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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
3 Mar 2011 /  #541
Yeah, I do. I know, it sounds crazy. I don't spend a lot of stuff on myself, I really don't. Nice gadgets are my splurges, sort of like your shoes you know. I love to bring my music, videos, books, etc. with me no matter where I go. I also have all my flight manuals, systems manuals, etc. on the iPad, SOOO much easier to look things up, the search function just rocks.

When I do get new versions I donate my "old" phones and gadgets to "my" (as in my neighborhood) women's shelter. So I use that as an excuse to buy new stuff for myself. LOL
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Mar 2011 /  #542
Yeah, I do. I know, it sounds crazy.

wee, i would like to thank you also for supporting our economy in such tough times.... we all appreciate it...

I also donate my "old" phones and gadgets to "my" (as in my neighborhood) women's shelter. So I use that as an excuse to buy new stuff doe myself. LOL

that's a nice excuse... i have a friend who is a gadget freak and he also buys every novelty, but he doesn't give away the old once but keeps it under the bed...lol ;)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
3 Mar 2011 /  #543
You're welcome. I'm doing my best you know. ;)

that's a nice excuse... i have a friend who is a gadget freak and he also buys every novelty, but he doesn't give away the old once but keeps it under the bed...lol ;)

I don't keep anything that I don't use frequently. Having moved so many times has taught me to keep things simple. Goodwill stores love me. LOL

Long time ago my mom said something that'd translate to "a toy left unused is a child left unappreciated." Tell your friend to give it up, he'll feel better about himself! ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
4 Mar 2011 /  #544
he's like a child in need so i'll just let him be... ;)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Mar 2011 /  #545
He's a big child, huh? Oh yeah, I miss those days... LOL
pgtx  29 | 3094  
4 Mar 2011 /  #546
it's never too late to go back... :)
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Mar 2011 /  #547
Aphro - that Maleńczuk video was cool. Put up more interesting Polish music you find, please.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2011 /  #548
what do you mean 'almost' everybody...???

I don't know anybody who doesn't have one, well, my father doesn't and he sure would benefit from it a great deal since I call him 5 times before I get through because he refuses to wear his hearing aid. Grandmothers, kids and everybody else to be honest. I know they are handy and SMS- short text message is a blessing in certain situations(inexpensive), but there has to be a limit!!!! Overall I find them very useful when it comes to saving time during the hectic schedule I have, but........every time the cell rings in the classroom I ask who it calling and the owner of the phone is a little put off;).

PS. Aphro - I don't feel important. ;)

well, how is that possible;)

When I do get new versions I donate my "old" phones and gadgets to "my" (as in my neighborhood) women's shelter. So I use that as an excuse to buy new stuff for myself. LOL

You are an epitome of a good guy.

on the iPad, SOOO much easier to look things up, the search function just rocks.

you are an Apple junkie Sky, but I understand. I don't know know what I would do without my MacBook.

Aphro - that Maleńczuk video was cool. Put up more interesting Polish music you find, please.

I will for sure:). Malenczuk is one of my favourites. I like the way he comments on certain aspects of changing life in Poland.
4 Mar 2011 /  #549
(on Nordic walking)I was offered a pair, but I said: thank you, I can walk on my own and don't want to be seen dragging two walking poles through the woods.

Ridiculous, innit! Here by our nearby lake Malta in Poznań (tarmac walkways, not even a hint of wild nature nearby) they're out in their dozens. This is Wiekopolska, dammit, there isn't a hill for 40 miles!
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2011 /  #550
it is. I can see a point when one is hiking, which I did in Canada and even then I was not using them. I know there is a purpose to all this, but sometimes Poles have a tendency to take the new fashion/ trend to a new level:). Poles are rather strollers more then they are hikers.

Scandinavians, Germans and Brits are serious hikers though.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Mar 2011 /  #551
Nordic walking is a great activity and my 65 year old mom is doing it every single day. It greatly improves your sense of balance and after the brain surgery she had several years ago it really helps her.

PS. I also think women in particular look great when using this walking technique. :)
4 Mar 2011 /  #552
Poles are rather strollers more then they are hikers.

Not sure about that, actually. But there is a definite division into one type and the other. There's a pretty good inverse correlation between how serious you are as a walker and whether or not you use those bloody pooh sticks.

Go to any mountain resort in the summer and you think you'll never get through the crowds. 300-500m is enough for the strollers on those hills; after that the paths are yours and anyone else's who actually appreciates them.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Mar 2011 /  #553
Poles are rather strollers more then they are hikers.

True, dont play golf with them it takes for ever to get round 18 holes.

