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Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA?

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Jul 2011 /  #301
So what are we talking about? Overweight or obese?

Both. Guesswho thought only 30% of Americans are over weight since I provided the info that said 30% but that was just obese (meaning really overweight) over it's 2/3rd of Americans who are overweight.

did you read the Polish text too, I repeat again: "co czwarty Polak i co piąta Polka są otyli".

You are catching up my friend. PB, you know I like you and I respect your patriotism but please don't get yourself blinded by it.

Those are exaggerated stats. Obesity in Poland and the World 34% of Americans are obese, with 15%-25% for Poles, most likely 19% of Poles so almost 1/5 are obese.

guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Jul 2011 /  #302
Guesswho thought

yep and PB thought, Poles don't have any problems with obesity, right?
Again "co czwarty Polak i co piąta Polka są otyli", this is in Polish PB. This is not some kinda anti Polish propaganda. You guys are catching up !!!

Those are exaggerated stats

PB, are you saying that Poles are exaggerating? lol C'mon, you don't believe it yourself. Why do you think I posted a Polish link? Because I assumed that you're gonna believe your own people before anyone else as I know how much you love Poland.

Going on a break.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Jul 2011 /  #303
yep and PB thought, Poles don't have any problems with obesity, right?
Again "co czwarty Polak i co piąta Polka są otyli", this is in Polish PB.

I know it's in Polish I'm fluent in it. Don't believe what you read from the first better source of information different sources have different stant. The one I provided isn't one sided it say 15-25% most likely 19%. Articles are exagetared to be interesting. Where does it say that your article has to be right no other one!??

Just because it favor your denial that this is by far the fattest country.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Jul 2011 /  #304
Don't believe what you read from the first better source

so why would I believe what your "first better source" says? C'mon PB, why do you think that your source is better than mine?

Where does it say that your article has to be right no other one!??
Just because it favor your denial that this is by far the fattest country.

and vice versa PB, yours doesn't convince me either.

Go back and see what I said about it before you come to any conclusions.
I clearly said that we have more fat people here than any European country. Show me, where did I deny it?

Your problem is that you're totally blind in your patriotism. I love my country too but I never said that everything is great here as nothing is perfect anywhere.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Jul 2011 /  #305
Mine is from a legit weight loss program and is showing that there is no exact number because all people havn't been weighted, it's an estimate. That's why it not saying 25% of Poles but anywhere form 15-25, somewhere around 19% being most likely. It is also a 2011 stat saying it's not 30.6 but 34% of AMericans who are obese as expected to rise.

I clearly said that we have more fat people here than any European country. Show me, where did I deny it?

You said that Europeans are on their way, as if any day now they'll be as heavy. When in fact 20% of obese Poles and 34% of Americans is a major difference.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
18 Jul 2011 /  #306
The topic seems to have wandered.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Jul 2011 /  #307
Mine is from a legit weight loss program and is showing that there is no exact number because all people havn't been weighted, it's an estimate.

so what is mine PB? Are you saying that Pulsmed isn't legit?

Then you're saying that it's an estimate (your words) so how is yours more convincing than mine?

AMericans who are obese as expected to rise.

You said, I'm in denial, lol Look at yourself, you're constantly denying that your country is facing the same problems. All I'm saying is that you guys are catching up and it's true. I never said that we have less fat people here.

You said that Europeans are on their way, as if any day now they'll be as heavy. When in fact 20% of obese Poles and 34% of Americans is a major difference.

I said that you guys are catching up and your numbers are going up too. Whether there will be ever the same percentage of fat people in Europe as it is in the US, is simply impossible for any of us now to determine. The time will show. I say, we'll stay ahead of you for a long while but I also believe that the numbers will be closing in at some point in time. Don't worry, we won't live long enough to see it, probably.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Jul 2011 /  #308
how is yours more convincing than mine?

It's not enlarged like your source that gives the highest possible it could be, mine says 15-25 which means 15-25, not 25%.

you're constantly denying that your country is facing the same problems.

This is my country too sweetie. I'm saying it not the same problem because 20% and 30%+ is a major difference. And here it's getting worse fast, 3/4 of Americans are gonna be overweight by 2020 obesity will rise also. I'll give you an example my mom who is 51 at 5'7 weight 150lbs. my 26 yr. old sister at 5'7.5 weight 120 lbs. what is the average American woman's weight? Many do take care of themselves and it looks great but others look like total slobs.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Jul 2011 /  #309
It'snot enlarged like your source that gives the highest possible it could be, mine says 15-25 which means 15-25, not 25%.

did you think for a second that the reason why my link provides solid numbers is because it's not an estimate? 15-25 looks to me like an estimate while, let's say 20 is a solid number, more credible in my eyes.

This is my country too sweetie.

It's your fault honey bunny because you told me not too long ago that since you can't be both, you choose to be Polish and not American, remember? You also said that you love Poland while you only like America.

Not that any of what you said bothers me but I call you Polish because it's your own choice. I only honor your choice, that's all. If it bothers you, let me know and I'll call you American again.

