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8 Feb 2010 /  #181
But it has not been put to popular vote and will not, because the leadership of both parties (and the political commentary class) are all firmly in favor of illegal immigration and don't care about the majority opinion of the citizenry.

OK man, I'll try to put it straight. If people in power care so much (as you say) about illegal immigrants then why don't they simply legalize them? You just said, they don't care about our opinion anyway so what is stopping them from doing it?

You will have to come up with something better than just your personal opinion about it.
scrappleton  - | 829  
8 Feb 2010 /  #182
I'm pretty sure that the first place that I heard about Tyson hiring was from Food Inc when they were looking at the Monroe Tyson factory.

?? Uhhh that's one place.. MatterofTaste is right, illegals are disappearing around here like whiteness on a limey's teeth.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Feb 2010 /  #183
Good deal. The laws on the books should be enforced. I haven't lived in the states for a while...good to hear things area going in the right direction.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2010 /  #184
Where do you get this information from?

I gave you one link already: lawyersandsettlements.com/case/hiring-illegal-immigrants.html

Here are some more:

scrappleton  - | 829  
8 Feb 2010 /  #185
If people in power care so much (as you say) about illegal immigrants then why don't they simply legalize them? You just said, they don't care about our opinion anyway so what is stopping them from doing it?

Yes exactly.. if no politician cares they would just legalize every one of them. Actually the opposite is true, stiffer penalties are being enacted against employers who hire them.

I haven't lived in the states for a while...

If you don't mind, where exactly did you live? Name of the town please.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2010 /  #187
illegals are disappearing around here

Well, maybe they are leaving Santa Barbara County. Question is, are they heading south or north?
8 Feb 2010 /  #188
Question is, are they heading south or north?

As long as they heading somewhere else.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Feb 2010 /  #189
problem is that the factories are going to follow the cheap labor. if they can't hire cheap labor in the US, they'll head south. but honestly, are you really worried about the sh*t jobs going to illegals?
8 Feb 2010 /  #190
Some friends from Poland came to visit me and I really tried to get them some kind of job around here. No way Jose. No one wanted to mess with it, not even for $5/h

but honestly, are you really worried about the sh*t jobs going to illegals?

well, They're no competition to what I'm doing but I hate to see some of my people having to struggle because of them.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
8 Feb 2010 /  #191
it's so logical and obvious that it doesn't need any proof, don't you think?

No really, my dear opponent I'm not taking your word for it, nor anybody else.
My opposition to this logical and easy equation that connect number of people overstaying their visas and requirement to have said visa for Polish citizens is also logical.

There is question I would like to have answered:
Why citizens of the others East Europeans country's enjoy visa free privilege to travel to USA? Such as Lithuania, Hungary etc. - given here only as an example!

I would like you to treat my doubts seriously and not to answer me that citizen's of said country's didn't overstayed their visas because I refuse to believe it!

You know nothing, it's funny.

Dear Sir
Thank you for your words of infinite wisdom and authority!
I learned about errors of my way's.
Hereby I humbly thank You from a bottom of my heart, O Great One!
sincerely yours
Know Nothing Junior
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Feb 2010 /  #192
well, They're no competition to what I'm doing but I hate to see some of my people having to struggle because of them.

we've let the globalization genie out of the bottle, the nation state is in it's death throes. the competition has heated up. we've had years of being given the opportunity to enjoy the most advance education system on earth, no excuses not to prosper in such an environment. let the free market take care of it. social darwinism works...and it works well.
9 Feb 2010 /  #193
Why citizens of the others East Europeans country's enjoy visa free privilege to travel to USA? Such as Lithuania, Hungary

Well you refuse to believe it as you already said but it's true. For one, to be quite honest with you, people from these countries can't afford to travel to the USA as much as Poles so obviously there are not as many cases of overstaying visa too. I strongly believe that if they did travel as much as Poles, they would also need a visa to visit us.

It's all about numbers and not that much about specific countries. Trust me, Poles are not being discriminated in the USA. For example where I live, no one has ever mention Poles or Poland in a negative way so far. At least not to my knowledge.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Feb 2010 /  #194
I strongly believe that if they did travel as much as Poles, they would also need a visa to visit us.

it's based on percentage of the total (or so they say).
9 Feb 2010 /  #195
it's based on percentage of the total

yeah right. Mr Ironside believes that everyone hates Poles but it's not true.

To Mr.Ironside

Why do you believe that we hate you man?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Feb 2010 /  #196
Why do you believe that we hate you man?

because he can't find any evidence of the overstay rate. the only thing i could find were some stats from 91
scrappleton  - | 829  
9 Feb 2010 /  #197
Why can't he ask his own government for this info? Czech rep doesn't need them.. ask them ..I'm just a retarded yank but I think they are to the south of you.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Feb 2010 /  #198
Why can't he ask his own government for this info? Czech rep doesn't need them..

because his own government doesn't have those statistics. just like the US govt doesn't have statistics of overstays of its citizens in foreign countries. i'm pretty sure that if the overstay rate was public, it would put this conversation to a very quick end...unfortunately the only information that is made public is the the refusal rate...

edit: a quick end...not in favor of Poland being part of the vwp...
scrappleton  - | 829  
9 Feb 2010 /  #199
because his own government doesn't have those statistics.

They can't ask the US state department.. Strange how the US population has millions of people of Polish descent living here but now magically there's a conspiracy against the people of Poland?? But not Czech Rep. ???

