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Ironside  50 | 12928  
5 Jan 2010 /  #121
Maybe it's not what you want to hear?

There was discussion about it! Percentage of refused visas are just percentage of refused visas, it tell us nothing!

I keep asking about statistic to tell me visitors of which country are overstaying their visas most:)

I know it's hard to accept, but as nearly every none-Pole seems to know: Poles are in about any immigration issue the biggest group, let alone a few exceptions.

So what?Is that the reason to discriminate?

ou're contradicting yourself in one post. You're agreeing with Krysia on exactly the same thing that I said, be it in different words.

I quoted her words to criticize her!

Still no stats of Poles overstaying their visas as compared to other nationalities
krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Jan 2010 /  #122
I quoted her words to criticize her!

The number of the illegal Polish immigrants is high, 70 thousands and it ranks us in the 10th place in the USA. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to receive a visa to the USA for an average Pole.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
6 Jan 2010 /  #123
I'm still looking for evidence that the US government (as opposed to the US people) care about illegal immigration at all, they mostly seem wildly for it. (Nothing posted on this thread seems applicable in that regard).

This makes me suspect that the number of overstays is not relevant to the question at all (and keeps me in my conviction that the real reason for visas is related to income generation.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
6 Jan 2010 /  #124
I put it in a nutshell for you.

Maybe the man at the PP/Visa office was having a bad day, I don't know.

I tell you this...AmeriKa will let every schvoogie from the Third World come here for as long as they want...White Europeans?...They tell you stick it up your a**.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
6 Jan 2010 /  #125
right, because there aren't any white europeans living in america..........................
sledz  23 | 2247  
7 Jan 2010 /  #126
70 thousands and it ranks us in the 10th

Its a lot more than that,, I found this article

All Illegals no matter from what country they are from should be deported!!!!
...................................................................... ........................................

According to the recently retired head of the INS' Chicago District, Poles rank second behind Hispanics among the Chicago area's large illegal alien population. (A recent report by FAIR estimates there are 500,000 illegals living in Illinois.)

So my socks weren't blown off when I received a forwarded copy of an August 5 letter written to members of the Illinois General Assembly by Christopher Kurczaba, president of the Polish American Congress' Illinois Division.

In his letter, which asks support for proposed legislation sponsored by Sen. Miguel del Valle that would give drivers licenses to illegal aliens, Kurczaba (e-mail him) parrots the now familiar but very lame argument that licenses would "improve highway safety" and, of course, greatly enhance national security.

"The current situation [i.e., upholding the rule of law] leads to a deplorable condition in which [illegal] immigrants (regardless of their driving ability) are forced to use their foreign driver's licenses because they cannot obtain a license in Illinois. In case an [illegal] immigrant is involved in an accident or another incident that requires a license as identification, they do not have such a document."

Here's where it really becomes heart-breaking:

"This inconveniences other drivers who are involved in these incidents. There is no way to track or identify who these persons are unless they have a drivers license, or form of identification issued by a state authority."

None of this would be a problem if illegals weren't here. So the solution, as I see it, is to

(a) make it uncomfortable enough for those who wipe their feet on our laws to return home on their own, and

(b) serious interior enforcement that leads to deportation.

Voila! Fewer people on our already congested roads and, as Kurczaba says, "a greater level of security for all Americans."

OK, OK, there's a couple trade-offs: Some of us may have to cut our own lawns and have fewer ethnic restaurants from which to choose.

But, as a nation of immigrants worthy of the name, we'll again show the world how tough we are in the face of adversity.

The letterhead on which Kurczaba's whining appears is particularly annoying: At the top is PAC's logo that includes the upper portion of the Statue of Liberty,a symbol that glorifies a system of government that rests on the rule of law. (Uh-oh! Maybe that will have to go in light of PAC's apparent disenchantment with that notion.)

In the bottom left corner of the letter is a colorful reminder that October is "Polish Heritage Month," which leaves me wondering: Is it part of Polish tradition and culture to encourage people to enter other countries illegally and then demand to be treated as well as citizens?

