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mafketis  38 | 11137  
6 Feb 2010 /  #151
When you have a visa and it expires, go back. Don't overstay, it's illegal and that's what causes this visa issue for Poland.
But you will never understand...

For the howmanyeth time I'll ask: What makes you think the US government cares about illegal immigration? All the evidence I can find, would indicate the government doesn't care at all. The public might care, but the ruling class in the US is actively in favor of illegal immigration.

The overstaying the visa issue (while valid, yes, an honest person leaves when their visa ends) is just an excuse for a policy that has its origins elsewhere.
scrappleton  - | 829  
6 Feb 2010 /  #152
but the ruling class in the US is actively in favor of illegal immigration.

It's a fair question but not really true. The ruling class doesn't want that many foreigners as they'll lose their voting majority. McDonalds / Walmart kind of likes it probably, that's it.

The main problem is, no one really wants to commit the money i.e. raise taxes to hire the immigration inspectors / border patrol / coast guard people on the scale it takes to corral all these people and ship them out. Plus, the liberal media will make a big stupid spectacle of it and call everybody a Nazi for being involved in it. There's a lot of factors obviously. Lawyers get involved. A colossal pain in the a.ss.

Hey, I'd prefer Poles over Mexicans obviously. But the Mexicans just sneak in.. and they do get deported fairly frequently. If they sired kids.. the parents get sent back, while the kids stay. I've seen stories about that quite a bit.
Juche  9 | 292  
6 Feb 2010 /  #153
Hey, I'd prefer Poles over Mexicans obviously. But the Mexicans just sneak in..

they sneak in because there is only a stretch of desert between the US and Mexico. If Poles could make it on foot instead of crossing a vast ocean, you don't think they'd be sneaking in just like the Mexicans?? Pleeeeease...
convex  20 | 3928  
6 Feb 2010 /  #154
The main problem is, no one really wants to commit the money i.e. raise taxes to hire the immigration inspectors / border patrol / coast guard people on the scale it takes to corral all these people and ship them out.

You don't even have to do that, just appropriately fine the companies that are employing illegal aliens. Increasing the risk to the employer of employing illegal aliens will make the labor more expensive, and therefore not as attractive.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Feb 2010 /  #155
The UK approach, in other words. I'm surprised the USA doesn't have the same requirements actually - place the emphasis on the employer and problem solved.
6 Feb 2010 /  #156
What makes you think the US government cares about illegal immigration? All the evidence I can find, would indicate the government doesn't care at all. The public might care, but the ruling class in the US is actively in favor of illegal immigration.

Just looking at your statement, I can tell that you don't live here because you don't have any idea what's going on here at all. I don't know where you get your so called "evidence" from, lol but the fact is that our media is full of discussions about illegal immigrants in our country.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Feb 2010 /  #157
place the emphasis on the employer and problem solved.

Depends on whoch problem you have in mind. In fact that's exactly what they did in the US. Thus employers enjoy cheap labor.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
6 Feb 2010 /  #158
the fact is that our media is full of discussions about illegal immigrants in our country.

But strangely, the only thing ever really done is that they're given amnesty. Find me a national politician, in a position to get something done, who's not into amnesty or any kind of immigration 'reform' that doesn't involve mass importation of third worlders.

As some might say, the US government has elected a new people and the current population realizes they've been voted off the island.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
7 Feb 2010 /  #159
You still don't get it.

Honey it is you who don't get it!

Sounds like Polish mentality

And again the same useless generalization, all your posts are full of such remarks!
I must ask you are you talking about yourself or your parents ?
Do USA with such numerous population don't have lazy, laid back people, criminals, schemers, cheaters etc ? Don't they have drug businesses, world famous mafia, illicit connection between politicians and businessman.

Didn't last great cheaters weren't American bankers - didn't USA politician's suck out of hard working USA citizen's money to pay for high standard of living for the same bankers?!

So don't tell me that only Poles are bad, because its the most stupid generalization I have came across on this forum,its stinks !

hat the world owes them something and never responsible for their own actions

I'm not a teenager, and I can recognize discrimination, There was long discussion on this thread and others here about that issue, read it I wont repeat it all over again.

As long as there no official statistic of the nationalities which overstay their visas its stalemate - issue cannot be proved one way or the other!

When you have a visa and it expires, go back. Don't overstay

there will be always people who'll stay, I personally don't approve it but I understand and you don't.
Your parents were so lucky, smart or industrious to get USA citizenship(I presume), why do you don;t recognize the right of the others to try they luck even if that is illegal.

