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JOB in Wroclaw for a Business Student fluent in ENGLISH/FRENCH/RUSSIAN/ROMANIAN

8 Sep 2011 /  #1

I am currently an Executive MBA student at Wroclaw Economics University.
My studies are weekend based and I would like to find a job during the week.

I am fluent in English, French, Russian, Romanian and I have a living permit in Wroclaw.

Also I have English teaching experience since I worked in local school in Czech Republic and this summer at Wroclaw Art School.

I have been applying for job offers via various sites like praca.pl and trovit.pl but little success so far...

Does anyone have any other ideas where I can find a job?

Cheers, Elena
hythorn  3 | 580  
8 Sep 2011 /  #2
have to considered setting some sort of trading company up?
you need a phone, computer and a chair and you are in business
your foreign language skills would come in handy that is for sure

the problems with MBA programs is that they prepare candidates to work in large corporations and rather stifle entrepreneurial spirit
in addition, everyone seems to have one nowadays so they are not the golden passport that they once were and there are some utterly terrible MBA programs in Poland. Wroclaw is a good one though

in many countries the university makes good connections with employers who visit the school and take 'the pick of the litter'
in Polish MBA schools you are rather left to your own devices
al111  13 | 89  
8 Sep 2011 /  #3
I am fluent in English, French, Russian, Romanian and I have a living permit in Wroclaw.

I don't mean to be judgemental or anything like that love, but if you wanna be successful seriously you ought to drop this one its kinda like a cliche.

No one will buy this, unless if you're trying to increase your prospects or just trying to bring up an impressive CV by lying.

Then maybe again you could be a genius born bilingual and aquired another two languages at school and "voila" that makes u fluent in all those languages.

I might be your prospective employer to start with, my second language is French a bit of Spanish(if i should call it a third) and Now Polish but guess what i can never

lie to anyone that i am fluent in French, Spanish and Polish. You want me to prove you're not fluent in english check what you wrote here

Also I have English teaching experience since I worked in local school in Czech Republic and
this summer at Wroclaw Art School.

I'm sorry if i sound unhelpful but this might just be useful to you....

al111 Then maybe again

Should actually be "Then again maybe....."
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
8 Sep 2011 /  #4
You want me to prove you're not fluent in english check what you wrote here

Well let's put it this way......

Your grammar and written English is atrocious.

Of course, I'm not being judgemental.
OP ElenaCovalciuc  
8 Sep 2011 /  #5
Dear Sir,

I am from Republic of Moldova therefore I am a native speaker of Romanian and Russian.

Furthermore, I speak English since the age of 12 and I have obtained the certification of speaking English as a Foreign Language and so far I have studied in English and translated for British and Irish Project managers. I have learned French in high school and during my university course.

It was never my intention to create a false impression nor to portrait myself as a bilingual genius. I have just arrived in Poland and I need a job where I can deploy my abilities and grow professionally in concordance with my business studies.

I hope this would bring more clarity to my profile and indeed my error is obvious thus
Thank you for your prompt reply and for the correction of my mistake as of course, constructive criticism and suggestions are highly welcomed.

To err is Human... :)

All the best,
bullfrog  6 | 602  
8 Sep 2011 /  #6
Well done Elena, that is indeed a constructive and elegant response.. Makes al 111 (or is it Hal 111, the great grandson of Hal) look a little foolish..
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
8 Sep 2011 /  #7
To err is Human... :)

All the best,

nice one elena, and good luck..:)
hythorn  3 | 580  
8 Sep 2011 /  #8
Elena, do I understand that you took French as your first degree prior to going on the MBA?
OP ElenaCovalciuc  
8 Sep 2011 /  #9
Yes, I learned French during my high school and undergraduate studies.
pip  10 | 1658  
8 Sep 2011 /  #10
why are you so doubtful of her language skills? I have a friend who speaks Polish, English, French and Italian- all fluently. My sister in law speaks Polish, English, Russian, German and French- except for the french they are all fluent. My husband speaks Polish, English and German all fluently.

for some it is easier to learn than others.

