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English tutoring help - do we need the TESOL certificate to work in Poland?

OP Criminogenesis  1 | 4  
20 Feb 2011 /  #31
Ah, you mean "dances done by people who think that it's Polish when it's actually done by hardly anyone in Poland".

Well my partner's certificate from a Polish university in Lublin would argue otherwise. If what your saying is true then it would hardly be

offered at university level right? then the Australian polish dancing concert Polart attracts professional polish dancing groups from Poland
every time its held and we have gone the last two times in a row. not to mention the Rzeszów festival that is held in Poland every 3 or 4 years, that

attracts groups from around the world, It sounds like you barely know Polish culture. If i can find out about these events and get invited to them, even get

scholarships from Poland to come learn Polish dancing there, it obviously must exist to some point. I feel sorry for you because you seem so negative about

everything and that means your missing out. If you want to back up all your arguments, when i am in Poland, why don't you come and meet me and i will show

you the job we have, the polish dancing we are doing and how much fun we are having. otherwise stay behind your computer, keep being negative because no matter what I'm going to Poland and its going to be fun :)
mafketis  38 | 11214  
20 Feb 2011 /  #32
I think delphiandomine's points (which he could certainly make more diplomatically) are that:

a) hardly anyone in Poland is going to call it "Polish dancing" (it'll be called folk dancing or 'national' dancing or something like that)

b) it's a small niche interest (not the case everywhere in Central Europe, Hungary has a large folk dancing scene) I'm pretty sure I've met more non-Poles interested in Polish folk dancing than Poles (in Poland). Most young people in Poland want nothing to do with folk dancing. In a way it's kind of sad but it seems to be the way things are. Even ballroom dancing would be far more popular as a social activity. Hip-hop hump the air dancing is also popular as a group activity. Oddly though, up until the mid 90's (when I stopped going) you could see young people doing variations of ballroom/folk dances in discos. It was very odd.

c) optimists are almost always disappointed, pessimists are frequently pleasantly suprised. It pays for anyone approaching living and working in Poland to be a pessimist so that things that don't work out aren't as bothersome and things that do work out are that much sweeter.

Here's a sample of modern Polish folk dancing.

3 May 2012 /  #33
Merged: How to teach English in Poland as from a country where native language is not English?

i am considering if i should go to some uni in poland to learn english for 3 years and get teaching qualification or just get TESOL/ESL ? which one is better?

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