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Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA

mafketis  38 | 11278  
23 Jun 2019 /  #31
thanks to those catholic fukks

hate speech! intolerance!
Joker  2 | 2458  
23 Jun 2019 /  #32
Dougie doesn't like Catholics, then why would he live in Poland?

Perhaps, he misses the Muslims of Londonistan.....
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
23 Jun 2019 /  #33
Just paid 3.80 zl for 4, yes four, onions in my local today (no supermarkets open thanks to those catholic fukks)

It's all about you isn't it Dougy.
And just which Polish citizen begged you to move your hateful British bi-polar dumb ass to Poland ?
You forget to buy some onions and have them on hand and now blame your incompetence on those damn Catholics.
To let an onion ruin your day tells me you have demons living in your head that are causing your hateful anger issues.
I will say a prayer for you at mass this morning Doug that you smile at least once this next week.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
23 Jun 2019 /  #34
those catholic fukks

tsk not only a troll but a f bigot! Who would have thunk.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
23 Jun 2019 /  #35
Some prices are just ridiculous like parsley root or even onion

Food prices, especially vegetables have gone sky high in Poland and in many cases Polish grown foods are more expensive than imported!
Poles tend to get very angry about price hikes in food.
Isn't there an old Polish saying about "Cheap as parsley root"?
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
23 Jun 2019 /  #36
Polish produce, I've heard from some ex-pat friends from Poznan who frequently return to visit family, particularly apples, are about the best in Europe!

Organic fruit and vegetables are quite popular, so I read in local newspapers.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 Jun 2019 /  #37
It costs 6 zł per kilo. Strawberries cost 8 zł which is kind of normal (even though I got 2 kilos for 10 zł once ) and onions costs 6 zł. .. wth. ..

As for parsley, it's about 15 zł and I don't live in a city. No wonder there are memes about it.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #38
Isn't there an old Polish saying about "Cheap as parsley root"?

No. The popular saying: cheap as borsch.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
23 Jun 2019 /  #39
The popular saying: cheap as borsch

That is true, but I am sure there is one about parsley root too.

particularly apples, are about the best in Europe!

And Poland is a huge producer of apples.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
23 Jun 2019 /  #40
I never thought comparing prices but asI am thinking in Poland i buy whole rotisserie chicken for 11 pln from Carrfourr and its almost the same here in Costco for 3.99$.Yes Poland is getting expensive over all.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #41
No, it is 5$.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #42
then why would he live in Poland?

Are the markets open on a Sunday where you live? I call it restraint of trade and it should be illegal to deny people the right. If you don't want to pull your cock or stroke your pussy, then dont. Your choice.

hate speech! intolerance!

As opposed to Trump and his sickoes with their nonsensical hate speech, this government and their catholic cohorts enable
Sunday closing here to make a poor society poorer. And that is an indisputable fact. Everybody loses. Employees and customers.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #43
Don`t be silly. Employees have a free Sunday and they work longer during the week, instead. How would you feel if your wife had to spend whole Sunday at work? You wouldn`t be too happy handling the kids on your own, right? Unless you sent them to their grandparents.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #44
Employees have a free Sunday

People here complain about losing Sunday wages Pawian. But I guess Tri-City is the real world, and not little town Poland?
Plus: prices increase due to loss of Sunday earnings. Are you happy with that (catholic) tax? Do you really think parents spend more time with their digital driven kids?
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #45
Complaining about losing wages and being in favour of free Sundays are two different things. They complain but support the idea, simple.

read about it:

As for this theory that prices increase due to loss of Sunday earnings, it is dubious, of course.

As for being happy with that (catholic) tax, I don`t mind it because we do our major shopping on Friday and don`t need to do it on Sundays. One should be better organised, Doug.

As for parents spending more time with their digital driven kids, it all depends on the family. Some families do, some don`t. With a working Sunday, they never can.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
23 Jun 2019 /  #46
No, it is 5$.

