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Can my husband work abroad with his TRC and come back to Poland?

simar  1 | 1  
11 Sep 2010 /  #1
Please help me with this one, i can't find any good answers.
I'm Pole, a month ago my fiance & me got married. He's from India.
Soon we'll have an interview in Foreigners Office (Urząd ds Cudzoziemców). After this interview he'll get trc (karta pobytu) for one or two years?

And, the most important question, can he work abroad with such TRC? In Great Britain or Germany? Can he go there alone, because I need to stay in Poland? Is there such possibility, that I'll live in Poland, and he'll move to other country and work there? Or maybe... can I go with him to this country, register there him and come back to Poland?

McCoy  27 | 1268  
11 Sep 2010 /  #2
Can he go there alone, because I need to stay in Poland?

OP simar  1 | 1  
12 Sep 2010 /  #3
Please, don't judge me, because you don't know anything about us, our situation and our love. I just need to know that one thing, so you don't have to know history of our love and relationship. I'm not that kind of woman, just to be clear.

I just can't leave Poland at this moment and we badly need money, is that clear?
Don't you think that sometimes life is really difficult and it gives us some bad, bad, bad surprises? How can you judge me after reading one short message?
THE HITMAN  - | 236  
12 Sep 2010 /  #4
To work outside of Poland he would need the appropriate registration of whatever country he chooses to work in.
For example, in the UK he would need an address and qualify for a national insurance number, without which, he would not be able to find employment legally.

Poland has to accept him as your spouse, but as he does not hold EU ID, or passport his movement could be restricted.
Probably not the news you wanted to hear but you must face facts unfortunately.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
12 Sep 2010 /  #5
You have to be with him to work in Europe..He CAN NOT live and work in the UK without you exercising your treaty (you working), if you do what you are proposing (going over and then leaving), he will be an illegal immigrant in the UK and WILL be DEPORTED back to India!

Please, don't judge me, because you don't know anything about us, our situation and our love.

It must be, because all you want to know is if you can get your 3rd world immigrant husband work in England whilst you are not even living with him :D Must be love!

I'm not that kind of woman, just to be clear.

How much?

I just can't leave Poland at this moment and we badly need money, is that clear?

Tough, rules are rules and he can not live in the UK or Germany without you!

Don't you think that sometimes life is really difficult and it gives us some bad, bad, bad surprises? How can you judge me after reading one short message?

I dont really care to be honest...You made your choice, let him get a job in your country, he cant get one in the UK if he is on his own, if he does and you're not there (and they will find out - look at the news about Britian and their crack down on immigrants) he will be deported back to India...Even British people married to Indian nationals need visas to come to England...He will need a spousal visa to even come here..
McCoy  27 | 1268  
12 Sep 2010 /  #6
How can you judge me after reading one short message?

i dont know anything about you and your life. if youre happy everything else shouldnt matter. good luck with getting the money and straightening out the probs
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
12 Sep 2010 /  #7
Good luck with her getting a spousal visa when she isnt even proposing to live in the UK!

My company told us on Wednesday that 600 jobs were going and BA Systems told their staff last week that 700 were going..

Do you think we can accommodate one more 3rd world immigrant!

Sorry but if Polish girls want to marry these guys, then they should either keep them at home or go and live in their countries...This girl thinks that England Germany are there to make her life better..phuck that...We have our own to deal with! The sooner they realise this the better!
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
12 Sep 2010 /  #8

My company told us on Wednesday that 600 jobs were going and BA Systems told their staff last week that 700 were going..

Don't ever underestimate the stupidity of management. Less people working less people buying. They're undercutting their own markets on the altar of the theory of free markets. They won't figure it out until if affects them, and it will affect them.

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