish engineers have a good reputation" is largely a meaningless mantra. They don't have a bad reputation, don't get me wrong, but not a stellar one on a global scale.

Briefly, can you explain what advantages this guy would get from coming to Poland versus staying in India for the time being and continuing to look for a better job from there? I can't see any. Big ones, at least. Whatever small short term financial gain he may derive is going to be more than offset by the drop in quality of life for him and his family. They are going to be away from their families, friends and networks in a strange place where they don't speak the language and they will be outsiders in an ugly city in a poor country with a terrible winter and there will be zero chances for the wife to find work and I can go on and on and on. Whatever small advantages there might be seem not to be worth the bother of making the trip.
Paritosh  10 | 62  
28 Apr 2014 /  #33
Polish isn't a "plug and play" language like English or Hindi. Saying even the simplest things requires a lot of grammatical gymnastics.

Well, I think the same about in English, but Hindi is a lot difficult language then you may think, but since this is off the topic , so i will not puruse it.

Ghilli - I think 14000 PLN is enough for you and your wife to move to Poland. Also, once you are here, you can easily look for job in other European countries, I would suggest you to learn at least one language - German or French .

Also, dont make a plan of settling here for a longer period, just plan for staying here for one year or so and then decide.

Regarding your wife, as Dominic mentioned, she will definitely get bored if she does not join any course\activities. I can say this with my own experience here, because I get bored and depressed even when I work for five days a week.
DominicB  - | 2706  
28 Apr 2014 /  #34
I can say this with my own experience here, because I get bored and depressed even when I work for five days a week.

Sorry to hear that, Paritosh. Try going to Warsaw on the weekends. There's a lot more to do there than in £odż. And make some friends. Don't be shy. I wish you all the best of luck!
Paritosh  10 | 62  
28 Apr 2014 /  #35
And make some friends. Don't be shy.

I tried making friends here, but due to language barrier i think is difficult to make friends here - I am learning Polish myself to remove that barrier, though.

But i guess i can try going to Warsaw as well, as there are more english speakers - including Poles, than in Lodz
Monitor  13 | 1810  
28 Apr 2014 /  #36
@Paritosh: check couchsurfing in Lodz. It's a good opportunity to meet people speaking English. There are some meetings sometimes too:

OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
29 Apr 2014 /  #37
Thanks guys for all your Suggestions...!!!!
Finch  - | 2  
6 May 2014 /  #38
Hi Ghilli,
I've recently got almost the same offer in IBM Katowice but for another position. I've been head hunter by one of polish recruitment company therefore would like to address you some employment specific questions if it's possible. Please send me you email or Skype, i'm a new on a forum and can't sent you an email via forum
OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
6 May 2014 /  #39
Hi Finch,

Wats ur mail I'd??
Monitor  13 | 1810  
6 May 2014 /  #40
Now I see why people ask about IBM jobs in Katowice. They mentioned in press that IBM is coming to Katowice. IBM got around 13mln zł welcome gift from the government. Not so expensive IMHO, if they employe promised 2000 workers. Then it's just 6500zł per person.

The new center,which is expected to generate up to 2,000 new jobs, will join IBM's strategic network of IBM delivery centers providing a wide range of IT services, including server operating systems management, security and safety systems, services for end-customers, including maintenance and monitoring of IT hardware and software systems.
Implementation of operating activities of the center is planned for August 2013.


Moreover IBM, together with HP was involved in the biggest corruption scandal in Polish IT, so perhaps decision makers hope to get this money back in bribes.
Finch  - | 2  
6 May 2014 /  #41
cms  9 | 1253  
6 May 2014 /  #42
Its an interesting discussion. I will contribute only 2 things !

Its maybe worth a real "how much does it cost" thread, not just for English teachers but for people here with their families. I am now on my second tour in Poland - been in Prague, Germany too - but this time I have the kids in tow. We spend about 12.000 monthly for a family of 5 and we do not penny pinch at all - we rent a fair sized house, eat, dress and do pretty much the same entertainment stuff as we would in "the West". Only one kid is at school and he goes to state school (seems OK but its early days). What I would say is that only covers daily life and Polish entertainment - extra things like foreign holidays or new cars would be on top of that. If we reined in some spending I am sure we could live for say 10k.

In terms of "go back and ask for more" then put yourselves in the shoes of the recruiter (and I have sat in his shoes many times !). What is your value to that employer and does that equate to the cost of running your household here. I don't know what a Unix admin does but it is clear that it is not a job that will put any money in the till. So he wants to fill it cheaply while covering his ass to make sure the Unix does not melt down from poor admin. I think he could get a Pole for say 10k and that would be someone who he does need to worry about whether he will adapt to the weather, the food, be looking for a green card etc.
6 May 2014 /  #43
We spend about 12.000 monthly for a family of 5 and we do not penny pinch at all - we rent a fair sized house, eat, dress and do pretty much the same entertainment stuff as we would in "the West".

As a family of 4 we spend 11-12,000 per month in Waw now and we are mortgage free

Exclusive school fees, Car insurance, holidays, school trips.

We have a above average life not what I would call excessive in any way.
OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
7 May 2014 /  #44
Hi CMS & warszawski,

So, whats ur say here...?
Is it really worth it.? or not ..?
im confused here....please do explain..

cms  9 | 1253  
7 May 2014 /  #45
My say is that if you are clever enough to run a complex Unix system and worldly wise enough to raise a family you have enough info here to make your own decision :)

In terms of how much money you ask for relative to the US/Western Europe then think through what is your Plan B if the employer refuses to pay you that much.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
7 May 2014 /  #46
So, whats ur say here...?
Is it really worth it.? or not ..?

They're from the west so they spend more. It's easy to spend as much as you earn, doesn't matter how much it is. It's easy to adjust your spending (increase) to higher salary, but not so easy other direction. That's why Poles can easily rise family of 4 with 5000 PLN net per month and expats from western countries cannot. Also it's uncommon to rent houses in Poland. Usually people cannot afford to do that and they rent flats or posses house either inherited or bought with savings from abroad or/and mortgage.
4 Jul 2014 /  #47
hi Ghilli.
please, is it okay to know how long it took before you got the job offer. i also applied and i'm still in the process of getting the offer. thank you
shawon  2 | 20  
4 Jul 2014 /  #48

I am also from subcontinent ( not from India, but from Bangladesh). I have been in Poland for about one year and getting the salary of same amount ( I work in AGH in an European Union project in Krakow) that your are offered. To my opinion, Poland may not be the best, but its not that bad. There are few Indian communities in Krakow and Warsaw and believe me they are quite active. Managing Indian food is also not a big problem ( there are some groceries in Warsaw which even parcel things to other cities). So I would advise to take the opportunity and explore Poland. After 5 years of residency, you will have long term EC residency; then you can decide where to settle.
OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
4 Jul 2014 /  #49
Hi pro1,
It will atleast take 60 days minimum.
I just received my offer after a long wait.. So keep cool bro.. You will get it ...

Hi Shawon,

Thanks for your feedback,

Please help to give me some more information on things like traveling to other EU countries and about saving money .

4 Jul 2014 /  #50
thanks for the reply.
shawon  2 | 20  
4 Jul 2014 /  #51
Hi Ghilli,

Travelling will not be a problem at all, because me and my wife traveled quite a lot. About saving money, it depends on you and of course it is possible with your offered salary. For example in my case I am able to save almost 2500 zl per month considering that I live in a good standard apartment with a good location.
OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
5 Jul 2014 /  #52
Hi Shawon,

Thanks for your prompt response.

I planning to spend 4300 as monthly expenses considering on below things.please let me know, If I could do this..

House rent, water, gas,internet,mobile charges for two - 2000 pln
Food for 3 members(we mostly cook Indian food at home) - 1500pln
My kid schooling ( 3 years old) - 500pln
Bus pass - 150pln

So, the above will really work for me???..
Please do provide your suggestions

Thankyou so much...
shawon  2 | 20  
5 Jul 2014 /  #53
Hi Ghilli,

Could you send me e-mail at hasan_zaman@yahoo because I think it will better to talk in e-mail rather than here.

OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
5 Jul 2014 /  #54
Hi Shawon,

I tried sending you an email.but, its bouncing back...
may be somethng wrong on ur mail id..

shawon  2 | 20  
5 Jul 2014 /  #55
sorry, I was wrong; correct id: hasan_zaman04@yahoo

Hi Ghilli,

I am trying to reply your mail; but unfortunately it can not be delivered your mail address. Would you please correct it?
OP Ghilli  1 | 14  
6 Jul 2014 /  #56
Hi bro,

My mail I'd is gharles2000@yahoo.co.in
Monitor  13 | 1810  
6 Jul 2014 /  #57
you could just enable private messages in the forum and use this functionality
2 Jul 2015 /  #58
I had offer from IBM Katowice Poland . they are offering 4000 Plz . i can manage to live in poland . pl can u hlep me any one !

how room and food there
2 Jul 2015 /  #59
4000 a month or a week?
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jul 2015 /  #60
For 4,000 PLN gross a month - it is not worth it. You can hardly afford a place to stay and live. If, it is 4,000 PLN net per week - well that's different.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Job offer from IT Giant in Katowice, Poland (UNIX specialist). Information on tax and rental costs needed.Archived