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FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
20 Dec 2010 /  #301
ironside wrote:

As long as your government wont be willing to solve the problem of immigration, you will be screwed again and again!!!

yeah, i guess that's why we still won't give poland visa free travel. we're trying to solve the problem of immigration and it's cheaper for us to simply not let people get visas in the first place than to try and chase them down once they overstay.

ironside wrote:

No, mister, country which let somebody live and prosper, drive a car, have a driving license, bank account and so on for 30 odd years and than kicks him/her out is plainly criminal or criminally stupid!

the same way you can be a criminal of something else and simply not get caught for several years. BUT, all the while that criminal knows what he/she is doing is illegal and shouldn't complain once they're finally caught and have to pay the price.

if you are illegal, you know what you are doing. when you get caught, don't act surprised.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 Dec 2010 /  #302
the same way you can be a criminal of something else and simply not get caught for several years.

Well, I see that you are refusing to grasp the difference between a letter and spirit of the law!
Something can be wrong and criminal and something can be crime according to the law and at the same time according to common sense not being criminal at all !

Common sense says that allowing somebody to live decent for 30 years and then treat him as a criminal is plainly wrong,don't know about USA but in Europe after 20 or 25 years you cannot be punished for former deeds.

Take a Mexican guy, he comes to your bank,wants to open an account - how difficult is to check him ? Maybe, a Mexican Chickita want a driving license and she apply for one - how difficult is to check her ?

Yes Sir, your way of dealing with illegal immigrants is plainly superior to anything that humanity has to offer, its working so well, isn't it ?

AZ is a prime example but the illegal immegrants oppose it

Yeah, illegal congressmen lol !

yeah, i guess that's why we still won't give poland visa free travel. we're trying to solve the problem of immigration and it's cheaper for us to simply not let people get visas in the first place than to try and chase them down once they overstay.

Ah!? You mean to say that given to other eastern European country's such as Latvia visa free travel to USA but deny it to Poland is a wise and understandable move ? Even after living in Poland for years ? Do you know something about country's of the region ?

Maybe I'm wrong and it is just misunderstanding and pure misjudgment on the part of the American decision makers, that maybe simply ignorant of the facts !

And facts are as follow :
by the decision (excluding Poland from the visa waiver program and granting it to the country;s of the region )USA achieved :
- antagonized people of the country who;s wholeheartedly trusted and liked USA
- blocked potential 3 - 4 millions immigrants form Poland at the same time opening borders for about the same or insignificantly lower number of illegal immigrants and Russian mafia!

Bravo !
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
20 Dec 2010 /  #303
Ironside wrote:

Take a Mexican guy, he comes to your bank,wants to open an account - how difficult is to check him ?

i opened a business bank account in Poland with nothing more than my passport. so what?

Ironside wrote:

Maybe, a Mexican Chickita want a driving license and she apply for one - how difficult is to check her ?

Here's how you get a driver's license in California, the state in the USA with the most illegal immigrants:

* Visit a DMV office (make an Appointment(s) for faster service)
* Complete application form DL 44 (An original DL 44 form must be submitted. Copies will not be accepted.)
* Give a thumb print
* Have your picture taken
* Provide your social security number. It will be verified with the Social Security Administration while you are in the office.
* Verify your birth date and legal presence If your current name no longer matches the name on your birth data/legal presence document, see “True Full Name” and “How to Change Your Name” for more information.

* Provide your true full name
* Pay the application fee
* Pass a vision exam
* Pass a traffic laws and sign test. There are 36 questions on the test. You have three chances to pass.(Sample Test)

Looks to me like you need a SS#, birth certificate and proof you are there legally.

Ironside wrote:

Ah!? You mean to say that given to other eastern European country's such as Latvia visa free travel to USA but deny it to Poland is a wise and understandable move ?

yep. Latvia = less risk.

Ironside wrote:

antagonized people of the country who;s wholeheartedly trusted and liked USA


blocked potential 3 - 4 millions immigrants form Poland

Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 Dec 2010 /  #304

so enjoy !

Looks to me like you need a SS#, birth certificate and proof you are there legally.

something isn't working then ......


so read again my previous post I'm not gonna repeat myself !

Latvia = less risk.

sure less peeps, but it is not only about Latvia
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
20 Dec 2010 /  #305
ironside wrote:

sure less peeps, but it is not only about Latvia

who else?

ironside wrote:

so read again my previous post I'm not gonna repeat myself

i read it again. so?

ironside wrote:

something isn't working then ......

can't argue that one. it's not a perfect system. not surprisingly, considering you have millions of people living illegally in the USA looking for a better life entering from thousands of miles of coastline and country borders, flying in legally and not returning.....yep, that's a lot of people to try and keep track of. you'd expect the system to not be able to prevent them all from living there illegally, forging documents, evading taxes or whatever else.........BUT, when they get caught....ding! ding! ding!, you're illegal baby. time to go back home!
Ironside  50 | 12928  
20 Dec 2010 /  #306
who else?

