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Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes?

michellka15  1 | -  
20 Mar 2010 /  #1
Well I'm Polish and Canadian. I currently work in Poland and I have a 2 year contract.

Is it possible that I can do my taxes in Canada ? Not in Poland ?? How does it all work ?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
20 Mar 2010 /  #2
check with Canada Tax Revenue, I am sure they have an option for people who work abroad.

here is a useful link:
21 Mar 2010 /  #3
Is it possible that I can do my taxes in Canada ? Not in Poland ?? How does it all work ?

No, not if you spend more than 183 days in a year here. You will have to pay income tax here on your earnings here and then pay any difference in Canada.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #4
sorry - u do not,..

as first find your residential office for people services - in city its Urząd Miejski, or Burmistrz or at country side Urząd Gminy or Wójt. register your stay at there.

as its done ask for PESEL number. (personal ID no. in Poland)
fill the form providing an ID - passport and obtained registration of your address.
then wait patiently. sometime they do that at once.

with the obtained PESEL no. you need to be in person at Urząd Skarbowy - tax revenue.
at the desk you fill next form - preper your self to get or ask some help - they all are in polish..
the info you find on w w w. mf.gov.pl
thanks to your visit at Urząd Skarbowy you gain the NIP no. - this is your personal tax ID no.

as you have both of them get the tax form - PIT-37 and start to fill it - or ask accountant at your business - she or he will help you to declared swiftly.

The Polish Law.. nd so on.. prohibit you to fill declaration in future years.
for the 2009 you need to provide the correct form till the end of April.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #5
Andrzej, he's more than likely got a NIP if he's working here on a contract - it would be very surprising if he doesn't have one!

Is it possible that I can do my taxes in Canada ? Not in Poland ?? How does it all work ?

It's not likely that you can - as you're resident here for more than half a year, you'll have to declare to the Polish tax office.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #6
Trust me I know how thats look.. u r need to obtain meldunek then PESEL then NIP then bank account.
this is the only line acceptable for US or mf.gov.pl , by the tax if u do short cuts they haunt u down..
and I wouldn't be surprised if Mi15 has already account with income on it without the rest.
at the worst -
as such they will freeze it and they have the right to put on every penny in or transferred 75% tax,
at the best -
Mi15 will fill a dozen of forms with two or three petitions and provide every possible proof of each income, step and expense.. half jolly good if US accept petitions in english!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #7
this is the only line acceptable for US or mf.gov.pl , by the tax if u do short cuts they haunt u down..

Wrong. Poland issues a NIP to anyone that wants one. I know quite a few foreigners here who have one without any sort of residency. Poland is quite pragmatic and accepts that it's better to have them paying tax than not, even if they're not formally registered.

There's also no link between residency documents and a NIP. They don't ask to see them and they don't care - a quick check of the passport is all that's wanted.

But as I said, he's obviously got a NIP if he's working in Poland.

Jeez, so much misinformation on these forums.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #8
Delphi - we r talking about PITing.. till the end of April.

U receive NIP us such|4 all the payers - no obligations - this is the NIP-1 or 3 form.

But if u r about to pay tax, fill a form, or|having been sole standing - like PIT-37 - you need to provide the loads off additions.

on NIP-B you r providing bank details, on NIP ZG + PIT-36 u state income from abroad, PIT2 is done by ur Polish tax payer,...

If they don't match with records - then u have adds..

this is all at; ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997r. Ordynacja podatkowa / t.j. Dz. U. z 2005r. Nr 8, poz. 60 z późn. zm. /,
ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego / t.j. Dz U. z 2000r. Nr 98, poz. 1071 z późn. zm./
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #9
If they don't match with records - then u have adds..

That's got nothing to do with residency documents, nor has it anything to do with your claim that you need a PESEL or maldunek to pay tax in Poland.

Of course there are various forms and obligations, but that has nothing to do with residency documents!
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #10
At the all PIT forms - Like PIT-37 in Section B - identity details u have a field no 14. - its a f** PESEL :)
ZUS - social security recognise only it as basic.
At section F - tax subtraction, you have field 110 and 112 - the amount will be confirmed at ZUS or else...

just do call tomorrow - The National Tax Information may be reached from any place in Poland through one telephone number. The fees for landline calls are the same throughout the country (0-801-055-055), whereas mobile phone calls 22(330-03-30) are charged according to the fees specified in the contracts with operators.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #11
At the all PIT forms - Like PIT-37 in Section B - identity details u have a field no 14. - its a f** PESEL :)

What has the existence of a field got to do with anything? If you have one, you insert it. If you don't have one, you don't. Simple. The NIP is your tax number, not the PESEL, therefore it's irrelevant.

At section F - tax subtraction, you have field 110 and 112 - the amount will be confirmed at ZUS or else...

Again, what has this got to do with residency documents and a PESEL? Nothing.

Tell you what - why don't you find me something that says that you must have a maldunek and a PESEL before you can be issued with a NIP. You won't find it, because it doesn't exist.

Even the form in which you apply for a NIP simply asks you "why do you want one?" and doesn't ask you to provide proof of residency!
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #12
Again, what has this got to do with residency documents and a PESEL? Nothing.

I has it all - u don't pay tax at Powiat or City office.. it goes to budget and its divided on territory..
Think - how they will know where to transfer ur part?!

They know because u need to have MELDUNEK & PESEL dodiaska..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #13
Think - how they will know where to transfer ur part?!

I don't know and don't particularly care. I assume that in the absence of residency data, they simply use the address that you give them when applying for a NIP.

They know because u need to have MELDUNEK & PESEL dodiaska..

No you don't. You can apply for a NIP without either of them. How do you think people are able to pay taxes in Poland without having a PESEL or Meldunek, hmm?

Go on, quote me the official law that says that you must have a PESEL and Meldunek to apply for a NIP. Go on, I'm waiting.

As we say - put up or shut up.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #14
I given u it -> watch back.
Dos Dios, one more time -

ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997r. Ordynacja podatkowa / t.j. Dz. U. z 2005r. Nr 8, poz. 60 z późn. zm. /,
Ordynacja - lex.pl/serwis/du/2000/1071.htm

ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego / t.j. Dz U. z 2000r. Nr 98, poz. 1071 z późn. zm./
KPA - lex.pl/serwis/du/2000/1071.htm

did that get to ur brain now??
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #15
I given u it -> watch back.

So why did I, and many other foreigners manage to obtain a NIP without a meldunek or PESEL? :)

The theory is often one thing in Poland, but the reality is vastly different.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #16
don't u dare to put that on me!!

your obligations - I don't give a F** from where r u coming from not even from Mars - are;

1. obtain a place to stay as your temporary or permanent residence.
2. up to 7 days inform registration of this palace.
3. like to work - go;
- as first apply for PESEL
- apply for NIP
- advice ZUS of ur income (most cases done by employer)
- advice NFZ for the med insurence (most cases done by employer or ZUS)
4. at the end of tax year - fill the all requested forms.
5. up to day pay all tax or apply for benefit or cancellations, provide proof of income when ask.
6. ejoy.

i słuchaj sie choć trochę mądrzejszych bo piszesz z polakiem do jasnej cholery!! :))
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #17
your obligations - I don't give a F** from where r u coming from not even from Mars - are;

You don't even know the correct procedure, so drop the bad language.

1. obtain a place to stay as your temporary or permanent residence.

Sure, you need to live somewhere.

2. up to 7 days inform registration of this palace.

Wrong. You have 4 days after crossing the border.

3. like to work - go;
- as first apply for PESEL

Wrong. For EU citizens (let's use them, because they're easiest to explain) - you need to have a valid 5 year residence certificate AND a 5 year meldunek before you can obtain a PESEL. The process takes about 2-3 months to complete - are you seriously suggesting that people can't pay tax for that time? Get real.

You CANNOT be issued with a PESEL if you only obtain the 3 month meldunek, which you need to apply for the 5 year residence certificate as an EU citizen.

There are plenty of foreigners here who don't have a PESEL and yet manage to pay taxes just fine.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Mar 2010 /  #18
Andy, quit the wiser crap. Delph knows the procedure. You don't need a PESEL. Up to 7 days, what nonsense! I didn't do it for 3 years, yes, 3 years and I still set up my own company without any hassle. Some checking you have here, a bit like qualifications which aren't checked either but you keep your bureaucratic babies for show. Some useless organisations here.

ZUS don't care about my income. What they do care about is me having my own interest and that I'm in my 3rd year of it, therefore I pay 840PLN and not 330PLN. You are speaking out of your arse.

You are speaking to a guy who has been through it and studied Law for 5 years so, mam prośba o trochę szacunku :)

4 days is too short. I had 90 days in Japan to set up my gaikokujin torukoushou (foreigners' card). They enforce it, Poland didn't in many cases.

Delph, if I could correct you for a moment (or qualify what you said). I had a 6-month residence pass but then extended it through til the end of 2012. I have 2 bits of paper. So, from Oct 2007 to Dec 2012. It isn't strictly the case that only one certificate is needed. As long as you cumulatively make up the 5 years, it's fine. A settled intention to stay helps too.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #19
Up to 7 days, what nonsense! I didn't do it for 3 years, yes, 3 years and I still set up my own company without any hassle.

