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Internships in Warsaw for non-Polish speakers? Area of logistics / supply chain management preferably

Matthew19  1 | 1  
27 Nov 2014 /  #1

I'm English and currently studying management in Warsaw.
I am looking for an internship here in Warsaw (preferably in the area of logistics / supply chain management), however, I'm struggling partially because I only speak very (very) basic Polish.

Does anybody know of any companies in Warsaw that may value a native English speaking intern?

Thank you,

Monitor  13 | 1810  
27 Nov 2014 /  #2
Does anybody know of any companies in Warsaw that may value a native English speaking intern?

apply to them all
candycandy  2 | 13  
27 Nov 2014 /  #3
I don't know how it is in the UK but in Spain we have our uni to do this. We have several countries to choose from and to the end of our degree we can chose where to make our internship if we want to make it abroad. The uni then sends our academic report and CV and then the company decides if they take the person. Maybe try to talk to somebody in your uni? Making this by yourself sounds risky and difficult.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
27 Nov 2014 /  #4
Making this by yourself sounds risky

Applying for an internship is risky? Crossing a street is more risky. But advice to ask in university is good. All universities have so called "Biuro Karier", for example UW: biurokarier.uw.edu.pl ( direct link to offers: biurokarier.edu.pl/index.php?view=default&module=offer.PublicOfferList ) where you can ask about internships. But still I encourage you to apply to all companies searching for workers in logistics or English speakers, listed for example here: pl.jobrapido.com

You can also ask in AIESEC Warszawa: aiesec.pl/warszawauw/?lang=en
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Nov 2014 /  #5
Maybe try to talk to somebody in your uni? Making this by yourself sounds risky and difficult.

Your goal as a student was to cultivate as many useful contacts as possible, among your teachers and among your fellow students, but also in the business community you plan to make a career in. If you failed to do this, then finding a cushy and interesting internship that will further your career goals will indeed be a difficult task.

I tell my students that they should develop strong relationships with their professors, greet them warmly every time they see them, pop by their office if only to say hello and keep them posted about your progress, ask intelligent questions about the work they are doing or have done, and generally to butter them up without being obnoxious.

Professors get cookies to hand out, and they hand them out to those students and former students who pop into their minds first. These cookies range from invitations to conferences and other events, letters of recommendation and introduction, job leads, graduate programs and, yes, internships. When people in the business world are looking for promising new talent, they often call up professors for leads.

Your goal as a student was to become one of the names that pops right into their minds. Not necessarily because you excelled in academics, though that helps. But there are a lot of top students who fail to ingratiate themselves with their professors and thus do not come to mind when someone mentions an internship or job opportunity.

If you failed to do so, then there is no time like the present for damage control and making up for lost time. Get your butt to the university, meet with every single professor you can, do your utter best to dazzle them with your brilliance and charm, and hope that some of the mud you fling on the wall sticks. It's time to hustle now, and if you snooze, you will certainly lose.

Also, as a recent grad, you would be very foolish indeed if you were to limit your search to a single city in a single country. Cast your net very wide, because you are fishing in waters where trophies are very sparse indeed.

As Monitor said, apply for every opportunity you can find.

One last word of advice. The best opportunities never get posted on the internet. The one thing you should have learned in management school is that real business, including hiring, takes place in the REAL world between REAL people with REAL handshakes. Word or mouth is worth more than an impressive CV or top grades. If you rely solely or primarily on the internet and social media for your job search, you drastically reduce your chances of finding a quality position, so get your lazy butt out there and start knocking on doors.
OP Matthew19  1 | 1  
27 Nov 2014 /  #6
Thank you all for the replies so far.

We have several countries to choose from and to the end of our degree we can chose where to make our internship if we want to make it abroad.

I must find my own internship in my university, they have a career department as mentioned, however this simply lists job offers just like all other pages.

But still I encourage you to apply to all companies searching for workers in logistics

I agree and have prior to this thread already started to prospectively apply to relevant companies.


I really appreciate your long and detailed response. I will definitely take that on-board and try to create more connections with lecturers.

I am not a recent graduate, and should make clear that I am currently a 2nd year student looking for a 3-6 month internship during my 4th semester at university, therefore logistically it needs to be in or around Warsaw.

The best opportunities never get posted on the internet.

I understand this and that's why I am trying to search down every route I can find - for example, through contacts and networking but also through this forum!
DominicB  - | 2706  
27 Nov 2014 /  #7
I am not a recent graduate, and should make clear that I am currently a 2nd ear student looking for a 3-6 month internship during my 4th semester at university

If that's the case, you are off to a rather late start. Best put your holiday plans on hold and spend the time looking for that internship.

therefore logistically it needs to be in or around Warsaw.

An often undervalued if not completely overlooked source of quality leads for things like this is upperclassmen who have this stage already behind them. They can provide you with tons of useful information, including the names of the people who actually make the decision to take interns on.
28 Oct 2015 /  #8
Merged: Info about Internship in Warsaw


My name is Tomasz, im 25 and at the moment studying for electrician. I know danish, english and polish on high level, and i wanted to hear where i can find some info about internship in Warsaw. Would love to finish my last 2 years in Warsaw, as i plan to stay in Warsaw after im done with the school periodes in Denmark. If anyone know some firms, sites or have contacts, please forward them to me, would make my search faster and easier.

Thank you.

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