About every country of the region (eastern Europe) which is a member of EU except Poland.

i read it again. so?

so **** you ! not you personally but YOU as a political entity and everyone responsible ....

you'd expect the system to not be able to prevent them all from living there illegally,

not all but reasonable number of them. However, most of the illegals are doing fine, and you live in denial !keep dreaming
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
20 Dec 2010 /  #307
ironside wrote:

About every country of the region (eastern Europe) which is a member of EU except Poland.

yep, all those low risk countries.

ironside wrote:

not all but reasonable number of them.

define "reasonable".

ironside wrote:

However, most of the illegals are doing fine, and you live in denial !

really? how many illegals do you know? have you ever been to america? if you have, did you talk to any illegals there? what did they say?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
21 Dec 2010 /  #308
all those low risk countries.

are you kidding ?

define "reasonable".


how many illegals do you know? have you ever been to america? if you have, did you talk to any illegals there? what did they say?

is it a quiz ? none , yes, no, zero
however according to your mass media two years ago you had 11 millions illegals from Mexico alone
Piotr123  3 | 54  
21 Dec 2010 /  #309
I think the economic situation is dire in the United States and when reality catches up with the American people many Americans fill find themselves illegal immigrants in Canada instead. Polish people only come to the United States because of the country's old reputation, but everyone I know who came there left after experiencing the country first hand. The former West German chancellor Helmut Schmidt recently said in an interview that Germany welcomes their European brothers from Poland to Germany. Changing Europe for the United States would be a bad choice.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
21 Dec 2010 /  #310
ironside wrote:


none , yes, no, zero

however according to your mass media two years ago you had 11 millions illegals from Mexico alone

let the record show that Ironside believes that 90% of all illegals living in America are "doing fine" because he reads up on his "mass media". that would be his only source of information because he doesn't know even ONE illegal immigrant living in the USA.

geeze, i'd love to hear some more of your great wisdom you've gathered from the internet, ironside. lemme guess, everyone in america carries a gun?

ironside wrote:

are you kidding ?

tell me something, ironside. Poland is out, these other countries are in. Why do you think this is so? Do you think the USA just feels like being a total douche to Poland and not giving them visa free travel? Do you believe it's all a big conspiracy against Poland? Where would the USA get motivation for something like this, to purposely block out Poland? To settle some past vendetta?

food for thought:

latvia 2.2 million people.

belarus 9.6 million

lithuania 2.9 million

czech republic 10.2 million

slovakia 5.4 million

number of poles living in the USA = approx. 10 million

If you combined the population of latvia, lithuania and slovakia, you'd be equal to the number of Poles living in the USA.

just sayin'.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
21 Dec 2010 /  #311
geeze, i'd love to hear some more of your great wisdom you've gathered from the internet, ironside. lemme guess, everyone in america carries a gun?

not everyone, some carry their ugly ass on their shoulders and make a use of it, taking BS!
Being one of the governmental pen-pusher, you should be able to tell me, how come that number of illegals immigrants is growing even if now and then you grant them citizenship in en mass? Seems to me that is only logical to assume that majority of them is doing fine, and 90% is only my guess as you well know it. Have you got accurate date on the subject ?If not my guess is as good as my - no need to go bonkers simply because you disagree.

Poland is out, these other countries are in. Why do you think this is so?

To be honest Fuzz ( don't you dare to use against me )I don't know, to be honest it puzzle me!
However, the simplest explanation given here again and again, somehow doesn't have a ring of the truth to it!
Maybe is a question of low key government workers making all calculation by themselves, maybe no top brass was really interested in the issue.
A numbers of immigrants from said country's ( visa waiver) combined, equal number of a potential immigrants from Poland !
Maybe it was easer to discriminate against one country with biggest population than against few country's, maybe Poland seemed secure in U.S. clutches when other country's of the region needed some positive U.S. influence, the cheapest way - visa free travel !

Well, I don't know- its only speculations !

10 million

you'd be equal to the number of Poles living in the USA.

just sayin'.

Well, their are not illegals, those 10 millions Poles in USA - so ?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
21 Dec 2010 /  #312
About every country of the region (eastern Europe) which is a member of EU except Poland.

That is what you get for kowtowing to the Hamburger Nation. You tortured CIA prisoners, you accepted dud Patriot missiles. You shot Iraqi citizens and now you are doing the same in Afghanistan. You know...I as a Belgian do not need a visa for the US. But God knows why I ever would ever willingly go there. What is your fascination with the fastfooders?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
21 Dec 2010 /  #313
We'll trade you guys all our blacks for an equal number of Poles. Deal?! :D
sobieski  106 | 2111  
21 Dec 2010 /  #314
I have never ever understood the Polish fascination with the Americans.Why getting shouted at by a Gestapo border "person"? To enter what? Wal-Mart country? They were living in trees when we had Rubens. Primitives.
tygrys  2 | 290  
21 Dec 2010 /  #315
A numbers of immigrants from said country's ( visa waiver) combined, equal number of a potential immigrants from Poland !

