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I got a job in Krakow for 3500 zl Brutto...is it ok ?

mauro  9 | 43  
4 May 2010 /  #1
Hello guys,

I got a job offer as IT analyst in Krakow...entry salary 3500 zl Brutto with lot of other facilities as language courses for free, gym, accomodation for the first 2 weeks and other good stuff...

Do you think is a reasonable payment ?
recoil  - | 26  
4 May 2010 /  #2
If it's your first job of this kind then it's a ok salary, otherwise it's quite low.

IT analyst is a very broad term, so it also might strongly depend on what skills you are going to be using, in which industry etc. Generally speaking unless you feel that the experience to be gained is very valuable or unique, you might want to keep eyes open on some other possible opportunities.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
4 May 2010 /  #3
I got a job offer as IT analyst in Krakow...entry salary 3500 zl Brutto with lot of other facilities as language courses for free, gym, accomodation for the first 2 weeks and other good stuff...

Yeah you will be all right on that. Good luck with the job, which company is it with if you mind me asking?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
4 May 2010 /  #4
Mauro, do you know how much tax is deducted?
I think it's 19%, although i'm not sure.
So you will earn 2835 nett.

It's indeed hard to say if this is good, as recoil already said.
OP mauro  9 | 43  
4 May 2010 /  #5
Thanks for the answers.
I don't have any experience in that field and it's gonna be my first job.....I mean real one....call centers and stuff like that apart.

The company is HCL...an Indian company which is co-operating with different countries around the world...the are mostly looking for foreigners which can speak different languages....

Taxation is exactly 19 % ?
Maybe good opportunity to start ?
recoil  - | 26  
4 May 2010 /  #6
According to a salary calculator like [gazetapraca.pl/gazetapraca/0,91738.html] 3500 gross would be about 2500 to your bank account. That is assuming that you participate in all pension contributions, health insurance etc.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
4 May 2010 /  #7
Taxation is exactly 19 % ?

It was, i looked it up. Now it's 18%.
But i assume this salary calculator is right, so a lot extra is going to these extra's like health insurance, pension.
OP mauro  9 | 43  
4 May 2010 /  #8
thanks ;)
In case you leave the job in Poland do you get back any money you pay as taxes during your working time ?
4 May 2010 /  #9

In theory you can have the social insurance contributions you make here credited to the scheme you have in your home EU state but in practice you have no chance at all of getting any money out of them.
OP mauro  9 | 43  
5 May 2010 /  #10
In Italy when you leave a job you normally get a quite high amount of money.....it is called TFP....sure 100 % doesn't exist something like that in Poland ?
5 May 2010 /  #11
sure 100 % doesn't exist something like that in Poland ?

1000% sure.
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
5 May 2010 /  #12
IT is a field that has much growth potential. The big thing is getting your foot in the door. Keep in mind that Krakow is very very expensive. You will live OK but not like a king. Someone can probably tell you the cost of an apartment there. I know many people that live on 1400 netto. So 2500 netto should not be a bad life.
OP mauro  9 | 43  
6 May 2010 /  #13
in the offer I've just received is reported this sentence:

I may be requested to undergo training organized by the Employer under the terms and conditions of the training set forth in the contract. In return for my participation in the training and the cost incurred by HCL on such training, I agree to continue my employment at the Company for a minimum period of 12 months from the beginning of the training.

Do you think they could do something like that or it is just a sentence with no sense ?
As far as i know from the time you get a contract you are free to leave the job whenever you want...Am I right ?

Thanks in advance
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
6 May 2010 /  #14
As far as i know from the time you get a contract you are free to leave the job whenever you want...Am I right ?

Under European laws yes, but I think they can still tie you down to the job unless you pay back the costs for the training. Though I don't think they could do much about you leaving for another job and certainly wouldn't force you to stay.
OP mauro  9 | 43  
7 May 2010 /  #15

thanks dtaylor...
but someone have got some more info ?
I spoke with a lawyer and he told me it depends from the laws of the country you're working in.
What do I risk leaving the job before 12 months in Poland ?
thanks !!!
1jola  14 | 1875  
7 May 2010 /  #16
What do I risk leaving the job before 12 months in Poland ?

These type of clauses are useless in the eyes of the law. Will they absolutly guarantee your job is safe for the 12 months? No. Just play the game and if it turns out unbearable, leave.
8 May 2010 /  #17
hi guys what is normal rent for month in warsaw for single person ......
Zbyszko  1 | 25  
17 May 2010 /  #18
Was recently offered a job in Warszawa that could give me approx. 4,500 zł monthly netto. Have never before worked in Poland not sure if can live comfy on this..?
zuczek  3 | 52  
17 May 2010 /  #19
4500 net would be fine and allow you some breathing room as long as you aren't someone who throws money around. You will be able to get a flat and pay food and utilities and daily costs for around 3000.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 May 2010 /  #20
You will be able to get a flat and pay food and utilities and daily costs for around 3000.

You can do it for far less than that - basic costs can be covered on 1500zl a month easily.
zuczek  3 | 52  
17 May 2010 /  #21
I was going based on my life there which I considered simple. 2000 or so for a flat all utilities included. maybe 400 a month for food and then another few hundred for activities and transport.

I don't see how I could have lived on 1500 unless I was just renting a room and eating at milk bars.
17 May 2010 /  #22
I have lived in Warsaw since 2005, and I don't understand how anyone can say one can live alright on 4500 Brutto, what with rents for a half decent place standing at around 2000zl per month? I mean warsaw has a higher cost of living than many European cities now, more than Berlin, and last time I checked, more than Liverpool!

Anyway, each to their own.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 May 2010 /  #23
I was going based on my life there which I considered simple.

That's the thing - for us foreigners, we very often find ourselves wanting more than we would have back home - for instance, living in a nicer flat, or eating in nicer restaurants.

I don't see how I could have lived on 1500 unless I was just renting a room and eating at milk bars.

I don't know how it's done either, but quite a few people in Poznan do just that. 1500 is almost a standard "graduation salary" for those who didn't study something that gives you the big bucks upon graduation.

and I don't understand how anyone can say one can live alright on 4500 Brutto, what with rents for a half decent place standing at around 2000zl per month

You can't look at it like this though - for a start, most people living in half decent places will have partners taking in a decent salary too. 2000zl a month is nothing if you're taking in 8000zl a month netto. And if they don't have partners, they're far more likely to be sharing a place with someone, or living in a much cheaper place.

I mean warsaw has a higher cost of living than many European cities now, more than Berlin

Berlin is bankrupt and quite frankly economically ****** though. No matter how hard they try, Berlin is still quite unappealing if you don't have a public sector job or if you're young - all the big business is really elsewhere. After all, look at how the German government had to beg and persuade DB to stay in Berlin!
Zbyszko  1 | 25  
18 May 2010 /  #24
I have lived in Warsaw since 2005, and I don't understand how anyone can say one can live alright on 4500 Brutto,

Hi, If you are referring to my post it is approx 4500 netto not brutto, actually closer to 5000. I wanted to get you guys opinions and ideas, realizing that everyone has different wants and needs. I don't lead an extravagant lifestyle, however I do like to be able to live comfortably without "penny pinching". Basically my way of spending time and money is "a little bit of everything"; decent apartment, at least one meal a day in the city, some nightlife and travel... please feel free to post. Will appreciate it. I come from Podkarpackie but my work, should I accept it would be in the capital. Thanks.
18 May 2010 /  #25
yes you can

I live here in Krk on less than that bc i only work about 10 hrs / week.

I do everything i want to do and have my own place 50m2 so i'm not complaining....largely will depend on your rent + media..how that'll cost you
dxx  12 | 108  
18 May 2010 /  #26
I work as a foreigner in Krakow as well and if u rent a cheap place, and dont spend like crazy, 2500 nett would cover the costs, but dont overdo anything.

Dont expect to live in luxury or be able to go out as much as you want.
For language skills you contribute, I would say the payment is rather low.

I think with the 12 months they mean if u stop before that period, u have to pay back all the costs like the 2 weeks living, trainings etc, it was like that when i worked in another country at least.

To be honest, I would negotiate the payment and try to get more.
Bormer  1 | 2  
3 Nov 2011 /  #27
Ehy mauro! I am Italian as well, and I have received the same job offer that you talked about in this thread..
Have you joined the company afterwards? What about the 1 year clause that if you resign the contract you have to pay the training back.?
Any information about this topic would be extremely important to me as I have to decide whether to expat or not.
Hopeful to get news from you.
Ci si becca a Cracovia in caso eheh, ciao!
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
3 Nov 2011 /  #28
Have you joined the company afterwards? What about the 1 year clause that if you resign the contract you have to pay the training back.?

Under European law, if you leave your job to start a new job that pays more or offers better conditions then you do not have to pay a penny back for training.
Bormer  1 | 2  
4 Nov 2011 /  #29
Ok but what about if you change job, not strictly because you have got a better one, but only because you want to change country or any other reason?
Udaya  2 | 10  
15 Feb 2013 /  #30
that was good website...thanks.
i have one question
i have umowa praca in Warsawa and i earn 3000 zl nett
but in my umowa i have arround 2000 zl brutto
will it effect any thing because they pay me 3000 zl every month in my account.
do you have any idea why they do so?

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