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Thousands of undocumented Poles in Chicago

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2017 /  #1
Found this interesting article and I thought I'd share it with everyone. Some quotes are particularly fascinating:


Some Polish immigrants install doorbells because the sound is less threatening, said Grazyna Zajaczkowska, director of immigration services for the Polish American Association. They also won't answer the door unless they already know who's there.

Seems to me as if Trump should focus on getting rid of those that are already illegally in the US rather than ranting about a wall.

The number of undocumented Poles in Chicago could range from "a thousand to up to thousands and thousands," Zajaczkowska said.

Way too many. These people are causing Poles to not have visa-free access to the US.

Others, however, are "packing up and leaving," Regan said.

Well, at least if they come back to Poland, they'll have money to burn.
jon357  72 | 23361  
21 Aug 2017 /  #2
Seems to me as if Trump should focus on getting rid of those that are already illegally in the US

He's talking about this and has already deported some.

Way too many.

Why so many illegals?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2017 /  #3
Why so many illegals?

Not a clue. I'm surprised that America has such issues, and that they don't have better control over who is in the country.

In the Schengen countries, you can be stopped at any time, anywhere for border control.
jon357  72 | 23361  
21 Aug 2017 /  #4
In the Schengen countries, you can be stopped at any time

I gather that in parts of the US right now, undocumented migrants (and this must include the thousands of Poles you mentioned) are terrified about being stopped by traffic cops.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
21 Aug 2017 /  #5
These people are causing Poles to not have visa-free access to the US.

Nonsense. Visa-free access is overrated anyway/

Seems to me as if Trump should focus on getting rid of those that are already illegally in the US rather than ranting about a wall.

Hmm one doesn't exclude the other but reason would dictate to stop influx of illegals in the first place..
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2017 /  #6
Nonsense. Visa-free access is overrated anyway/

For you, perhaps. For everyone else forced to pay $160 and undergo the nonsense of applying for a visa, it's certainly not.

Hmm one doesn't exclude the other but reason would dictate to stop influx of illegals in the first place..

Better to make it clear that you will be caught.
Crow  154 | 9463  
21 Aug 2017 /  #7
Why are you surprised? Don`t you know that Serbians and Poles hold administration of Chicago. We rule there. 1,5 mil. Poles mostly in rural areas and 500.000 Serbs mostly in urban areas of Chicago.

Let za Chicago - Nadrealna TV

Joker  2 | 2390  
21 Aug 2017 /  #8
Don`t you know that Serbians and Poles hold administration of Chicago.

You obviously have never been to Chicago.

You must be talking about the Irish, Crow
Crow  154 | 9463  
22 Aug 2017 /  #9
Irish? You know nothing. Irish are practically Serbs themselves. Irish so well integrate with Poles and Serbs that one obviously see that Irish feel Slavic rather then Anglo. I love them very much
Crow  154 | 9463  
22 Aug 2017 /  #10
See, even famous Germans when come to Chicago speak Serbian to honor language of local ruling elite.

Bastian Schweinsteiger answers in Serbian at his first Chicago news conference

Joker  2 | 2390  
22 Aug 2017 /  #11
Chicago speak Serbian to honor language of local ruling elite.

Its a crappy Soccer team that can barely fill its own borrowed stadium....lol

The ruling elite....Hahahahaha!

I thought he was talking about the internal politics of Chicago. I should have known better!

The Chicago Fire? ROTFL! Nobody cares about them or soccer around here....ruling elite...hahahahaha! This is hilarious!
Crow  154 | 9463  
22 Aug 2017 /  #12
Man, Chicago is land of wonders.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Aug 2017 /  #13

Most are people who overstayed visas and decided to stay and work often in construction or housekeeping hospitality type jobs. The amount of poles here illegally is drastically lower than it use to be in the 80s 90s 00s. Many people left during prl times on a tourist visa and never came back and ended up settling down having kids etc. Also a lot of polish women end up coming here looking for a husband just to get citizenship.

Knowing as many poles as i do here id estimate the number of undocumented at around 5k to 20k. 100k seems like way too high of an estimate as there's around 1 mil poles but they're counting fobs along with 1st 2nd etc generation. In the 90s yes 100k would be accurste. Most of those fobs are now citizens or at least have a green card.

Also a lot of these poles have saved up their money and went back home because well the us isn't what it was when they first arrived some 10 20 years ago.

Not really. I know several polish people who were pulled over for speeding driving without a valid license etc. The cops in chicago don't really care about the poles as they tend not to cause serious problems and don't form street gangs. Also chicago is a sanctuary city so it'd be up to ice to deport all the illegal poles hispanics etc. Its the same with hispanics there's probably 10 20 illegal hispanics for every 1 illegal pole. The police dont hassle people here about immigration status in chicago.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Aug 2017 /  #14
Crow thats not really true. Most admin positions in the city are held by a mix of Anglos blacks Irish and italian and a few jews. Poles tend not to work government type jobs here. Maybe a few teachers maintenance guys but almost none in higher level admin jobs. There's one polish guy i know high up in the labor department but he's 2nd generation and rather an anomaly.

Also most poles live in the suburbs or outskirts of the city now but def not rural areas. There's a fraction of the poles left in the old polish areas its mostly all Hispanic now. When the polish immigrant waves came during the 80s and 90s most settled in the city in places on the north side like jackowo, Belmont street, Jefferson park, a few pockets on the south side. Some newer arrivals still settle down there and some have stayed but there's def way less poles than there use to be in the city some 10 20ml y ears abo. The city is not a good place to live for an adult to live for tons of reasons let alone for kids and almost all of them including myself moved out to the suburbs once they had enough money or had kids.
Joker  2 | 2390  
22 Aug 2017 /  #15
Poles tend not to work government type jobs here.

We once had a Serb politician from Chicago named Blagoviech. He wasn't very bright either, Democrat of course!


He's now serving time in Federal Prison for corruption. He was trying to sell Obamas vacant Senatorial seat and got caught big time!

Totally dishonest politician deserved what he got, 14 years!

How many Visa threads does this forum need? There must be a half dozen already. Yawn.......
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Aug 2017 /  #16

That's not saying much tho. I've lost count of how many governors senators and other high profile politicians went to the Penn. Its the chicago machine after all.

The only time I ever watched the apprentice was when blago was on it. Poor guy didn't even know how to use a computer. They showed him sitting in some private plane trying to figure out how to turn it on lol
jon357  72 | 23361  
22 Aug 2017 /  #17
Also chicago is a sanctuary city so it'd be up to ice to deport all the illegal poles hispanics et

So it's probably those undocumented immigrants in other places that should worry most about contact with the authorities. Plus people like the poster here, PolishUltras who was put on a plane straight from a short jail spell.
Crow  154 | 9463  
22 Aug 2017 /  #18
Crow thats not really true. Most admin positions in the city are held by a mix of Anglos blacks Irish and italian and a few jews.

yes, I don`t deny that. That is the exact reason for increased criminal activity in Chicago. If Serbs rule in entirety, order would be respected. We know those things. Poles, too. Even mixed Polish-Serbian administration could solve problems with crimes. Ohhh, absolutely. Real Polish-Serbian joint rule, not cosmetic rule that we hold now. That would be something.

But note how Italian politicians goes to beg for support of Polish and Serbian voters, in time of elections. Pathetic gypsy behavior (with all respect on gypsies, of course; I using them here just to illustrate). Those Italians. Irish and Jews are also victims of their mafioso style manipulations.
Joker  2 | 2390  
22 Aug 2017 /  #19
If Serbs rule in entirety, order would be respected

You must really live in a fantasyland if you think thats going to happen in Chicago! LoL

The only time I ever watched the apprentice was when blago was on it.

I watched it as well. That moron couldn't send an email, give or take directions, he was totally useless! How could he ever become Governor?

Oh, wait he's married to Dick Mell`s daughter,,yeah thats right, its funny how things work in Illinois LoL

Remember this? Haha

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2017 /  #20

Well if they put chetniks with ak47s on every corner of the southside and patrolled the neighborhood with Russian t72 maybe just maybe they'd bring the crime rate down.

Yesterday on the news there was a segment how a 17 year old black kid from Austin stole a lieutenant fire fighters car. Well the guy shot him because he was jacking his car! Then the family goes on TV saying like oh he was a football player, he was a senior in high school.. they say all these things that he was except for a criminal who steals American hero's cars....
Joker  2 | 2390  
23 Aug 2017 /  #21
Way too many. These people are causing Poles to not have visa-free access to the US.

Some have ruined it for all the people back in Poland for sure. I don't know what the percentage is of how many ppl overstay their visas or just never gone back home. It surely was enough for immigration not to open up the visa wavier program to them. Ive wondered if the Polish government really doesn't want it either? There would be a large number of Poles that would want to move here, doctors, engineers, etc...

Im not worried about Poles coming to America it`s "the religion of peace" that worries me.

PolishUltras who was put on a plane straight from a short jail spell.

If he committed a felony then he most deservingly was deported after he finished paying his debt to society. Let him go back home and commit crimes, he can tell his friends the party is over in the USA

they say all these things that he was except for a criminal who steals American hero's cars....

They always play the victim card. Its the same old song as the Ferguson punk that was killed after he attacked and robbed a convience store owner. Afterwards, he tried grabbing a cops gun, can't really blame the cop for protecting himself! Yet the family continued making false accusations even after evidence came out vindicating the police.
Crow  154 | 9463  
23 Aug 2017 /  #22
The only time I ever watched the apprentice was when blago was on it. Poor guy ........

What you want me to tell you, my friend? How are Serbs perfect, superior and most finest of us Sarmatians? Yes, they are finest but far from it to be perfect. We are as rest of you, only humans after all. See, that Blago was a mistake. No, not only our mistake. Mistake of nature. In fact, proof what can happen to Slavic soul when exposed to deformed and malevolent Anglo society. Like that Polish brat Pawel Herba in Britain, these days. And Herba`s brother.

I watched it as well.

Me, too. Tragedy, I concur.

Well if they put chetniks with ak47s on every corner

Oh, this one coming. Only blind don`t see it. Non shall ever again surprise us, like we were surprised by the attack of that ustashe s*** in WWII, when Zagreb Croats betrayed us and stubbed us in the back and in the heart, at the same time, while Hitler`s mute animals were holding us.

So, if anybody insist to push Chicago into anarchy in anyway more and more crazy America, one would found Serbians on the streets of Chicago. And would be peace in Chicago.
DominicB  - | 2706  
23 Aug 2017 /  #23

Actually, when I was living in Chicago, the only Serbs I ever heard about were the hundreds who were detained and extradited for crimes against humanity. You couldn't pick up the Trib without finding at least one article on at least one warlord being deported to stand trial for raping and slaughtering countless innocent civilians.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2017 /  #24

Buddy I'm joking w you about the chetniks w aks and t72s... Actually I think yugos made their own tank the m80 or something like that I forget the name..

Chicago is a very very corrupt and violent city. If batmans Gotham city were real life itd be chicaho. From this Saturday to Sunday alone we had 60 some shootings and 8 dead. And this is considered success because its a tad lower.

Blago wasn't all that bad of a guy in all honesty. I've seen him a few times in Chicago restaurants being the life of the party after a few drinks. However he was corrupt just like the majority of our politicians publix school admins and superintendents (many of em make 250k 300k even up to 400k plus salary but a pension that's equal to winning the little lotto). Most of em are dems and they all talk the talk but never walk the walk. They talk on and on about how bad crime is how schools are failing and need more billions (we spend more on just public schools just in illinois than most small countries do for their entire program). They talk about gun violence and how there's so much crime yet they all live in the most exclusive suburbs in palatial homes. One politician said she would spend a bit of time living in the projects to better understand the residents issues. Well she high tailed it after a week fearing for her own safety. Even paramedics are scared to go to the west side because the cops typically escort them and its bad for business. Pretty much from dawn to dusk there's lines of people in certain parts of the west side where guys make a line anywhere from 20 50 to even 100 ppl long waiting to buy drugs. And its like that almost every other block for miles and miles on the west side especially as soon as you get off at any exit on 290 leading out of downtown. Its craziness.... And now they raised state income taxes again and even started charging 7 cents for a freaked plastic grocery bag. There's new taxes every few months yet they still never have money and ask for more.

Chicago is very pretty in terms of the downtown area. Its for the most part safe, clean and has lots of beautiful old buildings form the early 1900s mixed with ultra modern skyscrapers. Its great to visit and great to shop, go out to eat, go to the clubs some of which don't even really close but you can count on at least 4 5 am closing time. A lot of em bump our famous Chicago hard house which many polish djs like dj caffeine markski bizerk etc are well known worldwide.

However the extremely high taxes for everything ranging from gas to income to cigs (cost as high as 16 17 a pack) to even a grocery bag. We use to own a dentist office that we leased out and they kept raising taxes on residential and commercial properties to the point where our property tax alone on that building was 20k a year. If we had it still it would've been even more. And this isn't some half million or million dollar building - we sold it for like 180k 200k something like that. We were lucky to sell it because even though the area is middle class there's storefront after storefront sitting empty for years with for sale and or for lease signs. So how can a real estate investor or a small businessman make any money? You'd have to basically charge 3k a month to rent it out just to cover the taxes and maintenance and after that you'll maybe have a few hundred bucks left for yourself - and that's assuming you own the building outright with no mortgage.

