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WDT Chicago nightmare, phone down for 5 days (and counting)

hello  22 | 890  
24 Jun 2009 /  #1
I've been a customer of WDT (mywdt.com in English or mojewdt.com in Polish) for a few months now. In that time my local phone was down twice - once for 4 days, this time for 5 days already. I mean completely down - my main line has not been working for 5 days. When I called them today they said the repair is being done by some X company and it could still last 1-2 more days. I live near the city, not in a village btw. Whenever there is a storm I could expect my phone line being down for days.

This is the worst phone service I've had since Poland was in communism in the 80ties. I'm switching back to AT&T even though they are a little more expensive. Anyone had similar problems with WDT and could share a review? Is it run by Polish people? I hope not because with this service they had better not advertise as a Polish phone service.
sledz  23 | 2247  
24 Jun 2009 /  #2
Anyone had similar problems with WDT

I live in Chicago and never heard of it?

I'm switching back to AT&T

Thats who I have for landline and internet

When I called Poland I bought one of those $5 phone cards and used my cell phone, it worked perfectly everytime.
OP hello  22 | 890  
24 Jun 2009 /  #3
I live in Chicago and never heard of it?

You mean you never heard of WDT company or about problems with this company? They advertise daily on Polish radio 1030 and others (they probably co-own this radio so no wonder they can put their ads every hour or so).

Thats who I have for landline and internet

That's what I also had but then wanted to save a few bucks and got this. They work OK for calling to Poland but when it comes to local phone line - TOTAL DISASTER.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Jun 2009 /  #4
I'm switching back to AT&T

i'm with them for the last 3 years or so and i've never had a problem...
even today, i had a very nice conversation with them and they didn't suck all the money out of me, even tho i knew they could...
sledz  23 | 2247  
24 Jun 2009 /  #5
You mean you never heard of WDT company or about problems with this company? They advertise daily on Polish radio 1030 and others (they probably co-own this radio so no wonder they can put their ads every hour or so).

No, I know theres a Polish Radio station my friends Mother listens to it all the time but I usually listen to music, plus my Polish isnt that good:(

I probably should since it could be a good learning tool?

I never heard of this company before, Ive been with AT&T for years, rarely ever a problem. Trying to get through to customer sometimes can be frustrating but Im happy with thier service.

This WDT sounds like some sub par company to me?
Wouldnt they have to share the same phone lines, it cant be cellular?
OP hello  22 | 890  
24 Jun 2009 /  #6
i'm with them for the last 3 years or so and i've never had a problem...

Do you have a LOCAL service with them? I mean the local service here, not international.

This WDT sounds like some sub par company to me?

Yep, it's something like World Discount Telecommunications
24 Jun 2009 /  #7
To All:

I have heard WDT very well, my friend had this Phone Company instead of AT & T. I found out every time you make phone call WDT charge you 4 cents even you don't talk to someone in your families. Yeah, 4 cents every phone call plus how many minutes you chats with.

AT & T don't charge us 4 cents, I believe I am correct. Well anyway, WDT phone lines aren't that great because my friend always had problems with his phone, power went off for few days too. He call the company and they had to put new lines inside his house. I don't understand why, he had lines from other phone company. New company always put their lines. It make no senses to me. I don't know about you.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
24 Jun 2009 /  #8
Do you have a LOCAL service with them?

OP hello  22 | 890  
25 Jun 2009 /  #9
Phone is now fixed.
sledz  23 | 2247  
25 Jun 2009 /  #10
Phone is now fixed

I`d use it while its still working...it might storm tonight and knock it out again:)

Those phone cards always worked fine for me 5 bucks and you can talk for hours, no sleezy phone companies to deal with?
OP hello  22 | 890  
10 Jul 2009 /  #11
To be fair I must say the problem was mutal, it turned out my phone jackets got somehow reseted due to electricity outage and after plugging/unplugging them and waiting for a few seconds all the problem was completely fixed. So I will still be using them.
akirilovska  - | 1  
14 Jul 2009 /  #12
Hello, I am new to the forum, need your advice - I am also suffering from my current telephone company.
Have you heard about Master Call company? I am thinking of switching to them, they have some good promotions for new customers even though WDT has lower rates I wont switch to them after reviews in this discussion )))

So woud you recommend Master Call?
26 Mar 2010 /  #13
I have cell phone and local service with WDT.Cell phone service is bad ,bad, bad.There's no contract option for 29.99.Imagine ,taxes are 30-33%.People don't notice that fascinated with 2500 anytime minutes.AT&T charges arund 12-13 %.A WDT coverage is very poor.

The taxes make home service expensive too but I keep it because of convinience to make international calls on my cell.
ryanc09  - | 3  
21 Feb 2011 /  #14
guys, Ive been using Vonage to call Poland for over a year, they only charge 1 cent per minute to a landline, talk all you want. Never had a problem with them. You can't beat that!

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / WDT Chicago nightmare, phone down for 5 days (and counting)Archived