And here it's getting worse fast

as it is obviously (according to the Polish link) in Poland too.

I'll give you an example my mom who is 51 at 5'7 weight 150lbs. my 26 yr. old sister at 5'7.5 weight 120 lbs. what is the average American woman's weight?

I'll give you an example, my mom weighs 115 lbs by 5'5" and I weigh 107 lbs by 5'7", what's the average weight of a Polish woman?

Do you see what I'm saying? We both haven't answered anything, do you agree with me?

I'll help you out a little:

The average American woman is 5'4" tall and weighs 140 pounds.


Can you provide the same for Polish women?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
18 Jul 2011 /  #310
undeniable fact. Who knows how fat Europeans would be right now if their food was as cheap as ours, let's say 30 years ago.

Who knows, maybe that's what will help the US avoid a future of obesity. Who knew having a good food source would lead to this?
OP Rebirth  
18 Jul 2011 /  #311
I remember back in high school in gym class we had so many people who had trouble running a mile under 10 minutes. It was pathetic. Public schools should really start failing kids who can't run under 10 min (if they don't have a medical condition preventing them to do so of course). That'll get them off their asses and start working to get in shape.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
18 Jul 2011 /  #312
Of course we have many fat people here, I never denied it. All I said to PB was that the Europeans are catching up and I proved it posting a Polish link to make it more credible for him.
OP Rebirth  
18 Jul 2011 /  #313
Yeah, I agree. I wasn't opposing you. :-)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
18 Jul 2011 /  #314
15-25 looks to me like an estimate while, let's say 20 is a solid number, more credible in my eyes.

I didn't read anywhere that it's an official number. My 'Otyłość w Polsce i na Świecie - statystyka" is a statistic from a weight loss campaign from just 3 months ago. 'Większość znalezionych źródeł wskazuje' most found sources making it clear that it doesn't come from one official stat but several that's why they've said 15-25%. So if it's 20% in the middle like they say and your link also (except for the 25 figure) it's still far less in Poland.

It's your fault honey bunny because you told me not too long ago that since you can't be both, you choose to be Polish and not American, remember?

In a honesty I was having a bad day that day. I do feel both, BUT I do feel more Polish.

average American woman is 5'4" tall and weighs 140 po

165cm(5'4) and 65kg (143lbs.) for a grown woman. Which would mean it's the same as American.

However, 'USA: The average American woman's weight has increased 11 pounds (7%) in the 10 years between the gathering of statistics, while her height has remained about the same (an increase of 0.1 inch or 0.2% taller). Earlier I had reported a weight of 152 pounds (69 kg) and height 5' 3.7" (162 cm). Now, it's 163 pounds (74 kg) and 5' 3.8" (163 cm).'

Like I said Polish women are thinner.
beckski  12 | 1609  
18 Jul 2011 /  #315
The topic seems to have wandered.

I promise to be good & stay on topic :)

Des lives in Cali

As a matter of fact, there used to be an excellent Polish restaurant in Anaheim, California. It was a very friendly family owned-business. The owner kind of reminded me of Deborah Harry from Blondie. Their Polish food was wonderful and very authentic in taste. Great prices, with good size servings. They gave you enough food, to be able to take leftovers home. You really got your money's worth. On various weekends, they had live Polish entertainment. One problem... the restaurant's name was not catchy, in terms of promoting a Polish restaurant. The name was Mr. Smoke BBQ. Not a very Polish name at all. The only way I had discovered the place's existence, was from a flyer I had received at Pope John Paul ll Polish Church. The church is located nearby, in Yorba Linda, California.
f stop  24 | 2493  
18 Jul 2011 /  #316
We have an excellent Polish restaurant in town, Salt and Sweet. You couldn't drag young, sushi addicted people into it, even if you were giving away the food. Unfortunately, Polish food is associated with bland, potato laden fare.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jul 2011 /  #317
That's exactly it - Polish food simply isn't "sexy". It's hearty, good food - but not the kind of thing you'd eat on a hot date or on a night out with your friends.

On a related note, Martha Stewart is actually banned from the UK - do you people really want to claim her as Polish?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2011 /  #318
On a related note, Martha Stewart is actually banned from the UK - do you people really want to claim her as Polish?

She needs to spend more time on Polish food and culture, imo. She could do more to promote Polishness in America.
Llamatic  - | 140  
23 Jul 2011 /  #319
delphiandomine: Martha Stewart is actually banned from the UK

Really? Why? Herself or her TV show?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
23 Jul 2011 /  #320
She needs to spend more time on Polish food and culture

My sister was once reading one of Martha Stewart's early cookbooks and she turned to me and asked "Who is Oblomov?" and I was quite startled because I have a copy of Ivan Goncharov's novel Oblomov in my library. Mathra had referenced it in her cookbook writing something like "dinner-party guests like Oblomov only come alive after the second helping", but alas, Plastic, the novel is a Russian, and not a Polish, classic.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2011 /  #321
the novel is a Russian, and not a Polish, classic.

