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Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR.

gleite  6 | 38  
19 Jan 2010 /  #1
Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR.
All Europe is trying to recover after the crisis in US... And guess what? Poland is still offering jobs. Even in the post-crisis times. They are headhunting seriously, and it is been hard to find people around here! So it is time to start looking around and building your network!

Check more in


Everything about jobs and business in Poland...

It is my blog, which I am sharing my contacts, tips and several other important information about making yourself settled in Poland. Business, Network, Jobs, Poland.

Anyone is looking for an opportunity? This is no ********, it is the company I work in that is selecting people. Whenever we find people that fulfill the requisites, we are getting bonus for that... I guess, also helping you to find an opportunity........
20 Jan 2010 /  #2
Does your IT bracket include Graphic Design?
amt0604ie  - | 14  
20 Jan 2010 /  #3
I'm looking for a finance role in krakow though it'd have to be an english speaking one till i learn polish. I've three and a half years experience in accounts prep and financial reporting and am part qualified ACCA.

Can anyone recommend other websites like pracuj.pl that I can use?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
20 Jan 2010 /  #4
All Europe is trying to recover after the crisis in US... And guess what? Poland is still offering jobs.

Really? Funny how Poles are still heading for England considering they're doing so well...Strange that well qualified Poles are still working in menial jobs in the UK, please do not try to make out Poland as being untouched by the crisis and that they are some utopia, speak to any Pole whose gone back to try to find work only to end up back in the UK!

we are getting bonus for that

Isnt it called commission?
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Jan 2010 /  #5
please do not try to make out Poland as being untouched by the crisis and that they are some utopia

Poland is definitely in the middle of a crisis. A few firms are recruiting, but generally as part of a cost saving package, firing people who won't take a pay cut and hiring cheaper people. In finance and IT there are some very specific roles that companies are looking for - in Sales and Marketing, things are desperate.
amt0604ie  - | 14  
20 Jan 2010 /  #6
Isnt it called commission?

or a referral.
vndunne  43 | 279  
20 Jan 2010 /  #7
Gleite..so are you looking for CV's from potential candidates..??
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
20 Jan 2010 /  #8
Poland is definitely in the middle of a crisis.

We have a Warsaw office, they had 2 rounds of redundancies last year..things are not rosey now..so I have an idea how certain sectors are doing.

or a referral.

? Wouldnt that be what my GP does when I need to see a specialist? This guy sees people, fills jobs and gets commission, i.e. cash on top of what he is paid for just doing his job (probably low paid job - even recruitment has taken a wage bashing in the UK, will teach them for lowering salaries by providing cheap labour!)

in Sales and Marketing, things are desperate.

Same here, but the T&C's are shocking...Salaries have decreased in most sectors though...

firing people who won't take a pay cut and hiring cheaper people.

Sounds familiar....
amt0604ie  - | 14  
20 Jan 2010 /  #9
? Wouldnt that be what my GP does when I need to see a specialist?

na a referral bonus, lump sum given to an employee when their company hires someone that the employee recommended.

probably not an oxford definition but hopefully you get the drift.
TheOther  6 | 3617  
20 Jan 2010 /  #10
The email is it.recruit.now @ gm ail . com (please erase the spaces)

Sending confidential information to a gmail account - are you serious?
OP gleite  6 | 38  
20 Jan 2010 /  #11
I cannot post my job email in forums pal... You can also send PM. By the way, what is so confidential about a CV? It is better if you get to be known then to be hidden from the world...
TheOther  6 | 3617  
20 Jan 2010 /  #12
No offense, but I would never trust someone who uses an anonymous gmail account with my personal information. Ever heard of CV fraud and identity theft?

OP gleite  6 | 38  
20 Jan 2010 /  #13
Well, you can be right.
But what I am looking forward to do here is to show people the opportunity.
I am not offering anything, just giving the hint. By the way, in my blog there is complete information about me. So... Really, if you fit to the job, give it a try :) Why to lose a chance?

Anyway, don't consider I am insisting... I kind of like writing...
TheOther  6 | 3617  
20 Jan 2010 /  #14
in my blog there is complete information about me

Yeah, I saw the photo in your profile ... mafiosi ... :)
OP gleite  6 | 38  
20 Jan 2010 /  #15
Hehehe... I would rather say it is marketing :)

anyone... ?
20 Jan 2010 /  #16
anyone... ?

