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Moving back to Poznan from America - jobs situation?

asiapelasia  1 | 1  
3 May 2019 /  #1
My family and I are planning on moving back to Poznan after having been in America for over 30 years. I am trying to find a job online and having a hard time. Most of the websites I've found are not user friendly and there don't appear to be any job sites similar to Indeed, which is my go to here. Also, most of the jobs I'm finding are IT related which is not where my experience is. The jov recruitment websites I've found are also not helpful. Can anyone offer me some advice? (I'm fluent in both Polish and English).
3 May 2019 /  #2
After 30 years going back to Poland to work? Not the best idea. What areas do you specialize in? For good jobs, connections are important in Poland, unless you are very qualified.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 May 2019 /  #3
Can anyone offer me some advice?

What's your background? In general, most jobs at the minute are in outsouring (BPO/SSC type places) or in IT. If you've got a white collar background, I'd look at companies like Netguru, especially if you've got experience in sales. It won't matter so much if you don't have specific IT experience, they rather look at the person as a whole.
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
9 May 2019 /  #4
Awesome to hear, I just did the same thing after 24years in Vancouver, Canada (consistently ranked top 10 most livable cities) and it's 10x better here. The future really is here, liberalism will be the fall of the west. The future is incredibly bright here, I was sooooo scared to buy that one way ticket. It turns out that buying that one way ticket was the hardest part of it all. I would highly recommend starting a business here even if your not business savvy, just do your due diligence. The economy is booming and middle class is exploding, introduce something the middle class likes back in the state's just take into consideration cultural differences and enjoy.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2019 /  #5
The future really is here, liberalism will be the fall of the west.

The future is here? With a government that treats business owners as criminals, an economic system heavily dependent on outsourcing (which won't last forever) and large state-owned companies, and a pensions timebomb waiting to go off?

The future definitely isn't in Poland, or any other country in a similar position.
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
9 May 2019 /  #6
Lol why are you even on these forums if you hate Poland so much? I've never seen you refer to Poland in a positive light. Why are you here? And don't exaggerate, I've found business easier to do here then in Canada or the state's, the 90's and 00's are over stop living in the past, the market here is ripe and ready for anybody with half a brain.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2019 /  #7
And don't exaggerate, I've found business easier to do here then in Canada or the state's

Been controlled by PIP, ZUS or the Urząd Skarbowy yet?
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
9 May 2019 /  #8
Yea I don't mind paying my taxes, they exist for a reason...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2019 /  #9
I'm not talking about paying them, I'm talking about being controlled.

Poland has some advantages (well educated / relatively cheap labour, good geolocation), but with a demographic crisis looming and pension liabilities being absolutely staggering, it's not the future. The government plans to steal our private pensions and replace them with 'virtual money' on the ZUS account is a great example.
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
9 May 2019 /  #10
Lol sounds like you've been watching a few to many conspiracy theory videos, put away your tin foil hat. Knowing Polish people I can't imagine them bending over and allowing things like that to happen.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2019 /  #11
Obviously you haven't been following the news, then.

cms neuf  2 | 1973  
9 May 2019 /  #12
It is already taking place - to be fair the govt is only finishing what the previous govt started. In Poland it is increasingly difficult to invest in anything except real estate.

Tax controls are not as bad as they sound - if you have a simple businesa then they are normally over in a few days. PIP controls can be a nightmare however

Fair play for coming from Canada and doing ok - There are lots of opportunities in Poland but I don't agree with your template of just finding something that is popular in the US - it depends what it is, who are the existing players, what the cash cycle is for the business et cetera - all the normal considerations
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 May 2019 /  #13
I don't agree with your template of just finding something that is popular in the US

A great example were the cupcake and bubble tea trends, both of which totally bombed here.

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