Hello Folks,
I'd like to tap into your intelligence and guidance, on a couple of things. I am in the process of moving to Gdansk. If you can help answer and provide guidance, it will be really appreciated.
1. I will be offered around 23000 PLN/ month gross for a Senior Management role What would be the net take home be ?
2. Is this enough for a family for 2+1 child to live in the Gdansk area. I plan to live near the office
3. Are there Polish classes me and my wife can take to learn and integrate with the society
4. We are expecting a baby and if this baby is born in Gdansk, Poland will the baby be born Polish ? We'd like to retain the original nationality, is it possible ?
Please help guide. I Thank you in Advance for your guidance.
I'd like to tap into your intelligence and guidance, on a couple of things. I am in the process of moving to Gdansk. If you can help answer and provide guidance, it will be really appreciated.
1. I will be offered around 23000 PLN/ month gross for a Senior Management role What would be the net take home be ?
2. Is this enough for a family for 2+1 child to live in the Gdansk area. I plan to live near the office
3. Are there Polish classes me and my wife can take to learn and integrate with the society
4. We are expecting a baby and if this baby is born in Gdansk, Poland will the baby be born Polish ? We'd like to retain the original nationality, is it possible ?
Please help guide. I Thank you in Advance for your guidance.