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I Want to offer a Telesales Job to 5 Brit Expats however...

App Man  
9 Feb 2012 /  #1
Hello All,

I've been toying with the idea of placing a job ad on PF. Does anybody know how many Brit expats goto this site who live in Poland. I run a two year old Mobile Apps company reg in London but live (and work most of the time) in Warsaw. Do any of you have a sales background ? (ie. B2C, B2B, FMCG)

BTW Please donot send me your details or ask more about the job. I'm only looking to get some feed back. I will place a posting in the Jobs section for this position if it makes good sense.

I was going to put up job posts in the UK. But then I thought that if any of you felt like me back in the day -Love living in Poland- but find it hard work wise, then it would make sense to post to expats. So much more so that the exchange rate is so good at the moment.

Thanks in advance,

Wedle  15 | 490  
9 Feb 2012 /  #2
From what I have seen on this forum, most of the Brits/Irish in Warsaw are employed. If it is B2B there are plenty of Brits/Irish outside of Warsaw in small towns who would jump at the opportunity to do anything other than teaching. The structure would be very simple to set up.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
9 Feb 2012 /  #3
I'd add that there are a lot of people who see the forum but never post and from time to time people ask here about work for English speakers who aren't qualified to teach but have a commercial background.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Feb 2012 /  #4
Does anybody know how many Brit expats goto this site who live in Poland.

Quite a lot - people are aware of this site, but they don't post because of the racism/hatred/flame wars/etc.
OP App Man  
9 Feb 2012 /  #5
Thanks for the quick reply Wedle.
BTW. We are already set-up. This is a work from home position. All it requires is a PC and VOIP phone. I guess the only downside (for some) would be that this is a comm only position.

I have found that in sales, people work harder and are not lazy when its comm only. Through personal trail and error it takes a lot to get up and hit the phones on your own. We will teach how to sell correctly, stay on target and have meetings / nights out in Warsaw. This will allow everybody to get to know each other and get a bit of competition going !


I agree delphiandomine.

Its what has stopped me in the past. Most posts here just seem to open-up a can of Worms.

teflcat  5 | 1024  
9 Feb 2012 /  #6
App Man. Could you give me some insider advice please? What's the best way of 1) getting rid of a cold caller, and 2) ensuring they never call back?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Feb 2012 /  #7
I have found that in sales, people work harder and are not lazy when its comm only. Through personal trail and error it takes a lot to get up and hit the phones on your own. We will teach how to sell correctly, stay on target and have meetings / nights out in Warsaw. This will allow everybody to get to know each other and get a bit of competition going !

It's a bloody hard job, I couldn't do it! I've seen it done by someone who knows how, and it's impressive to watch - but still, a very difficult job.

Its what has stopped me in the past. Most posts here just seem to open-up a can of Worms.

It shouldn't be a problem with posting a job advertisement, just don't post using @gmail addresses or similar.

As someone said above, you should definitely get a fair few people applying, especially those who haven't carved out a career here.

Teflcat - the easiest way is to keep them on the phone for hours. No sales = not on target = they get fired. They'll soon learn.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
9 Feb 2012 /  #8
the easiest way is to keep them on the phone for hours. No sales = not on target = they get fired. They'll soon learn.

I haven't got the heart! Poor sods are only trying to make a living, but they can be so annoying. Part of their training should be to accept "Thank you, I'm not interested" as the end of the conversation. Anyway, I would never buy anything from anybody who hides their number when they call, as they invariably do. What else are they hiding?
OP App Man  
9 Feb 2012 /  #9
Hi teflcat,

From a business point of view thats almost impossible... Don't open a business !

I used to get lots of (B2C) calls on my home phone when I lived in London which really got me going. READ the small print when you fill in forms. (From Banks, Lenders and so on) All of them - Unless you tell them not to WILL sell your details to "Other services/ companies that may be on intrest to you!"

Best (and final) option is change your telephone number. I did !

Hope this helps.

teflcat  5 | 1024  
9 Feb 2012 /  #10
Don't open a business !

Way too late!

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the info. Good luck.
scottie1113  6 | 896  
9 Feb 2012 /  #11
I have 25 years experience in sales and sales management, all of it on commission. The only downside I see to this position is the work at home aspect. Sales is competitive and people produce more in a shared location.

