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Pro-Polish Jeb for president

Polonius3  980 | 12276  
16 Jun 2015 /  #1
Jeb Bush is the only potential US presidential candidate to have visited Poland recently and has made several pro-Polish statements including the need to help bolster Poland's defense capacity. He is clearly going after the PolAm vote. Being a fluent Spanish speaker he has the Hispanic vote largely sewn up (his wife is Mexican). The Afros and Jews will most likely support the Democratic candidate (Clinton?), so it should be an interesting contest. Too bad the Republicans are so pro-corporate (or Balceresque). They are like PiS in supporting religion and traditional family values against the deviant pro-debauchery crowd. If they were only a but more for the little guy rather than plutocrat bankers and entrepreneurs!
17 Jun 2015 /  #2
I don't know where to start?
Levi  11 | 433  
17 Jun 2015 /  #3
I think that most Hispanics will actually support Marco Rubio as candidate. But if Marco's candidature doesnt go right, the for sure they will support Jeb as you said.

The Afro-Americans will support Democrats as usual.

This year the republicans have a lot of good pre-candidates (Jeb, Marco, Chris Christie, Ben Carson,Rand, etc).

This is good but also at the same time dangerous.

I just hope that the chosen one can win against Hillary.
17 Jun 2015 /  #4
Being a fluent Spanish speaker he has the Hispanic vote largely sewn up

I think that most Hispanics will actually support Marco Rubio as candidate.

Given that in reality approximately two thirds of Hispanic voters generally support the Democrats, with only about a quarter going for the Republicans, and that the last time I checked both Bush and Rubio are both running for the Republican ticket, the chances of either of you being correct are very much in the range of Buckley's and none.

Jeb Bush is the only potential US presidential candidate to have visited Poland recently and has made several pro-Polish statements

Sadly he also made himself look like a delusional prat when talking about Sikorski, as is pointed out here:

Levi  11 | 433  
17 Jun 2015 /  #5
Harry , dont lie.

At the last election, 40% of thr hispanics voted for republicans.


Now with Obama having a record of unpopularity, it is pretty sure that this 40% will raise to numbers far bigger than 50%.

And if the republican candidate is a hispanic himself, like Marco Rubio, than they will have virtually the entire hispanic electorate.
17 Jun 2015 /  #6
Harry , dont lie.

As the graph shows, since 2008 approximately two thirds of Hispanic voters generally support the Democrats, with only about a quarter going for the Republicans. Oops. You're busted yet again.

At the last election, 40% of thr hispanics voted for republicans.

Why do you bother telling such blatant lies? From your own source:

In congressional races nationally, Democrats won the Latino vote by a margin of 62% to 36%. This is comparable to the last midterm cycle four years ago when six-in-ten (60%) Latinos voted for a Democratic candidate, but down from 2012 when Democrats took 68% of the Latino vote.

Busted one more time.

And if the republican candidate is a hispanic himself, like Marco Rubio, than they will have virtually the entire hispanic electorate.

Strangely enough, people who study these things professionally completely disagree with your assessment:

With Senator Marco Rubio's imminent announcement that he will run for the 2016 Republican Party nomination, we take a look at his standing with Latino voters since his rise to national prominence in his 2010 campaign for the U.S. Senate. Based on these trends, we find no evidence that Rubio's candidacy will draw significant Latino support for his candidacy or for his party more generally.


Anybody got any data on the views of Polish-Americans on the possible candidates for US president? My understanding is that since the days of FDR they are more likely to support Democrat candidates than Repubs but have almost always mainly voted for the candidate who won the election.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
17 Jun 2015 /  #7
Hispanic voters generally support the Democrats

There has never been a fluent Spanish-speaking US presidnetial candidate before with a Mexican wife to boot. That will make a difference.
PolAms used to be solid Dempcratic until around the turbulent late 1960s when the Democratic Party, formerly the party of the working class and immigrants, got hijacked by leftist loonies, Hollywood celebs and garden variety libertines and America-bashers. Now Polonia is divided, but the Bushes have always been popular for what they are perceived as doing for Poland.The Bush name alone should be a Polonian vote-getter and Jeb is additionally focusing on Poland's defence capacity and security..
Levi  11 | 433  
17 Jun 2015 /  #8
"PolAms used to be solid Dempcratic until around the turbulent late 1960s when the Democratic Party, formerly the party of the working class and immigrants, got hijacked by leftist loonies"

Exactly. Now the Poles in America vote for republicans, as every decent american citizen that doesnt want to steal public money to found terrorism would do.

Just stupid undergrad students polish-americans still vote for democrats.