Elena, I would suggest going to individual language schools on your own and see if you can find something that way.

good luck
gumishu  16 | 6182  
8 Sep 2011 /  #11
I have been applying for job offers via various sites like praca.pl and trovit.pl but little success so far...

you have to try and visit various companies in person (always leaving a CV) - the best thing is to see people responsible for hiring staff - many people in office jobs are not imaginative enough to extrapolate your CV only into any meaningful role you could have in their company - help their imagination by being there in person

you can consider teaching French and Russian privately untill you get a job that really suits your professional education and skill

I think it is adviseable for you to contact companies that trade with Romania extensively - i have read somewhere that companies that grow ornamental plants for sale here in Poland trade with Romania - but I guess you would have to have some decent command of Polish to work for them - or maybe you could get free lance jobs from them

try software developing companies too - some of them need to localize their products for Romanian markets

I don't know if it is still the case but some time ago (not so long) IBM were looking for people to work for them in an international help desk situated in Wrocław - they haven't offered extraodinary pay but it would be perfect for a start - same case wiht HP (aka Hewlett Packard)

then you have the whole sector of firms that deal with the post-Soviet markets (there are many more such firms in Warsaw or Kraków than in Wrocław though)

EDITI have found this Elena - maybe this is something for you - HP job in Wrocław:


or this:


well the links I posted don't work the way I thought they would - just visit their job search there are at least two postions there you might be interested in - hp.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en - they are both in Wrocław (one for French speaker the other for Romanian speaker)
OP ElenaCovalciuc  
8 Sep 2011 /  #12
Today I have applied to IBM and HP and I am still researching the job opportunities that have been mentioned above.

Indeed to some HP jobs I fit perfectly and I really hope HP HR
finds my candidature eligible.

Nevertheless today is my first time when I joined a forum and I am impressed by
the feedback that I have received.

Bardzo dziękuję, Merci and Thank you for your consideration and suggestions!

hythorn  3 | 580  
8 Sep 2011 /  #13
a friend of mine just moved to Wroclaw and she was fluent in Polish, English and Dutch. She is working for HP.

why not contact a few firms and see if anyone wants business English with business training as part of the package - that way you can recycle the material you learned on your MBA

your English is more than good enough for you to teach other business people in Poland. Remember not everyone is looking to speak the Queen's English.

They are looking for European business English - ie very few idioms, few phrasal verbs,
there is a real rarity for anyone to teach business social English (what we used to call small talk) in Poland
8 Sep 2011 /  #14
Elena, to give yourself an extra leg up, so to speak, have you ever thought of taking the BEC (Business English Certificate)? They're quite popular in Italy, I'm told, and is more well seen than the Cambridge by many European employers-:)

Only a suggestion!
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
8 Sep 2011 /  #15
Al111 why such an offensive and idiotic post against elenacovalciuc who is looking for a job? You literally called her a liar but you don't realize that people who can speak several languages would not lie since any prospective company needing a tri lingual employee would discover at once if the employee is fluent or not!

my second language is French a bit of Spanish(if i should call it a third) and Now Polish

Al111, we are not interested in knowing what languages you speak or not, learn how to write properly first instead of making nasty comments to someone who is asking for help.
OP ElenaCovalciuc  
8 Sep 2011 /  #16
[quote=hythorn]why not contact a few firms and see if anyone wants business English with business training as part of the package - that way you can recycle the material you learned on your MBA

This is indeed a great idea and once I will achieve my MBA I will try to do this.
Thank you for your receptiveness!


Elena, to give yourself an extra leg up, so to speak, have you ever thought of taking the BEC (Business English Certificate)? They're quite popular in Italy, I'm told, and is more well seen than the Cambridge by many European employers-:)

I appreciate your extra leg up :) and I will search where in Wroclaw I can receive this certificate.
hythorn  3 | 580  
8 Sep 2011 /  #17
This is indeed a great idea and once I will achieve my MBA I will try to do this.

don't wait until you finish the course, market yourself as a business English teacher offering the 'MBA Lite' language course

pleasure to help

there are a lot of trolls on this site but a lot of good people too
al111  13 | 89  
8 Sep 2011 /  #18
EdWilczynski Your grammar and written English is atrocious.

Look who's talking now, and i'm supposed to reply that yours is horrendous or maybe abominable and it leaves a lot to be desired? Give me a break mate, i'm not about to get into arguments with strangers on internet forums.

