So what are we talking about? Overweight or obese?
Both. Guesswho thought only 30% of Americans are over weight since I provided the info that said 30% but that was just obese (meaning really overweight) over it's 2/3rd of Americans who are overweight.
did you read the Polish text too, I repeat again: "co czwarty Polak i co piąta Polka są otyli".
You are catching up my friend. PB, you know I like you and I respect your patriotism but please don't get yourself blinded by it.
You are catching up my friend. PB, you know I like you and I respect your patriotism but please don't get yourself blinded by it.
Those are exaggerated stats. Obesity in Poland and the World 34% of Americans are obese, with 15%-25% for Poles, most likely 19% of Poles so almost 1/5 are obese.