Did it ever dawn on you the Polish gov doesn't want to lose good minds to the Yankee economy any more?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Feb 2010 /  #200
They can't ask the US state department.. Strange how the US population has millions of people of Polish descent living here but now magically there's a conspiracy against the people of Poland?? But not Czech Rep. ???

no one is assuming a conspiracy, it would just be nice to have the stats online. transparency after all, isn't a bad thing. the refusal rate is easily found, but the overstay rate seems to be worthy of keeping hidden for whatever reason. why the mystery around overstay data?

and again, i think that the overstay data would show why poles aren't part of the VWP. i just think they should post that data so that you and i can see who is overstaying their visa.
scrappleton  - | 829  
9 Feb 2010 /  #201
the refusal rate is easily found, but the overstay rate seems to be worthy of keeping hidden for whatever reason. why the mystery around overstay data?

Are they really obligated to do all this?.. Why the hell would they help out the Czech Rep and not Poland? Besides you're an American citizen as you say, why don't you call the State Dept?

If you lived here like we do you'd understand .. the economy is completely in the sh.tter at the moment. And contrary to popular belief illegals are being denied jobs, etc. It's not a hoax.. we're not being American a*holes.. etc , etc.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Feb 2010 /  #202
Are they really obligated to do all this?.. Why the hell would they help out the Czech Rep and not Poland? Besides you're an American citizen as you say, why don't you call the State Dept?

it requires an FOI request. look, again, i fully believe that poland doesn't meet the criteria for the VWP. but i find it strange that refusal rates are printed, and overstay rates aren't. at the very least, i would like some concrete reason to explain to my girlfriend why she needs to go through the humiliating process required to get a visa to the US.

If you lived here like we do you'd understand .. the economy is completely in the sh.tter at the moment. And contrary to popular belief illegals are being denied jobs, etc. It's not a hoax.. we're not being American a*holes.. etc , etc.

i pay more in taxes to the US than 95% of Americans do. the US is one of the few countries in the world that taxes its citizens based on worldwide income. i'm alright with illegal immigrants being denied jobs. now if the government would only cut down on the other 99.5% of wasteful spending, we might get somewhere.
scrappleton  - | 829  
9 Feb 2010 /  #203
i would like some concrete reason to explain to my girlfriend why she needs to go through the humiliating process required to get a visa to the US.

Ohhh okay, here's the true problem.. she's humiliated.. Well slick, hate to break it to you but we are contending with quite a bit to be concerned with a foreigners 'hurt feelings' at the moment.

And let's face it, most of the world hates us - WTF we're the US after all. Inventor of cockroaches, jock itch.. and facial wrinkles. All the evil empire sh.t.

There's a Polish consulate in Chitown I believe.. I will try and give them a call tomorrow.
tygrys  2 | 290  
9 Feb 2010 /  #204
not quite...

yeah, will things have changed since 7 years ago when this article was written. Just another proof that illegal workers are being dealt with and illegal hiring exposed.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Feb 2010 /  #205

why is it so humiliating? it's just asking a couple of simple Qs...
i don't know in person any Pole who wouldn't get a visa...
9 Feb 2010 /  #206
why is it so humiliating?

I agree with you, there's absolutely nothing humiliating about it.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
9 Feb 2010 /  #207
things have changed since 7 years ago when this article was written

Not really: cnn.com/2009/US/04/17/immigration.raid/index.html

"According to ICE, some 5,173 people were arrested last year in similar worksite raids."
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
9 Feb 2010 /  #208
it's worth noting that the Czech Republic, a country that used to have visa free travel privileges to Canada, no longer does. The Canadian govt. discovered a large concentration of Czechs living there illegally along with refugee applications, and now the Czech Republic needs a visa to travel to Canada.

Poland still has visa free travel rights to Canada (with the new Biometric passports).....is that discrimination against the Czechs or is it just because the Czechs break the law too often and the Poles, according to Canada's statistics/requirements, still meet their requirements for visa free travel?

I can assure you that if the Poles start piling up in Canada illegally like they are in the USA, the Poles will be the next to lose visa free travel privileges to Canada.

I mean.....is it that difficult to understand? Hell, while I was in the USA, without even looking I knew of several Poles living there illegally, and I didn't live in NYC, Michigan, Pittsburgh, Chicago, etc.

They're all over the states, illegally. Believe it. If I have to read another poster say how upset they are over Poland not being part of the VWP, I'm gonna puke.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Feb 2010 /  #209
why is it so humiliating? it's just asking a couple of simple Qs...
i don't know in person any Pole who wouldn't get a visa...

1 in 4 are refused. The refusal rate for Poland is higher than Algeria, Azerbaijan, Botswana...it's 5 times higher than Croatia, Estonia, and the Czech Republic.

The problem isn't just a couple of simple questions, it's the entire manner in which you are treated. Appointments would have been nice, as opposed to just a mass of people showing up. The notice provided to come to the consulate was 3 days. And it required a return visit. Fair enough.

Ohhh okay, here's the true problem.. she's humiliated.. Well slick, hate to break it to you but we are contending with quite a bit to be concerned with a foreigners 'hurt feelings' at the moment.

It's just dickish, that's all. And the world sees that, and reacts to it. The key to winning the game is to work smarter, not harder. The US understood and mastered that for a long time, and then completely forgot it. The openness of the US was one of its most valuable resources.

They're all over the states, illegally. Believe it. If I have to read another poster say how upset they are over Poland not being part of the VWP, I'm gonna puke.

It's just a simple question, what is the overstay rate? I'm certainly not arguing for the inclusion of Poland in the VWP, but it would be nice to actually see the estimated overstay rate..
9 Feb 2010 /  #210
Algeria, Azerbaijan, Botswana

Well, not too many of those travel to the US and if they don't come they also don't mess up and overstay visa.

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