Was Martha referencing the title of the novel, or just talking about a guest named Oblomov? I've never read the book so don't know if I am missing an inside joke...
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
23 Jul 2011 /  #322
Was Martha referencing the title of the novel?

She was referencing the title character of the novel the dreamer Oblomov, an impoverished Russian aristocrat layabout who devises schemes for improving his estate but never acts upon them, whose appetite, the novel states, "only comes alive after the second course" or something like that. Its not such a famous novel in the English speaking world so I was surprised, and a little impressed, that Martha knew about it. She must be well read.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
23 Jul 2011 /  #323
Polish food is not boring at all: in the US, however, it has not been mass marketed, so people aren't as familiar with gołumbek as they are with lo mein or pizza...But this is not necessarily a bad thing...Preparation, presentation and quality ingredients are of primary importance.

The church is located nearby, in Yorba Linda, California.

Yorba Linda was Richard Nixon's home town.
legend  3 | 658  
29 Jul 2011 /  #324
Here in Toronto and Mississauga there are several Polish restaurants.
Poles go there and people from other ethnicites also.

Its nothing large like the Mandarin (Chinese food) Restaurants but its sometimes busy.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
29 Jul 2011 /  #325
joepilsudski wrote:

Polish food is not boring at all:

honestly, it is.

The only spice Poles understand is salt, some black pepper if you're lucky. OH, and that useless papryka stuff that randomly appears on meals.

Other than that, Polish food is basically starch and fatty meat. The flavor in Polish food comes from the high fat and salt content, not from some complex design.

I like Polish food, I most certainly have an appreciation for the fatty mcFatty aspect of it, I love fatty salty food, but let's keep it real here....the stuff is pretty bland and boring, especially when compared to Korean/Thai/Japanese/Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Italian, French, etc.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
29 Jul 2011 /  #326
honestly, it is.

It is not fuzz......not if you talking restaurants and such, true, Polish food is more suitable for northern European climate, but fatty food is only imagination of an American, fatty food in Poland is healthy natural fat, your acreage American consume much more fat in unhealthy McDonald's and other spicy stuff than there is in polish food!

tell me that your staple food is Mexican food eh?
ever seen polish salads and such like zurek and other like ?
grubas  12 | 1382  
29 Jul 2011 /  #327
I don't understand this fascination with Mexican food.Let's be honest this very poor people's food.I would take schabowy with potatos (not to mention polędwica ze śliwkami) over nachos,burritos or some other Mexican trash at any time.And when it comes to soups they got NOTHING on us.Simple kapuśniak with fresh Polish bread beats everything they can come up with.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
29 Jul 2011 /  #328
Ironside wrote:

fatty food in Poland is healthy natural fat

oh I love that comeback. "It's OK to eat kielbasa every day because it's natural." Tell you what, that stuff will naturally kill you.

much more fat in unhealthy McDonald's and other spicy stuff than there is in polish food!

I would never defend McD's and say it's somehow healthy but for the sake of argument, I can personally guarantee you that a hearty meal of kielbasa, bread and butter, cheese, kabanos, etc. has as much or even more fat (and calories) than a fast food burger and french fries. Polish food is very very hearty and heavy for the most part and the calories rack up.

Ironside wrote:

tell me that your staple food is Mexican food eh?


ironside wrote:

ever seen polish salads and such like zurek and other like ?

oh I surely have. i honestly don't know how you can call most polish salads actual salads. a blob of mayo, cream, hard boiled eggs, smietana, or whatever else you put in it does not become a salad just because you threw some corn and onion and shredded cabbage or beets into it. it's still a bowl of lard with random pieces of veggies.

honestly, why does every comment about how Polish food is anything less than healthy always have to turn into "Well, you americans eat fast food all the time so there!"

stay on topic. Poles eat fatty, bland food. Nothin' wrong with it. I like to eat it. Just admit to what it is.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
29 Jul 2011 /  #329
stay on topic. Poles eat fatty, bland food. Nothin' wrong with it. I like to eat it. Just admit to what it is.

Whatever you call it is lovely and I like it, better then some freaky stuff made up by people who were forced to eat anything like Italian, French or who had no much else to choose from like Chinese or Mexicans.

Do you eat Mexican food everyday ?Rather not I gather.
Nothing wrong with that.
The only thing Americans have on us is steak.
grubas  12 | 1382  
29 Jul 2011 /  #330
oh I surely have. i honestly don't know how you can call most polish salads actual salads. a blob of mayo, cream, hard boiled eggs, smietana, or whatever else you put in it does not become a salad just because you threw some corn and onion and shredded cabbage or beets into it. it's still a bowl of lard with random pieces of veggies.

What are you talking about?See in Poland we have sałatki(salads) and surówki.I will give you $100 if you find ANY lard in surówka z marchwi i jabłek or in surówka z buraków.To some of surówki we add a BIT of mayo or cream e.g surówka z selera or mizeria but to call them full of lard is simply ridiculous.BTW, Polish potato salad beats American one hands down.

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