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Windows xp in USA in Polish?

7 Dec 2008 /  #1
Hi all, I have a friend who's farther is polish and would like to change his windows operating system to polish, is there any way to do this for him?

Thanks for the help :)

RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
7 Dec 2008 /  #2
there are, afaik, 3 ways (or, ekhm, 4) to do that:
- buy an international version of XP (if you will be able to find one) - sorry, but i dont remember what was the codename of it

- buy a polish version of XP and install it
- ekhm, download polish version and install it (but i dont recommend it)
or just install any other system, that has internationalisation by default

/////////// edited
i found it- its called language pack. google for it :>
OP justchad  
7 Dec 2008 /  #3
hi Thanks for the help :) if I was to search for windows in polish would the word I'd search for be polski?
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
7 Dec 2008 /  #4
an adjective from 'polska' is 'polski' (in masculine form)
anyway, look on this site


you can also google for phrase "windows po polsku" ;p
OP justchad  
7 Dec 2008 /  #5
Thanks you so much for the help! I'm downloading now and trying to "acquire" a polish version of xp. incase the language pack doesn't do it all. :)

Thanks again,

janosik  1 | 9  
3 Jan 2009 /  #7
If you still need it?? I have kind of patch for windows XP(about 200Mb), when you install it, you have totally polish windows xp!!!!

let me know i will upload it on rapidshare or something
cheehaw  2 | 263  
5 Nov 2009 /  #8
I'm pretty sure you just install the normal english version and then change the default language and fonts to polish.

my kid does japanese, it was breeze to convert his system from english to picturesque jap fonts and language.

you'll only need a keyboard that does polish.

I can get him on here to give you a tutorial if you want.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
5 Nov 2009 /  #9
speak english, please :)
but ad meritum: you can buy Ultimate edition, in that version you can download polish translation for it- so all information will be in polish. of course, as cheehaw wrote, you can use standard version and change language settings- i.e. keyboard, timezone etc.

and btw, windows7 is much overrated. to heavy and bloated for me (took 16gb of space after fresh installation :O)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
5 Nov 2009 /  #10

There are multi user interfaces (MUI) available in any language you want. Just install the English version and apply the Polish MUI on top of that. That's basically what you get as well if you buy another languaged version of WinXP. You should be able to get a PL MUI as well.

With Win7 you just need to purchase the Ultimate version, this is the only version in which you can change the display language - you will need the original DVD to do this though, it's not just changing the input language with that blue square in the taskbar. If you have any questions, just shoot them.


Lemme guess, you are a Linux or Mac man? Win7 can easily measure itself with any other OS around. Difference, for example between SnowLeopard and Win7 is that Apple just has to write for one specific configuration, while MS has to write Windows for 1000's of configurations - tends to be a bit more work and tends to make the OS a bit bigger, eh? But of course, it's an MS product, so it's bad from the start, isn't it? If you are a Mac man and lyrical about Snowleopard - you haven't heard of that superbug found in Snowleopard? That when you log in as a guest, after you created your own profile, everything will be deleted because SL treats every account like a guest account? That means that you will lose everything if you don't have a backup. This bug alone is heavier than all the bugs in WinXP combined.


M-G (helpdesk for lost forum-members)
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
5 Nov 2009 /  #11
Lemme guess, you are a Linux or Mac man?

sort of 'linux man'

Win7 can easily measure itself with any other OS around. Difference, for example between SnowLeopard and Win7 is that Apple just has to write for one specific configuration, while MS has to write Windows for 1000's of configurations - tends to be a bit more work and tends to make the OS a bit bigger, eh?

it's still hard to justify 16gb of occupied space (11 in case of 32bit version)- and it's for system alone, not including many usefull stuff, also usage of 1gb ram by system only is hard to explain. prefetch and indexing are turned off.

about configurations- win7 still needs an external application (installed in update) to handle keyboard produced by MS (MS ergonomic keyboard 4000, great keyboard btw).
also- 'default' drivers work strangly- after i unplugged headphones, i had to install drivers for sound card, otherwise system couldn't see my headphones. (surprise- both headphones and keyboard works fine, out-of-the-box in most linux distributions)

and i'd prefer not to mention applications that doesn't really work fine, even when launched in 'compability mode' (Call of duty 2)
and of course, do i have to mention that so basic stuff like mounting NTFS partition into directory on other disk is a pain in the arse :?

But of course, it's an MS product, so it's bad from the start, isn't it?


If you are a Mac man and lyrical about Snowleopard - you haven't heard of that superbug found in Snowleopard? That when you log in as a guest, after you created your own profile, everything will be deleted because SL treats every account like a guest account? That means that you will lose everything if you don't have a backup. This bug alone is heavier than all the bugs in WinXP combined.

yeah, i heard about that :)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
5 Nov 2009 /  #12

It's explainable when you consider that the majority of the computer users are bored housewives and likewise human beings who definitively need a sidebar, need a vista clock on their desktop and so on. And these things swallow up memory.

For me myself all these things are not really necessary - in fact I have Win7 in classic Windows look :) I had installed the 32bits first, but now I installed the 64bits as it would suit my needs better. Problem with Linux is that when it runs fine it's all ok, but when there is an issue, you immediately have a BIG issue; therefore Linux is not yet suitable for the major public. And Mac looks nice, is nice, but you simply cannot compare Mac with Win as Win serves a much bigger market and MS has specifically stated they want to focus on s/w alone where as, like I said, Apple makes the hardware as well, so it's just 1 config and of course that's gonna be much smaller. However, I've seen that Leopard is not THAT much smaller than Win7 and also starts to use quite a bit of mem.

Bottomline is: Win7 is stable and a great improvement compared to WinVis and for the majority of users it's simply the best option. And I am not saying that because I work for MS.


M-G (gets free s/w all the time)
Xp_needy  - | 1  
8 Feb 2010 /  #13
I'm interested in your patch but I'd like to know more details about it. Is it different from the MUIs or the LIPs or the LPs? I was trying to install windows XP pro on a HDD for my in-laws in Poland. I went through the clean install process and selected everything Polish and it still came up in all English, no "Pulpit"s, or "moje dokumenty"s..or what have you- just everything English.. on top of that I think I may have screwed them a bit since I used the key installing XP on my computer then I wiped that installation after it only ended-up in English. According to Microsoft's writing you can't use the same key to activate a windows XP OS on a different computer within 120 days from a previous installation; unless you call-in ..like my Polish in-laws are going to call Microsoft from Poland. =( no I'm not a very lucky man, not at all =/ Anyway, I saw your offer on here to upload your patch somewhere janosik and I tried to PM you but I'm new and this site won't let me do it that way. So if you catch this post, please write me back, thanks!

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