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Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks).

SeanBM  34 | 5786  
15 Mar 2010 /  #181
the place will probally be on the market for 800,000 zlote, the banks lend money to citizens building at the rate that every square metre of building cost 2000zl!

If the house is a (4 rooms), lets say 140 M2, and we apply your math at 2000PLN per metre that is 280,000 PLN which is 73684 Euro and it cost him 75000 to build.

Which is very cheap no matter how you look at it, in my opinion.

Lets get serious, people complain of low wages but one of my friend gas bill for dec/jan was in excess of 1700zl. (apartment about 80sqm)
I wonder how people pay for heating during winter, nothing ceases to amaze me when it comes to wages/cost in Poland.

This winter has been the coldest for two decades, everyone's heating bill is particularly big this time. I was really lucky and bought loads of wood, to last about 4 winters but I will have enough for one more, if it is not as bad as this one.

What I keep thinking about are all those people who did not have electricity mid winter, they must have had to leave their houses.
dariusceg  - | 3  
24 Mar 2010 /  #182
When I checked in Mielno, the prices of some run down houses was around 600,000 dollars. Could you tell me where you can find housing from 100 - 300 thousand zl?
FredChopin  - | 61  
24 Mar 2010 /  #183
Could you tell me where you can find housing from 100 - 300 thousand zl?

dariusceg  - | 3  
25 Mar 2010 /  #184
Off course the older generation and the low income jobs are not up to par with Western Europe. This is a result of post war but otherwise I see Poland as an investment. I come and visit once every few years and see drastic changes in jobs, construction and new business.

It was mention previously that one could buy property for 100 - 300 thousand zl. For that you are basically buying a communist era apartment that needs a ton of work. When I checked, I found something outside the city for 1 370 000 zl. Considering that this is in a rural area, I don't think it is necessarly that cheap. If you were to buy something decent, the price would certainly be somewhat competitive. Also, don't forget that these prices have been lowered because of the global economc crisis.

bolek  6 | 330  
25 Mar 2010 /  #185
Which is very cheap no matter how you look at it, in my opinion.

Yeah I suppose so..

When I checked, I found something outside the city for 1 370 000 zl. Considering that this is in a rural area, I don't think it is necessarly that cheap. If you were to buy something decent, the price would certainly be somewhat competitive. Also, don't forget that these prices have been lowered because of the global economc crisis.

Yeah that may be the asking price, but I wonder how long homes are on the market before they are sold and what price are they actually sold for, and more interesting what percentage of Poles are able to purchase such a property? I don't think too may people are in a position to afford a 1 million zlote loan? I still maintain that most Poles earn poor income and most of this goes to paying living and entertainment bills or am I missing something?
teddy wilkin  - | 9  
30 Mar 2010 /  #186
Just found the Polish Statistics website


Here is a link on the average wages in Poland, but beware the average is not the best way to describe such as statistic as it is influenced by a small number of very high earners. Its better to use the median - Nearly all Poles earn between 2 and 4 thousand PLN a month.

5 Jul 2010 /  #187
would anyone be able to tell me what are the university salaries (for permanent positions) in Poland and whether a family of 4 could decently live on such a salary?
jwojcie  2 | 762  
5 Jul 2010 /  #188
The short answer is: they are low, and you cann't expect a decent live on it.
The longer version is: if you are not a professor or some academic superstar on some private university, then even with PhD you will struggle. Most PhD (in technical field) I know got their title and left uni for better salaries, or stayed doing next to nothing on uni and taking additional jobs outside.

If we are talking about salaries for jobs as ie. language teacher those are lower than PhD of course, and usually such persons are taking some additional jobs.
Olaf  6 | 955  
5 Jul 2010 /  #189
I think I wrote it before, long ago - an average in Poland is close to 3500 PLN, somone was probably thinking about the minimal.
5 Jul 2010 /  #190
With the financial mess happening in Euroland at the present time, Poland should think twice about replacing the Zloty with the Euro. For one everything will be more expensive. And I dont see a way out for Euroland from this mess. They are heading for a double-dip recession, maybe hyperinflation and the likelihood that houses prices will drop at least 35% in the new year. So why! Oh Why! do they want this crap currency!! Better to start buying as much Physical Gold to back up the zloty like all the Asian Countries.
bimber94  7 | 254  
5 Jul 2010 /  #191
With the financial mess happening in Euroland at the present time, Poland should think twice about replacing the Zloty with the Euro.

That isn't up to Poland, but the Brussels Elite behind closed doors we aren't supposed to know exist. They don't give a damn about Poland; in fact the more Poland is in the sh!te, the better they like it.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
5 Jul 2010 /  #192
For those arguing about the average vs median wage in Poland and whether it's enough to live on, as the English say "the proof is in the pudding". There is a huge Polish diaspora, this doesn't happen in a vacuum.
10 Jul 2010 /  #193
Hello everyone,

I am Karthik KrishneGowda from Bangalore, India. I am going to study my Master Degree, Warsaw University of Technology, in Poland for 24 months from August 2010 and I am an Exchange Student. I am on student Visa (Type D).

What is minimum salary can I expect after I complete Master Degree?

Is it possible for me to work in Poland after I complete my Course for few years and then get a Poland Citizenship?. Nobody in my family have earlier lived in Poland.Please tell me what I have to do to get Poland Citizenship.
10 Jul 2010 /  #194
Is it possible for me to work in Poland after I complete my Course for few years and then get a Poland Citizenship?

I would advise against it. Terrible country, full of racists, awful weather, bad roads,
appalling public administration, average health service, low wages - I could go on.