Yes true,my bad lol also just found that they sell chickens almost 1 1/2 times the polands population in a year.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
23 Jun 2019 /  #47
One should be better organised

Ah, but other countries that have Sunday closing (Germany/Spain) have shorter working weeks and a GDP more than twice that of Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #48
Is it true that a standard price for raw chicken is higher than rotisserie one in Costco? They probably aim at attracting more customers with their low-priced chicken. BTW,, have they brought back Polish hot dogs after the fans raised hell in 2018?

(Germany/Spain) have shorter working weeks and a GDP more than twice that of Poland.

Counted as whole, yes. Per capita, wrong. You realise we should count per capita, of course. :)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
23 Jun 2019 /  #49
Yeah they loose between 30 to 40 mil $ a year on that chicken deal.
What Polish hot dogs? I usually buy sabretts there.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #50
Uproar about hot dogs

As for the Costco chicken, you realise it wasn`t the best comparison for Polish prices? :):)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
23 Jun 2019 /  #51
Yes I do.somehow it was stuck in my mind that it was 3.99 but is 4.99,you are correct.If Blanky was here he would rant for posts & posts that its not 5$ but 4.99.

And yes they do still sell $1.50 hot dog and a free refill soda,but I never bought any of those polish hot dogs
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #52
but I never bought any of those polish hot dogs

That`s good because it is/was the shittiest fast food which has nothing in common with true Polish sausage. :)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
23 Jun 2019 /  #53
I think it was kielbasa? now they have something like that called Italian sausage,if I remember correctly.
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Jun 2019 /  #54
Fast catching up with UK prices, and Polish wages in general are much lower.

According to Eurostat research, British food prices are quite low. Poland takes the last but one position on the list.

Joker  2 | 2458  
24 Jun 2019 /  #55
Are the markets open on a Sunday where you live?

Absolutely! Because, I live near a large metropolitan area and can get basically anything I want 24/7, except for alcohol from 2am to 6am. I know, this would surely bum you out! lol

I call it restraint of trade and it should be illegal to deny people the right

I call it going with the program! Just buy your onions and booze on Saturday and stop complaining about Poland already!

You could always move back to England?

Why are the expats, the ones that complain the most?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
24 Jun 2019 /  #56
Wrong Joker,Expats dont complain they adjust with the flow,its only the English Teachers who think they are superior then the locals do.Why even they live there?If you read most of the non english speaking countries have the same problem.Poland in my opinion is was rigged by Brits living a cheap high life teaching english and crashing free company parties and now they cannot.Convenience stores are still open in Poland 24/7 but there they have to pay 3.80PLN for 3 onions then 3.50 in a supermarket but they have to beech and show there importance.Any way some are leaving some left some are dead some are dying soon Poland will be like sweden and no more that SEX PAT crap.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
24 Jun 2019 /  #57
I'm not an expat but a regular Pole and some prices are too high compared to last year or even winter /early spring. Some of them basically doubled.
samuel1358  - | 1  
4 Nov 2019 /  #58
My wife is polish and we are looking to move to Poland . We found a house there and in the process of purchasing it and hopefully have a peaceful life there but we have almost a 5 bedroom house here in LA and like to most of our goods with us.

We have contacted the Cosulate and it seems because of her being Polish , we are free of duty and also found some other information:

I am looking for a good local customs broker in Gydnia who can help with the customs clearence and delivery of the container to our new home? If you guys know anyone trustworthy ,please share the information .

Thank you
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
5 Nov 2019 /  #59
Good luck, Sam!
Trust you'll learn some of the language, since you want to live there:-)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
7 Nov 2019 /  #60
...local customs broker in Gydnia who can help with the customs clearence and delivery of the container to our new home?

Are you using an international moving company? They will take care of everything. Don't try to manage the shipment of the container yourself. There's a reason why there are specialized shipping and moving companies.

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