Plus on these hikes they talk all the time, i want to hike damn it.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2011 /  #554
Nordic walking is a great activity and my 65 year old mom is doing it every single day. It greatly improves your sense of balance and after the brain surgery she had several years ago it really helps her.

there we go again:( I know that. Any kind of activity is better then none, especially when one had some health issues. I hope your mother feels better.

I was merely referring to a large number of Poles dragging the poles because they haven't lernt the technique and they look funny- you have to see it for yourself.

PS. I also think women in particular look great when using this walking technique. :)

oh, I know what you mean:)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Mar 2011 /  #555
Video doesn't play for some reason. I didn't mean to make a sexist remark, although maybe it is, but in a complimentary sense. When using the Nordic walking technique women's (and men's but i don't pay as much attention lol) arms tend to be farther away from their hips than when they use normal walking technique. That enhances their hips and thus their best assets. ;) Love being passed on the trails by a vigorously walking damsel! LOL
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2011 /  #556
aphrodisiac: undefined

too bad, it might be due to the fact that it is German:). I often find that I cannot watch some youtube links either.

Video doesn't play for some reason. I didn't mean to make a sexist remark, although maybe it is, but in a complimentary sense. When using the Nordic walking technique women's (and men's but i don't pay as much attention lol) arms tend to be farther away from their hips than when they use normal walking technique. That enhances their hips and thus their best assets. ;)

o Jezu, I think you should take up kayaking, you would be good at it lol, especially going backwards lol and then you will publish a book: How to back paddle with style and smile;). Not to mention the fact that your forearms would be so firm lol tsk......:D

There's a pretty good inverse correlation between how serious you are as a walker and whether or not you use those bloody pooh sticks.

I agree 100%

after that the paths are yours and anyone else's who actually appreciates them.


True, dont play golf with them it takes for ever to get round 18 holes.

Plus on these hikes they talk all the time, i want to hike damn it.

true as well lol. I think Poles talk a LOT.
s2good2  1 | 72  
4 Mar 2011 /  #557
Video doesn't play for some reason.

Worked for me... I see what you are talking about! have not seen that here in Colorado yet.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Mar 2011 /  #558
Worked for me..


I found another one for Sky:D LOL
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
5 Mar 2011 /  #559
o Jezu, I think you should take up kayaking, you would be good at it lol, especially going backwards lol and then you will publish a book: How to back paddle with style and smile;). Not to mention the fact that your forearms would be so firm lol tsk......:D

I replied to you on the other thread but yes, I've done wild-water rafting before and had a blast. From the "research" perspective though it's not as great as Nordic walk since the "stylists" I'm supposed to be writing about are sitting on their best assets and are thus covering up my view. :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Mar 2011 /  #560
Well, you are really succeeding at convincing me that I should take up Nordic walking;). You are a true nature fan Sky lol Your gift of persuation at its best again:)

PS. Just noticed that I replied in the other thread too LOL. I am still a bit hang over I think. Sorry;)


I am dying here, because last night I went to the dance - ostatki. One last pleasure before one enters into the purgatory period of lent.

make up: check
dress: check
high heels: check:( (they are really good for turns if you know what I mean)
money: check
tickets: check
My cousin - the divorcee more then happy to accompany me: check
My female friend ready to to: well, check (she was taking so long)

At 8 o'clock we entered the hall which had probably seen better days and reminded me of 80s in Poland.

Long tables with food, a real band, and many Misiu's with wives. Fortunately the sleazy Misiu from the last time was not there (as he earlier indicated), so I was pretty relaxed and happy to dance.

But first one has to eat and have some fuel.

We were served a real "kotlet schabowy" with potatoes. The service was great, the food was not too bad and we started dancing. My cousin managed to make both of women (me and my friend happy) in the dancing department.

I had a little accident. While dancing polka ( I think) I slipped and found myself in a horizontal positions, with dancers towering over me and my cousin trying to pull me up. I think it took me a few seconds since one of the heels got stuck in a dress, so I had some problems with getting up. Heel are great for dancing, but they are hell, when once is trying to get up from the waxed floor. Fortunately, I am all right. We continued to have a lot of fun until 2 am and it was time to call a taxi.

We got into one, but the drivers backed up into another taxi. Well, but that time we didn't really care since we were tired and had some vodka, so we just waited for the situation to develop. Fortunately, it was just a scratch.

Did I mention that THERE was a sleazy Misiu (who I knew was married), well, another one, who this time around seemed to be aiming at my female friend. She later reported that after a long conversation with him, which parts she got, she really got tired and was happy that she was not able to hear half of his "preachings", because the band played really loud. I warned her about the sleazy Misius so THIS frog did not have a chance to turn into a prince.

