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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
8 Jun 2011 /  #661
Jeez, riot police, they must really miss you.

I was out of the country at that time, but there are many faces of Toronto as you might see:(

Nope, but they will at the Roncessvales Polish Festival this year!

that and the Ukie Fest in Bloor West Village. There should be police there too. 3 years ago they arrested 30 Ukies for the night. I am just having a flashback.

uch, going to salsa tonight. It took me seven month to finally make it there due to the lack of partner.

Wish me lack:)

I will report later.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
14 Jun 2011 /  #662
I am just having a flashback.

Were the cells that cramped?


It took me seven month to finally make it there due to the lack of partner.

So did you find a date? Is he cute? <3?
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
14 Jun 2011 /  #663
Wish me lack:)

..lack of partner? ;)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
15 Jun 2011 /  #664
Were the cells that cramped?


don't be silly. I was actually in Poland during the riots and I am glad I was out of the country, because I would have been downtown. I don't know what you find so funny about the riots- were you there?

This is what your taxes are spent on Shawn.........

So did you find a date? Is he cute? <3?

dancing partner, not a date. Have you ever taken dancing lessons? Sheesh.......

..lack of partner? ;)

Somebody is reading:)

Well, the lesson went well on my part, I danced salsa in TO and it appears that they dance a different style in Poland, so I have to learn it all over again.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
15 Jun 2011 /  #665
I don't know what you find so funny about the riots- were you there?

Was I there? No. No desire to be there.

This is what your taxes are spent on Shawn......

I think the peaceful protests that were planned and carried out against (insert valliant cause here) were legitimate, a benefit to society, and an exemplary show of democratic spirit and principles. I consider it a shame that too many of these noble protests were infiltrated and ruined by a bunch of shyte disturbing so-called "anarchists". They truly bring down any cause they choose to infiltrate.

Eliminate these "anarchists" and save how many tax dollars?

Now, I can't say I was in favour of the million dollar fake lake, or the pork barrel spending in the Muskoka region that the "benefits" of which no visiting dignitary ever got to see....

dancing partner, not a date. Have you ever taken dancing lessons? Sheesh.......

White men can't dance? I've got two left feet ;-)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
15 Jun 2011 /  #666
if he sang that on x factor he'd get voted off.

Bob Dylan wouldnt even get past the first audition........
2 Aug 2011 /  #667
I'm on a page four of that forum and I am so happy I could find someone who moved back to Poland after 8 years of living out of the country. I am US citizen and I live in Chicago suburbs. My hubby was born in Chicago but he's been visiting Poland every few years. I miss my family in Poland and I am thinking of going back to my roots. I am just afraid that my husband will not get use to the lifestyle in Poland. Also, I came to the States right straight from High School/Liceum. I miss so much my family, but I like it here in the States also. I feel like I am between two countries. I am wondering how would it be for my husband (speaks Polish, but has troubles reading and writing) to find a job in IT field and what could I do with my BA degree (3 months away from it; I didn't speak any English when I came to the States, so that is why it took me so many years to "almost"get my BA). He has a good job here but I am still looking for something. The economy is getting worse so I don't know when I'll find a good job. Could we manage in Poland? I remember when I lived there my family coudn't afford much and now I can travel, and have most of the time whatever I want. How should we look for a job in Poland? The best place for my husband would be to work for a company where he can speak/write/ do whatever in English. I would be happy to work for HR/kadry or something similar.. Any advice? Is it really that bad in Poland as people keep saying? It's been 8 years since I am in the States and I visited 3 times so far. I am going to visit my family again next year (hopefully).
3 Aug 2011 /  #668
I am wondering how would it be for my husband (speaks Polish, but has troubles reading and writing) to find a job in IT field

I'd suggest he tried some big companies like HP or IBM (they have facilities here).
pip  10 | 1658  
3 Aug 2011 /  #669
there are many IT companies in Poland. Alcatel, google, microsoft. However, it might be worth your while to see if he can find something from the u.s. so that you could possibly get your flight and housing paid for.
9 Aug 2011 /  #670
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
16 Aug 2011 /  #671
has been 11 months in Poland and have not missed Canada once:).

Well, maybe I miss the drumming fest in TO, or the biking trails I am so used to, but on the whole, I am pretty comfy here. I had a wonderful summer and lots and lots of rest. The seaside is great, the summer has been pretty good wether wise.

Polish flowers and other things from dzialki.

I do my shopping just around the corner and there are always some pensioners making extra money selling fresh veggies and flowers from their "dzialki". I don't mind buying stuff from them and the flowers are always nice!!!!!!

Until next time - I am busy at the moment - just purchased a large jar of honey from a pensioner. Mushroom time ahead!!!!!!

I got a new bike (made in Germany), which my friend drugged all the way from the Gemany. I checked the prices in Poland and I settled for a German one. That way I had a friend to visit me and got the bike which was actually bough, not stollen in Germany.

Of course I have to store my bike in my flat, but this way I can develop some muscles carrying it up and down all the way to the 3rd floor.

Until next time people.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
17 Aug 2011 /  #672
aphrodisiac wrote:

has been 11 months in Poland and have not missed Canada once:).

oh come on.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
18 Aug 2011 /  #673
She misses Tim Hortons. I know it.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Aug 2011 /  #674
oh come on.

hey, the weather in Szczecin is still nice:) and I hope you are having fun in the US:D.

She misses Tim Hortons. I know it.

Actually I do miss the watery American coffee, the coffee they make here is too thick. Luckily I have my French press:) How have you been?
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Sep 2011 /  #675
Any update Aphro?

How often do you use English these days?
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Sep 2011 /  #676
Any update Aphro?

update on what? On my life? Very mundane and predictable without drama I am afraid.

OK, I paid off the washing machine, so it is mine now:). It is a great piece of equipment.

The pigeons are GONE< GONE. They still try to land on mu balcony at times, but now I have a garden there - well : a little buddha statue I dragged all the way from Canada, some plants and tall grass.

Ha, there is a story. I was at my father's when I heard a kitten in the garden. I will really make the story short. He travelled with me to my place and we spent a week together - I think the pigeons have been gone since then.

Rudolf was a 2 monts black kitten ever hungry and ready to play. I put the add on the TOZ site and within a week he was gone. His new mother was more then happy to take him and I save him from being crashed by a car on the street.

As t he matter of fact I was very impressed with the adoption site and their professionalism. Very organized and well run site. TOZ- Towrzystwo Przyjaciol Zwierzat has been doing a great job in rescuing and helping animals with adoption.

How often do you use English these days?

Almost everyday, I teach;).

Car: well, I am looking for one and discovered that I can go for a ride (with a pick up from my home) and test the new baby. I have to admit that this is what I have been doing for the past couple of weeks now. Other then that there is really nothing worth mentioning.

Coffee: I think I finally find my version of coffee I like here in coffee heaven.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
22 Sep 2011 /  #677
update on what? On my life?

Well, kind of, but more your observations as one of the repatriated ; )

But thanks anyway. It's a bit like Carrie Bradshaw without the sex.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Sep 2011 /  #678
Well, kind of, but more your observations as one of the repatriated ; )

no sex stories online for you.I suggest you read Natasa's post:)

But thanks anyway. It's a bit like Carrie Bradshaw without the sex.

really? I think I am way better looking then Carrie;)
Natasa  1 | 572  
23 Sep 2011 /  #679
no sex stories online for you.I suggest you read Natasa's post:)

My posts are asexual. I am just compensating the modesty of my lexical fund using word sex as a joker card when the term is untranslatable for me, and google translate proves helpless.

Like in:

I like (some local fruit), I like sexy fruits.

I will have to use it in its most restrictive meaning, not as term interchangeable with libido, as a synonym for the life energy. Spiritus movens.

I really don't want to be misunderstood.

Nice thread Aphro :)
Teffle  22 | 1318  
23 Sep 2011 /  #680
as a synonym for the life energy.

I like it!

I think I am way better looking then Carrie;)

Well for anyone who has the cajones to call themselves Aphrodisiac, I don't doubt it : )

C'mon though, you must be full of quirky observations at this stage?
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
27 Sep 2011 /  #681
My posts are asexual. I am just compensating the modesty of my lexical fund using word sex as a joker card when the term is untranslatable for me, and google translate proves helpless.

Like in:

I like (some local fruit), I like sexy fruits.

lol, that is funny. I like your sense of humour. I had to wait to reply because I was in a pissy mood last night:)

Nice thread Aphro :)

thanks Natasa, it was fun to write, at the moment I have a flu, so I am a bit under the weather:(.

Well for anyone who has the cajones to call themselves Aphrodisiac, I don't doubt it : )



Haven't visited that city for a long time, so I took the opportunity last weekend.