Some time ago 7 millions illegal Mexicans were granted USA citizenship, a few years back they were demonstration of 11 millions illegals in USA demanding citizenship!
Its seems to me that except a few rednecks and American burgeons, nobody takes immigrations seriously and legal/illegal is just question of the politics.

Well, hypothetically if from Poland left 7 million citizens, emigrations from Poland would have finished for 50 -60 years if not for ever!

But you will never understand...

But I understand you don;t want illegal immigrants from Poland because some of them are losers or criminals and it badly reflect on you personally as the first generation American Pole!

Did you think for a second that maybe some of your own people caused this to happen?

read discussion's on this and on similar thread !

Unfortunately it touches thousands of Poles that never caused any trouble too but I want to assure you that it has nothing to do with discrimination.

You are kidding, aren't you ?
Say, back person committed crime and you issue law that forbids all back people leaving houses after dark - do you tell them - your own people caused it to happen ???
jeden  - | 226  
7 Feb 2010 /  #160
Who cares about USA. there is crisis now. big unemployment. stagnation
7 Feb 2010 /  #161
Say, back person committed crime and you issue law that forbids all back people leaving houses after dark - do you tell them - your own people caused it to happen ???

What a comparison. Man, lol. Did you mean black when you said back? I guess so, otherwise your sentence wouldn't make any sense. Listen, if a citizen of the US commits crime he will be punished. Once a visitor overstays his visa in the US, once caught, he'll be sent back. If many foreigners from one country cause the same trouble in the US, our government doesn't have any other choice but to be strict about releasing visas to people from this country. This is how it works.


Who cares about USA. there is crisis now. big unemployment. stagnation

I'm so glad you don't care, I wish many of you would follow. :-)
Ironside  50 | 12941  
7 Feb 2010 /  #162
Did you mean black when you said back?

of course I mean black ( dyslexia )

If many foreigners from one country cause the same trouble in the US, our government doesn't have any other choice but to be strict about releasing visas to people from this country. This is how it works.

Do you know or do you guess ?
Its logical I say but pry tell is there any statistics ?

As long as there no official statistic of the nationalities which overstay their visas its stalemate - issue cannot be proved one way or the other!

jeden  - | 226  
7 Feb 2010 /  #163
I'm so glad you don't care, I wish many of you would follow. :-)

No problem.

the only reason to go to USA is shopping.
Everything there is cheap; oil, perfume, clothes (are ******* cheap ;))

Go there, buy and back to the old world, but live there ???
7 Feb 2010 /  #164
Its logical I say

I'm glad you see it that way. It shows me that discussing with you is not just a waste of time :-). As far the second part of your question, well I'm sure it will be very easy to google it out but to be honest with you, it's so logical and obvious that it doesn't need any proof, don't you think? I hope we'll continue discussing in the same manner. Reasonable questions will receive reasonable answers.

have a great day


the only reason to go to USA is shopping.
Everything there is cheap; oil, perfume, clothes (are ******* cheap ;))
Go there, buy and back to the old world, but live there ??

If all of you felt the same way, you'll be the most appreciated visitors in the US. I hope you'll become politician in Poland, I mean it.

I really like your ideas.
tygrys  2 | 290  
8 Feb 2010 /  #165
Its seems to me that except a few rednecks and American burgeons, nobody takes immigrations seriously and legal/illegal is just question of the politics.

You know nothing, it's funny. Immigration is a very serious matter in the US, why you think certain countries need visas?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2010 /  #166
Immigration is a very serious matter in the US

Sure ... that's why thousands of illegal immigrants can cross the border from Mexico each month and are welcomed with open arms by some greedy corporations which need and hire cheap labour way below the minimum wage. Cracking down on these companies seems to be off limits in certain states, though. Immigration is only taken serious by the Department of Homeland Security if you go the official way.
tygrys  2 | 290  
8 Feb 2010 /  #167
The only boring person is you, what with your constant boring "America is Great Poland Sucks" posts.

You are the one that thinks this way.
America is not Poland, Poland is not America. Different countries, different culture and beliefs.

that's why thousands of illegal immigrants can cross the border from Mexico each month and are welcomed with open arms by some greedy corporations

Proves you know nothing. Living next to the Mexican border I see how "welcomed" the Mexicans are. Lol. They are hired to pick our pickles off the fields and are hired for cheap labor, but those are allowable seasonal jobs where they return home. The same goes with the European job markets, where companies hire seasonal, summer workers from Europe and other countries for work and then they return home with cash. But that's not the issue here, we are talking about "Illegal" immigration, not seasonal workers who are here "legally". Big difference.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2010 /  #168
we are talking about "Illegal" immigration, not seasonal workers who are here "legally".

