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Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list.........

scottie1113  6 | 896  
25 Jun 2011 /  #121
I would like to try more of the hard-to-find Polish beers, maybe they're good

Have you tried any beer from the Amber brewery? Zloty Lwi, naturalny, Kosztelan or Zywe? They're very good.
25 Jun 2011 /  #122
scottie1113 wrote:

Zloty Lwi, naturalny, Kosztelan or Zywe?

I've had Zlote Lwy and Zywe. They're "ok". Not something I would grab a 6 pack of at the liquor store. I actually think Ciechan is better than both those beers.

I still have faith that Poland has plenty of little breweries that make great beer that I'd like, I just never made a real effort to find them when I was there.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
20 Aug 2011 /  #123
FUZZYWICKETS, he did abide. Ziemowit, as an American who's going to make aliyah if I can (not an easy task, but every Jew has a mitzvah to make aliyah if he or she can); I can tell you that the USA isn't looking much better than Polinyah right now: say goodbye to even Disneyworld if the DOW keeps tanking.

Reasons I love America: BTW, My Polish wife agrees 100% and can't believe she ran away from communism only to see it rear it's ugly head over here.

My list is a little different; and I speak as a Jew whose Lipsk nad Biebrzą-born great-granddad somehow survived as an Anusi.

Reasons I love America:
Bill O'Reilly
Lou Dobbs
Charles Krauthammer
Dick Morris (though he can sometimes though that Mark Levin and Ann Coulter line)
Geraldo Rivera (though I don't always agree with him. Besides, where else-- even Israel-- can a "mamzer" have any success? And his mom, Lillie "Lillian" Friedman Rivera is descended from Dolhinov, Poland (now Daŭhinava, Belarus)-born Jews.)

Reasons I dislike America:
Barack Obama (well, more that Anti-Semitic, Pseudo-Jewish Afrocentric of a wife who he married)
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Charles Rangel (though Marc Lamont Hill and others are a lot worse)
Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
MSNBC and The Drudge Report
Mark Levin (who's toed that nasty Ann Coulter line too many times)
Sean Hannity (for the same reasons as Mark Levin; except Sean's a gojiszker kop.
Michael Savage
Michelle Malkin (the Filipina Catholic Ann Coulter, and one with hutzpah to boot)
Glenn Beck

And every other seditious far-left-wing and far-right-wing wacko who are doing their best to bring this country down.

BTW, my Slovakian-Polish American great-grandma was a Clinton Democrat whose Jewish-Polish son Jack Czarnecki understandably hated Nixon.
23 Aug 2011 /  #124
Ironside wrote:

Thank you to our American for expressing his view on the subject.

no problem.

now i'm assuming you'll keep that principle in mind the next time something about the USA comes up.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Aug 2011 /  #125
[quote=convex I dislike that people in the US feel a sense of entitlement due to their country of birth[/quote]

entitlement to what? At least you live in Poland since you obviously (according to your own list) dislike America.
23 Sep 2011 /  #126
Ironside wrote:

As if media were telling the truth now eh?

Precisely why you, along with the majority of all other posters on here, know NOTHING about the USA.

This thread really tends to come in handy here and there.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
23 Sep 2011 /  #127
I dislike that people in the US feel a sense of entitlement due to their country of birth

Yeah, it's probably the single worst thing.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Sep 2011 /  #128
Precisely why you, along with the majority of all other posters on here, know NOTHING about the USA

BS dear pancake, I know something but it is beside the point sunny-face, do you know why ? If you don't ask me don't be shy bubblegum.
23 Sep 2011 /  #129
Ironside tried to write:

BS dear pancake, I know something but it is beside the point sunny-face, do you know why ? If you don't ask me don't be shy bubblegum.

Do I need a decoder to interpret your posts? Honestly, I have no idea what your point is. Again. Your posts make my head ache. I have no response, yet again, to your completely meaningless post.

Ironside wrote:

Do you know why? If you don't ask me don't be shy bubblegum.

Oh Ironside, you know what happens when people ask you direct questions. lezzbianest.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Sep 2011 /  #130
Precisely why you, along with the majority of all other posters on here, know NOTHING about the USA.

first of all I know a lot about the U.S. - yet I have never claimed that I know all !
secondly I was talking about a US government's international policy, so your miserable post here is misleading BS and that is the reason I despise you - because you are sly !

Everyone can discus foreign policy of the US. You blind defense of said policy is disgusting.
Have a nice day fuzz.
24 Sep 2011 /  #131
Ironside wrote:

first of all I know a lot about the U.S.

everything you know comes from the media.

you don't live there. where else would you get your information? your words, not mine.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Oct 2011 /  #132
everything you know comes from the media.

I don't care what you think about thatfuzz. let it sink in.

The point is that our discussion here from the start were lead by you into irreverent side issues, the point is fuzz I do need to know a squid about internal goings of the US. I can discuss the US government polices regardless and your - have you ever been in US and how long for - is just admittance that you do not have arguments. Let it sink in fuzz.
3 Oct 2011 /  #133
yet again......crickets ironside. big, green......crickets.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Oct 2011 /  #134
yep in your brain thats about sums it up!
21 Dec 2011 /  #135
Independent media can give you relatively objective views, you would be surprise

what kind of media do you listen/watch? is it fox news?;>
21 Dec 2011 /  #136
Independent media can give you relatively objective views, you would be surprise

i wouldn't be surprised. i lived in poland for 4 straight years. i talked to polish people, in english and their language, and they for the most part don't know a damn thing about the USA. no different than Americans not knowing $hit about Poland.

just sayin'.
21 Dec 2011 /  #137
well i lived in Poland for much longer than you and most people I've encounter have at least general knowledge about America (and I'm not talking about how life looks like in depth but more general things) I don't know who did you speak to and at what level but it certainly doesn't represent the situation.

I agree with you, American people in most cases have rather poor knowledge not just about Poland but they don't known much about Europe ether... who to blame? propaganda? filtering the information? I don't know.

All of that above its not the case, the case is someone can have an opinion based on formation they acquired if they feel like expressing it(thats what you've been doing sir). Fact that you've lived in Poland for 4 years doesn't automatically make you an expert in anything thats Polish.

What really pisses me off is that someone who wants to know about Poland and Polish people will find this forum and by reading your guys comments can have very distorted opinion about Poland or about us.
21 Dec 2011 /  #138
American people in most cases have rather poor knowledge not just about Poland but they don't known much about Europe ether

and how sir, do you know that? 4 years in Poland and I'm not qualified enough to make the same claim about Polish people? how many years in country do you have to spend to get that right?

who to blame? propaganda? filtering the information? I don't know.

Well, I know.

It's because it's not a priority. Nobody in America cares about what Poland did today, or Czech Republic, or Slovakia or Scotland. It's not really taught in schools and people are fine with it. It's just culture here.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
21 Dec 2011 /  #139
It's because it's not a priority. Nobody in America cares about what Poland did today, or Czech Republic, or Slovakia or Scotland. It's not really taught in schools and people are fine with it. It's just culture here.

Exactly the dumb down of U.S. has been completed, the people do not think for themselves they just watch the stupid TV and repeat the garbage and propaganda that is given to them as their own opinion. Land of the brave and free is now the land of stupid and oppress, it is a shame.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
21 Dec 2011 /  #140
waiting for fuzz to appear with a riposte.
hope it wont go according to the script - how long have lived in America, do you speak English? Do you know that in Poland ?lol

(popcorn ready)
21 Dec 2011 /  #141
Exactly the dumb down of U.S. has been completed, the people do not think for themselves they just watch the stupid TV and repeat the garbage and propaganda that is given to them as their own opinion.

sure, plenty of americans are guilty of this. my point being it's no different in Poland. very rarely do I meet a Pole that has even the slightest idea what life is really like in the USA.

I can't say I chalk this up entirely to the educational systems though. I think it's more of a cultural issue. Most countries like to hate the USA and simply find it easier and more enjoyable to join the bandwagon. It reminds me of the fact that so many americans are prejudiced towards the french. they don't even know why they dislike the french, they just hate them because somebody told them that they didn't want to help us fight a war once upon a time, or something to that effect. any of you remember "freedom fries"? hating is contagious and makes for good table talk and a lot of people just fall right in line with the hate fest so that they're part of the team. that, and it's generally easier to just agree with people in your social circle.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
21 Dec 2011 /  #142
my point being it's no different in Poland

aha !!!!
Disappointing really !

Really fuzz would you care to apply some logic here.
You claim that anybody who hasn't been living in the USA for at least four years cannot comment really on American issues.
Yet when somebody actually living in the USA post something critical about the USA you are claiming that this is basically the same in Poland.

From your posts one can come to conclusion that the U.S. do not differ from Poland. In all bad things that is.
You are such a helpful and informed poster fuzz.
What a time waster.
22 Dec 2011 /  #143
You claim that anybody who hasn't been living in the USA for at least four years cannot comment really on American issues.

Stop making stuff up. I never specified any amount of time. In fact, I think your post should be removed because you're simply lying.
23 Dec 2011 /  #144
and how sir, do you know that?

I know that because i get ignorant questions about where I come from all the time.

It's not really taught in schools and people are fine with it. It's just culture here.

but you don't want to be ignorant its rather bad thing

Most countries like to hate the USA and simply find it easier and more enjoyable to join the bandwagon.

I'm glad you understand that, I would like to see that applied to all the comments about Poland/Poles on this forum, seriously there is enough hatred towards Poland, USA and just any country.

and btw fact that someone disagree or hate policy of said country doesn't mean they hate it at all, people are too sensitive to critique about USA and take it personally.

I don't like many things about USA but my "love/hate" balance is positive

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list.........Archived