Getting rid of a cold caller is easy. Just hang up on them. For what it's worth, in all my years on the phone. no one ever hung up on me. I used to teach this in my sales training classes. It's easy and it begins with one simple question followed by another. They resulted in sales from small amounts up to $600,000. Not bad, but none of them happened overnight. Well, one did, and it was worth a $4000 commission and it all began with two questions.

Blocked numbers? Don't answer. It's just that easy. Change your number? Why do that?
OP App Man  
10 Feb 2012 /  #12
Thanks for the feedback scottie1113

I agree,

Working from home -for some- is tough. It is better (sometimes) to run a shared office. However there are people out there (mostly expats) who do have enough will power to work from home. These people mostly (like myself) have worked in offices or have built a bussiness (or four!) but became tired of the "rat race". They therefore have more than enough "get-up and go" to make a good living from home. Simply because they have "been there, done that" and can place a value on the luxury of working from anywhere in the world.

There is a massive change happening in the workplace right now. A lot of people need to change their mindset towards how they work. It has never been easier to work remotely frorm home or anywhere else for that matter. For example look at how both large and small companies outsource overseas. When you visit the HQ of such a company its always a shock to see how small (ish) some of them really are!

For me its all about goal setting. Thats what gets me out the bed everyday! And I do my best to inspire those that work for me from home to follow my lead.

Wroclaw Boy  
10 Feb 2012 /  #13
hey therefore have more than enough "get-up and go" to make a good living from home.

I agree with that, i find i actually work much more efficient alone, i find it difficult concentrating with the distractions of an office environment. The biggest problem is this bloody forum.
OP App Man  
10 Feb 2012 /  #14
Sage words Wroclaw Boy.

OP App Man  
14 Feb 2012 /  #15
Hi again Wroclaw Boy,

See your point now...

I have kept my PF browser open since last week. This has got to stop!

Wroclaw Boy  
14 Feb 2012 /  #16
This has got to stop!

lets face it its more interesting than work.
OP App Man  
14 Feb 2012 /  #17
Arh ahhh AGRH !

I'm fast food snacking on media bites. Must stay on topic, must stay on...
I think I might as well just put my posting up and be done with it.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Feb 2012 /  #18
I haven't got the heart! Poor sods are only trying to make a living, but they can be so annoying. Part of their training should be to accept "Thank you, I'm not interested" as the end of the conversation. Anyway, I would never buy anything from anybody who hides their number when they call, as they invariably do. What else are they hiding?

On one sales course I attended it was insisted that 16 "No's" in a row means No!..........
In regards your initial question, just say,"no thanks,have a good shift mate,"then hang up on them.
Sales is something I discovered a skill in (2/3 average on F2F sales) that doesnt sit well with my laid back,mweh,save yer money this stuff is crap,nature so its what I get into when I need quick cash and dont mind going without a good nights sleep for a few months ;) But got to agree,of all the types of sales, telesales is the biggest nightmare, I normally last in offices untill the weather gets nice again,get me out there working 110 hour weeks getting to nosey around peoples houses any day over being sat in a airconditioned sales room ;)

ps, yeah, that wasnt my CV btw :)
pps, a small retainer is always a good thing,makes your sales staff realise they are actually valued,doesnt have to be much,£150 a week say + commision, though I suppose with that Im covering fuel costs,so,as this is a home based job I'll just shut up now.... :)
OP App Man  
14 Feb 2012 /  #19
Nice ! isthatu2

re: ps, yeah, that wasnt my CV btw :)

Like your honesty ;o)

Truth is most sales people are lazy. (Not that I'm saying you are BTW) They want lots of money for doing very little. Its only a very very small % of sales people who actually do understand that in order to close deals its like any other business - you work hard, and then you make money. Simple.

However what most people fail to notice is that any job requires that you "sell yourself" in some way. Sales people are: MD's, CEO's, Mrk Dir for example. They realise that unless they lead by example from the top down, then there are no sales...

Its easy to spot a winner - They know their job inside out, are prepared to keep learning and are genuinely likeable, thoughtful, intelligent and have a plan of where they want to get to.

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