I read your web page, what country you come from, and what corn flakes packet did you get you qualifications from, 4000zl a month lol
lateStarter  2 | 45  
20 Jan 2010 /  #17
4000 PLN/month? Working 40-50 hours/week? I'd like to get back into IT/SW Dev, but I can make that much teaching English as a Native Speaker doing 20 hours/week. The rest of the week is mine - on the farm! I doubt anyone around Warsaw or any other major city is going to bite. If you are outsourcing to an underdeveloped rural area - good for you, good for them!
OP gleite  6 | 38  
21 Jan 2010 /  #18
wow...u tell me what school is paying u so much netto, that for sure that will be my second job! :)
jonni  16 | 2475  
21 Jan 2010 /  #19
u tell me what school is paying u so much netto,

The more professional teachers here don't tend to work full-time for one school - in Warsaw that's for either the young and exploitable or people with a lack of aspiration, career teachers here tend to do a few hours each at several in-company schools. Providing they can actually teach and are able to manage a freelance career they will earn more than that. Have a look at other threads for a mathematical breakdown of teaching income. The 4000 mentioned is very modest really.
OP gleite  6 | 38  
21 Jan 2010 /  #20
Guess it is very modest whenever you are living in Warsaw, where the life cost is about 30% more than in Katowice, for example. By the way, living by freelances can be a nice option as well. If any of you know about schools teaching Portuguese for foreigners, please advise me. I am also into translations and interpretations for Portuguese and Spanish. Thanks.... :)

P.S.: the IT offer will be for the young people, having their first job, first chances in the market...

However, I have a friend that was really headhunted... his salary is around 25,000PLN gross... how is that ? :P
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
21 Jan 2010 /  #21
25,000PLN gross

pretty crap really :/
jwojcie  2 | 762  
21 Jan 2010 /  #22
4000 PLN/month? Working 40-50 hours/week? I'd like to get back into IT/SW Dev, but I can make that much teaching English as a Native Speaker doing 20 hours/week.

He is looking for help desk people. If you trully were IT dev in the past then you surely know what is the difference...
TheOther  6 | 3617  
21 Jan 2010 /  #23
Warning. Be careful to visit the blog of the OP - it seems to install a virus on your system which regular anti-virus software doesn't catch right away!!! The blog is most likely infected with an advanced version of Worm.Zhelatin which installs the malicious trojan Rootkit.Agent on your PC. Found out this morning when my ISP contacted me about unusual traffic in one of my e-mail accounts.
lateStarter  2 | 45  
21 Jan 2010 /  #24
He is looking for help desk people. If you trully were IT dev in the past then you surely know what is the difference...

My bad. You are correct. Actually, the more I think about it, that is not so horrible a salary for an entry level position (assuming that there was a real possibility for the brightest to move up the food chain). And yes, I have 20 years of SW Development under my belt.
21 Jan 2010 /  #25
and it is been hard to find people around here!

wait until Poles start coming back home from UK and other countries and it will change for sure.
OP gleite  6 | 38  
22 Jan 2010 /  #26
Sorry pal.... Don't try to accuse me of anything, I don't need you to tell me I am a bad guy. If the blog has anything, than the problem is with the website that hosts it. All I do there is write and get images from Google site...

Really don't understand your behavior... As if you are affraid or scared of something!

ANyway... guess time to close the thread...
TheOther  6 | 3617  
22 Jan 2010 /  #27
Don't try to accuse me of anything

I didn't say that you are spreading viruses on purpose. But you really need to check your account on blogspot.com. The worm/trojan I mentioned can only be spread via e-mail attachments or blog, and because my system was clean that morning, I didn't open any attachments on that specific day and only visited one blog (yours!), it's pretty obvious that your site must be the culprit. Just check it and make sure that you are not spreading any crap to other people's computers. Otherwise you ruin your reputation and bogspot might shut you down. What you do with this information is completely up to you; I for one won't touch your site again, that's for sure.
OP gleite  6 | 38  
25 Jan 2010 /  #28
Well, I have no idea how to fix that... all I put there is photos from google... how harm can photos do? Thanks TheOther for the help! I will send email to blogspot to ask them to figure out what is wrong. Anyway, real thanks for the advice...

By the way, I posted more news there... About Life Cost in Poland. This can be very useful and inputs are welcome, in case I get something misunderstood!

By the way.. I posted into help of blogspot...
rtz  - | 46  
25 Jan 2010 /  #29
can only be spread via e-mail

... pretty much says it all. I guarantee that the site is NOT infected in any way and trust me ;)
TheOther  6 | 3617  
25 Jan 2010 /  #30
all I put there is photos from google

The way how this worm/trojan attacks blogs is to add links which lead to malicious web sites. Maybe one of your photos resides on an infected site?

... pretty much says it all.

You don't pay much attention to what other people say, do you? Read my answer to gleite again: the worm/trojan is known to be spread through blogs, too!


and trust me

Sure... :)

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