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Diversity in Poland especially in workplace

31 Mar 2019 /  #1
Despite Poland not embracing diversity as a whole compared to europe int erms of migrants and the eu crisis,and being a proud right wing and homogenous society, how are the corporations and companies dealing with this issue? Do the international companies all of a sudden forego diversity tactics ir all these western movements popular now like womens and gays rights? Here are two screenshots from a Wired UK article I just read which claim that diversity is key or needed in these companies to make them function more effectively:


I mean every company has this mindset now, that's how Ania Soysz with a three month coding contract was able to get a development job with a developer salary despite being a creative and writer literally her whole life. So is this movement also coming to Poland? Diversity?

Here is another article a couple pages over thst says ai is used to scan make sure there is no gender bias thus women have as much if not more power than us and their voice and opinions:
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #2
I will be for diversity and women's rights when I see a firewoman carrying a 200-pound person down the ladder.
Shitonya Brits  
31 Mar 2019 /  #3
I just read which claim that diversity is key or needed in these companies to make them function more effectively

Diversity is just a globalist code word for outsourcing of jobs to non-white demographics who are willing to work for less money and with fewer to no benefits.

Non-whites who take over the middle and upper management of companies and their Human Resource departments then practice their own racism by hiring their own kind.

Western governments are onboard with this since feminism and abortion rights have killed off natural replacement levels of native majority populations in Europe and North America.

Irredeemably indoctrinated self-loathing Cultural Marxists take to the streets with glee to welcome replacement level migrants because it will keep their classrooms and the shops they own filled with low-wage bums long enough until they can retire (to some last remaining all white enclave of course) while helping to satiate their fetish to be within sight and touching distance of non-white flesh.

women have as much if not more power than us and their voice and opinions

Western nations are gynocracies and have been so since the last century.

Female nagging has simply moved out of their one-time marital homes and onto the public square.

It is the biological imperative of women's hypergamy to demand more and be in control.

Women don't care what a society looks like just as long as their own personal needs are guaranteed.

And if society collapses due to their short-term thinking and self-serving demands that's OK with them because they count on being able to just fall on their backs and spread their legs wide for the next wave of conquerors.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Mar 2019 /  #4
I prefer to use my position to recruit as many of them as possible. Parents love them, anyway.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Mar 2019 /  #5

I agree to a large extent with your definition of "diversity". In the US, along with that other code word "affirmative action", it's actually merely a sanitized name

for "discrimination" in order for the business owner to make more money.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Mar 2019 /  #6
Diversity, much as the other hot-button issue abortion, is too good a performer.
pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Mar 2019 /  #7
It is the biological imperative of women's hypergamy to demand more and be in control.

And that`s a good option because women aren`t as aggressive as males. In result, there will be less wars and conflicts.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Mar 2019 /  #8
And that`s a good option because women aren`t as aggressive as males.

Which is why I enjoy having mostly female colleagues. Frankly speaking, they're so much easier to get on with.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #9
Non-whites who take over the middle and upper management of companies and their Human Resource departments

Perfect point. I used to deal with a company in Schaumburg, Illinois, owned by an Indian. A couple of hundred employees - only the receptionist was non-Indian.
jon357  72 | 22979  
31 Mar 2019 /  #10
I prefer to use my position to recruit as many of them as possible.

Ignoring diversity just means you have a smaller pool of good candidates.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #11
There are two kinds of diversities: random and enforced. The random kind just happens. The enforced type - x percent or else - does the exact opposite of what you just claimed. It reduces the pool of good candidates because the skin pigment is first and ahead of what's in the head.

Also, to a typical moron liberal - I apologize for the redundancy - diversity NEVER means the diversity of opinions. Only skin pigmentation, reproductive organs, and sexual orientation. The ultimate liberals' dream: a disabled, black, transgender "woman" with a Spanish name and AIDS. I forgot gay.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Mar 2019 /  #12
Ignoring diversity just means you have a smaller pool of good candidates.

Exactly. Not to mention the experience and knowledge that they can bring. For instance, one guy that we're considering now has experience in some solid international schools in Africa. He knows his stuff, he's very enthusiastic and he has an incredible track record with organising events - I've found lots of evidence online about what he's been doing, so he's rightfully shortlisted.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Mar 2019 /  #13
As I've posted, diversity in an of itself, much as with immigration, can be a wonderful learning tool, an aid to mutual understanding, granted.

Unfortunately, as with labor unions, once the greedylocks of this world get their hands on a good idea, they destroy it!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
31 Mar 2019 /  #14
Diversity, its sound really stupid. What exactly do you mean by that?

By the sound it of it you talk about quotas? Yet, posters here are talking importing blacks into the country.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #15
For instance, one guy that we're considering now has experience in some solid international schools in Africa.

