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Shipping container to Poland from NYC

RysiekK  6 | 38  
15 Aug 2011 /  #1

I am preparing for my move to Poland ( for good) and need a recommendation for a company and shipping container. I will only be shipping household stuff and a lot of electronics and musical instruments (guitars / recording equipment).I now live near NYC and will be living in Gdansk . Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated !

pawian  226 | 27509  
15 Aug 2011 /  #2
and shipping container.

You mean this?:

How many do you need?
OP RysiekK  6 | 38  
15 Aug 2011 /  #3
I expect to only need a half container... but would like to know my choices and costs . Thanks for the reply!
pawian  226 | 27509  
15 Aug 2011 /  #4
but would like to know my choices and costs .

I suppose you speak Polish.

I also suppose you checked all the sites which deal with shipment from US to PL.

In case you didn`t, here you are: /templates/rhuk_milkyway/images/bg01.jpg
OP RysiekK  6 | 38  
15 Aug 2011 /  #5
Yes I do speak Polish :) . I actually spoke Polish BEFORE english! Dzięki , Ojciec i Matka!

I did do a search but , some of the terminology they use is foreign to me :) and the link you provided is one I never saw! THANK YOU!

I am doing the move sooner than I had imagined! Time is short :)

Dzięki and any more info advice will be GREATLY appreciated .... container or move wise!!


Time is moving faster than I want it too :)

Desperate bump :)



Sorry to ask again but, any names of "reputable" companies is all I need. I will research the costs involved. If you know of someone trustworthy...PLEASE let me know!

The move is from Connecticut/NYC to Gdansk.

Thanks for ANY recommendations!



Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Shipping container to Poland from NYCArchived