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US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński

Teffle  22 | 1318  
10 Oct 2011 /  #122
A British immigrant, who came to Poland for a paycheck or for other selfish reasons

I love this one.

So the Poles who have settled in the UK and Ireland in the last 7 years or so were all motivated by altruism?
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #123
A British immigrant, who came to Poland for a paycheck or for other selfish reasons, is not a Pole, and paying taxes won't change that. They should better stick to discussing "Jews and Czechs", yeah, that's what they contribute.

Clearly you can not be talking about me: I wasn't born in Britain (and neither were my parents) and I came to Poland to do voluntary work at the invitation of the Polish government. But do feel free to tell us all about all the wonderful things you do for Poland.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
10 Oct 2011 /  #124
Polonia IS Poland, because Polish people are Poland, wherever they currently live.

Hear! Hear! Poland is a republic and republics are governed by the representatives of the people chosen by citizens of that country regardless of where they currently find themselves residing on this green earth. The stupid British system that disenfranchises its own citizens is wrong. Sidliste Chodov, if you are really of Polish descent you should be ashamed of yourself for aping the anti-Polonian slurs of these backwards monarchist morons. British mindrot is a sad thing to behold.
MyMom  6 | 136  
10 Oct 2011 /  #125
Clearly you can not be talking about me: I wasn't born in Britain (and neither were my parents) and I came to Poland to do voluntary work at the invitation of the Polish government. But do feel free to tell us all about all the wonderful things you do for Poland.

Are you not a British citizen? Are you ashamed of your nationality?
Did you not receive a paycheck from Poles?
Why would we give voting rights to the random individuals who come here for money or other selfish reasons?
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #126
Des Essientes
these backwards monarchist morons.

I wonder how long you will be allowed to get away with substituting insults for argumentation.

Des Essientes
regardless of where they currently find themselves residing

It is not where they find themselves to be: it is where they choose to be. They choose to reject Poland, soon Poland will choose to reject them.

Are you not a British citizen? Are you ashamed of your nationality?

I have more than one citizenship and qualify for several others.

Did you not receive a paycheck from Poles?

90zl per week. A total amount which is repaid many times over each year by the taxes I choose to pay in Poland.

Why would we give voting rights to the random individuals who come here for money or other selfish reasons?

Why do Poles expect to be given voting rights when they move to other countries for money or other selfish reasons? And why do some 'Poles' think that as well as getting those rights they should maintain the same rights in the country which they abandoned money or other selfish reasons?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Oct 2011 /  #127
aping the anti-Polonian slurs of these backwards monarchist morons. British mindrot is a sad thing to behold.

You talking to me?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #128
Monarchist morons.......lmfao, I cant remember the last time I ever met a Monarchist,unless you count the late princess (make mine a large one)margaret....
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Oct 2011 /  #129
I cant remember the last time I ever met a Monarchist

Come to think of it, neither can I.

unless you count the late princess (make mine a large one)margaret....

Was she as dreadful as they say?
MyMom  6 | 136  
10 Oct 2011 /  #130
I have more than one citizenship and qualify for several others.

Why are you ashamed of being call British? Does it have something to do with British betrayal of Poland? If so, then I could refer to you as a citizen of that other state.

90zl per week. A total amount which is repaid many times over each year by the taxes I choose to pay in Poland.

So, I'm sure you had many offers but you chose the lowest paying?
You do not choose to pay taxes in Poland. You have to do so under Polish law. You could move out of Poland and if you still paid to Polish fiskus the taxes you are paying now, then I would personally lobby for your right to vote in Polish elections.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
10 Oct 2011 /  #131
Teflcat, I feel sorry for you because you think you need to do more than exist as a citizen of your nation to be given the right to vote. What has made you take this servile attitude towards your own government? Poles and others with self respect know that governments exist because the people deign to let them exist. Someday soon we may even get rid of governments all together.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #132
Why are you ashamed of being call British?

Maybe because he isnt British? I dunno,why wouldnt you like to be called Algerian?

Was she as dreadful as they say?

Lols, Universaly loathed,even the two little old ladies from the tea shop came away devout republicans :)

anyhoo,whats this thread about again? Someone having a pis in the us?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
10 Oct 2011 /  #133
I feel sorry for you because

I just knew we had to have something in common.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #134
Poles and others with self respect know that governments exist because the people deign to let them exist.

Aha, you see,we had a few little things called revolutions and a republic too you know Dessi,come on,you know this stuff really.

So, what we do is have a bunch of people playing at being top dog much as your Pres' is in reality only playing at being top dog,he,like Queenie,or King Chuck when he gets his turn can do sweet fanny Adams without it being democraticaly approved by the democraticaly elected representatives of the people.

And thats all of em, black,white and purple,something the good ole USA didnt get round too untill a few years before I was born. So, in short, glass houses dont make great spots for stone throwing practice.
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #135
You do not choose to pay taxes in Poland. You have to do so under Polish law.

Yes, but one can very easily, and entirely legally, take the amount of taxes down to a level far below that which I currently pay.

Des Esseintes
I feel sorry for you because you think you need to do more than exist as a citizen of your nation to be given the right to vote.

How surprising to see you putting forward such an entirely selfish attitude. Those of us who live in Poland are very grateful that Poles are not as utterly focused on their own selves as self-identified members of Polonia are. Poles work together for the good of Poland and know that it is their duty to do that. They understand that with rights come responsibilities. This is one of the many reasons why Poles have so little time for those who reject Poland with their actions but claim Poland with their words.

Des Esseintes
Someday soon we may even get rid of governments all together.

It will be a day much sooner when people who reject Poland are stripped of their right to vote in Polish elections.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
10 Oct 2011 /  #136
Isthatu, I am objecting specifically to the posters on this thread that are arguing that Poland should adopt the British practice of disenfranchising its citizens that live abroad. I do not deny that Britain is for the most part a representational democracy.
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #137
Des Essientes
Poland should adopt the British practice of disenfranchising its citizens that live abroad.

Those people turned their backs on Poland, renounced their allegiance to Poland and refuse to do anything to assist Poland: they reject their responsibilities, Poland will reject their attempts to exercise their rights.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Oct 2011 /  #138
In that case Dessi, crack on, with you hundred percent :)
Just note, monarchists,in the blind sense,ie for "England ,Harry and St George" are a wee bit thin on the ground.
Most of us sort of tolerate them,get a bit anoyed at them then look at other countries presidents and think at least we dont have to bother voting for these clowns and then suffer the let down that always follows :)
MyMom  6 | 136  
10 Oct 2011 /  #139
Those people turned their backs on Poland, renounced their allegiance to Poland and refuse to do anything to assist Poland: they reject their responsibilities, Poland will reject their attempts to exercise their rights.

Then shouldn't we have a separate rule in the Polish voting bill that explicitly refuses British people any right to vote in Polish elections, under any circumstances?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
10 Oct 2011 /  #140
Polish citizens that live abroad should not lose the right to vote in Polish elections. PWEI, your truncating my statement to make it say the opposite, and placing my name before it, in your post #61 above shows you to be an honorless edit .
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #141
Des Essientes
honorless edit .

How nice of you to once again demonstrate your masterly debating skills. However, might I draw your attention to the rules of this forum:

Do not insult or harass others, play nicely!
- Do not personally attack others to avoid temporary or permanent suspension.

Your posts in this thread are littered with both insults and personal attacks. I fear that you may soon find that in the same way that certain people can not come to Europe, certain people are not permitted to post here.

Des Essientes
Polish citizens that live abroad should not lose the right to vote in Polish elections.

The majority of Poles do not agree with you and soon the wishes of Poles on this matter will be respected.

Then shouldn't we have a separate rule in the Polish voting bill that explicitly refuses British people any right to vote in Polish elections, under any circumstances?

a) Your logic is entirely flawed: British people who choose to live in Poland and to assist Poland are the exact opposite of the traitors who reject Poland.

b) Poland does not allow anybody who does not hold Polish citizenship to vote in elections for the Polish parliament.
c) Poland is legally required to allow all EU nationals to vote in local elections in Poland (although very few of us do).
MyMom  6 | 136  
10 Oct 2011 /  #142
The majority of Poles do not agree with you and soon the wishes of Poles on this matter will be respected.

Do you have any proof of that or is that your usual lie?

Your logic is entirely flawed: British people who choose to live in Poland and to assist Poland are the exact opposite of the traitors who reject Poland.

Our mutual history shows that British people:

turned their backs on Poland, renounced their allegiance to Poland and refuse to do anything to assist Poland: they reject their responsibilities,

So while it's true that they now cannot vote while not beign citizens, in the spirit of your post they should be also banned from voting even when being citizens.
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #143
Do you have any proof of that or is that your usual lie?

Have a look at the words of Poles: wiadomosci.onet.pl/swiat/polonia-w-usa-juz-oddala-glosy,1,35463 94,wiadomosc.html

Our mutual history shows that British people:

No matter how many times you tell your favourite little lie, it will not become true. But do feel free to keep spouting Nazi propaganda.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
10 Oct 2011 /  #144
mafketis wrote:

The clearest sign of knowing what's good for Poland is that they don't live there.

10 Oct 2011 /  #145
Anyone who has lived here for more than than 2 years or so and has been away from home: should be prevented from voting. NO REPRESENTATION WITHOUT TAXATION!!!!
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #146
nyone who has lived here for more than than 2 years or so and has been away from home: should be prevented from voting.

Two years is too short a period. I'd favour something more like ten years (less if the person in question takes up citizenship of a foreign country).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Oct 2011 /  #147
This thread illustrates perfectly why the US Polonia should never be allowed near a Polish election.
10 Oct 2011 /  #148
Those people turned their backs on Poland, renounced their allegiance to Poland and refuse to do anything to assist Poland: they reject their responsibilities, Poland will reject their attempts to exercise their rights.

You can't blame them. Poland is a horrible country to live in and the USA is 1000 times better. The truth hurts.
PWEI  3 | 612  
10 Oct 2011 /  #149
Poland is a horrible country to live in and the USA is 1000 times better.

Please keep thinking that: our country is far better off without the likes of you in it.
10 Oct 2011 /  #150
Yes, whatever makes you sleep at night. :-)

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