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United States-based church or travel companies that tour Poland?

polishmancan  8 | 21  
6 Sep 2010 /  #1
1. Can anyone give me a list of a few reputable/legit/credible tour companies based out of the U.S. that do yearly/occasional tours of Poland? While I am not looking for anything specific, what I really would like information about Euro 2012 and maybe find a travel company of American football/soccer fans to join to watch some of the matches they have planned during a specific time of the tournament (i.e. a week or so, as I couldn't stay the whole month), so far, all I can find is this one which may be my best bet.

After initial searches, here are the first that come up: exciting poland.com while the price is good, its based out of Poland and I am not sure if they'd have bilingual tour guides as I'm anything but fluent in Polish even though I am trying to learn slowly via internet software, books etc.

perhaps more promising is stay poland.com which, although it is based out of Poland, their website is in English (as is EP for that matter). While none of these are soccer/football based, they are more along the lines of #4 but without the church option. I'm just using that as an example. This would be more like a general country tour, which, while that is what I'd want, I'd prefer they leave from the U.S. since it would be easier and more likely they'd be bilingual since if I miss a lot of what the kind is saying, due to lost in translation, what fun would I have and how would I learn?

2. Here is a good example of one tour group, Orbis Travel out of New York and Chicago that has faith based and another just a general tour. Whiile this sounds very much what I am wanting, it would be for 2012 not 2010 as the site shows. Anyone familiar with them or any similar tour group?

3. Does anyone know of any football/soccer U.S. based tour groups that may/do go over to watch as many of the Extraklasa teams as possible in a short period of time, again something like a week? What I am asking is if anyone knows of any "soccer itinerary" or "football itinerary" of any travel companies that may offer such a package?

4. If the soccer/football thing doesn't work out, oftentimes, many faith-based tour companies offer pilgrimedges to places like Rome, Ireland, Turkey, the Holy Land, etc. does anyone know of any U.S. based tour group/company where I might at least be able to see Poland this way on kind of a religious "church tour"?

Thanks, I am just thinking aloud at this point,
sunbreak  14 | 20  
1 Oct 2010 /  #2
pattours arranges both secular and religious tours to Poland
206tours has religious tours to Poland

note: Orbis Travel in Poland just filed for bankruptcy on Sept. 29th.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / United States-based church or travel companies that tour Poland?Archived