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Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list.........

4 Feb 2010 /  #61
you are obviously not Polish.

You are obviously a troll.
4 Feb 2010 /  #62
Ola243 wrote:

you are obviously not Polish.

i don't eat fast food, live in an eastern european country, study languages, i'm thin, eat steak at best twice a year and hated George Bush.

am I obviously not American?

welcome to reality. there are more poles than you think that don't share the same blind patriotism as you do.

now go back and listen to more of your uncle's B.S. about how capitalism is bad and make sure to get your daily dose of radio maria today.

Maybe this thread was a bad idea :- (

on the contrary.

it is doing exactly what it was designed to do. that being, to exploit and weed out those who no nothing about nothing when they form opinions about likes/dislikes regarding America and Poland for they have no basis to make these opinions.

this post is #65. this thread has been up for 3 days. from what i can see, only 2.....maaaaybe 3 people have met my criteria. this criteria shouldn't be too much to ask for considering the topic at hand. one would think that in order to make judgments about 2 countries, strong judgments at that, you would at the very LEAST have to spend some time in each.

this entire forum is infested with Ola243's and Delphiandomine's. they talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Feb 2010 /  #63
they talk the talk but can't walk the walk.

At least I don't have to beg the Polish government every year for the right to stay here ;)

it is doing exactly what it was designed to do. that being, to exploit and weed out those who no nothing about nothing when they form opinions about likes/dislikes regarding America and Poland for they have no basis to make these opinions.

Admit it, it's just one big conspiracy against America, isn't it?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
4 Feb 2010 /  #64
Admit it, it's just one big conspiracy against America, isn't it?

Just let it be .....he is fuzzy or just about , everybody have a right to articulate an opinion on any subject, and definitely on subject of the USA foreign policy as it is affecting Europe and Poland directly !

I wonder, isn't he a first generation American as they seems to be more papal then the Pope in embracing they nationhood!
I noticed this trait in some others PF members, they seems to have a problem with their identity and such insecurity leads them to become zealot's.:)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Feb 2010 /  #65
Just let it be .....he is fuzzy or just about , everybody have a right to articulate an opinion on any subject, and definitely on subject of the USA foreign policy as it is affecting Europe and Poland directly !

Shh, this thread is under HIS RULES!

Then again, what do Americans know about foreign policy? Even a fearsomely well educated friend of mine is clueless when it comes to foreign policy.
4 Feb 2010 /  #66
At least I don't have to beg the Polish government every year for the right to stay here ;)

huh? man, your responses are not only weak, but completely childish. that's the equivalent of saying, "WELL YOUR FEET SMELL SO NEEEEAHHHHH!" this forum is for adults. once you're old enough to see over the kitchen table, try here again.

do you have a polish passport Delph?

do you have any Polish blood?

you'd be surprised with my answers to those questions pappy.....;)

if i may conclude my thread:

basically, i have been reading threads on this forum for a few months now. of all the Polish forums out there, this one always struck me as the most ridiculous. not the website itself, but the posters. after some time, i noticed that there were a lot of people not only commenting on Poland (after living here for 3 months thinking they had it all figured out) but about America as well, 2 places I know well.

this thread proved to me just how empty the opinions/discourses/views of this forum's posters truly are when making Poland/America judgements and/or comments in general. internet jockies, propaganda kool-aid drinkers, and radio maria listeners that not only are out of touch within their own country but most certainly utterly clueless about the USA......and let me tell you.....there are some ALL-STARS on this forum.....true epitomies of that description. i don't know why, but they all seem to congregate to this website and it's downright embarrassing to read at times.

If I had to give out an award for "Most Pathetic and Embarrassing Entry", the award would have to go to the crowd favorite, "Delphiandomine". When confronted with a post stating how he "talks the talk but can't walk the walk", his response to this was.....wait for it......wait for it........

At least I don't have to beg the Polish government every year for the right to stay here ;)

just precious. if only that quote could be placed into his avatar space for all to see with each and every one of his posts from here on out. better yet, it should be right on the front page of his website. you know, his website which advertises counsel or any kind of assistance to foreigners regarding paperwork or other things to make their stay in Poland easier. I'd give you the web address but I'm sure you're all sick of seeing it posted all over this forum already.

so, my congratulations to you, Mr. Delphiandomine! Wear it loud! Wear it proud!

for the select few that posted on this thread that met my criteria, thanks for playing.

for those that didn't satisfy my criteria yet still couldn't resist the urge to post on this thread....thanks for playing too.

-The Fuzz
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #67
I keep forgetting he is from Sheffield. I dunno why but I have always seen him as American.

... here's sth in reverse. An American in England way back in 1964. Howlin Wolf with Smokestack Lighting. I don't care what crackers say, black dudes like him raised the profile of American music.
convex  20 | 3928  
6 Feb 2010 /  #68
That's 07/08 i said 08/09 see link.

The link is for total homicides

says that gun crime is up in London.

There is still a long way to go to get down to pre 1997 levels.

To Scrappy and Convex with regards the above why on earth should someone want/be allowed to own a military assault rifle at home, which i believe is allowed in some US states.

Some of us crazy people think the state sometimes has a tendency to get out of hand and do horrible things to it's populace.

The crazy people argument aside, if the government was ok with its people owning weapons for a couple of hundred years, why do they now see the need to take them away? Perhaps they are failing in their role of protecting the public, maybe this is a convenient scapegoat? That doesn't instill much faith in their ability to actual protect us.
ola 243  
6 Feb 2010 /  #69
now go back and listen to more of your uncle's B.S. about how capitalism is bad and make sure to get your daily dose of radio maria today.

You are being judgemental and do not see the point, you are not Polish and want to put your inferior standards on the Polish people, you are a quest of this great country and you should respect its people and culture. overwise please leave.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
6 Feb 2010 /  #70
respect its people and culture.


You are being judgemental

The only person being judgemental is you.

inferior standards on the Polish people

according to you, u have never been out of the country, so how would you know if they were inferior?
ola 243  
6 Feb 2010 /  #71
according to you, u have never been out of the country, so how would you know if they were inferior?

who are you to pass judgements, it is typical people from other countries want to change the true Polish nature, if Poles who live in US or England tried to change the ways of the countries culture they would be told in no uncertain terms to get lost and leave the same applies in Poland, don't like it then leave!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Feb 2010 /  #72
OK, here's my $0.03 (adjusted for inflation):

5 years of living in the US plus about 4 years of full time work in the US while living in Canada.
25 years in Poland. Native Pole.
Speak both language well enough to correct native speakers in either country, but also committing errors in both, that still can make me blush.

Opinion about the 2 countries:

The US: nothing that makes it uninhabitable. Mostly little things are annoying. Ones that make it similar to the USSR, and to Poland for that matter.

See my comment on the US, and reverse the comparisons.
ola 243  
6 Feb 2010 /  #73
See my comment on the US, and reverse the comparisons.

I do not see what you are saying, please be more specific? please.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Feb 2010 /  #74
Anything bad in Poland you'll also find it in the US, or pretty much anywhere on the planet. This anything wrong with a particular country is in fact something that is wrong with (some) human beings.
16 Mar 2010 /  #75
decided to resurrect my thread momentarily.

inspired by the "giving tips in poland" thread, I wanted to ask my fellow americans this:

do you think it's possible that in the future, Poland will begin to adopt the American bar culture system of tipping with every drink you order?

America, $1 tip per drink.

Poland, 1zl. tip per drink?

The avg. beer in the avg. pub in America costs around $4, so a $1 tip is 25%. If Poland tipped 1zl per beer, the tip would be about 15% (i'm comparing beer because with cocktails/whiskey/etc., sky's the limit)

Will it ever happen?
16 Mar 2010 /  #76
There are however good mass market Polish beers. Perla is one which knocks spots off all those fancy American microbrewed bits of rubbish.

Were you born without tastebuds or are you just talking out your arsehole? That's perhaps the most ludicrous statement concerning beer I have ever heard - and I assure you I have heard quite a few.

All things considered, Perła's not a bad beer, but really is quite pedestrian compared to any three dozen microbrews from any decent microbrewing region of the US, be it Vermont, Oregon, Wisconsin or anywhere else. Some of the Amber brewery's beers like Koźlak or Żywe are nice here in Poland, but I sure do miss living in the Pacific Northwest. Beer heaven.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Mar 2010 /  #77
Why not say it's a matter of preference? Is the truth not good enough?
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #78
All things considered, Perła's not a bad beer, but really is quite pedestrian compared to any three dozen microbrews from any decent microbrewing region of the US, be it Vermont, Oregon, Wisconsin or anywhere else. Some of the Amber brewery's beers like Koźlak or Żywe are nice here in Poland, but I sure do miss living in the Pacific Northwest. Beer heaven.

Perla is about as exciting as Budweiser. On the other hand, Zywiec porter is an excellent corner store beer. Hell, it's an excellent beer period. You're spot regarding microbrews in the states.

And because they're a decent outfit, I'll plug browamator again. Great homebrew supply shop.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Mar 2010 /  #79
Perła is crisp and Poland doesn't have too many crisp beers like Kingfisher or some of the beers from the Balkans that I tried. I'm not too fussy when it comes to beer, as long as it's not too gassy. Finland and the Baltic states produce some good stuff. I got a laugh in Tallinn as they sold 2 beers side-by-side. Saku Le Coq. One is Saku and the other is Le Coq.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #80

Comeon, that's nasty. We're having a discussion about beer and you bring up Kingfisher.

Not a big lager fan... Give me a nice IPA or a porter...mmmm
Seanus  15 | 19666  
16 Mar 2010 /  #81
Kingfisher is very crisp. Tsingtao was another crisp Asian beer that I liked. Ah, this brings me back to good times in Asian Kitchen, Hiroshima.

Oh yes, I speak English but have never lived or even been in America. I did a lesson on America just this morning but I just scraped the surface of a few things.
16 Mar 2010 /  #82
I sure do miss living in the Pacific Northwest. Beer Heaven.

Why don't you do us all a favour and fcuk off back there? Anybody who is dumb enough to think that any part of the USA can be a good place for beer is clearly far too moronic to be permitted to remain in Poland: it's only a matter of time before you stand in front of a moving tram because you want 'to find out what it feels like to get hit by a tram'. While that would be no loss to the gene pool, the delay caused by you being hosed off the tracks might make me late for a meeting or, even worse, delay my arrival at the pub.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #83
Kingfisher is very crisp. Tsingtao was another crisp Asian beer that I liked.

I have a batch of double IPA that is almost finished. I could throw some of the dust from the grain bags together, maybe throw in a hop pellet and make a custom Seanus "crisp" brew :)

Anybody who is dumb enough to think that any part of the USA can be a good place for beer is clearly far too moronic to be permitted to remain in Poland

Some of the best beer in the world comes from up there. Great hops too. 99% of beer drinkers in Europe drink crap pale lagers all day long thinking that it is somehow better than the crap pale lagers that are sold in the US. The northwest USA has a beer culture at least on par with England.
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #84
I barely qualify

concentartion on freedom and having qulity free time
food - steak 24/7, Arbies the best damn hamburger ever in the super roast beef and cheddar sandwich
golf courses
general nice nature of americans
big roads
fantastic houses and condos
the fact that its virtually a world all in one country
films - by far the best
Michael Moore
you can have anything if you pony up the dough

falsness of americans
we are the greatest mentality
corporate america runs the show
huge divide between rich and poor
slums in the richest country of the World
lack of universal health care
legalised guns
standard US television
you can have anything if you pony up the dough

Both lists are pretty much endless.


family values
my wife

strangers in the street
communist mentality
16 Mar 2010 /  #85
harry wrote:

Anybody who is dumb enough to think that any part of the USA can be a good place for beer is clearly far too moronic to be permitted to remain in Poland

you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

convex wrote:

Some of the best beer in the world comes from up there. Great hops too. 99% of beer drinkers in Europe drink crap pale lagers all day long thinking that it is somehow better than the crap pale lagers that are sold in the US. The northwest USA has a beer culture at least on par with England.

Havok  10 | 902  
16 Mar 2010 /  #86
my 2 cents

- People here are open-minded towards other cultures or seem to be more in acceptance of the fact.

- In the US I don't feel obligated to follow uncompromising guidelines of Polish society i.e. finish school on time, get a respectful job that everyone approves of, earn the respect of your neighbors and start a family ASAP. I got this impression while talking with my peers from PL.

- Independence. Many of my friends live with parents or in-laws. Because of this they’re are heavily influenced by mom and dad and inadvertently being forced to consult on all major decisions. I would rather live in a cardboard box or under a bridge than in the same house with my parents, wife and kids.

-Wider scope of interests. People do here some whacky stuff. For instance, I lived/worked in 5 different states, joined the Navy for 4 years, finished college and in the meantime I travelled to at least 15 different countries. Almost died on a few occasions… All my peers from PL wanna know is what kind of car I drive and how much does it cost.

I love Polish zurek.

19 Mar 2010 /  #87
oh dear. what a little gem I have for you all that I most certainly had to include on my own personal thread, considering my reasons for creating it in the first place.

inspired mostly because people on this forum talk constantly about America, yet not only have they not lived and worked there, often times they've never even BEEN there. not a day.

anyway, let's get to the fun part. posted from everyone's favorite blowhard, Delphiandomine, just this week:

When you actually live and pay taxes in Poland, we can talk.

well Delph.......exactly. glad we're now on the same page.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Mar 2010 /  #88
what a little gem I have for you all

You're absolutely obsessed, it's hilarious :D

Here's a hint, tough guy - no-one cares!
19 Mar 2010 /  #89
Delphiandomine wrote:

Here's a hint, tough guy - no-one cares!

speak for yourself.

some folks on this forum enjoy watching me make an ass out of you.
grubas  12 | 1382  
7 Apr 2010 /  #90
Variety of stuff and its all fricking CHEAP
Cheap gas
Decent infrastructure
Spirit and attitude of most (friendliness)
Differences.North is differerent than South and West is different than East
George W Bush (may not like his foreign policy but he is a cool dude)
Diversity of cultures

Women.Forget Polish women,American women are the biggest sluts in the world.And in my eyes its a BIG +.If American women wants you ,you don't have do anything,she will come to you and it won't take long for you to score.Again BIG +.

Attitude of some ("we are the greatest nation"(that implies other nations are not equel to them),"everyone wants to live here" and so on).

Bill O'Reilly and Fox News

American fascists ("we can do whatever and whereever coz we are Americans,and we are always right")
Lou Dobbs

Don't know if my opinion counts,coz I have no idea what level my English is.Learned it here myself (without any schools) ,just by living among Americans for 6 years,reading a lot and watching movies.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list.........Archived