Makes al 111 (or is it Hal 111, the great grandson of Hal) look a little foolish.. I'm not going to answer this one coz it's kinda lame, coming from someone who calls himself Bullfrog. My point which you're all failing to get is her first post was very vague and there is a difference between speaking a language and being fluent. I don't need anyone to tell me that people who have paper qualifications are the ones more likely to use "fluent" rather than "speak" when it comes to foreign languages they have acquired. By saying you're fluent in many languages which you've probably learnt at school, only makes your CV suspicious that's all. Oh, just incase nobody noticed i misspelt "acquired" in my first post...
pip  10 | 1658  
8 Sep 2011 /  #19
maybe it looks suspicious in places such as the u.k or the states- in mainland Europe in is not outrageous to have people be fluent in many languages. the word fluent is also subjective- it probably doesn't include slang or idioms which is a huge part of any language.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
8 Sep 2011 /  #20
Give me a break mate, i'm not about to get into arguments with strangers on internet forums.

well, you did in the first place about Elena's CV, in fact you were unpleasant, negative and patronising. Why call her "love"? Yuk. Maybe you were jealous, I wonder how many languages you speak "fluently" or otherwise? Hmmm...let me guess.... English English English, school French, enough Spanish to order a beer? WhAT A SURPRISE.
8 Sep 2011 /  #21
Thanks for your response, Elena-:)

Yes, I'm certain that any European college or the like offers the BEC. It's simply more hands-on than the Cambridge or TOIEC exams and tests honest-to-goodness commercial fluency in business conversations etc.

It surely couldn't hurt, let's put it that way.
OP ElenaCovalciuc  
8 Sep 2011 /  #22
Dear all

Thank you for your support but really my language qualifications are completely not the topic of this thread, and also this negativity.. it's quite sad.

The reality is that I need to find a job in Wroclaw and not to argue about how well I speak English.

As for you sir who started this you used words like
Probably you have.. maybe you have ..lying..Suspicious CV..love..

Question: Do you know me?
Answer: No.

As for your last - I'm sorry if i sound unhelpful but this might just be useful to you.

You don't really sound sorry and indeed its not helpful, its more like irritating, hence all the attacking replies to your address.

Considering we all make mistakes and I am sure tracking them doesn't lead to any
success, I propose to think its all a big misunderstanding and lets just forget it :)

Thank you for the helpful ideas and information.

Wishing everyone a positive weekend!
al111  13 | 89  
9 Sep 2011 /  #23
Maybe you were jealous, I wonder how many languages you speak "fluently" or otherwise? Hmmm...let me guess.... English English English, school French, enough Spanish to order a beer

Jealous of what? Paper qualification? Go look up the definition of "Fluent" if you're one of them who abuse it when you acquire a foreign language.

If i can speak a foreign language to a level that i'm comfortable with, that doesn't mean i'm fluent at all. I'm not going to be drawn into how many languages i can speak fluently over the internet by someone who's simply emotional, coz this can go on till the cows come home.Take it somewhere else....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
9 Sep 2011 /  #24
I'm not going to be drawn into how many languages i can speak fluently over the internet by someone who's simply emotional, coz this can go on till the cows come home.Take it somewhere else....

no , YOU take it somewhere else, you're so negative. I am not emotional at all about this, I am just reacting to what I and many others can clearly see. Anyway you only say that cos you see the little woman sign by my name, how very predictable.

ummm...dos cerveza....por favor
al111  13 | 89  
9 Sep 2011 /  #25
Anyway you only say that cos you see the little woman sign by my name, how very predictable.

Oh, and i'm supposed to reply back like this "Women why does it always have to come to gender?" Please.........
Why do i even have to check your gender sign? For all i know you could be a man, after all we're online.
dos cerveza....por favor For who?
Buenas noches.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
9 Sep 2011 /  #26
Anyway you only say that cos you see the little woman sign by my name

.....you're a woman?!

Shows how much attention I pay to those signs :/
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
9 Sep 2011 /  #27
shows so much about your semiotic awareness DD..;)

Why do i even have to check your gender sign? For all i know you could be a man,
ffs, it's right there by my name.
I was referring to the level of Spanish I imagine you have,pendejo.
al111  13 | 89  
9 Sep 2011 /  #28
You don't really sound sorry and indeed its not helpful, its more like irritating, hence all the attacking replies to your address

To Elena and anyone else whom i might have offended with my comments i'm truly sorry. Wish you all the best in finding a Job and let bygones be bygones.
14 Sep 2011 /  #29
Dear Elena, check out the jobs board on BusinessBecause - it's a website especially for MBA/EMBA applicants and grads and has a really good jobs board specifically aimed at that level!
OP ElenaCovalciuc  
15 Sep 2011 /  #30
Hello, thank your for your post, I registered on this website.
Unfortunately on the jobs board when you search for jobs/ Based in/
Poland is not listed among other countries. :(

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / JOB in Wroclaw for a Business Student fluent in ENGLISH/FRENCH/RUSSIAN/ROMANIANArchived