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Find Job in Poland - How difficult is the law for the foreigner

diana_1  1 | 2  
27 Jun 2011 /  #1

I am looking job in Poland since a little time, i am from Venezuela, I speak spanish and english, here in Venezuela i am Economist but i hear the employ market in Poland is terrible, even the people of there is leaving the country, but i dont have options because my boyfriend is there and Venezuela is in worst conditions to life, anyway I hear that the law for the foreigner are hard in Poland, is this true??, where i can send my CV to find a job, i have to go there in september so i have only 2 months.

gumishu  15 | 6228  
27 Jun 2011 /  #2
depending on the area you can perhaps be better off giving private lessons of Spanish - Spanish is the most sought after foreign language in Poland after English and German

you can also try to look for a job in companies that deal with imports/exports from Hispanic countries - these are mostly located in bigger cities

another possibility is trying some multi-national companies - IBM opens an international support center in Wrocław for example - perhaps they still need people
OP diana_1  1 | 2  
28 Jun 2011 /  #3
Thx I send the application to IBM, do you know another company like that. I am afraid of teach spanish i speak to fast hehehe, i am terrible speaking in front of public, anyway if you can make me other recomendation i will appreciate it.

dzacek  - | 1  
15 Jul 2011 /  #4
Hi Diana

Do you have some IT knowledge?

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