You are still talking about the voluntary type. Leftists never do. They want compulsory type - or else. Which always means quotas and affirmative action.

The end effect is that when I need a doctor, I practice my own affirmative action: 40 to 50 year-old, US-born, US-educated, while male. Period. No exceptions other than emergencies.

After you stop throwing up in disgust, I will be happy to explain why.
jon357  72 | 22979  
31 Mar 2019 /  #16
I've found lots of evidence online about what he's been doing, so he's rightfully shortlisted.

Very sensible.

The random kind just happens.

Not on its own, it doesn't...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #17
Yes, it does. Have you been to a public beach like the one in Chicago? That's your random and voluntary diversity.
Racism is when, recently, a meeting was declared off limits to whites. So much for diversity.
jon357  72 | 22979  
31 Mar 2019 /  #18
Have you been to a public beach

That's not a workplace now, is it...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #19
No, but the concept is the same. There was a time when blacks were not allowed to be where whites were. Beach or whatever. That was a compulsory type. Now it's gone and the voluntary kind is now in place.

Are you denying that the compulsory diversity exists? Are you claiming that the compulsory diversity is good for the society?
jon357  72 | 22979  
31 Mar 2019 /  #20
No, but the concept is the same.

is it?

Diversity (as part of a range of HR policies intended to improve staffing) isn't the same as going to a beach.
pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Mar 2019 /  #21
Give us an example of a society that collapsed because of women`s short term thinking.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Mar 2019 /  #22
It's collapsing as we speak. It's known as the US.

Every time I see some idiots screaming against the wall, 90% are women. Every time I see some idiots screaming about abortion rights till the day of natural birth it's women.

In both cases, if you try to reason with them about the long term consequences to the US and even to them personally, they will just scream louder and call you every name imaginable. They do it because they know that even a five-minute debate would not end well for the screamers.
pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Mar 2019 /  #23
They scream because you, white con supremacists, only want to keep all fun to yourself and not share it with females - according to you, women`s role is the kitchen, bed and hospital birth ward. In your ideology women must remain constrained by males to save the society. Don`t you see how unfair it is? That is why women scream and they are fully entitled to it.

Discussions unrelated to Poland will be moved.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
1 Apr 2019 /  #24
Do the international companies all of a sudden forego diversity tactics

When there's no diversity diversity tactics are impossible, right? And they are not in the position to dictate rules to Polish government nor to the Polish nation. They can only operate within Polish law.

diversity is key or needed in these companies to make them function more effectively

In that case they wouldn't invest in Poland, yet they do. In fact Poland is a top FDI [foreign direct investment] destination in Europe*.

10iwonka10  - | 359  
1 Apr 2019 /  #25
I think that diversity in Polish workplaces grows in a very natural way ( not forced ). There are workers coming from South of Europe - Italy, Spain, Portugal where unemployment is quite high. Recently lots Indians apply for jobs in Poland. ( especially IT specialist). I would say it is very healthy diversity which bring people with new skills ideas to workplaces in Poland.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
1 Apr 2019 /  #26
@Iwonka, I have nothing against immigrants from other EU countries and from countries with similar cultural and religious background.

I'm against making Poland some failed 'multikulti' experiment playground which I've witnessed in the UK and which we all are witnessing in Western EU.

When it comes to Indians as long as they come to work on temporary work visas, like most of the Ukrainians right now, I'm fine with that.

Anyway, once Konfederacja Korwin+Braun+Narodowcy get into Polish parliament they will regulate those matters and they will be much more strict than PiS is (or ever was). They've already have 5 MEP in Polish parliament and they're growing in popularity.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2019 /  #27
Anyway, once Konfederacja Korwin+Braun+Narodowcy get into Polish parliament

Last poll: 3.4%.

Nationalist fantasies about having a say in Polish politics are just that, fantasies.
10iwonka10  - | 359  
1 Apr 2019 /  #28
I think question was about diversity at work not emigration. By Diversity I understand not only nationality but also sex, age , ..sometimes education.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
1 Apr 2019 /  #29
@Iwonka, When it comes to sex and age diversity I think we don't have problem with that in Poland.

Unless we take into account pseudo-science which defines gender as fluid and non-binary :-P
jon357  72 | 22979  
1 Apr 2019 /  #30
By Diversity I understand not only nationality but also sex, age , ..sometimes education.

And disability, social class, skin colour, gender, religion and sometimes regional origin. It's about getting the best out of a workforce. In Poland, some employers do understand this, however as in most places there there are department managers who recruit people they feel most comfortable with (or know, or are related to). One of the various reasons HR people organise the staffing process is to avoid this.

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