Growing up in a Polish family on Chicago's South Side, I don't recall my parents, other family members or neighbors pushing the idea that criminals should be rewarded and, in the process, encouraging others to do the same.
krysia  23 | 3058  
7 Jan 2010 /  #127
Its a lot more than that,,

My article dates a few years back.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
7 Jan 2010 /  #128
The number of the illegal Polish immigrants is high, 70 thousands and it ranks us in the 10th place in the USA. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to receive a visa to the USA for an average Pole.

So how come Canada is #4 on the same list (120,000) and yet Canadians don't even need visas to the US?

Btw. US government's official stats for 2006 do not even include Poland among the top ten countries where illegals originate from. See dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ill_pe_2006.pdf
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Jan 2010 /  #129
So how come Canada is #4 on the same list (120,000) and yet Canadians don't even need visas to the US?

As a percentage of total visitors, it's much lower than that of Poland. The visa waiver program works on the refusal rate and estimated overstay rate, not absolute numbers.

I assume that the overstay rate is based on estimates that are not provided openly... Basically two arbitrary numbers decide on whether a country is allowed on the VWP. Pretty shady if you ask me. And why the hell doesn't US-VISIT track outbound travelers? Wouldn't it make sense to monitor incoming and outgoing travelers?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
7 Jan 2010 /  #130
why the hell doesn't US-VISIT track outbound travelers? Wouldn't it make sense to monitor incoming and outgoing travelers?

It would make sense if they really were concerned about illegal immigration. It does fit my hypothesis that most parts of the government could care less, and in fact finds the presence of a large illegal population convenient for various reasons (they make nice scapegoats, pliable low wage help and being illegal the government has a 'hook' on them that they can use whenever they want - doubtless they'd like to have something on everybody that could be selectively enforced).
Ironside  50 | 12928  
7 Jan 2010 /  #131
The number of the illegal Polish immigrants is high, 70 thousands and it ranks us in the 10th place in the USA. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to receive a visa to the USA for an average Pole.

Why there are visas n the first place.
krysia  23 | 3058  
5 Feb 2010 /  #132
Why there are visas n the first place

to keep things like you illegally entering the country
5 Feb 2010 /  #133
Better check your facts again, there are thousands of Illegal Poles in Chicago.

Thats why the government stopped giving them visas because they never return home when theyre supposed too, so blame your fellow Polocks for screwing it up for the honest ones.

well, that's true. Nothing to add to it.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Feb 2010 /  #134
Wouldn't it make sense to monitor incoming and outgoing travelers?

It would, but for practical purposes the US does not have borders.
I wonder why some (including Poles) even bother with trying to get a US visa. Just cross via one of the many cozy spots in Texas, Arizon and the like.
sledz  23 | 2247  
5 Feb 2010 /  #135
Just cross via one of the many cozy spots in Texas, Arizon and the like.

Yeah, and die of depredation in the desert! Sure you could hire a coyote(smuggler) to get you across the border but whos to say they just dont take your money and shoot you?

Its so nice of you to encourage Poles to break our laws and risk dying,,good job!!!

You make it sound so easy Farious, Your big mouth is always shooting out a bunch of crap!

I bet you wouldnt last 5 minutes!
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Feb 2010 /  #136
many cozy spots in Texas, Arizon and the like

Yeah and have a border patrolmen's German Shepherd take a hunk out of your a.ss.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
5 Feb 2010 /  #137
to keep things like you illegally entering the country

thing ? are you being nasty? wonder sometimes why your hubby left you?

Oh I'm all legal up to the T!

you have a very low opinion about Poles, jugging from your post, never the less you are on this very PF!
What is a reason for it? Your parents - hey but they are Poles ?! YOU? don;t say you have such low opinion about yourself !

visa. Just cross via one of the many cozy spots in Texas, Arizon and

you are kidding? tell me you are kidding !
5 Feb 2010 /  #138
you have a very low opinion about Poles

After what you wrote above about us, Krysia's reaction is absolutely understandable. It doesn't matter that her parents are both Polish. She's born and raised here and she defends her country and people, the same way as you're doing it, in a very aggressive manner. Remember, don't heat up if you don't want to feel the heat.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Feb 2010 /  #139
Yeah, and die of depredation in the desert! Sure you could hire a coyote(smuggler) to get you across the border but whos to say they just dont take your money and shoot you?

