Hello there,
I want to ask all foreign people who came to Poland about difficulties with learning polish language. How do you found it? Do you study at school, Uni or you take private lessons? I am a polish language student who would like to teach foreign peoples that is why is interesting for me. Please let me know about yours experiences.
Kasia Kowalska
i've been learning polish for over a year and its really really difficult to get grammer correct but i'm sure i'm mostly understood by my polish friends and family to be. it's less difficult to understand what people are saying to me. i live with polish fiance and have one 2hr lesson every week, would be much easier if it was 2-3 times per week i must say but thats not practicle.
hope this helps
I took up a Polish course in Cracow, although before that I tried many ways of learning Polish (lessons via skype, private lessons). I've found the course the most helpful and I would recommend that kind of learning, but if you really want to teach foreigners, first of all you should choose a good book. I've tried many materials, books, tv and radio programmes; a good book plus a passionate, experienced teacher is fundamental. I used Polski Krok po Kroku book, you can find some extracts on the Internet.
Good luck with your teaching!
I have just been learning Polish as I go along, like a child. I am very communicative however my grammar is awful. it is doesn't really matter and i am in no hurry. i'm lucky since I'm bilingual French/English and there are many French/Polish words and many English/Polish words, once you remember them they bulk out your polish vocabulary very quickly.
agrafka (agrafe, staple)
- bilet (billet, ticket)
- butelka (bouteille, bottle)
- ekran (ecran, screen)
- biuro (bureau, office)
- meble (meuble, furniture)
- kanapa (canapé, sofa)
- rekin (requin, shark)
- krawat (cravate, tie)
- konfitury (confiture, jam)
- plaza (plage, beach)
- zonkil (jonquille, daffodil)
- walizka (valise, suitcase)
- portfel (portefeuille, wallet)
- fotel (fauteuil, armchair)
- koszmar (cauchemar, nightmare)
- fabryka (fabrique, factory)
- broszka (broche, brooch)
- serwetka (serviette, towel)
- adwokat (avocat, lawyer)
- kolia (collier, necklace)
- makijaz (maquillage, makeup)
- alergia (allergie, allergy)
- kabel (cable, cable)
- banan (banane, banana)
- garaz (garage, garage)
- rezerwacja (reservation, reservation)
- uniwersytet (universite, university)
- wakacje (vacances, vacation)
- recepcja (reception, reception)
- tulipan (tulipe, tulip)
- character (caractere, character)
- seler (celeri, celery )
- kreatywny (creatif, creative )
- dentysta (dentiste, dentist )
- lampa (lampe, lamp)
- parking (parking)
- stres (stress)
- weekend (weekend)
- tenis (tennis)
- jazz (jazz)
- rock (rock)
the list goes on....
Hello there,
I want to ask all foreign people who came to Poland about difficulties with learning polish language. How do you found it? Do you study at school, Uni or you take private lessons? I am a polish language student who would like to teach foreign peoples that is why is interesting for me. Please let me know about yours experiences.
Kasia Kowalska