That's all for now from the sunny Szczecin. I am gonna lie down now and get some rest.

women's day

It is, was a big deal in Poland as far as I remember. I am looking forward to observe what will happen today.
I am attending a lecture on women's problems in the City Hall today.
Report later.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
8 Mar 2011 /  #561
PS. I also think women in particular look great when using this walking technique. :)

What, one foot in front of the other? ;P

I am attending a lecture on women's problems in the City Hall today.

Overpriced Tampons...

I joined the Union today... does that count? :S

Enough sarcasm... I'm going to bed. :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Mar 2011 /  #562
Overpriced Tampons...

no, actually the lecture was about the growing problem with alcohol among women due to fast paste of life and gender role change in the recent years. I have a major in women and gender studies, so I was interested:).

The meeting was well organized and besides the usual crowd of social workers, therapists and NGO reps there was also media. Women's day should not only be related to flowers, but it should be an opportunity to rise some questions and address the problems.

I got my rose regardless, so did all the women who were present.

Enough sarcasm...

sure, some mothers cannot go through therapy because there are no child care services.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
9 Mar 2011 /  #563
gender role change in the recent years

Can you expand aphro?
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Mar 2011 /  #564

Women work longer hours, often holding more responsible positions at work, therefore they experience more stress and often find that in order to stay thin (usually women eat when stressed out) they reach for alcohol in order to cope with stress. It is usually wine or beer, or a mixed drink, which does not seem to be problematic at the beginning. On top of that they usually have a family to raise and with longer hours at work there is more pressure.

Another issue is a different physiology of women when drinking - alcohol stays longer in their blood due to the higher level of fat in their bodies.

Women are not expected to be as stressed out as men in general, therefore if they are, they try to cover it drinking in hiding.

They are also more reluctant to admit they have a problem since there is more stigma attached to be a woman with a drinking problem.

The were some statistics showed at the meeting and it appears that the problem is in the rise.

There is more, but I have to go to work. Some of these problems are common to all women, some are local, but the recent economical changes and the rising pressure to catch with the West is probably part of the rat race both genders ofPoles are experiencing.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
9 Mar 2011 /  #565
They are also more reluctant to admit they have a problem since there is more stigma attached to be a woman with a drinking problem.

So true. Everyone expects from us to be the holly Matka Polka.

Another issue is a different physiology of women when drinking - alcohol stays longer in their blood due to the higher level of fat in their bodies.

Silly question: the fatter the woman, the longer she will stay drunk?
southern  73 | 7059  
9 Mar 2011 /  #566
I have a major in women and gender studies

What were your grades in polish women alumni?
rybnik  18 | 1444  
10 Mar 2011 /  #567
Another issue is a different physiology of women when drinking - alcohol stays longer in their blood due to the higher level of fat in their bodies.

The same amount of alcohol has less volume to be diluted in, considering the smaller body size of most women. Because women have a higher fat/lean muscle mass ratio, there is relatively less water component for the alcohol to be retained in, thus concentrating its effect. Furthermore, smaller liver size in women reduces their ability to metabolize alcohol as fast as men.

often find that in order to stay thin (usually women eat when stressed out) they reach for alcohol in order to cope with stress

I would imagine all that reaching for alcohol would put on the pounds, seeing as beer and wine are full of calories AND stimulate the appetite.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
10 Mar 2011 /  #568
The same amount of alcohol has less volume to be diluted in, considering the smaller body size of most women.

true, I forgot about the water component:)

I would imagine all that reaching for alcohol would put on the pounds, seeing as beer and wine are full of calories AND stimulate the appetite.

you are right, I was just passing on the way some women think when drinking, which might obviously result in weight gain.

especially for F stop

staying at home and being tired is something I came to cherish lately. The spring is almost here, there is no snow, but the grass is still yellow and the city looks a bit sad during this transition period. Fuzzy must be basking in the sun in the US of America together with the Canadian and American old pensioners - not a bad switch from Poland;).

I am beginning to think that I will be tired all week.

This weekend looks rosy- outings with students and the co-workers topped off with another training session, fallowed by another one in W-wa next week- here I come Harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anybody met Harry BTW- I might be the first lucky one;)

I don't know if I am ready for this;)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
15 Mar 2011 /  #569
The spring is almost here, there is no snow, but the grass is still yellow and the city looks a bit sad during this transition period.

There is a street called Kunickiego in Lublin. If there is one reason to hate March, it's exactly that street. Don't envy Fuzzy. The spring in the US has been somewhat slow. Yesterday night felt like a winter night. I want to turn off the heat so badly, open all the windows and plant some flowers..
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Mar 2011 /  #570
The spring is almost here,

another winter done and dusted, looked at my exterior temperature gauge yesterday and it read +23, what a nice sight after a hard ass winter.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived