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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
30 Sep 2010 /  #61
aphrodisiac wrote:

PS. The weather in Szczecin is splendid. Sunny and around 20 C, not to mention the full moon at night.

yeah? how was it today? 9 and raining here in wroclaw.

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Sep 2010 /  #62
yeah? how was it today? 9 and raining here in wroclaw.

actually it was sunny and warm, a beautiful day so I guess false alarm;).


thank you, you too:)

work was pretty good and I am looking forward to more;)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
1 Oct 2010 /  #63
Hi Aphro :)
Just noticed your thread :) Glad everything works out fine. Have a great week-end!
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #64
hey Nathan,

so far so good, although I have a long way ahead of me in settling down here. You have a nice one too and don't study too hard - have some time for fun:)
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Oct 2010 /  #65
aphrodisiac wrote, regarding yesterday's weather in Szczecin in response to my post, at 20:36:

actually it was sunny and warm, a beautiful day so I guess false alarm;).

that's strange, considering you wrote this yesterday at 9:07 a.m., before you made the above comment in response to my post:

"Polish weather is kind of unkind I would say. After a week of sunshine, wearing flip flops (must be the only person wearing flip flops last week in Szczecin- getting stares from fashionable Polish women, who would never leave the house with their bare feet) I had to put the so much hated socks on. I realized that I would need an umbrella on daily basis, as well as a pair of boots asap.

did the weather make some miraculous change after you wrote your post at 9:07? I live in Wroclaw, statistically the warmest city in Poland, and the high was 9 and it rained all damn day. i find it hard to believe that a city 6 hours north of me was sunny and warm. unless of course we have different ideas of what's sunny or warm.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #66
did the weather make some miraculous change after you wrote your post at 9:07? I live in Wroclaw, statistically the warmest city in Poland, and the high was 9 and it rained all damn day. i find it hard to believe that a city 6 hours north of me was sunny and warm. unless of course we have different ideas of what's sunny or warm.

well, the weather changed. MOnday and Tuesday were rainy and cold - it started clearing on Wed and Thursday was around 15 or so - but when I was going to work around 3 pm p it was close to 20 C in sunshine, the same but slightly colder , but still very sunny after 6 o'clock:).

At 3 pm it was so warm that I saw some people were wearing short sleave. I am guessing the summer had a short come back.

It may be hard to believe that Szczecin was warmer and sunnier then Wroclaw - but it is not a cold and freezing north up here;). Due to the proximity of the Baltic sea (70 km) there weather is pretty midl most of the year. Eg. Szczecin hardly gets really cold in the winter, nor has lots of snow, however last winter was not the case.

I just report what I see. Just because the city is North - does not mean that it's automatically colder. There are many factors effecting the climate. Eg. Vancouver in Canada hardly gets any snow, unless one goes to the mountains since is it close to the Ocean.

Keep warm in Wroclaw.

It is a mixed weather in Szczecin at the moment, sun and some clouds. Detailed report for Fuzzy coming later on:).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Oct 2010 /  #67
I'm waiting for the 'Moved back from Poland to Canada :) Here are the reasons why' thread ;)

At least people don't barge into your house here like they do in Canada. They just invite themselves in and start raiding the fridge, I've heard.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #68
They just invite themselves in and start raiding the fridge, I've heard.

where did you hear it? I don't recall having such an experience in Canada.

I'm waiting for the 'Moved back from Poland to Canada :)

I am waiting for: Moved back from Scotland to Poland. Here are the reasons why (added by ADM btw)
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Oct 2010 /  #69
Moved back from Scotland to Poland

As a true Pole Seanus has to move back to Poland from this dark country Scottland.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #70
Polish Bread

I still cannot get enough of it after a week. Today I served myself grahamki buns for breakfast. Those are whole wheat buns with heavier texture and occasional sunflower seed here and there. I am happy that the amount of walking I do on regular basis will keep me in shape considering my love for bread.


Polish cell phone[i][i]
Still have not figure out how it works. It was making some strange noises since last night, but I was just happy to spot the source. It arrived with a few booklets and a CD. It looks like a Canadian invented Blackberry (Nokia made)and was chosen not by me, but by the clerk, who sensed that I might have wanted something a bit more advanced. He was wrong, but I always listen to those techie guys - they have the air that they know what they are talking about. I think he was just trying to impress me, because I told him that I am an Apple user.

Since we are talking about Blackberry - why would anybody call a cell phone/e-mail/internet access device a fruit name. This could have been only invented in Canada.