Some 20 million went through. What's another 10? The US politicians will simply create more jobs. They did last month. All of 5000 in a nation of 300,000!!!!

Its so nice of you to encourage Poles to break our laws and risk dying,,good job!!!
You make it sound so easy

What laws? The approx. 20 million illegals in the US are facing the danger of.... full US residency status.

Oh, and I don't need a visa to the US, so why would I even try that?

Yeah and have a border patrolmen's German Shepherd take a hunk out of your a.ss.

I saw that movie too.

you are kidding? tell me you are kidding !

Actually I am.
I really see no reason to go to the US, with or without a visa.
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Feb 2010 /  #140
I really see no reason to go to the US, with or without a visa.

Of course, you don't. You're an ex commie.. who misses the days when the state put you to bed, fed you and wiped your a.ss. Well, you're in Canada, close enough.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Feb 2010 /  #141
You mean commies like these?
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Feb 2010 /  #142
You mean commies like these?

Apples and pumpkins. The political ramifications of this are from over too. Commies had no political ramifications their weird oligarchies did whatever they wanted decade after decade. Banks have been bailed out but freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, freedom to vote hasn't been infringed upon. Thanks for playing though.

P.S. A fairly large amount of TARP has been paid back with interest.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Feb 2010 /  #143
Commies had no political ramifications their weird oligarchies did whatever they wanted decade after decade. Banks have been bailed out but freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, freedom to vote hasn't been infringed upon.

US banks had been ravaging the US for over 25 years before Poles even go the taste of communism. And the US press is still silent on the issue of a private corporation which, de facto, and illegally, controlling the US currency, economy in reality the lives of 300+M Americans, possibly a couple of B of people around the globe.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
5 Feb 2010 /  #144
After what you wrote above about us,

What did I write about you? And whats more important who is US?

I can stand heat all right, thank you !
scrappleton  - | 829  
5 Feb 2010 /  #145
US banks had been ravaging the US for over 25 years

That's an exaggeration.. they also made a lot of regular joe's millionaires.. something else Poles never got a 'taste of.' Pumped billions in capital into emerging markets.

In terms of blaming them for the rest of the world's travails.. As they say in Vegas, "Don't bet what you can't afford to lose."

I'm not going to deny that banks have too much political sway.. however just like in the early 30's they're about to be taken down a few pegs. Many and I mean many a senator and house rep is about to lose his /her job over the bailouts. Lot's of blood letting coming soon over it. (metaphorically speaking).
5 Feb 2010 /  #146
What did I write about you?

Right at the beginning you said "fu*k them" and you obviously meant Americans
Ironside  50 | 12928  
5 Feb 2010 /  #147
Sure, those who made law discriminatory against Polish citizens.....
5 Feb 2010 /  #148
Did you think for a second that maybe some of your own people caused this to happen?
To my knowledge, no country in the entire world tolerates illegal immigrants and there's quite a few of illegal Polish immigrants in the US. Unfortunately it touches thousands of Poles that never caused any trouble too but I want to assure you that it has nothing to do with discrimination.
krysia  23 | 3058  
6 Feb 2010 /  #149
Sure, those who made law discriminatory against Polish citizens.....

You still don't get it. Sounds like Polish mentality that the world owes them something and never responsible for their own actions. When you have a visa and it expires, go back. Don't overstay, it's illegal and that's what causes this visa issue for Poland.

But you will never understand...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
6 Feb 2010 /  #150
That's an exaggeration.. they also made a lot of regular joe's millionaires.

wnd.com/index.php?pageId=59405 - They sure did.

Pumped billions in capital into emerging markets.

guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar - No doubt about it.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / REFUSED A HOLIDAY VISA TO THE U.S CAUSE IM POLISHArchived