You cannot become an immigrant on a visa waiver program. No lawyer will help you get one either. If they overstay their visa they become illegals. Tghere are other ways some become legal here, but the visa waiver is not one of them. You have to return to your country and many do, unfortunately the Poles don't when on a tourist visa.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
21 Dec 2010 /  #316
It seems absolutely ridiculous for us to be so strict and so enforce visa rules when we don't enforce our borders and let every other third world scumbag in and don't evict ones known to be illegal. :s

As with most backwards things that make zero sense, thank Liberals.
3 Feb 2011 /  #317
Hi there.I have only read the first few pages of the debate and I have to say all of you have many valid opinions and judgements. I don't know whether any of you have touched the most important topic within the immigration area..which is ,Arabs. They are the ones who are causing all of the countries all over the world so much difficulty. What are your views on that? Are any of you concerned that they are practically taking over the world? They are everywhere..England is experiencing major issues with them.Just recently I've read that there are 8 times as many children born into a muslim family ,as there are to a white,potentially -british family.

I am also polish.I was born in Poland to a greek/polish father and a polish mother ..i have been in the UK for over 8 years ( I am now 20 years old)and I am only obtaining my British passport now.I hope this will make it possible and easier for me to travel . Any thoughts on that? If i have British passport ,but I come from a polish background ..does that create any troubles?Also , it isn't so hard for me,being polish.Practically no one ever mentions it, most people don't even know- due to my accent ,which is very british and more upper class(slightly posh if I may say so). Although I know how tough some people can be on the poles- just because they are polish and our opinion is ruined.Why is it ruined? The majority of the poles that come to the UK to look for work are lacking ambition and come from very poor areas of poland.They want to make a lot of money in no time- in a lot of cases that doesn't happen and then we see them begging for money on the streets.I do not know why do does horrid people even bother coming here? No education,no spoken or written English.Lacking in every area of the most desired skills. They are useless.Not to mention ,presentation wise..and their manner of the spoken word.WHY ? I seriously do not understand why are they still here if they can't afford a living? It is not as bad in Poland as they make it to be.I seriously hope the Brits will deny them access and kick the majority out. Yes,maybe I am being hypocritical -since I too am a pole ..but I am a decent person. I study ,I work. My parents came here because my dad got an amazing job. I am not saying I am any better,but those people do not contribute anything to the country and actually bring the government down.They obtain benefits from the government..ON WHAT BASES? and actually, they are robbing the country. A lot of those people work and earn good money, but they make sure that only a certain amount of money goes into their accounts so that the council thinks they are struggling..WHat a way to make an awesome living..and obtain financial benefits from the country..

Sorry if all of this is a bit of a mess..I got very frustrated :P
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
10 Feb 2011 /  #318
trener zolwia wrote:

It seems absolutely ridiculous for us to be so strict and so enforce visa rules when we don't enforce our borders and let every other third world scumbag in and don't evict ones known to be illegal.

yeah, i don't know about that. tell that to the thousands of law enforcement officers working on the border, fighting drug cartels, murderers, drug runners, human trafficking, you name it, risking their lives on a daily basis. America has thousands of miles bordering other countries.....how much can you patrol? how many policemen can you hire?

also, if we're doing a bad job of it, bad compared to whom? what other country in the world is faced with the same situation where literally thousands of miles of the country's border needs to be patrolled to keep out literally thousands of people from sneaking across the border by transport or on foot......every single day? now consider how much paperwork is involved with that many cases.

I know a guy who works for Homeland Security and he said that often times, if they catch someone trying to cross the border, they just drive them back to canada/mexico to a police department there and that's it. He said there's so much backlog in paperwork with all the cases that it's not even worth it to try and process the guy. It's either that or the USA pays thousands of dollars a month for each person they detain after being caught. Homeland Security literally cannot afford to arrest each one, process them, sit them in jail, transport them back, etc. etc. so they generally concentrate on bigger fish to fry. If Julio wants to sneak across the border to mow lawns and wash windows, so be it. Let's go after Juan who is planning on slinging crack to school kids.

the situation sucks but i wouldn't be so quick to judge how well or how poorly the border police is doing.
Pierdolski  - | 31  
10 Feb 2011 /  #319

It's out of control. The Arabs are smart and the Europeans are stupid, and when they try to express facts and theirs opinions they're automatically "racist".
Ironside  50 | 12928  
12 Feb 2011 /  #320
now consider how much paperwork is involved with that many cases.

suck it! You lousy bureaucrat! Poor you and your paper work,phew! did you accurately understood What TZ was talking about?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
12 Feb 2011 /  #321
ironside wrote:

suck it! You lousy bureaucrat!

me? bureaucratic? funny, i just finished a 4 year stint in the most bureaucratic country on the planet. maybe you've heard of it....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Feb 2011 /  #322
It's not the most bureaucratic country on the planet - you need to try and live in France!

Even as an EU citizen, France is absolutely absurd to live in.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
12 Feb 2011 /  #323
bureaucratic? funny

you have the most bureaucratic mind of all the people posting regularly on PF! Its no funny, its tragic !

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