The drive from Sz-n to Krakow was to say the least painful, since it took us an hour to get out of Sz-n. Once we got on S-3 things seem to improve a LOT, well, all the way to Gorzow and then it got worse. Stopped overnight in Wroclaw, just outside of it. Finally made it to Krakow and by the end of Saturday after taking care of errands we finally had the time to sample some nightlife in the Main Square.

Krakow was even more lively then I remember and I almost felt sad that I don't live there, because Szczecin seems to look pale in comparison.

The square was full of tourist of different nationalities, the amount of cafes and restaurants made my head spin.

we decided to grab beer and coffee on the main square, but it took us a while to find a beer garden with a quick service - this is how busy most of the places were. We had a quick bite at Chimera, which is located in the just off the main square and then sat across from the Wesele restaurant, which is stylized in with the theme of the play by Wyspianski.

The prices were decent, the food in Chimera just OK- nothing spacial - just a salad bar with some undercooked dishes. The main attraction on the Square seem to be the horse carriages, which in my opinion were travelling too close to the beer gardens all night long.

We stayed in w well equipped apartment just off the main square. I would recommend it to everyone instead of staying in the hotel since the place for 4 people cost us 300 PLN, which seems to be very reasonable for Krakow.

The ups: the beautiful architecture, the bars and restaurants and the international crowd.
The downs: getting in and out of Krakow, unless one travels by train or flies.

It took us way too long to get in and out, so next time we will be travelling via Germany. Polish roads are way too busy and way too dangerous in my opinion.
catsoldier  54 | 574  
5 Oct 2011 /  #682
We stayed in w well equipped apartment just off the main square. I would recommend it to everyone instead of staying in the hotel since the place for 4 people cost us 300 PLN, which seems to be very reasonable for Krakow.

300PLN each?

How did you find this apartment to rent short term?

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
5 Oct 2011 /  #683
300PLN each?

no, apartment for four people, with the kitchen annex, coffee, tea, fresh towels, TV and 5 minutes walk to the main square. If you are interested I can get you the contact info from my cousin. Quiet, clean and cosy!!!!- one needs no more then that to stay in Krakow:) I am going back for sure!!!!!!!!

100 PLN each:D

I will supply the info tomorrow since it is too late to call my cousin:)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
5 Oct 2011 /  #684
I am going back for sure!!!!!!!!

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
5 Oct 2011 /  #685
sure, I felt in love with that city again. My first teaching job was 50 km from Krakow, but that was years ago and the city is just amazing Dave:). Maybe we can organize a PF little meeting and get Olaf ( I think) and maybe Sean B to pay for out beer? Regardless, I am going back, Dave, SeanB or not:)

I will be be driving my car by then, so yah................

PS.Have I mentioned that I will be driving again, so watch out people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

thank God I know how to do parallel parking, which is pretty useless in Poland;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
5 Oct 2011 /  #686
and get Olaf

He is already coming ;)

and maybe Sean B to pay for out beer?

and he will too.....i owe him a few beers ;)

Im gonna rent a place for the week so will have extra room.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
5 Oct 2011 /  #687
He is already coming ;)

is he , I wasn't sure if he was in Krakow or not.

and he will too.....i owe him a few beers ;)

do you?

Im gonna rent a place for the week so will have extra room.

who is "we"? If I am coming it will prob be weekend since I am working during the week.
Jimmu  2 | 156  
12 Oct 2011 /  #688
I got a new bike (made in Germany),

Would you trade it for a good central Poland cat? :->
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Oct 2011 /  #689
who is "we"?

No "we" just me. But rather now booked a small apartment.

do you?

That and more after we got pissed in my place and Cardno took a swim in a cold bath :/
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Oct 2011 /  #690
Would you trade it for a good central Poland cat? :->

that's a good one- Sami Swoi- he, he.....

No "we" just me. But rather now booked a small apartment.

aphrodisiac: do you?

I see>

That and more after we got pissed in my place and Cardno took a swim in a cold bath :/

I might sound like a grandma, but even when I was younger I would not do THAT;).

I still don't know why I moved to Poland. There are so many countries where there are no bad drivers and kurva boys yelling into my ear obscenities and brushing against me on the train.

Still, that was my highlight of the day. The more I tried to concentrate on the magazine I was reading, lauder I could overhear their "uplifting" conversation. Why do I have to judge people? Why did my parents passed a critical gene over to me?

Why? Why? Why?

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived