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Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA?

Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Jul 2011 /  #121
our food applies to the more primitive istincts.

I know why now.
Orthodoxy Church is guilty.

I'm very jealous of this trait of yours.

Recipe is simple. I just need to borrow you my mom for a while :)

Apetite is gone.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
15 Jul 2011 /  #122
I'm not saying anything, but you *could* ask Randal if he would like a romantic Schnitzel dinner for two.

why don't you ask him? ;-)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
15 Jul 2011 /  #123
.Why do foreigners praise our food.

Because it's tasty and healthy.

(and most foods are usually one or the other)
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Jul 2011 /  #124
snails, crayfish, frogs, goose liver

Delicious. And beats pigs' liver, fish in pig jelly, potatoes, tripe, ketchup and decaying cabbage any day
15 Jul 2011 /  #125
One theory explaining why traditional Northern European cuisine is not spicy is that because foods do not spoil as quickly in the chill air there was no need to mask decay with bolder flavors.

Of course , it is true .

olive oil

It smells like hell . There is nothing better than our " olej kujawski "canola oil - no aggressive smell and very delicate .
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Jul 2011 /  #126
There is a very simple reason why northern european food is not tasty.They did not have olive oil.Without olive oil you get inferior taste.

Nietzsche agrees with you, Southern, he was adamant about the need to replace butter with olive oil to improve Northern cuisine and he lamblasted German food for being frightfully overcooked and especially over-boiled.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jul 2011 /  #127
Because Americans cry out for quality on the scale of Aberdeen Angus, good Scottish stuff from my home city. I tried polędwica on a recommendation but it had no real taste. I was disappointed as Polish meat is generally really good!
Marynka11  3 | 639  
15 Jul 2011 /  #128
One theory explaining why traditional Northern European cuisine is not spicy is that because foods do not spoil as quickly in the chill air there was no need to mask decay with bolder flavors.

And there is no local "spicy" plants. Pepper had to be brought from far away and probably wasn't affordable for most in the old times.
rychlik  41 | 372  
15 Jul 2011 /  #129
Normally I wouldn't agree with 'Rebirth' but in this case he is right. Polish cuisine is notespecially good. Home-cooked is OK but nothing special, in restaurants in Poland it is usually bad.

You need your head examined. I was just in Poland (Warsaw, Wroclaw). Polish food is amazing there. I had the most delicious perogies and nalesniki there. Kotlet schabowy with potatoes and cooked cabbage (not sour kraut) is f'ucking delicious. Polish cuisine is much better than Anglo food for sure. Polish bread is also better than that Italian white stuff they call bread.

In Toronto, Canadians like Indian food. But curry to me looks like it leaked out of the chefs a'sshole. Indian cuisine, from a dirty, malaria infested country somehow took off. Can anyone explain this?
15 Jul 2011 /  #130
Why do foreigners praise our food.

I am not sure if they value it as much as you claim , but I can say it is rather cheap and they serve big dishes . It is good for fat people thats why you Greeks are nation of fat people , the same as the USA .
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2011 /  #131
There is nothing better than our " olej kujawski "canola oil

Why don't you try to export your olej kujawski and see who will buy it instead of olive oil?

:olive oil

It smells like hell

It is strong.Like feta etc.But once you get used to it there is no way back.We have lots of cheese here which taste delicious but only feta(the commercial one) is famous abroad because the rest is not produced in massive quantities.
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Jul 2011 /  #132
German food for being frightfully overcooked and especially over-boiled.

In Germany this practice caused rapid loss of weight on this side. I was digesting two wurstchen for two days, like poisoned.

Not made for delicate southern pancreas.

Germans can digest metal, I'm sure.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jul 2011 /  #133
Natasa, have you ever tried Polish sausage? I bought an excellent one today named 'Catalonian' :) 9 inches of goodness :) Expensive but worth it :)
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2011 /  #134
it is rather cheap and they serve big dishes . It is good for fat people thats why you Greeks are nation of fat people .