Well, then the crackdown on Delmonte (just one of many examples) didn't happen, right? I wasn't talking about legal seasonal workers, smartass... ;)

8 Feb 2010 /  #169
Sure ... that's why thousands of illegal immigrants can cross the border from Mexico each month and are welcomed with open arms

Man, you're so wrong about that. We have TV shows about the war on Mexico-USA border on daily bases and this subject is very present here. Obviously there are certain people who hire them once they make it here but believe me, this is not just some kind of game.


I could provide many many more
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2010 /  #170
this is not just some kind of game.

I know that this is a hot topic. Fact is though that corporations like Delmonte, Wal-Mart, Swift, Tyson Foods and others were (actively) hiring illegal immigrants, and many companies did it (and still do it) because these people work for wages way below the minimum. It's about greed, plain and simple. Whether the number of illegal immigrants has dropped recently or if it is really true that Mexicans are flooding back home, that we can discuss of course.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Feb 2010 /  #171
Fact is that corporations like Delmonte, Wal-Mart, Swift, Tyson Foods and others were (actively) hiring illegal immigrants, and many companies did it (and still do it) because these people work for wages way below the minimum.

It should 100% be the responsibility of the employer to perform proper due diligence in the hiring process. The punishment for hiring illegals often isn't even a slap on the wrist. That has to change.
8 Feb 2010 /  #172
The punishment for hiring illegals often isn't even a slap on the wrist.

Exactly, like I said above, this is not just a game.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
8 Feb 2010 /  #173
Basically, the opinion of all those who have a real voice in making decision in the US are in favor of widespread illegal immigration (for different reasons).

Most American voters are not, and would, I'm sure, drastically reduce all immigration if they had a say in the question, but they don't.
8 Feb 2010 /  #174
Basically, the opinion of all those who have a real voice in making decision in the US are in favor of widespread illegal immigration

How many years have you lived in the US (visiting doesn't count)? Why would you discuss something you simply don't know enough about? This is the same reason I don't make any comments about Turkey.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Feb 2010 /  #175
The punishment for hiring illegals often isn't even a slap on the wrist. That has to change.

Absolutely. That's long overdue.
tygrys  2 | 290  
8 Feb 2010 /  #176
Fact is though that corporations like Delmonte, Wal-Mart, Swift, Tyson Foods and others were (actively) hiring illegal immigrants,

As long as they have a social security card or a valid visa, they can work. Without that these corporations will not hire you! Where do you get this information from? I have helped Poles get jobs in the US, but they had their SSI card, some had written "for work only" on them, some because they are in the process of becoming citizens, but this is all done legally. These corporations will not hire someone without the necessary documents. They don't pay you cash if you don't have a SSI card, who tells you this stuff?

Most American voters are not, and would, I'm sure, drastically reduce all immigration if they had a say in the question, but they don't.

Oh yes they would. The Americans are the ones who pay for these illegally sitting aliens in America, you think they are happy about this? Not only are the illegals taking away jobs but because they are illegal, they get free healthcare, housing, etc from our taxes.

Another person who's misinformed
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Feb 2010 /  #177
Without that these corporations will not hire you!

not quite...


EDIT: these companies advertise in mexico....
8 Feb 2010 /  #178
not quite...

I know man but it ain't easy anymore for illegals to get a job in the states and you know it. Well, let's put it this way, at least in NC it isn't. I don't know about Chicago and NYC but in other states it doesn't seem to be easy at all.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
8 Feb 2010 /  #179
How many years have you lived in the US (visiting doesn't count)? Why would you discuss something you simply don't know enough about? This is the same reason I don't make any comments about Turkey.

I'm a born US citizen who's lived over 30 years there, though I haven't been back in [mumble, mumble] years.

I agree that the majority of the US population is against mass immigration, illegal or not. If the matter were put to a popular vote then US policy would be very different. But it has not been put to popular vote and will not, because the leadership of both parties (and the political commentary class) are all firmly in favor of illegal immigration and don't care about the majority opinion of the citizenry.

What part of this do you not agree with?
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Feb 2010 /  #180
I know man but it ain't easy anymore for illegals to get a job in the states and you know it. Well, let's put it this way, at least in NC it isn't.

I'm pretty sure that the first place that I heard about Tyson hiring was from Food Inc when they were looking at the Monroe Tyson factory.

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