For EU citizens, they really couldn't care less I think. Nor are they particularly bothered if someone has a PESEL or not - just that it makes life easier because you don't have the usual argument of "you don't have it, why not?".

Legally, it's supposed to be that you register your residence 4 days after crossing the border. But who on earth bothers?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Mar 2010 /  #20
I agree. It's an extra form of ID which you can use for transactions but REGON and NIP suffice. Nobody bothers and Polish employers don't stress that requirement. They just want money ASAP.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #21
Rejestr PESEL - Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności prowadzony jest od 1979 roku i zawiera dane osób przebywających stale na terytorium RP, zameldowanych na pobyt stały lub czasowy trwający ponad 3 miesiące a także osób ubiegających się o wydanie dowodu osobistego lub paszportu, a także osób,

d l a k t ó r y c h - odrębne przepisy przewidują potrzebę posiadania numeru PESEL.


Numer PESEL nadaje się: (AND THIS IS IT)
c)obywatelom polskim i cudzoziemcom (this is you :)), którzy podlegają na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ubezpieczeniom społecznym lub ubezpieczeniu zdrowotnemu, z wyłączeniem osób wymienionych w pkt. a) i b),


that's the same as sofi-nummer Holland - NIN UK, and elsewhere..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #22

Jesus, it's like talking to a brick wall.

Tell us - what experience do you have with foreigners in Poland?

And it isn't the same thing as the National Insurance number in the UK - because the PESEL is an personal identifying number, whereas the NIP is a tax reference number. The NI number is both.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Mar 2010 /  #23
Also, NI contributions are deducted in their entirety. ZUS was a 3-in-1 transfer but, after seeing Millennium's webpage change, it is 4-in-1. I make health, social security and workfund payments to ZUS. Information is available in Informator.

Andy, you are full of funny rules that Poland doesn't enforce.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #24
?? Tell us - what experience do you have with foreigners in Poland?
Right fine!!

Well I give u the answer, yesterday I drunk with Kris and maybe be waiving him on his flight to London Thursday.

When it goes to the X-Files - I receive Polish ID 97', at the y. 2000 I was in Germany, y. 2004 I queued at the Home Office hall, at the y. 2006 I work for Zurich companies, 2007 I receive tax form from SKAT and Egypt.. from 2009 I have Sofi-nummer..

Any other smart questions??
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Mar 2010 /  #25
No need for waiving, Andy, he doesn't need a visa ;0 ;)

Andy, get with the program. Delph and I live here and we know what we had to do. Quote me Rule 23 para 42 sub para (13) all you wish but the reality in the offices is different.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #26
Any other smart questions??

Nah, you confirmed what I thought - that you don't have a clue about how it works here for foreigners.

There are isolated cases where someone in the Urzad Skarbowy has demanded residency papers from someone before issuing a NIP - but they're just that, isolated cases.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #27
Delphi.. i know that and 4 me thats sucks* too..

That is why I write the right way - where they have no options to say "no".
I would even help you in person on such occasion if u ask.

This is still a strange country - even 4 me. End even more cose I saw a lot.
Please remember - take on each occasion a proof of that what did you done.

If you obtain meldunek - ask for paper with stamp on it.
Then filling form for PESEL attach copies of all what you have.

By declaring a tax form - give them also one copy of everything.
Print a bank statement.
That and only that after a while it will simplify system..

This is a Homo Sovieticus land.. :((
Please don't take it personally and if then I am sorry.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Mar 2010 /  #28

If I were a mod here I would wipe your off topic responses to the random. I would never ask any question about Poland on this forum, because I would just feed silly trolls.

So: DOES the OP have to pay taxes or NOT????
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Mar 2010 /  #29
So: DOES the OP have to pay taxes or NOT????

No, not if you spend more than 183 days in a year here. You will have to pay income tax here on your earnings here and then pay any difference in Canada.

Post #3 answers it in blank and white.

Though - does Canada operate a worldwide taxation scheme like America does for her citizens? I always thought it was a peculiar Americanism that demanded that her citizens pay tax irrespective of where they live.
AnndY  - | 20  
21 Mar 2010 /  #30
the correct answer is that We All in Poland - except farmers (!) are paying on PAYE scheme.

employers are giving you pay slips to hand. there is indicated what, when and how much.
from the first day to the last.

between canada and poland is not an equal right law regarding tax and you cannot transfer tax (this income amount or tax or amount free of tax or what so ever - at each case u indicate income and set the right to charge you with applying tax) abroad.

you may only request the payed tax from the gross income under 3091 PLN.

to do that you need to be correctly registered in Poland Officials and have a valid bank account in Poland registered at the Tax Authority.

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