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Do Poles feel America is going down the drain?

Havok  10 | 902  
23 Apr 2010 /  #121
You mean commercial registered vehicles f stop ,do you?You can keep van or truck in your driveway.America keeps surprising me though,I just learned that I can get myself semi-automatic rifle without any permits.

You're correct semi-automatic weapons do not require special permit. You do have to register them though, like all guns,,, and report if stolen. Unless you live somewhere out there in the Rocky Mountains, then you can have a bazooka at home and nobody gives a siht.

I prefer shotguns, way more effective in close range. That’s what I was issued in the Navy when we were boarding ships and checking for illegal stuff while in Persian Gulf.

Note to the PF moderator:
Guns are not the reason why U.S. is in the recession either.

Private pickup trucks not allowed in the driveway. Must be hidden in the garage.

You should then attend your home owner community meetings and demand to change that rule, if it's pissing you off. It's not a tyranny, you know.
nunczka  8 | 457  
23 Apr 2010 /  #122
I see no problem with living in a gated community. I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment? Most of us in America live in our own homes. Not like in Poland where most live in flats. Keeping our property safe and clean keeps our real estate at a high level.

As far as guns go. Almost every one that I know owns one. But we dont go around shooting every one.. It's true, we have our criminal element.. Thats why we choose gated communities.. To keep the scum out.
Havok  10 | 902  
24 Apr 2010 /  #123
Thats why we choose gated communities.. To keep the scum out.

Thank you. That's my point exactly.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 Apr 2010 /  #124
Thats why we choose gated communities.. To keep the scum out.

We should do that at the border - at least those illegal.
Havok  10 | 902  
24 Apr 2010 /  #125
I don't mind illegal immigrants as long as they work as hard as we do.

Well, i'm fing off now writing on PF, but when i work hard...

oh, and they should have to learn english, just as i did.
richasis  1 | 409  
24 Apr 2010 /  #126
I don't mind illegal immigrants as long as they work as hard as we do.

They could demonstrate this by 'working' to gain legal entry :)

In any event, 30 million may just get amnesty, so moot point.

Well, i'm fing off now writing on PF, but when i work hard...

LOL - Yeah, me too.

oh, and they should have to learn english, just as i did.

It's a nice touch...
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Apr 2010 /  #127
I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment?

back on my soap box.
Florida has sandy soil and very shallow ground water. Maintaining turf grass harms the environment. That's neither safe nor clean.

richasis  1 | 409  
24 Apr 2010 /  #128
I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment?

This is so telling as to the state of affairs in USA. Is THIS the benefit of 'multiculturalism'?
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Apr 2010 /  #129
That is our Brave New World
CacyUlcia  2 | 46  
24 Apr 2010 /  #130
Agreed. More and more, THIS is Amerika:

I knew the Adams family was "black" but in a gothic way. I guess this is how the Adams family cartoon would look like in real life America.
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Apr 2010 /  #131
You should then attend your home owner community meetings and demand to change that rule

oh, I don't live in a gated community, I just have to listen to those that do.
Re: Adams family... yea, some people are stupid. This kind, and much worse than that kind of news is what sends people running to gated communities. But, you have to keep in mind that 75% of America is still all white, with 15% latino and 12.5% black. I don't think I'd mind black or hispanic family moving next to me, if they can affort it. What worries me is the druggies - pill poppers, coke/meth users, and those, increasingly, are white.
nunczka  8 | 457  
24 Apr 2010 /  #132
That is our Brave New World

Multiculturism SUCKS. Thats the reason for guards. Keep the SCUM out.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Apr 2010 /  #133
My American friend is really depressed there. He had lived in Poland for 6 years before going back. He wants to return here and he will in due course.
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Apr 2010 /  #134
Thats the reason for guards. Keep the SCUM out

from what I understand, most often the 'scum' that the guards keep out are the families and ill-chosen friends of the actual occupants.
Havok  10 | 902  
26 Apr 2010 /  #135
My American friend is really depressed there. He had lived in Poland for 6 years before going back. He wants to return here and he will in due course.

Let's be honest about this. Why some people choose to go to Poland?

I believe it’s because they get a lot of attention there.

You can be a complete douchebag here but when you go to Poland you're instantly interesting, felling special and given a lot of attention. As pathetic as it sounds, they’ve discovered that just being an American makes them special in far away places like Poland.

How do I know this? My aunt and uncle do it, my friends have done it too. Some people get over it but others don’t.

Let’s marinate on this for a second...

There is so much opportunity here, why would anyone insist on living in Poland unless they’re making the big bucks there?

Some people may think America is going down the drain, I say they're just lazy, spoiled and overdramatizing.
Tlum  12 | 254  
26 Apr 2010 /  #137
i still simply don't understand this thread.

It's easy, the thread is posted in the USA section and millions of Poles live in the US so they have a pretty good idea what's going on here. :)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
26 Apr 2010 /  #138
and millions of Poles live in the US

Yep, and they are US citizens...
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
26 Apr 2010 /  #139
out of curiosity, where are those Poles on this thread????

there truly must be a handful, no?
Havok  10 | 902  
26 Apr 2010 /  #140
where are those Poles on this thread

I lived here most of my life . In all honesty I should be reading threads on Poland
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Jul 2010 /  #142
The Middle Class in America Is Radically Shrinking

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer at a staggering rate. Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a blinding pace.

what's the situation in Poland...?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 Jul 2010 /  #143
I honestly don't think that Poles feel that America is going down.
However many are disillusioned about USA and disappointed.
nunczka  8 | 457  
26 Jul 2010 /  #144
I live in Florida in a deed restricted community. , So what is wrong with living in a safe and clean inviroment?
This is so telling as to the state of affairs in USA. Is THIS the benefit of 'multiculturalism'?

I will be the first to admit that life in America is not what most people think. We are a multiculteral society, that stinks. One out of four African Americans are born out of wedlock. The Mother are on drugs and are supported by the State depending on the amount of children she has. The kids are allowed to roam the streets in gangs, making the streets unsafe. Yes, It's a shame that we have to live in gated communities..

With Globilization, Europe is heading in the same direction.. it is only a matter of time
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Jul 2010 /  #145
The kids are allowed to roam the streets in gangs, making the streets unsafe. Yes, It's a shame that we have to live in gated communities..

Sterilize the breeders, regardless of their race.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
26 Jul 2010 /  #146
they used to but it became illegal in the US, so did administrating contraceptives to mentally ill, single mothers on welfare, Native women, etc, no?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
27 Jul 2010 /  #147
Immigrant groups criticize fingerprint initiative

Under the program, the fingerprints of everyone who is booked into jail for any crime are run against FBI criminal history records and Department of Homeland Security immigration records to determine who is in the country illegally and whether they've been arrested previously. Most jurisdictions are not included in the program, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been expanding the initiative.

it's ok, if you have nothing to hide...
immigrants worry because they did bad bad bad things... ;)
guzzler  1 | 88  
27 Jul 2010 /  #148
Sterilize the breeders, regardless of their race.

Convex do you mean only the ones on welfare? I do hate it when some people think they a right to produce kid after kid. And have the rest of society fund them. In Britain there are some people who have been on the dole for generations.
convex  20 | 3928  
27 Jul 2010 /  #149
Here's my plan, much like the successful Czech plan... Offer young people a large amount of cash for voluntary non-reversible sterilization. Offer it up, it's cheaper than spending all the money on schooling, and cap and trade, and farm subsidies, and police forces, and housing subsidies... It's far from immoral. It's win-win.

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