They're taxing people to death here. People are leaving in record numbers. I too plan to leave soon. Even in wealthiest neighborhoods you'll see even as many as 30 40 even up to 50 houses for sale within a 1 or 2 mile radius. All these people are downsizing or planning on renting a nice home or townhome or something because the property taxes are simply unbearable. Now Chicago is a city of renters and less and less home owners thanks to them. Meanwhile section 8 people get to rent a $1500 a month apartment for 20 30 bucks since taxpayers cover the rest. If you tell them theyd responsible for $100 with section 8 as their part of payment they'll tell you it's too expensive. Or even worse they'll purposely damage stuff like a toilet or my favorite sell the appliances and claim they broke and they put em in the alley. Now the landlord has to spend thousands on new appliances because the section 8ers refused to pay 20 50 100 bucks for a 3 bedroom apartment that would otherwise go for 1500 a month. Utter insanity. And hard working people have to pay for these bums who don't work and want everything for free and wake up at noon sit around drinking doing drugs till evening then start shooting at people at night. Maybe they'll work under the table once in a while if they feel like. I could literally write a novel on all the b.s. that goes on around here. Its sickening and totally unfair to the people who want to work and make a better life. But no their money is basically redistributed to bums.

And if it was just the taxes but at least the parks are pretty the crime is low the roads are good the schools are too notch you'd say okay fine. However all those things are absolute sh!t. I've been all over the us and in a lot of other cities its nothing like this. People in Arizona pay as little as 1k 2k a
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2017 /  #25
Sorry for the rant it just sickens me when I see and deal with this stuff everyday. Even earlier today I go get a coffee and some bum is standing outside asking me for a dime. Normally I don't give them a penny unless they're visibly handicapped as some of em are. For whatever thus time im like whatever I can spare a dime. So I reach in my pocket and pull out the change and sift through it trying to find him a dime. Well before I can blink he takes all the change from my palm.

That's basically a metaphor how Chicago is run and how so many people act. Its truly a savage city.

I cannot wait till I'm done with school, have my target in terms of savings met and can start working and travelling abroad. I've lived here on and off for some 20 years and I'm just sick of it. It wasn't even thus bad till like 5 6 7 years ago and then slowly but surely things got worse and worse.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
23 Aug 2017 /  #26
It surely was enough for immigration not to open up the visa wavier program to them.

Nah, that is due to the fact that Poles rat on each other to the immigration. They are over representative in this regard, nothing to do with numbers.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2017 /  #27

True especially if they get in an argument of are simply jealous or a even a bf gf about to get married will get in a fight and then expose the person who's getting married just to get paperwork
Crow  154 | 9463  
23 Aug 2017 /  #28
Actually, when I was living in Chicago, the only Serbs I ever heard about were the hundreds who were detained and extradited for crimes against humanity.

Its, my dear, because my country and my people, somehow tried to have independent policy on global world powers, at a time when all who blindly followed NATO and EU dictate were rewarded. And at a time when especially were rewarded countries and peoples that were loyal to Nazi Germany in WWII. So, see, we Serbians, didn`t have those good sponsors and we massively finished as ``detained and extradited for crimes against humanity. `` My people successful won label of `bad guys` and worse scum of this Earth.

But, I will tell you one obvious thing- `we didn`t kill enough`. That`s the problem.
Crow  154 | 9463  
23 Aug 2017 /  #29
Chicago is a very very corrupt and violent city.

I contemplating on problem of crimes in our dear Slavic and Sarmatian piedmont Chicago the Great. Poles could also bring peace to the streets of this magnificent city. Hand on heart, Poles aren`t crazy as Serbians but, they are close. To Serbs God gave good souls and madness. To Poles, God gave good souls but weak nerves.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Aug 2017 /  #30

That is actually quite true about difference between Serbs and poles lol. Poles don't rly care about fixing Chicago's bad neighborhoods. We live peacefully with Hispanics and other whites. Plus most of the crime comes out of certain neighborhoods that are like 80% 90% black. Not that other neighborhoods don't have problems with guns but most of the shootings tend to happen in black areas. Local groups state governments and other groups church groups all diff types of ppl have tried to solve it except for the feds which I think would clean it up literally the same day they arrive. If u had even just like 20 30 dudes from the marines national guard whatever spread out on the streets in Englewood ud greatly limit the hard drug traffic and shootings right away.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Thousands of undocumented Poles in ChicagoArchived