Are you joking me?Cretan food is recommended as the healthiest in the world(famous diet).If you mean that our food is tasty and makes people want to eat it this is true.Foreign women gain some kilos in Greece.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Jul 2011 /  #135
I was just in Poland (Warsaw, Wroclaw). Polish food is amazing there. I had the most delicious perogies and nalesniki there. Kotlet schabowy with potatoes and cooked cabbage (not sour kraut) is f'ucking deliciou

Great maybe when you're just there for a holiday. But monotonous otherwise. Which is why Warsaw is stuffed with sushi restaurants and Italian places (and increasingly Indian).

There is nothing better than our " olej kujawski "

A cheap brand of cooking oil. Exists everywhere.

Why don't you try to export your olej kujawski and see who will buy it instead of olive oil?

Exactly. Two different products used in two different ways.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Jul 2011 /  #136
And there is no local "spicy" plants.

True, none but horseradish. Hot peppers are from America and they have transformed Old World cuisine for the better in the last few centuries, but one can still see an aversion to heat in alot of European cooking. I.E. the signature Hungarian spice, paprika, is made from red peppers, but the Hungarians remove all the seeds before grinding it into a powder and it is the seeds of peppers that bring the real burn.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2011 /  #137
Polish sausage? I bought an excellent one today named 'Catalonian' :) 9 inches of goodness :) Expensive but worth it :)

Polish sausage is super.I don't say anything against that.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
15 Jul 2011 /  #138
Which is why Warsaw is stuffed with sushi restaurants and Italian places (and increasingly Indian).

it seems many countries get stuffed with those and it gets boring too...
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Jul 2011 /  #139
Well, yes... But in Warsaw they really are booming.

the Hungarians remove all the seeds before grinding it into a powder

Not always.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2011 /  #140
Here indian are not succesful.Only turkish and italian restaurants are successful here.(and american steakhouses).
15 Jul 2011 /  #141
It is strong.Like feta

I hate feta and olive oil , sorry .

We don`t bother about your food but if you like it , that`s good for you .

A cheap brand of cooking oil. Exists everywhere.

It is healthier more than you might expect , just read about it , you will be surprised .
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Jul 2011 /  #142
We don`t bother about your food

The amount of feta and olive oil sold in Warsaw suggests that you are, as usual, lying.

It is healthier more than you might expect , just read about it , you will be surprised .

Just normal cooking oil, exists everywhere. The stuff from Kujawy is no different to the stuff from anywhere else. The same crops, the same production and storage methods.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2011 /  #143
Olives in all forms and colors, NOW!

You should taste Kalamata olives.It is sth unparalleled.They are so tasty you eat and eat and you cannot stop.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
15 Jul 2011 /  #144
Polish food is basic and simple, but sophisticaiton is not the question. There is no more primitve food than Mexican and yet it is very popular.

I think it's the lack of a restaurant culture. When Italians went ot America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries they opeed up restaurants, cafés and of course food shops, bakeries, etc. Poles opened grocries, bakeries, butcher shops and the like but few eateries. This has somehow persisted.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jul 2011 /  #145
Are kalamata olives Polish? No, then it's off-topic
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Jul 2011 /  #146
Are kalamata olives Polish?

They are if you buy them in Mini-Europa or Piotr i Pawel.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
15 Jul 2011 /  #147
You should taste Kalamata olives.It is sth unparalleled.

I eat them everyday and they are my favorite olives. If you only know those sour green pimento stuffed Spanish style ones Kalamata olives will be a revelation for you.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
15 Jul 2011 /  #148
Agreed. The strangest I ever ate were Syrian, but kalamata are among the best.
Natasa  1 | 572  
15 Jul 2011 /  #149
Kalamata olives

It is embarrassing what ignorant i am when it comes to food.

I will ask for them. Perhaps I ate them, I know I just love olives.

Here people mostly substituted sunflower oil with olive oil long time ago.

They complained at the beginning, but who started with olive oil, didn't change his mind.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2011 /  #150
Do we export them?Korinthos grapes,Kalamata olives,Veroia pomerances,Mytilini(Lesbos) fish,Cretan graviera cheese,Cretan olive oil are considered to be the best.

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