May I recommend Germany, France, Netherlands or UK instead? There are already
throngs of your compatriots there, so the local population already appreciates
your culture and all the benefits that immigrants from India bring to their local
communities. It would be easier for you to settle there.

I wish you all the best in your future life in western Europe. Good luck!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
10 Jul 2010 /  #195
I would advise against it. Terrible country, full of racists, awful weather, bad roads,
appalling public administration, average health service, low wages - I could go on.

You forgot about the appalling custom of putting ketchup on pizza. Oh, and Poland also invaded Czekoslovakia in 1939 and occupied the area of a coffee table. A terrible monster of a country where the education system is good for naught. Stay safe and stay away.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
10 Jul 2010 /  #196
Is it possible for me to work in Poland

Nope, we dont employ blacks here, Indians are sorta reddish which is also bad, only white people get to work in Poland, only albino people get management jobs.
10 Jul 2010 /  #197
Torq :

Thanks for Ur advice man. I also want recognition of Master Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Warsaw University of Technology. I am an Erasmus Mundus Student, Scholarship holder.........U just want to tell me that finish my course of studies and work in France or Netherlands..............

Do U suggest me to do my final year projects in these countries ?.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
10 Jul 2010 /  #198
You forgot about the appalling custom of putting ketchup on pizza

Not to mention they put here sour cream on their salad and bread crumbs on basically every warm vegetable :))

Actually I thnk median salaries do not tell the whole story. There are really very big income differences between the different parts of the country. Salaries in Warsaw are much higher than for example in Augustow..But so of course is also the cost of living.

As I know the average income in Warsaw is around 3.000 PLN. But I am at a loss how you can lead a decent life here on that salary, bearing in mind a lot of people earn a lot less than that.
10 Jul 2010 /  #199
To Sokrates:

Please can U suggest me any alternative ...................like where I can work ?What kind student jobs I can do ?
10 Jul 2010 /  #200
Torq :Thanks for Ur advice man.

No problem. I'm glad I could be helpful.

U just want to tell me that finish my course of studies and work in
France or Netherlands

Basically, yes.

UK and Germany are great countries too!

Do U suggest me to do my final year projects in these countries ?

If it's possible then yes, of course. If you can, avoid Poland like a plague. Terrible, terrible country.
milky  13 | 1656  
10 Jul 2010 /  #201
Torq you should go for a job on the Polish tourist board.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Jul 2010 /  #202
What is minimum salary can I expect after I complete Master Degree?

In Poland? Don't expect anything - you'll have to compete against people who don't require work permits and who can speak the language. In short : mission impossible.

Is it possible for me to work in Poland after I complete my Course for few years and then get a Poland Citizenship?.

Nearly impossible. No-one is going to hire an Indian fresh out of university unless he possesses phenomenal skills - and being realistic, you wouldn't have to ask here about jobs if you had such skills.

What kind student jobs I can do ?

You can do menial labour for around 5zl an hour. Even then, you might find that it's hard to find such work due to being Indian.

Really, if you can't afford to come here without taking loans/having to work, then you won't succeed here.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Jul 2010 /  #203
Poland is such a wonderful country and the girls will love you, Indian men are considered so exotic in Poland. The education system is second to none and when you get your citizenship they will welcome your extened family with open arms. There are lots of Indian ex pats living there and enjoying the hospitality of Polish people and more and more Indian restaurants are opening, these guys on this thread are just having some fun with you.

Good luck with your new life in Poland, I hope you find a lovely Magda or Ania and have lots of lovely children.

Ignore their comments about going to the UK, its a hell hole with no jobs and very strict immigration rules :( But Poland has no such obsticals to put in your way, lots of jobs and lax immigration rules..It will be heaven for you.
10 Jul 2010 /  #205
Ignore Amathyst, Karuindia, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Jul 2010 /  #206
Come on Torq, you know you are just having fun with Karuinia, tell him the truth about Poland...You yourself have a lovely Indian wife and 9 children...You are proof that Indians in Poland have a lovely secure life! Also your education system, I mean look at all these well educated Poles speaking flawless English, this is testimony to your country! Your economy managed to evade the recession, and he'll be able to build a house for his extended Indian family where ever he likes because in Poland you can build a house where ever you like.


My advice would be, to go Poland they need young bright Indians and you will be loved and welcomed (especially by girls named Ania and Magda) - its like Britain was in the 1940s so you have a blank canvas to populate areas and open corner shops...You will be like a pioneer! Go for it!
10 Jul 2010 /  #207
Torq :

I like you U because U are a practical man.

I hope U will answer my future questions when I come to Poland ..............

I hope I will be not the victim of the racism as someone mentioned here.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Jul 2010 /  #208
I hope I will be not the victim of the racism as someone mentioned here.

Its all propaganda - Life in Poland is peaceful and a safe place to live, of course there will be idiots but faith and a good heart will guide you away from this kind of trouble. Many Indians are leaving the UK to make new lives in Poland, Poland has so much more to offer a hard working man who wants to succeeed.
10 Jul 2010 /  #209
To Amathyst:

Ur reply was really a ice breaker to me ................I hope what U are saying will become true in reality............. I hope everything goes well.........
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Jul 2010 /  #210
Ur reply was really a ice breaker to me

I think you mean "deal breaker", now go and learn some Polish, this will smooth the way for you and your future family, translations services are expensive in Poland so best to be self-suffient and know the language, Indians are masters in this area so you should have no problems.

All the best in your new adventure and a long happy life in Poland :D

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks).Archived