yes! do so!!! lol
you know well that I was just joking, some things are easy for me, some things make my eyebrows rise and always will.
no! you're not! ask a few pf members, you're not alloved to even mention anything negative about "not your" country!!! lol
PF members are not really opinion makers although they think they are. Fair enough.
yeah.... you gotta love the biurwy... (you know how it rhymes, right? ;)) lol
actually, it is changing but there is still left over of this attitude. I spoke to 4 and only one out of 4 was rude, yet she corrected her behaviour. I think they are not as secure in their jobs because people have been complaining.
yes, the wine is light and refreshing.
thanks Zosia,
this is a blog, I am not starting another one, since the impressions will not be as fresh.
Frost on the windows a couple of days ago in Miss.
so it is getting colder, brr........
Three more weeks!
less then 3:)
Aphrodisiac does not have to face the language and and culture barrier which you do. For one thing he is at home. Can't beat that.
you got a point there, but I spend a lot of time in Canada and I have problems with adjusting and some Polish mentality is not familiar to me anymore. Fuzzy must have more obstacles to face for sure.
if you don't mind me asking, wh
in Toronto. Even f it doesn't last 3 month it is freaking cold in Toronto in the winter and the winter is long. 2 years ago I almost got a frostbite. With the windshield it is brutal and you should know that living in Chicago.
its a shame that you need to be rude to these people in order to get the standard service, my wife always puts them straight right away.
it is a shame really, but it has to be done and I really don't mind doing it, some people think I am a witch, but those clerks really need to realize that the communism is over.
Questions of that nature seem to be on the light side in Poland, i was amazed when i first met my wifes parents that they didnt ask me any questions. I think its more a case of them not wanting to be nosy.
interesting point - maybe they don't want to be nosy or maybe they just don't care. I will ask my Polish friend about that.
However im interested - what did you do all that time in Canada and what were your reasons for leaving Poland in the first place?
I went to study there and never really planned to stay for longer then necessary.
nutmeg or allspice.
good one- I will try it next weekend.
now you're talkin'!
I knew this comment would make you happy.
because everything in poland is the bestest most wonderfulest bestest.
we all know it is not true:D if anything - it is average or often mediocre by international standards, but let all the Poles think otherwise;).
i experience something similar, but different. my impression is that they ask with the notion that they already know all there is to know about america and then when you answer the question straight, they either don't believe you or get offended to some degree. i used to welcome questions about america because i thought they would be genuinely interested and responsive, but all too often it resulted in lots of eye rolling and snickering as if I was lying or attacking Poland in some way or......or.....I don't even know. Nowadays, I avoid questions about my country like the plague. It's simply too frustrating to entertain questions from people who don't really want to listen.
absolutely on the spot. Even my father knows more about Canada then me, he comes across as an expert and I, who lived there, just a mere listener. It makes me laugh because this attitude is so bizarre.
A lot of Poles have a serious listening comprehension problem for sure. It is funny at time, but often it really effects good communication.
you simply must learn to differentiate between people really interested, and able to comprehend and simpletons, or maybe you have no a narration gift?
that is a really silly comment since you assume that Fuzzy luck intelligence to tell who is interested in his stories and who isn't. It is generally the Poles who are not interested, we still haven't figured out why. That is all he was saying and you are getting defensive.
this thread is not edited, since the editing time is 15 minutes on PF and I don't like to edited stuff since it looses some of its freshness. I am aware of grammar and spelling mistakes on this thread, but I will not change anything at this point. Later on I might put this on a blog and then I will take my time to edit it.[/b]
thanks for reading:)