I will call mine Nokberry, the successfully merge Finnish technology and Canadian fruit tradition gone wild.

PS. this is turning into blog of some kind, but I think I will continue to write while the impressions/experiences are fresh and vivid.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Oct 2010 /  #71
aphrodisiac wrote:

It may be hard to believe that Szczecin was warmer and sunnier then Wroclaw

by 11 degrees C.......yes.

20 degrees C in Szczecin yesterday, you say??? I just checked the weather in Szczecin yesterday on this website:


and it says that the high yesterday in Szczecin was 13.

you were right the first time at 9:07 when you said it's time to take out the warm socks.

Detailed report for Fuzzy coming later on:).

in wroclaw right now (13:18 p.m.) it's 9 degrees C, light drizzle. Lemme guess, 22 and sunny in Szczecin....
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #72
by 11 degrees C.......yes.

20 degrees C in Szczecin yesterday, you say??? I just checked the weather in Szczecin yesterday on this website:

er, no. It was warmer then 13 C in the sun. The temp may be different in the shadow, but I am not going to argue with you, since I am in Szczecin and you are in Wroclaw;).

in wroclaw right now (13:18 p.m.) it's 9 degrees C, light drizzle. Lemme guess, 22 and sunny in Szczecin....

well, sounds like it is really cold in Wroclaw, overcast and dry here. Above 10 for sure. I don't need a weather forcast to know what the weather is like;)
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Oct 2010 /  #73
aphrodisiac wrote:

er, no. It was warmer then 13 C in the sun.

it wasn't anywhere near 20 C in Szczecin yesterday. quit your BS'ing, that's all I'm saying.

aphrodisiac wrote:

Above 10 for sure.

wow, a balmy 10...."for sure"? i assume you're wearing your socks today....
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #74
it wasn't anywhere near 20 C in Szczecin yesterday. quit your BS'ing, that's all I'm saying.

why don't you fek off and go back to what you were doing - nothing. I am writing about Szczecin and you gonna argue that I am BS- why would I do it- is it what you do best?

Stop trolling and destroying my tread.

Stupid Expats in Poland posting on PF

Have not met any in Szczecin and I am hoping not to since for some reason they like to argue
about nothing due to their frustration with either the weather, the country, the bread and so on.

Wait the minute, there was Nauczyciel who resides in Szczecin - all he did was complaining about everything. Szczecin is small, so after all I might run into him:(.

Going to get a paper.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Oct 2010 /  #75
aphrodisiac wrote:

I am writing about Szczecin and you gonna argue that I am BS- why would I do it- is it what you do best?

i could think of several reasons why people living in Poland BS about Poland, I see it all the time on this forum....but i digress.

oh, and yes, when it's 13 C outside (in the meantime I checked several other weather sites, their archives also confirm that it was 13 yesterday in Szczecin) and someone says it's 20 C, it's BS. are you suggesting that your intuition, your innate ability to decipher outside temperature, is more accurate than finely tuned thermometers at weather stations?

that's aaaaall i'm sayin'.

as you were.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #76
i could think of several reasons why people living in Poland BS about Poland, I see it all the time on this forum....but i digress.

so you are suggesting that I am lying then like everybody else on PF and moving to Poland ( a week) turned me into a person who is BS- ing - you indeed have an interesting approach to people in general - good luck with that, since I am not gonna waste my time with such a stubborn mule as you.

There is enough info in previous post re: mild weather due to Baltic Sea proximity. I am not gonna repeat myself anymore.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Oct 2010 /  #77
aphrodisiac wrote:

so you are suggesting that I am lying then like everybody else on PF and moving to Poland ( a week) turned me into a person who is BS- ing

no. i am not suggesting you are lying. lying is completely different than just BS'ing.

what i am saying is that it was 13 C in Szczecin yesterday, not 20 C.

we should end this because we're boring other PF members. just stop BS'ing.
Wroclaw Boy  
1 Oct 2010 /  #78
What she may be saying is that although the mean temperature was indeed 13 as recorded it could have easily been over 20 in the sun.

Damn cold down here at the moment, 2 tonight i think. Time to start thinking about burning some wood.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #79
what i am saying is that it was 13 C in Szczecin yesterday, not 20 C.

yes, according to you and according to me it was much warmer then 13C and I was here and you were not.

we should end this because we're boring other PF members. just stop BS'ing.

I was not BS-ing. I reported what I saw. You stated that silly convo and I had no intention of being boring since I think the thread was going on nicely until you started being anal about the temperature. Get some help with your controlling issues.

