Delphiandomine wrote:
Wrong again.
Delphiandomine wrote:
I've actually got two A/C units - fair enough, it's not quite the American level of having it all integrated, but what's the point when they're only used for three months a year, and even then, they're only used when it's unbearable.
you said you have been "abusing" your electricity and using it constantly for the past 2 months. you then said that you only use your A/C when it's "unbearable". so weather in Poland over the past 2 months has been "unbearable"?
Delphiandomine wrote:
Sorry Fuzzy, but some of us actually can afford to shell out 1000zl on A/C units and afford the electricity bill (not that it's much) :)
it still amazes me that you continue to comment on my income level. what a child. i could talk about what's inside my apt. too, but that would be stooping to your level.
Delphiandomine wrote:
Yes, I supopse when your wife earns about 1500zl netto and you have a child and rent to pay, life is tough, especially when you can't claim any Polish unemployment benefits.
funny you should mention paying rent, pappy. being you don't pay rent, i wonder what you spent that money on this summer....OH, right right. Two A/C units.
Delphiandomine wrote:
But I guess that for the average American bum sitting in a squalid flat in Krakow because he doesn't work and his wife is too stupid to earn well, these things are expensive.
i suggest you watch yourself. you're offensive enough with your constant personal attacks on this forum, but when you start slinging mud at posters' wives and children, you're entering another realm and this is certainly not the first time I've seen you do it.
Delphiandomine wrote:
Clothes? I saw a shop selling clothes for 1zl/kg - that doesn't strike me as "expensive".
This has got to be one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen you write.
It's responses like this that should remind everyone on this forum that you are completely full of hot air, not to mention so unbelievably bias that you're willing to write anything to make your precious Poland look better than what it is. I don't know if it's denial or if you're just plain dillusional, or maybe so completely out of options in life that the only way you can feel OK in your own skin is to create this artificial world around you......I just don't know.....