"As the graph shows, since 2008 approximately two thirds of Hispanic voters generally support the Democrats, with only about a quarter going for the Republicans. "

We are talking about presidential election, and you took the congress election, smartass.

I understand that a brit will not know how a presidentialism regime works, but at least you could try.

If you saw the correct data, you would see that 36% of the hispanics voted republicans.

36% is much more closer to my number (40%) than yours (25%). So you are the one with lies here.
17 Jun 2015 /  #9
PolAms used to be solid Dempcratic until around the turbulent late 1960s when the Democratic Party

That's an interesting claim. But a quick glance at the reality shows that from the recreation of Poland in 1918 up until 1964 Polish-American voters supported four Democrat candidates for the presidency and four Republican candidates for the presidency. From 1968 to date, Polish-American voters have supported four Democrat candidates for the presidency and four Republican candidates for the presidency.

One has to conclude that either the hijacking of the Democratic party by "leftist loonies, Hollywood celebs and garden variety libertines and America-bashers" never actually happened or that Polish-American voters were perfectly willing to support a party which had been hijacked by "leftist loonies, Hollywood celebs and garden variety libertines and America-bashers". So, was the hijacking just a figment of your imagination or do Polish-American voters actually rather like "leftist loonies, Hollywood celebs and garden variety libertines and America-bashers"? Would you care to comment on that?

36% is much more closer to my number (40%) than yours (25%). So you are the one with lies here.

I said 'generally'; you lied about a specific election.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
17 Jun 2015 /  #10
Would you care to comment

PolAms were once close to voting what is called "a straight Democratic ticket". FDR could count on 90% of the Polonian vote. Now the vote is split. Had FDR lived, Polonia's support for him would have surely melted in the aftermath of Yalta and Potsdam.

So Harry is also an American affairs expert? Amazing how many skills Mr Perfect possesses. Uncanny, I tell you!
17 Jun 2015 /  #11
PolAms were once close to voting what is called "a straight Democratic ticket". FDR could count on 90% of the Polonian vote.

And the three Presidents before him? All were Republicans and all were supported by the majority of Polish-Americans.

Had FDR lived, Polonia's support for him would have surely melted in the aftermath of Yalta and Potsdam.

Would you care to explain why in the first election after Yalta and Potsdam Polish-Americans overwhelmingly went for FDR's former VP? And why in the elections after that they went for one Republican candidate and then three Democrat candidates in a row?

What I find most interesting in 2012 was the rise in support for third-party candidates. According to data here issuu.com/piastinstitute/docs/dekaban_2013_report
third-party candidates won support from 6.4% of Polish-Americans, while the national figure was only 1.7%. Why were Polish-Americans more than three times more likely to support third-party candidates than the average American, does anybody know?

So Harry is also an American affairs expert? Amazing how many skills Mr Perfect possesses. Uncanny, I tell you!

Doing a little research on the internet isn't hard, perhaps you should try it sometime.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
17 Jun 2015 /  #12
But not 90% Democratic.
18 Jun 2015 /  #13
Whoever mentions "democrat" or "republican" can be officially called an idiot. The formula is simple:

democrat = republican

There is one party in the US and they act as a good/bad cop. They only pretend to differ in meaningless issues like gay rights, definition of marriage, fabricated race wars, etc. but when it comes to policies that really matter and (negatively) affect We the People -- they speak in one voice.

So in order to make this discussion meaningful, please do not ever mention 'democrat' or 'republican' if you want to make your point. Thank you.
19 Jun 2015 /  #14
Why do you guys care who wins the election?

Globalization and Military Imperialism, which is led by Globalization is the only policy either party cares about, and that goes back to pre WW1.

SO no matter who wins that will be the agenda, plain and simple. If the score card entertains you then enjoy the game.

The EU is designed the same way with some limitations.

This century will be about the investment and control of Eurasia. That is where the cheap labor resides. That is what the world bankers want to claim.

GO read the the plan for the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

That is your guide to the 21st century unless there is a massive shift in geopolitics.

Politicians are paid puppets and that includes the almost everyone. Money corrupts them all on some level.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Feb 2019 /  #15
[moved from]

FYI, and it's embarrassing, Poles voted for the blue dress stainer and the Kenyan mulatto. Twice for each.

That's b.s. I don't know a single Pole in the midwest that voted for or liked Obama. At least not true Polonia, as opposed to Poles who don't speak the language, don't know the traditions and culture much less practice it and their only like is that their great-grandparents/grandparents are from Poland.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2897  
26 Feb 2019 /  #16

You can spin it all you want. Scroll way down to Presidential voting results and then start unspinning.

Poles voted for Carter, too.

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