Back on topic:
Tonight I am visiting my cousin. I will report later about the Polish hospitality. As soon as he found out that I was in town, he kept calling me, so we could arrange a meeting. So far I know that there will be some alcohol, some food and some good company.

f stop  24 | 2493  
1 Oct 2010 /  #80
Fuzzy, for Jah's sake you should have just stopped 2 posts ago!
Damn, we can even argue about the freakin weather!
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #81
getting a monthly pass tonight for all the trams/busses. I need a separate picture for that.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
1 Oct 2010 /  #82
So far I know that there will be some alcohol, some food and some good company.

hey! nice, enjoy and tell us later on how it was! :)

getting a monthly pass tonight for all the trams/busses.

i miss the Polish public transport... with all its up and downsides, i do... :)

thanks for your "reports" aphro, i'm looking forward to read more in the future... :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Oct 2010 /  #83
hey! nice, enjoy and tell us later on how it was! :)

I will for sure.

i miss the Polish public transport... with all its up and downsides, i do... :)

I used the public transport in Toronto as well, worked well for me over the years.

thanks for your "reports" aphro, i'm looking forward to read more in the future... :)

yes, I just remembered something. As soon as my cousin found out that I was in town he asked me for some garlic from my father's garden, which I stocked up on last weekend of course and have been carrying some in my bag for two days now:).
McCoy  27 | 1268  
1 Oct 2010 /  #84
I am waiting for: Moved back from Scotland to Poland. Here are the reasons why (added by ADM btw)

for seaanus home is where the access to internet is
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Oct 2010 /  #85
Pretty much, hehehe :)

I remember reading it somewhere, aphro. I can't vouch for its validity but it sounded odd.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
2 Oct 2010 /  #86
for seaanus home is where the access to internet is

that means India then;)

I remember reading it somewhere, aphro. I can't vouch for its validity but it sounded odd.

If I only believed everything I have read and that was plenty;)

OK, so I moved away from Canada because Canadians could not keep away from my fridge - bugger!!!!!!!!!
Barney  17 | 1637  
2 Oct 2010 /  #87
So you got Garlic, hazelnuts, bread and sandals......What did you cook?

But seriously fair play to you, its a big step, hopefully it works out better than you dream.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
2 Oct 2010 /  #88
Fuzzy, for Jah's sake you should have just stopped 2 posts ago!
Damn, we can even argue about the freakin weather!

Let's start a blog on the time of day.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
2 Oct 2010 /  #89
So you got Garlic, hazelnuts, bread and sandals......What did you cook?

you forgot about wild mashrooms:).

But seriously fair play to you, its a big step, hopefully it works out better than you dream.

Thanks Barney, but I have not moved to Alaska after all. It looks pretty civilized when I looked out the window;). You live in Poland as well, don't you?

My cousin's husband lived in Yellow Knife for a couple of years and he found it quite interesting.

Anyways, a short report about Polish hospitality.

Went to visit my cousin last night and he put everything he had in the fridge on the table, I also had some vodka last night so my head is not in the best condition. I love drinking vodka, but I don't like the morning after. In order to visit I had to climb 5 floors (no elevator) and by the time I got to the door I was out of breath. I forgot about the NO ELEVATOR situation in all the post communist blocks of flats. Until recently ( I hope) there was no elevator installed if the building was not taller then 5 floors.

I need a wall calendar since I did not bring any from Canada. I asked my cousin if I could have one of his and he said that he needs all 3 of them. As puzzled as I was I came to conclusion that it is not fair that he has 3 and I have none.

Last night I also decided to wear boots, so I would be one of those Polish women walking on the street making the click, click, click. sound.....no use to fit in since my feet are killing me this morning and I think that boots are overrated. The "click" sound my boots produced was great though and I have not even practiced;).

Another training session at work this morning. I hope the get them out of my way, so I can sleep in on Saturdays.

Ahead of me a train trip to visit my father and perhaps another session of mashroom picking.

Maybe this time I will find a prawdziwek- the king of mashroom.

Looks like it is going to be another sunny day in Szczecin.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
2 Oct 2010 /  #90
I also had some vodka last night so my head is not in the best condition

As long as I don't mix, vodka leaves a nice clean hang over :-)

As puzzled as I was I came to conclusion that it is not fair that he has 3 and I have none.


It looks pretty civilized when I looked out the window;).

Compared to the urban jungle of TO? Has the lack of diversity sunk in yet? :-)

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived